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Belgrade Media Report 26 April 2024



Vucic from New York: Everything is boiling like a beehive in the UN; We do more than it's realistic (B92/RTS/RTV/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke from New York. He said that representatives of Serbia are doing more than it is realistic in the fight for the interests of their country and that the United Nations is "boiling like a beehive". "Mr. Djuric will stay in New York until May 2. He will have meetings with 20 countries, especially in the Pacific, from Palau to Papua New Guinea. There is a lot of work left to try to fight, to go out with our heads held high and let's dedicate ourselves to the further progress of Serbia," said Vucic. "Many people in the world, no matter how they vote, know that this has little to do with justice and international law, but with politics and geopolitical relations. It is up to us to protect our interests," he added. "Tonight we had a meeting with 5 European countries, which we consider to be friendly and do not vote as ordered. We will continue to work and as soon as we return to Belgrade I will make a plan for our return or how to act in Belgrade. I want the permanent representatives in Belgrade, African, Asian and Pacific countries to invite them and once again express our views", said the President of Serbia. "It is not enough to say that we only talked to someone and that they have a positive attitude. That is not enough, what does that mean. We have created a lot of nervousness here for many people, from their journalists to politicians. Someone said from the Asian representatives yesterday that the UN has never been in such a mess that they don't know what's going on before the Resolution on May 2. We managed to complicate things, but we know we can't win. America raises an eyebrow, and then the others jump to vote. But to be fair, they didn't, the main role was taken by the Germans and they are the ones who directly lead the campaign in the UN and outside of all their partners," he said. "They said that they would not postpone this process. The Germans and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) were clear about that. But what if B&H does not have a position, but only one part of the country," continued Vucic. "In the past, once correct countries, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, would have been vehemently against us. But they understand the geopolitical situation now. It's a big game, everything boils over in the UN. We're going today in the afternoon, Marko and Vuk will have a meeting with the Organization of the Islamic Conference. We have already seen them all, but it's good to confirm once again. This morning, I spoke with three other world leaders, asking them for support and help. We are doing more than what is realistic. Americans and Germans met today in Austria and counted votes and made a pressure list." Vucic recalled the match between Valladolid and Real Madrid. "The whole Bernabeu showed white handkerchiefs to drive the coach away. In the second half they fought, so even though it was a draw, there were no more white handkerchiefs. It's yours to fight. The one who expects us to beat America, Germany, England... It would be easier for us if the topic was Kosovo. We are not as small as we think we are," said the Serbian President. "They found the most painful topic for us, if it had been Kosovo, it would have been much easier. We are not as small as we sometimes think of ourselves." He talked about the entry of raped women. "In the EU, they launched a mechanism to lift their sanctions, which we haven't even seen. Look at that disgusting trick. The Albanians make an illegal decision, and then when the Serbs don't agree to it, they say there is no readiness for compromise and agreement. I am speechless. For 16 years, a small country has been fighting for its freedom and territory." "Whenever there is something in our region, whenever you refuse to accept someone's blackmail, you are a factor of destabilization. Whenever you are ready to protect the interests of your people, you are a problem. I am their biggest problem, because I do not allow Serbs to be trampled on. The essence is that they are able to violate Dayton in the most terrible way, and that is why they let the Germans go, because they know that it is a violation of Dayton, because you have to have the consent of all 3 nations and they know that, of course they don't care, but they'll say we didn't do anything or interfere. When you tell them, they put the headlines everywhere: "Dangerous threats from Vucic". Whatever I do, I will always be a bad guy. And if we give up the Serbian name, the Republic of Srpska,  our independence, I would get three Nobel prizes, I would be beautiful and smart, if I did that," said Vucic. "We have many of them who cheer against their country in Serbia. It's been like that for decades. They designed the so-called leaders, people who should nurture and protect other people's values, not the values of their own people," he said.


Vucic on local elections

"I don't know who will come out and who will boycott. Do you know how many people in Serbia are interested in that. I have no idea and I didn't follow the course of events. Those who want to take part on the elections will do that, those who don't, don't have to. People are interested in whether we will preserve national pride, how our country is dealing with pressures. Almost no one thinks about what else is going on. I wish them success in that, but prior to 10 or 16 May, I have much important business than dealing with party issues," said Vucic.


Petkovic from Brussels: We showed constructiveness, presented proposals, next meeting on 13 May (B92/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic addressed the public from Brussels. Petkovic stated that after seven hours of talks in Brussels, Belgrade showed constructiveness, presented its proposals for finding a solution, but that Pristina does not want a solution. He told reporters in Brussels that the next round of dialogue will take place on 13 May. "The talks were difficult and tense, but they were direct, which is good. Both I and the experts had the opportunity to present our proposals on the ideas of the EU and to resolve the issue of the dinar, because with that decision Kurti threatened the survival of the Serbian people. This must be solved urgently as it is the issue of the mere existence of Serbs," said Petkovic. As he said all along, Belgrade insists on meetings in order to discuss and find a solution. "We made the latest comments on EU proposals and submitted them to Lajcak in good faith, and they were evaluated as such. All the time (Besnik) Bislimi threw parallels, said that he is not interested in Serbs who want to leave Kosovo, but who want to integrate, which is confirmed that Kurti's policy is to not have Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," said Petkovic. He also said that he hopes that there will be progress on 13 May, but that it does not depend on Belgrade, which has shown constructiveness, and that it is clear to everyone that the problem lies in Pristina.


Lajcak: Compromise paper offered to Belgrade, Pristina (N1)


Miroslav Lajcak, the mediator in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, offered the parties at the Thursday meeting in Brussels a compromise proposal to bridge the differences and reach a solution to the problem caused by the abolition of the Dinar in Kosovo, Lajcak said in a post on the X social media platform. Lajcak said he hosted a dialogue meeting to resolve the Dinar issue. He said sufficient room was provided for the parties to explain their positions. “Ended by presenting a compromise paper in an effort to bridge the differences. Will host the next meeting after receiving constructive comments,” wrote Lajcak on X. After nearly six hours of talks, the Belgrade and Pristina delegations failed to reach an agreement on the use of the dinar in Kosovo. N1 European correspondent reported that the discussion revolved around EU ideas for resolving the consequences of Kosovo’s decision to abolish the use of the Serbian Dinar.


Vucevic: Process of forming government cannot be accelerated (Beta)


The Serbian prime minister-designate Milos Vucevic said yesterday that the process of forming the government, for which the deadline is 6 May, could not be “accelerated or rushed” because, in his words, “many circumstances affect that process”. “Unfortunately, we do not have the environment that other countries have, because a sword is hanging over our heads: the issue of Kosovo in the process of joining the Council of Europe, the UN draft resolution that has drawn immense capacities of the executive authority, we have talks and agreements on when the local elections will be held, and all that affects the political processes,” Vucevic said. He did not say when the government would be formed, but stated that “a dynamic weekend lies ahead” and that the “final step” in forming the government would begin after that. “We have not missed the deadline; the government will be formed by the legal deadline and I am eager to present the program of the future Serbian government to the MPs and to the entire public,” said the PM-designate.


Brnabic calls local elections in 66 self-government units for 2 June (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic on Friday called local elections in 66 local self-government units in Serbia for 2 June. Following amendments to the Law on Local Elections, the polls will be held on the same day as local elections in Belgrade. "As a result of successful dialogue of parliamentary parties, the conditions are in place to call elections in 66 local self-government units. The elections in those local self-government units will be held on the same day as the elections for the members of the Belgrade City Assembly - on 2 June," Brnabic said after calling the elections. She again urged all political stakeholders to keep in mind that politics should not be an instrument of divisions between people and that there was a shared commitment to develop the political system in a democratic direction promoting dialogue, mutual respect and greater understanding. "As speaker of the Serbian parliament, I will keep insisting that this highest representative body of all citizens of the Republic of Serbia respects and promotes such values," Brnabic said.


Sapic calls elections for 17 Belgrade municipalities (Beoinfo/Tanjug)


President of the Provisional Authority of the City of Belgrade Aleksandar Sapic today announced elections for councilors in 17 city municipalities for 2 June. "Starting today, the deadlines for carrying out election activities begin," said Sapic, Beoinfo reported. He wished good luck to all the participants in the elections and the citizens who, as he stated, in addition to the representatives in the assemblies of the city municipalities, also elect their representatives for the Assembly of the City of Belgrade. At today's eighth session, the temporary body of the City of Belgrade, in accordance with the Law on Local Elections, issued a Decision on calling for elections for councilors of the assemblies of city municipalities of the City of Belgrade.


Statistics office chief denies claims of falsely registered voters (N1)


The CEO of the Republic Statistics Office (RZS) Miladin Kovacevic denied on Thursday claims that there are 1.1 million non-existent registered voters. The claims were made by lawyer Sofija Mandic who said that a review of the voter registry showed that there are 1.1 million falsely registered voters across the country, including 230,000 in Belgrade. Kovacevic said in a written statement that the claims are false because the voter registry includes both residents and non-residents who have Serbian citizenship and are of voting age. He said that Serbian nationals who are not resident in the country have the right to vote. The opposition said after the 17 December elections that voters who are not resident in Serbia were bussed to Belgrade to vote at local elections which they do not have the right to do under Serbian law. According to the 2022 census, Serbia has a population of 6,647,003 including 1,681,405 in Belgrade. The voter registry prior to the December elections had 6,500,666 names on it including 1,605,877 in Belgrade.


Serb youth beaten and robbed in northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica (Politika)


A group of Albanians assaulted, beat and robbed 20-year-old Petar Kostic from northern Kosovska Mitrovica the day before yesterday. The incident happened in the parking lot behind the Sunce 3 building in that town. The Albanians reportedly beat him, stole his money and a gold chain he was wearing. The video of the fight has upset people in Kosovska Mitrovica. This marks the 500th incident (targeting Serbs) in Kosovo and Metohija.


Pristina court extends custody for Serbs charged in Banjska case (Tanjug/Politika)


A Pristina court has extended the custody for three Serbs arrested following the 24 September Banjska clashes by another two months, the attorney of one of the men confirmed to Tanjug on Thursday. Milos Delevic said his client, Vladimir Tolic, still had metal bars in one of his legs due to wounds sustained in the clashes and announced he would request Tolic's medical documentation from the prehearing judge due to inadequate medical treatment of his condition. "The custody has been extended. We have had too much patience for prison doctors and doctors at the Pristina institute. As his attorney, I will request a copy of his medical documentation so that his family can consult doctors about the adequacy of the medical treatment he has received," Delevic said. Tolic, Dusan Maksimovic and Blagoje Spasojevic were arrested following the clashes and have been in custody since 26 September. The Pristina prosecutor's office has charged them with the criminal act of "terrorism".


Serb municipalities should be formed as soon as possible - UK Ambassador (Tanjug)


UK Ambassador to Serbia Edward Ferguson told Tanjug on Friday a Community of Serb Municipalities should be established as soon as possible as it was an important part of dialogue and normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations. Asked whether he believed the Community would ever be formed, Ferguson said that, 11 years after the 2013 Brussels Agreement - under which it is to be established - it was overdue and "should have been in place by now". "We want to see it put in place as soon as possible. We do think it is an important mechanism to give some confidence to the Serb communities in Kosovo around how their affairs can be best managed," Ferguson added. "We think it is an important part of normalizing the relationship between Belgrade and Pristina and so we continue to encourage the authorities in Kosovo to move forward with that as quickly as possible, and our PM’s special envoy Lord (Stuart) Peach has been very clear about this as well," he said. He said the UK believed it was "really important to maintain the political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina that is led by the EU and the US". "We are not a core part of it but we support it. We think it is really important to keep talking but, more than that, we think it is really important to actually move forward with the commitment that both sides have made to implement those agreements, including the Ohrid agreement that was reached only last year. We have not seen enough progress yet," Ferguson said.




Vote on Resolution on Srebrenica scheduled for 2 May in UNGA postponed for further consultations (AJB/BNTV)


Al Jazeera Balkans reporting from Washington reported that the vote on the Draft Resolution on Srebrenica scheduled for 2 May was postponed for further consultations, noting that this is the second time that the vote was postponed. The reporter noted that the postponement of the vote is caused by strong lobby of Russia and Serbia, reminding that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is in New York and he tries to persuade anyone he meets that the adoption of the Resolution could cause riots and instability in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the region, which is confusing for many diplomats – especially those who are not so familiar with true developments in Srebrenica in 1995. The reporter stressed that Vucic relies on Russia, China and some of the Brix countries. As BNTV learned, the new dates mentioned could be between 7 and 12 May. At the same time, B&H Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija confirmed that the vote on the resolution on Srebrenica will not take place on 2 May, but will be postponed. Lagumdzija said that some UN member states have some more proposals for the text of the Resolution and the voting will take place after May 6th. He added there is no reason for concern and added that B&H Mission to the UN participated in decision on postponement.


Sweden to become co-sponsor of Srebrenica resolution (N1)


Sweden will co-sponsor the UN draft resolution to designate 11 July as the ‘International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica’ to honor the victims, as well as the families of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide, the Swedish Embassy to B&H said on Thursday. “The genocide in Srebrenica that took place in 1995 has been confirmed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice. Sweden co-sponsors the UN resolution to honor the victims, as well as the families of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. The Srebrenica genocide of 1995 must never be forgotten or minimized. We need to remember to honor the victims, contribute to reconciliation, and learn from history. There is no place for the denial of the horrible crimes committed during the conflicts nor for the glorification of individuals who have been found guilty of such crimes,” said the Embassy's press statement. Twenty-two countries will be co-sponsors of the Draft Resolution on the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly.


RS government to hold session in Srebrenica on May 2; Dodik says RS leadership will honor Srebrenica victims in Potocari if they get chance to do that and stresses RS will not accept Resolution on Srebrenica (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated on Thursday that the RS government will hold its session in Srebrenica on 2 May that the entire RS leadership will attend. He also said that the RS leadership will honor the Srebrenica victims in Potocari if they get a chance to do that, stressing the RS will not accept the Resolution on Srebrenica that will be discussed in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) because all its content is a lie. He added that the RS therefore does not intend to include in schoolbooks an imposed story about the Srebrenica genocide or to mark 11 July as others want, but that the RS is ready to call on Bosniaks to have peaceful co-existence with Serbs. However, Dodik assessed that B&H cannot exist based on qualification marking one nation as genocidal and the other one as triumphant, noting that the RS does not give up on Srebrenica as its local community and accepts the 1995 events in Srebrenica as a crime.


Dodik: Possible adoption of resolution on Srebrenica could cause permanent divisions in B&H (ATV)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, as for the resolution on Srebrenica that will be discussed in the UNGA, said that the day of possible adoption of the resolution will be a difficult day for Serbs and that the RS and Serbia do their best to explain everyone the real situation, to warn that the Resolution would cause problems in B&H and to prevent its adoption. He assessed that possible adoption of the resolution in Srebrenica could cause permanent divisions in B&H and that the co-existence in B&H will continue in some sort of a provisional environment, stressing that the policy of peaceful dissolution is the only right and useful for everyone in B&H. According to Dodik, Muslims have accused Serbs of violation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), but they ignore the fact that their ambassador in the UN has launched the initiative on the adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica on behalf of B&H contrary to the Constitution of B&H and the DPA. Commenting on the announced session of the RS government in Srebrenica on 2 May, Dodik said that the RS leadership as a whole will call for peace and reject the entire content of the Resolution on Srebrenica given that the RS parliament has already defined that the events in Srebrenica in 1995 were not genocide. He stressed that the RS government will try to make a new program for the development of Srebrenica and pass decisions regarding the work principles at the level of B&H. Asked to comment on his participation at the International Security Forum in Saint Petersburg, Dodik said that his visit to Saint Petersburg and the participation at the forum were quite useful and successful. He stated that a new world configuration was visible at the forum with representatives of 120 world countries in attendance and that he was honoured to be in the company of reputable Russian, Chinese, Brazilian Indian and Kuwaiti officials in the field of security, stressing that the RS delegation’s participation at the forum in Saint Petersburg was very much respected. He assessed that more attention should be paid to growing Euro-Asian community and that the main problem is the fact that the West has never succeeded to put this region under its control. Dodik emphasized that Sarajevo’s claims that he is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s man is wrong and that he is actually the RS’ man whose only goal is to learn the global courses and developments so he can position and help develop the RS in the best possible way in relation to global trends. He warned that the RS will lose its freedom and rights in case that it remains in colonial status once the formation of a new global structure starts.


Dodik criticizes moves regarding Kosovo’s CoE membership, calls for opening talks at institutional level on peaceful separation (RTRS)


Posting on his X account, RS President Milorad Dodik said that “the performance prepared by Bosnian Muslims” in regard to membership of “self-proclaimed Kosovo” in the Council of Europe, will only end to detriment of B&H. Dodik noted that “renegade structure of Bosnian Muslims has long time ago abandoned the constitutional framework and they derogate from everything that Dayton B&H is”. “Perhaps Komsic thinks he managed to do something because he abstained from voting, but tis essentially changes nothing, except conveying a clear message to us in the RS that they publicly showed that everything we do to preserve our constitutional position is right and the only possible in the conditions of constants frauds and attempts to undermine RS and bypass the process of decision-making by unilateral activities,” said Dodik. He further noted that “all their actions and hypocrisy in regard to the so called- Kosovo” open new perspectives for RS, so it is no longer uncommon to say and expect for the RS to do that same. “Mechanisms for this exist. We have already separated in everything. It is necessary to formalize our peaceful separation, which Bosnian Muslims initiated with their unilateral moves and undermining of constitutional order. It would be the best for everyone living in B&H to open the talks on separation at the institutional level, because peaceful separation is a fact, and it is necessary to do everything to secure stability and cooperation in a way that is possible.” Dodik concluded that “we cannot be in union with those who constantly see us as enemy”, adding that they are doing everything to strengthen hostility and hatred toward Serb people. “This is not natural. Such union cannot survive, and this is why it is falling apart,” said Dodik.


Cvijanovic: If adopted, Srebrenica resolution will be non-binding, but it could still create problems in B&H and the region (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, asked to comment on the proposed resolution on Srebrenica, said the resolution was proposed without having a decision in the B&H Presidency and everything around it is being done in secrecy. She believes many countries in the United Nations will either be against the resolution or abstain from voting. Cvijanovic said that RS officials spoke with some countries, and they believe the resolution is being misused, and due to everything that is now happening in Gaza. Cvijanovic emphasized that the resolution, if adopted, will be non-binding, but it could still create problems in B&H and the region. Cvijanovic points out she was not consulted regarding the resolution, and she finds this to be the biggest issue and proof of how things in B&H work, or rather, they do not work. Cvijanovic said her colleague, (Chairman of the B&H Presidency) Denis Becirovic, made a mistake by presenting his own stance as the Presidency’s stance. Cvijanovic reacted to the move by B&H Ambassador to the UN, Zlatko Lagumdzija, and asked for his dismissal due to submission of the mentioned resolution. He bypassed procedures and should be sanctioned, she added. Commenting on claims of some Federation of B&H (FB&H) officials regarding alleged gathering of Serbs and calls for new conflicts in B&H, Cvijanovic said, lies about the RS and Serbs are constantly being spread, and especially in moments like this one when the Resolution is about to be discussed. Cvijanovic concluded that these are lies and part of a hybrid war led against the RS. Cvijanovic said Sarajevo politicians do not do their jobs, they use all their resources to attack the RS and make up stories on how the RS is dangerous and needs to be abolished. Speaking about changes to the B&H Election Law of B&H, imposed by Christian Schmidt, Cvijanovic said he “spoiled” the success that B&H made on its EU path so far, and he showed great disrespect for the EU’s efforts on helping B&H leaders to reach solutions. Cvijanovic says she constantly asks the question who benefits from constant creation of crises and tensions in B&H. She notices that crisis in B&H happens every time that some foreign official imposes a decision in this country. Cvijanovic reminded to the crisis that happened after former High Representative, Valentin Inzko, imposed a decision. It took a while and it was difficult, but with the help of the EU, we were able to overcome that crisis, and we continued progress on the EU path, Cvijanovic says. However, as soon as some significant steps were made, Schmidt stepped in and spoiled everything, trampling over our efforts and our work, she pointed out. “I believe this is a great misfortune for B&H,” Cvijanovic assessed, and said Schmidt is not authorized to impose decisions in B&H but still he does that, knowing he will only create problems. She says it is misfortunate that there are still people that support Schmidt in doing these things. Cvijanovic says the goal of those people is to show B&H is incapable of functioning and that its leaders cannot do their jobs but need foreign interventions constantly. They are not helping us, Cvijanovic emphasizes, they are actually creating problems between people in B&H. Cvijanovic accused the US Ambassador to B&H (Michael Murphy) of constantly connecting (RS President) Milorad Dodik to all problems that exist in B&H, and she believes Murphy’s approach to things is very unprofessional and undiplomatic. Cvijanovic said the US is to blame for the current situation in B&H, as they did everything to create problems in this country, and now they need a ‘scape goat’ – someone to blame for everything, without them being held accountable. Cvijanovic points out that the story of the European integration, and work on that path, was something that always connected people in B&H, as they all believed the country should join the Union, and they all worked towards achievement of that goal. Anyone that wants to spoil that is just showing they cannot give up on colonial management and keeping B&H as a colony and a place that they control, Cvijanovic assessed. Meddling of foreigners in B&H is catastrophic, and they should only respect the will of the B&H citizens and what they decide in elections, she added. Talking about political agreements in B&H, Cvijanovic said SNSD and HDZ B&H are ready to talk and find solutions, while the Bosniak side, led by ‘The Troika’ parties, is only waiting for solutions offered by the foreigners. That is our main problem, Cvijanovic says. She called members of ‘The Troika’ “puppets” of foreigners, and said she believes they are acting out of fear of losing power.


Becirovic meets with Quint Ambassadors, support to EU path of B&H expressed (BHT1)


Chair of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic met on Thursday with Ambassadors of Quint countries in B&H. Becirovic emphasized during this meeting that B&H is an independent and sovereign country, that is a member of the UN, and it respects fundamental principles of interstate relations. Collocutors concluded that no one will be allowed to undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), constitutional order of B&H and peace, adding that they will decisively oppose anyone attempting to destabilize B&H. During the meeting, Quint countries’ ambassadors expressed full support to the EU and Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. They emphasized need to speed up reforms related to 14 priorities set before B&H by the European Commission (EC). All ambassadors stressed that their countries would support the Resolution on International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica. Becirovic sent a clear message that the legal authorities of B&H, together with allies, will institutionally stop all those who seek to destabilize the situation in B&H. The ambassadors particularly underlined that the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H are unquestionable, and that they are guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement and international law. The ambassadors of the Quint pointed out that they will not calmly observe the anti-Dayton activities of the authorities in RS. “We will defend B&H in line with international and national law,” said Becirovic after meeting ambassadors of the Quint countries. The ambassadors underlined that democratic, multi-ethnic and Euro-Atlantic B&H has no alternative, and that policies of ethnic and other divisions are doomed to failure.


Deadline for submission of reform plan for participation in EU Growth Plan expires on Friday, B&H authorities did not reach an agreement (Nezavisne)


The deadline for B&H to submit its list of reforms necessary for participation in the EU Growth Plan for Western Balkans expires on Friday, but B&H authorities have been unable to reach an agreement. The list should contain reforms in eight key areas. The daily learns that if B&H can demonstrate serious progress in the tasks ahead, the EU might allow submission of the reform list with a short delay. B&H Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Minister and Deputy Chair of B&H Council of Ministers Stasa Kosarac posted on Instagram that RS finds it disputable that the EU’s proposal on this matter is not in line with the Dayton Peace Agreement. “Regarding the Growth Map, which we define at the joint level with full visibility of RS and FB&H, we do not agree with certain ambitious stances of the EU which are not in line with the Constitution and the Dayton structure of B&H”, Kosarac stated. B&H Directorate for EU Integration (DEI) told the daily that the DEI has complete its part of the job and forwarded its proposal for reforms to the Directorate for Economic Planning. Director of the Directorate for Economic Planning Zoran Zeljko was not available for a comment because he is currently in Brussels discussing the Growth Plan with the EU officials. However, in an earlier statement for the daily, Zeljko stated that B&H could access up too EUR 1 billion from the Growth Plan if it can meet the requirements and implement the necessary reforms. He explained that a team consisting of B&H Council of Ministers Chair, entity Prime Ministers, all Minsters of Finance and ten cantonal Prime Ministers is working on the list of reforms, but he also warned that the deadlines set by the EU are very short, which makes the task difficult. The daily notes that the EU’s Western Balkans Growth Plan is the most ambitious program of the EU for the region which has the goal of preparing the region for EU membership. Member of the European Parliament David McAllister reminded that the access to the EU funds will be linked to progress of reforms, and if the countries fail to meet the requirements, the funds allocated for them can be suspended and allocated to other countries.


Rafale fighter aircraft arrive in Croatia (HRT)


Six of the dozen Rafale multi-purpose fighter aircraft, which Croatia purchased from France for just less than one-billion euros, arrived in the country earlier on Thursday in a historic flight that set out from a military base near Bordeaux.  The cutting-edge aircraft were brought in by Croatian Air Force pilots who had been training on them in France for months. Welcoming the jets and their crews to Croatia were top military and state leaders, including Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic and President Zoran Milanovic, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces. All three used the opportunity to thank Croatian veterans, especially the first pilots, for their sacrifice and courage during the Homeland War and emphasized that without them, today's achievement would not have been possible. "We are all extremely proud of this massive achievement which strengthens the capabilities of the Croatian armed forces. We have reached a level of deterrence like never before. We have strengthened our strategic partnership with France by joining the Dassault family, the Rafale family, and this completely changes our international position, including our role within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and our role within the EU and other international organizations," said Prime Minister Plenkovic. These jets will make a significant contribution to Croatia's national security and will serve as a major deterrence to any potential enemy, said Jandrokovic. "Protect our Croatian skies. Do it efficiently and without compromise, for the benefit of all Croatian citizens," said the speaker. The Commander-in-Chief said Croatia had acquired a modern Air Force, with the latest generation of Western technology. "Thanks to everyone who offered support and who believed in us. We will return the favour in the best possible way. We will be ready to defend our country and our interests. And we will eternally be loyal to our homeland," added the Commander of the Croatian Air Force Mihael Krizanec. The Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces Tihomir Kundid said the aircraft had ushered in a new era that would redefine the country's ability to defend itself over land, sea and air.


The growth plan should speed up the implementation of the agreed reforms (RTCG)


The adoption of the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is also the last step towards the establishment of an instrument worth six billion euros, which will be available to our region until 2027. Co-reporter Karlo Resler for TVCG points out that this mechanism should speed up the implementation of agreed reforms according to clearly defined criteria. Analysts, on the other hand, believe that in Montenegro there is a moment that should be used, and if the reform course is maintained, money that other countries do not use can also be withdrawn. Another financial injection from the EU is within reach of the countries of the region. However, in order for the money to flow into national budgets, it will be necessary to implement demanding reforms. "The instrument brings six billion euros, of which two billion with grants, which aim to try to encourage long-term, structural reforms with a clear, firm conditionality between the disbursement of funds on the one hand and the implementation of real reforms on the other," said Resler. Analyst Ziga Faktor points out that using that money will be challenging for many countries. "I believe that this is much more important for Montenegro than for other Western Balkan countries to take advantage of the moment and implement the reforms that are needed on the social and business level in order to attract those funds, and maybe even that money that will remain unused by other countries of the region", said Faktor. "With this instrument, we also tried to ensure the alignment of the business policy, but also the policy of the common foreign and security policy of the six countries of the Western Balkans, which was quite important within the parliament, but also with all other member states," Ressler said. Because the EU was convinced by its own example that the connection between the implementation of conditions and the payment of money additionally encouraged certain countries to painful reforms. The factor, however, believes that this cause-and-effect relationship will not be a problem for Montenegro at this moment. "When we look at some of the reforms that are needed in the judiciary, electoral reform, it is something that will have to happen, not for the sake of the European Union, but for the sake of the citizens of Montenegro. I think that now the political situation in Montenegro is in line to make it possible in the coming years", said Faktor. According to estimates, Montenegro could count on around 413 million from this mechanism in the months after its adoption, it is expected that seven percent of part of the funds will be paid directly to the budget, while the rest will be paid based on progress in the reform agenda.


Mandic: It is certain that there will be an expansion of the Government during June (CdM)


It is certain that there will be an expansion of the government in June, which will give new momentum when it comes to all the planned plans of the parliamentary majority, said the president of the parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic during the meeting with Natasa Pirc Musar, the President of Slovenia. Mandic, as reported, welcomed the president to the Assembly of Montenegro, adding that a few days ago he had a very productive meeting with the ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Montenegro, and that during the Conference of Presidents of the Parliaments of the EU countries he met with the presidents of the lower and upper houses that country. "New political energy has appeared in Montenegro when it comes to the process of accession to the EU", Mandic said and added that it is the duty of politicians to fulfil the expectations of citizens who want the country to fulfil this key foreign policy goal. In the press release, it is stated that Mandic informed the President of Slovenia about the notable results of the Assembly in the past six months, adding that "a strong fight against organized crime and corruption has begun, the results of which are particularly visible these days." "It is certain that there will be an expansion of the government in June, which will give new momentum when it comes to all the planned plans of the parliamentary majority," Mandic said during the meeting. It is reported that Pirc Musar thanked Mandic for the reception, especially emphasizing that her country "will support Montenegro every day until it finally joins the EU." "The results of the parliament of Montenegro have been noticed all over Europe," she said and emphasized that our country is on the right track. In this context, the Assembly stated that Pirc Musar said that "it is a good thing" that the government will be expanded and that it is expected that "the country will close 10 accession chapters in the next year". When it comes to the fight against organized crime and corruption, President Pirc Musar said that all the actors in our country, especially the judicial system, must be "strong and uncompromising". At the very end, the President of Slovenia thanked her for the reception, and announced that she would be extremely happy if Mandic visited Slovenia in the coming period.


Maskovic: Podgorica should support the UN resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica; Omeragic signed the initiative (CdM)


Podgorica should, in the spirit of traditionally good relations with brotherly Sarajevo, support the UN resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, said Social Democrat (SDCG) councillor Milos Maskovic. "I believe that the mayor, as well as the president of the Capital City Assembly, will show in this way that we are aware of the importance of solidarity and joint action in promoting truth, justice and peace. We understand the moral, human and professional responsibility that this call carries, which is why we strongly support the initiative of the mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karic, to join and support the UN resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica", Masković wrote in a post on the X network. According to her, this is an opportunity for us as sister cities to "stand side by side in the memory of the victims and in the fight against forgetting". "By which we confirm our commitment to common values and justice. We expect that our support will be another step forward towards building lasting peace and a better world for all of us", the announcement reads. The spokesman of the Bosniak Party, Adel Omeragic, also supported the initiative for Montenegro to sponsor the UN resolution on the memorialization of the genocide in Srebrenica. "As a citizen, but also as a spokesperson for the Bosniak Party, I signed the initiative for Montenegro to sponsor the UN resolution on the memorialization of the genocide in Srebrenica, which was supported by as many as 84 NGOs and over 100 prominent citizens, including numerous public figures who have been actively contributing to the general interest for decades in Montenegro. We expect the government to decide to sponsor the resolution primarily for moral reasons and to express due regret for the fact that over 8,300 civilians were shot in Srebrenica in a few days in July 1995, of which 600 were children. And while many mothers, sisters and daughters are still searching for with the remains of their loved ones, the public continues to witness the denial and relativization of genocide. That is why the invitation to the government of Montenegro to be a co-sponsor of the UN resolution, because the attitude towards the genocide in Srebrenica is an attitude towards the past, present and future", Omeragic wrote on his Facebook profile.


International observers say presidential election competitive and overall well run, marked by legal gaps and negative rhetoric (MIA)


North Macedonia’s presidential election campaign was competitive and fundamental freedoms including media freedom were respected, but important areas of the presidential contest that included campaign rules, access to the media, and allocation of state funding are not regulated, undermining the key principle of legal certainty, international observers said in a statement on Thursday. The joint observation mission from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) found that while the legal framework creates the basis for democratic elections, numerous gaps remain. At the same time, the link between political party affiliation on the one hand and campaign funds and media opportunities on the other resulted in an advantage for candidates associated with the main parties in parliament. “This was a competitive election that took place in a peaceful and democratic atmosphere,” said Jillian Stirk, who headed ODIHR’s election observation mission. “However, the increasingly negative rhetoric was regrettable and reflected broader political fragmentation and ethnic division. At the same time, gaps in the election law and the hasty approval of legal changes did not address the long-standing need for legal reforms. Greater political will is needed to overcome these shortcomings.” Some 1.8 million citizens were registered to vote in yesterday’s election. Despite the organization of two elections at the same time, ongoing staff shortages and a lack of funding, the election administration met all legal deadlines and generally enjoyed public trust. Observers assessed election day positively overall and noted that voting procedures were largely respected. As election day approached, the campaign became increasingly negative both online and offline, including personal attacks and occasional threats. Observers noted that some public infrastructure projects were announced by officials after the election date was set, potentially leading to the misuse of public resources in connection with the campaign. "The presidential election was well organized, and candidates could express themselves freely during the campaign, thus allowing voters to make an informed choice,” said Alfred Heer, who headed the PACE delegation. “While the election campaign was unfortunately tarnished by harsh rhetoric, this did not affect the general atmosphere on election day, which remained calm and without significant incidents." While the recent legal changes improved some parts of the campaign finance framework, they failed to improve systemic shortcomings that together with limited resources for oversight bodies and other deficiencies significantly limited the effectiveness of campaign finance oversight. A lack of full confidence was noted in the effectiveness of campaign finance monitoring and accountability. While North Macedonia has a diverse media landscape and media freedom is generally respected, online news media is largely unregulated, underlining the need for further reform. The public broadcaster covered all presidential candidates in line with legal requirements, and private media presented adequate information on the presidential candidates overall. However, a significant number of online news portals appeared to be created for the sole purpose of receiving state funds during election campaigns and, in some cases, channelling these funds to political parties. The international election observation to the first round of the presidential election in North Macedonia totalled 234 observers from 33 countries, made up of 216 ODIHR experts, long-term, and short-term observers, and 18 from PACE.


Xhaferi – Lapsley: North Macedonia valued member of NATO, dedicated to developing its defense capabilities (MIA)


Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi met Wednesday afternoon with NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defense Policy and Planning Angus Lapsley on a working visit to Skopje. According to an official press release, caretaker PM Xhaferi confirmed North Macedonia's increasingly stronger contribution to NATO. "Achieving 2.05 percent of GDP for the defense budget, 30 percent of which goes to modernizing the army, is a strong indicator of that contribution," the release says. It adds that the country has positioned itself as one of the pillars of regional stability by contributing to collective security through the NATO multinational forces in Romania, in Bulgaria and in Latvia as well as in the NATO mission in Kosovo, KFOR, and in the EU operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ALTHEA. Meeting participants discussed the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington marking the 75th anniversary of the Alliance as well as current defense plans, taking into account the global security situation in Europe and the world. They also confirmed the support NATO member countries, including North Macedonia, give to Ukraine. Assistant Secretary General Lapsley voiced appreciation for North Macedonia as a valued member of NATO. "The alliance is more united and stronger than ever in its history, and with the membership of Finland and Sweden, NATO is guaranteeing the security of over 1 billion citizens of the democratic world," the release says.


Spiropali meets with President Begaj: Cooperation between Institutions, a guarantee for the advancement of Albania (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of State for Relations with Parliament Elisa Spiropali held a meeting with President Bajram Begaj. Announcing the meeting on social networks, Spiropali writes that the cooperation between the Institution of the Presidency, the Assembly and the Council of Ministers, established in the context of the balance between the powers as the most essential element that guarantees the further advancement of Albania in the transformation and integration processes, were some of milestones of the meeting with President Begaj. "The development of standards of transparency, accountability, constructive debate, education for the participation of citizens in governmental and parliamentary activity and the professional treatment of any initiative with a direct impact on citizens, is a duty and an added guarantee for always better policies", writes Spiropali.