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Lamert: Serbia should change its Constitution (Epoka e Re)

The President of the German Bundestag, Norbert Lammert, said during his visit to Belgrade that Serbia should change its Constitution in order to join the EU. Lamert spoke about the manner this issue should precede. “Change of the Constitution should be made through dialogue at the Parliament, and then to move forward,” he said.

Serbian media also informed that the Serbian Radical Party boycotted the Parliament meeting with the justification that the German state has recognized Kosovo’s independence.

Flessenkemper: Western Balkan countries are poorer than they were 30 years ago (InSerbia)

The Western Balkan countries are poorer than they were 30 years ago, which is why they will need at least 25 years to reach the EU and therefore Germany has submitted a plan “Berlin process plus”, said project director for the Balkans at the European Institute CIFE in Nice and member of the Advisory group for the Balkan policy in Europe (BiEPAG) Tobias Flessenkemper for the RFE/RL.

He adds that it is still anything but on the level of ideas.

"Normalization of relations with Kosovo necessary condition" (B92)

Serbia has the clearest stability of all countries in the region and it wants to have a stabilizing effect on other Western Balkan states.

This is what Serbian Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic said after meeting with German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on in Belgrade on Wednesday.

Presidency: Serbia will never accept independence of Kosovo (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia will never accept Kosovo-Metohija's independence, and it meets the conditions for EU accession as long as recognition of Kosovo is not required, Serbian presidential adviser Stanislava Pak said in a comment on a statement by German Foreign Office official Michael Roth, who said that, before Serbia's EU accession, everything must be clear regarding Kosovo.

Serbia cannot be neutral and join EU - German official (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia needs to declare itself in accordance with the foreign policy positions of the EU; a country that wants to join cannot have a neutral position.

Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office Michael Roth told this to Belgrade-based newspaper Vecernje Novosti.

Merkel will be asked to change a focus (Danas)

The MPs of the ruling German party - the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and their coalition partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU) will ask the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to "return the Balkans to the focus of German policy" and to treat it as a "region of special importance." "The impression is that the Balkans is quiet, but it is not. It is just a bit away from the focus of German foreign policy, since Germany is currently focused on the problems in the Middle East, Syria, Ukraine and further solving the refugee crisis.


How the Western Balkans have become a touchstone for German and EU foreign policy (European Western Balkans)

The European Western Balkans portal carries the peace below, which was originally published on the Ifri  (French Institute for International Relations) web page.

German’s policy towards the Western Balkans is marked by continuous commitment that put different emphasis in different phases: reconstruction, stabilisation, consolidation of rule of law and market economy as well as member-state building.

Serbs who fled in 1999 were deported to Kosovo (Politika)  

During the last month, 423 citizens who didn’t have a right to asylum in Germany were deported to Serbia. The number of the people encompassed by the agreement on readmission is not increased as compared to the recent years, said Ivan Gerginov, Serbian Deputy Commissioner for refugees and migration. Though Germany announced deportation of the tens of thousands Serbian citizens from Kosovo, i.e. Albanians who massively fled from Kosovo to Western European countries in 2015, this didn’t happen. “Germany is sending Albanians directly to Pristina.

Collaku tells a group of German MPs that he expects a positive visa liberalization decision (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, Bekim Collaku, said in a meeting today with a delegation from the German Bundestag that Kosovo has fulfilled all necessary criteria for visa liberalization and expects a corresponding decision from the EU on the matter. Collaku also spoke about Germany’s support for Kosovo’s European integration agenda.