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Ahmeti criticizes Mustafa over Serbian List (Telegrafi)

Pristina Mayor and Vetevendosje deputy leader Shpend Ahmeti criticizes the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa over his remarks for including the Serbian List in the new government. “Based on what I am reading, it is more important to include Vucic’s Serbian List than Vetevendosje in the new government. After everything that has happened in Kosovo, please do not try to convince us that this is the European path and that this is democracy,” Ahmeti writes on his Facebook account.

Ahmeti: We need to fight corruption on our own (RTK)

Pristina Mayor Shpend Ahmeti writes on his Facebook account that the latest developments within the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) show that nationality does not make one immune to corruption. “Corruption is not a cultural phenomenon. Sayings such as ‘Balkans people are naturally corrupt’ are both inaccurate and unrighteous. We should urgently change the belief that others will fight corruption for us. 1. We need to fight corruption on our own. It is important to build a system and mechanisms that combat corruption and have people that are willing to do this.

Ahmeti: Vetevendosje to boycott PDK, entire opposition should do the same (Telegrafi)

Pristina mayor and Vetevendosje deputy leader, Shpend Ahmeti, called on opposition parties today not to join a coalition government with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), guaranteeing that his party would not do so. “If all opposition parties stay true to their statements that they will not enter a coalition with the PDK, the latter will not be able to form the government. I can certainly guarantee for one political party,” Ahmeti wrote on his Facebook account.