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Hopes on the special court (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that there is no place in the region let alone Europe that has more anti-corruption mechanisms than Kosovo. However, the reality in Kosovo is completely different. Kosovo suffers from corruption which has touched every pore of the society, keeping Kosovo hostage and becomming a cancer which is slowly eating up all public goods. Delay of a truthful war against corruption has delayed visa liberalization and Stabilization Association Agreement.

Actions, not words (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that when the government announces that it will end monopolies on business, it is not that it is doing a miracle, but it is only promising to fulfill a legal and constitutional obligation. The Constitution of Kosovo guarantees equal competition in the free market, however, the situation in Kosovo is completely different. Oligarchic businesses, using their connections with the government, are continuously harming the decent businesses which want to grow and develop through a dignified competition.

Who will investigate corruption? (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front page editorial writes that a special court is being established to address alleged war crimes, but that this court doesn’t have competencies to address a very big problem in Kosovo, corruption. “The fight against corruption is considered a challenge already lost for Kosovo, while the main responsible are high level politicians. The special court will not deal with such things, and probably after UNMIK and EULEX, the internationals will not interfere in Kosovo’s internal affairs.

Some are more equal than others (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial claims that certain government officials in Kosovo take advantage of their official positions to arrange their and the affairs of their clans. “Whenever they find themselves in trouble, politicians take advantage of state mechanisms or even create new ones just to protect their own interests. The most recent example is the Law for legal and financial aid for persons that will be tried by the special court.

This bad race of politicians (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that different surveys of the non-governmental organizations show gradual falling of the trust of people in the parties which (miss) govern Kosovo. The writer of this editorial considers that increase of disappointment should become a serious concern of the parliamentary parties. The Kosovar voter cannot be deceived that easily after a decade and a half, as it happened in the past, when the votes were casted due to some euphoria in relation to the mythologized leaders.

It is not EULEX’s fault (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front page editorial today writes that nothing new is expected to happen even though the Kosovo Assembly adopted a Resolution on EULEX, through which President Atifete Jahjaga would write a letter to the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini asking her to investigate corruption allegations within this mission.  According to the paper, the Kosovo Assembly should not adopt resolutions but should chose the legal ways to fight corruption and organized crime.

A law that serves the interests of the mafia-political oligarchy (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial argues that Kosovo government officials are adjusting the law on the prevention of conflicts of interest to their own interests. “Stubborn and corrupt politicians, together with their advisors, who are part of the oligarchic chain that has usurped democracy and the state, are not interested in establishing law and order in the public domain that is marred by numerous scandals.


There is no EU with corrupt politicians (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that the visit of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Tirana, after her reception of the high level delegation from Kosovo, might have rightfully enthused many people, being that these events proved increased attention of the most powerful EU state towards Balkans in general and Albanians in particular. “German attentiveness to concretize the Berlin process is a momentum that has to be used wisely by the politicians currently leading with Albania and Kosovo.

A referendum for Kosovo (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that Kosovo should return to the direct democracy, by using a referendum and letting the people decide on key issues, just like Greece. “Kosovo would gain an extraordinary opportunity to exercise democracy by allowing a referendum. Our crisis differs from that in Greece, however it is a heavy weight for our small shoulders. Let us take the special court, where a group of parliamentarians are caught up and do not know what to do.