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Belgrade-Pristina talks set to resume (SETimes)

The prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa, will meet in Brussels on February 9th to continue negotiations between the two countries after a break in talks that lasted several months. The precise topics of discussion are still unknown, but the participants will certainly cover implementation of the Brussels Agreement and its effects on the two countries.

The resumption of the talks with Pristina is especially important for Belgrade because the dialogue is a key point in the continuation of Serbia's EU integration.

Kosovo Vows To Close Islamist Corridor To Syria, Iraq (SETimes)

November 12, 2014 SETimes
By Linda Karadaku

Kosovo is undertaking all measures to prevent the flow of fighters to Iraq and Syria in support of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), officials said.

Kosovo is roughly halfway between the ISIL operational theatre and western Europe, and has additionally become a fertile ground for recruitment on its territory. An estimated 200 Kosovo citizens are fighting as part of jihadist terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, often inspired and organised by radical preachers.


Kosovo promises to co-operate with war crimes investigation (SETimes)

By Linda Karadaku for Southeast European Times in Pristina -- 06/08/14

Kosovo pledged to continue to work with the EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity committed after the 1999 Kosovo war.

SITF announced last week it will file indictments against senior former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) officials for such crimes.
