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Several imams under investigation over ISIS activities (Koha)

The office of the State Chief Prosecutor together with Kosovo Police gave a press conference today about the arrest of 40 persons suspected of participating in fighting in Syria and Iraq alongside terrorist organizations ISIS and Al-Nusra.

Prosecution and police representatives said the arrests were made after a two-year investigation. The police operation was carried out without any incident, except in two cases where family members of the suspects tried to prevent police from making the arrests. Most families however welcomed the police operation.

Thaci: We will stop this evil (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, commented on today’s arrests of supporters of ISIS and Al-Nusra in Kosovo. “As I announced last week, state mechanisms have launched a wide-scale operation against people suspected of participating in the war in Syria and Iraq. 40 people were arrested on suspicion of having participated in foreign wars by threatening our national security and constitutional order. We are determined to stop this evil and we will not stop.

Kosovo Police arrest 40 terrorist suspects (Infoglobi)

Kosovo Police launched a country-wide operation this morning to arrest people suspected of fighting in Syria and Iraq alongside terrorist organization such as ISIS and Al-Nusra. The police operation was launched to protect national security, the constitutional order, law and order and to respect the rights of all persons guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. The Republic of Kosovo is a place known for religious tolerance and for respecting human rights regardless of race, religion or gender.