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Antigua and Barbuda recognizes Kosovo’s independence (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, writes on his Facebook account today that Antigua and Barbuda have recognized Kosovo’s independence. “Amazing news! I just received the official notification that our country has been recognized by Antigua and Barbuda,” Thaci writes.

Mitrovica civil society against Isa Boletini’s reburial in Vlora (Kosovapress)

Civil society organisations in Mitrovica, expressed discontent with the decision to rebury remains of Isa Boletini in Vlora, Albania, instead of his birthplace, Boletin, in the northern part of Kosovo. Representatives of the civil society said the reburial process was several times rescheduled but the latest decision to change the place of the reburial is outrageous. Mitrovica civil society organisations called on the government of Kosovo to reconsider the recent decision.

OSCE Mission in Kosovo supports dialogue between communities at the local level (KosovaPress)

The Municipalities of Ferizaj/Urosevac, Strpce/Shterpce and Klokot will sign a declaration for dialogue and cooperation between communities. The ceremony will be held in Ferizaj and supported by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. The declaration is an expression of goodwill from the mayors to increase interaction and dialogue between the different communities residing in their municipalities through joint projects and activities.

AAK has no confirmation of Xhafer Zymberi’s killing (Kosovapress)

Reports about the killing of Xhafer Zymberi, allegedly member of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, in weekend’s clashes between armed groups and FYROM police, could not be confirmed by AAK. A senior AAK official said they have no official information of Zymberi’s death. “I don’t know why there are attempts to involve the AAK in these events because this person [Zymberi] is part of AAK leading structures or a member of the party,” the unnamed official said.

Assembly approves legislative package on justice,as criteria for visa liberalization (KosovaPress)

The government of Kosovo on Wednesday approved the package of draft laws for the justice system in Kosovo, including changes that are expected to occur in the Judicial Council, Prosecutorial Council, State Prosecution and courts.

Minister Hyseni lobbies for Kosovo’s membership to Interpol and Europol (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, is visiting Austria and lobbying for faster admission of Kosovo to Interpol and Europol. According to a press release issued by the Interior Ministry, Hyseni has had an opportunity to meet counterparts from Austria, Hungary, and the Western Balkans countries and has also met Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock and Europol director Rob Wainwright.

There is still political interference in the media in Kosovo (KosovaPress)

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo, on Monday organized a conference with media representatives to discuss the state of the media in Kosovo.  Participants of the conference considered that the lack of financial sustainability of the media outlets and lack of modern business management methods are the key factors with large impact on the media and their independence.

Deputy PM Thaci visits Luxembourg  (KosovaPress)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, is visiting Luxembourg, where he met with Luxembourg  Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean Asselborn. Thaci appreciated the support of Luxembourg for Kosovo and urged the support of Luxembourg on Kosovo’s membership in international organizations.  "We are deepening the cooperation with neighboring countries and Kosovo is continuing to prove constructive dialogue with Serbia in Brussels.

Assembly will not discuss special court this week (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Assembly is scheduled to hold two plenary sessions this week but it will not discuss establishment of the special court in either, decided the Assembly presidency in its meeting today. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said they would include the establishment of the special court in the agenda as soon as the relevant commission submits it. He said it would be good for the draft law on special court to be discussed next week but that it is not certain this will be the case.

Around 37 percent of Kosovo people ready to migrate (Kosovapress)

Readiness of the people of Kosovo to migrate remains high with 37.2 percent of respondents indicating they would leave Kosovo if an opportunity was to arise, claims a recent study from the Kosovo-based think tank Group for Legal and Political Studies (GSJP). The study was conducted in March 2015 and included 1,000 respondents. The aim of the study was to draw a profile of the potential Kosovo immigrant and analyze the factors that increase the readiness of the people to go abroad.