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Migrant crisis: Explaining the exodus from the Balkans (BBC)

Since Macedonia declared a state of emergency in its border areas at the end of August, the "Balkan Route" has become notorious. Up to 3,000 refugees, mainly from countries in the Middle East, arrive in the small south-east European country each day. A similar number cross borders into Serbia and Hungary - most of them ultimately hoping to reach Germany.



Macedonia protests: Thousands rally for PM Gruevski (BBC)

Tens of thousands of Macedonians have staged a rally in support of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, a day after similar numbers had demonstrated against his government.

Monday's rally was being held outside parliament in the capital, Skopje.

Mr Gruevski, who was at the rally to address the crowd, faces wire-tapping and corruption allegations but denies wrongdoing and has refused to resign.

An anti-Gruevski protest camp has been set up outside government offices.

Power struggle in Macedonia


Kosovo's entrepreneurs hope for brighter future (BBC)

It is only just past nine in the morning - the staff are still taking the chairs off the tables at the pub in the centre of Kosovo's capital Pristina - and Alban Ibrahimi is keen to start drinking.

But the shots the Kosovan entrepreneur has in mind are strictly non-alcoholic.

With a subtle flourish, the 36-year-old lines up a series of small, squat bottles of assorted fruit juices and smoothies, along with glasses of palate-cleansing water.
