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Demolished Perovic house in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo (KIM radio, Vecernje Novosti)

The household of Perovic, the only Serbian household in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo, on the administrative line of the municipalities of Podujevo, Medvedja and Kursumlija was demolished and looted, while the Albanians from the neighbouring village, as reported to the Kosovo police on Sunday, interrupted the flow of water and electricity to the house of Radisav (77) and Milica Perovic (74), write Vecernje Novosti.

UNDP Public Pulse Analyses: 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo (Kossev)

The latest six-month UNDP "Public Pulse" report was presented in Pristina, it showed that 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo, reports RTV KiM.

In a survey conducted at the end of April, which covers the period from October last year to April this year, out of 210 Serb respondents, only 5% said they felt safe in the streets of Kosovo.

Demolished Perovic house in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo (KIM radio, Vecernje Novosti)

The household of Perovic, the only Serbian household in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo, on the administrative line of the municipalities of Podujevo, Medvedja and Kursumlija was demolished and looted, while the Albanians from the neighbouring village, as reported to the Kosovo police on Sunday, interrupted the flow of water and electricity to the house of Radisav (77) and Milica Perovic (74), write Vecernje Novosti.

Djuric: Arifi cannot bargain with something that does not belong to him (Serbian media)

Serbian media quotes Director of the office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, who in a statement said that "the head of the negotiating delegation of Pristina in the Brussels dialogue, Avni Arifi, is not competent to give in or deny anything, especially not territory."

Marko Djuric on the Vice-President of Serbian List, Milan Radoicic: I support all those supported by our people in KiM (Kossev, KIM radio, Insajder)

I can only tell you that I support all those that enjoy the support of our people in Kosovo and Metohija, the Director of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric, said to Insider journalist Jelena Jankovic, when asked about the newly-appointed Vice-President of Srpska Lista, Milan Radoicic.

Jevtic: About "Trepca" probably in Brussels (KIM radio)

The Minister for Communities and Returns and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Kosovo Government in resignation, Dalibor Jevtic, believe that the issue of "Trepca" probably will be tackled within the framework of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, KIM radio reports on Friday.

The government adopted this week a draft of the Trepca Statute and forwarded it to the Kosovo Assembly for consideration.

Domestic violence: "She acted dead and thus saved her life" (KIM radio)

Domestic violence is one of the problems in a society that is often concealed because of fear or feeling of embarrassment. Non-reporting of the perpetrators and the absence of measures to protect the victim often lead to serious consequences, sometimes with a death outcome.

A recent case of attempted murder in Gornja Gusterica village has disturbed residents of central Kosovo, reports KIM radio.

Jevtic: It is shameful and inadmissible to block displaced people to visit their sanctuary (Serbian media)

The blockade of roads and the prevention of displaced persons to visit to at least a day the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Petric near Kline is a shameful act that brings nothing good to anyone living in Kosovo, said Dalibor Jevtić.

The ZSO Management Team with the Dean of the Faculty of Law in Mitrovica North (KIM radio)

The members of the Menagement Team for the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) met with the Dean of the Law Faculty of Pristina University with a temporary headquarters in North Mitrovica, Vladan Mihajlovic, reports Serbian media based in Kosovo.

According to the announcement, the meeting discussed the structure and content of the Draft Statute of the ZSO and other legal aspects related to the drafting of this document.


Youth Assembly: We are not the future, but the present of Kosovo (KIM radio)

The United Nations in Kosovo organized a two-day Youth Assembly in Pristina, entitled "The Power of the Youth - Joint Building of Peace and Security".

This event brought together 160 young representatives of various organizations from all over Kosovo. The goal is their involvement in decision making and making recommendations for institutions.