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Fatmir Limaj seeks €7m compensation for “Klecka” case (Koha)

Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) leader, Fatmir Limajm, has requested €7 million in compensation for being wrongfully accused in the so-called Klecka case. Limaj is seeking reparations from the Kosovo Judicial Council for his time under detention and house arrest. Limaj’s lawyer said if the Kosovo Judicial Council rejects the request, they plan to sue the relevant courts. Limaj was acquitted three times of war crimes charges.

Veseli: Verdict on Klecka case proved our fight was clean (Koha)

Kosovo's Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, welcomed the verdict of the Court of Appeals in the Klecka case, saying that it is the best evidence of the righteous and clean fight of the former Kosovo Liberation Army. The Court of Appeals recently acquitted Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo, and his fellow combatants, who were accused of war crimes. Veseli wrote in a Facebook post: “I welcome the final verdict of the Court of Appeals in the so-called Klecka case. This verdict proves once again that our fight was righteous and clean.