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Serbia's president eyes early parliamentary vote (Reuters)

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is considering calling the third snap parliamentary elections since 2014 to further cement his Progressive Party’s (SNS) grip on power, he said late on Monday.

Vucic, a ultranationalist firebrand during the Yugoslav wars of 1990s who a decade later has become committed to joining the European Union, said “people in the SNS are overwhelmingly for elections.”

Beating of Kosovo journalist was attack on media freedom: OSCE (Reuters)

PRISTINA (Reuters) - An international watchdog has condemned the beating of a Kosovo journalist known for his reports on corruption, calling it "an attack against freedom of media".

Parim Olluri, whose news website Insajderi has become one of the leading online media reporting allegations of corruption among Kosovo's top officials, was beaten by unknown assailants late on Wednesday as he was going home with his fiancée.

Lengthy coalition talks ahead for Kosovo, could delay reforms (Reuters)

Kosovo could be heading towards lengthy talks on forming a coalition government, delaying economic reforms, official preliminary results showed on Monday.

Early elections were held on Sunday after the PDK-led government of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, accused by the opposition of failing to meet pledges to improve the lives of young people, lost a no-confidence vote,