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Headlines - 28.04.2014

UNMIK Headlines 28 April

Jahjaga: Region should follow Kosovo’s example (Epoka e Re)

Defendants will be known next year (Tribuna)

Krasniqi: Judicial system has failed (Epoka e Re)

Thaci wants compromise, Mustafa wants date of elections (Tribuna)

Minority requests to be met in exchange for voting for Armed Forces (Koha)

Serb MPs block establishment of Armed Forces (Zeri)


Headlines - 28.04.2014

UNMIK Headlines 28 April

Headlines - 28.04.2014

Jahjaga: Region should follow Kosovo’s example (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 26.04.2014

UNMIK Headlines 26 April

  • Army without an Air Force (Koha Ditore)
  • EULEX attacked in Brnjak/Bërnjak (Koha Ditore)
  • Hoxhaj: Dacic is not tough enough for me (Epoka e Re)
  • Tribunal to deal only with Dick Marty’s report (Zeri)
  • Switzerland on Kosovo’s side (Zeri)

Headlines - 26.04.2014

Army without an Air Force (Koha Ditore)

UNMIK Headlines 25 April

• Germany hails decision on EULEX and court (RTK)
• Zbogar: Williamson’s report does not contain any names (Publiku)
• Krasniqi’s seven requests on special court (Koha)
• Selimi: Those who voted in favor of special court were under pressure (RTK)
• Kuci: Constitution needs to be changed because of special court (Gazetablic)
• Pacolli: EULEX should focus on combating corruption (Tribuna)
• Concessions for reserved seats or negotiations in Brussels (Tribuna)

Headlines - 25.04.2014

UNMIK Headlines 24 April

• Kosovo Assembly adopts establishment of special court (dailies)
• An imposed court! (Tribuna)
• Ashton welcomes Kosovo Assembly’s decision (dailies)
• US hails Assembly decision on special court and EULEX (dailies)
• Assembly will not be dismissed this week (Koha)
• Minorities in favour of tribunal, reserved about KAF (Lajm)
• Special court, evidence of Kosovo’s European commitment (Koha)
• Williamson, the first prosecutor of the special court (Botapress)
• Bajrami: State should defend liberation war (Epoka e Re)
• Pendarovski: Borders in the region won’t be touched anymore (Tribuna)
• Assessment of northern municipalities’ statutes next week (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 24.04.2014

UNMIK Headlines 23 April

• Special court will be voted on without debate (Koha)
• Decision on Special Court expected today (Epoka e Re)
• Biden: Adopt the court (dailies)
• US welcomes Kosovo government’s decision (dailies)
• Haradinaj: We don’t like the Tribunal very much (Lajm)
• Kosovo can reach an agreement with the Netherlands (Kosova Sot)
• Tribunal can investigate Thaci too (Zeri)
• Petition for establishment of a tribunal for Serbia (Epoka e Re)
• Jevtic against demolition of church in Pristina University yard (Lajm)
• Rugova: UNMIK destroyed rape evidence (Bota Sot)