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Possible governing coalitions (Radio Kosova)

Next challenges for Kosovo government are considered to be talks with Belgrade, economic development and rule of law, for political analysts, these are considered biggest challenges for the new Kosovo government.

Political analysts in Kosovo have different opinions for that what is being evaluated as a challenge for Kosovo Democratic Party (PDK) and for the head of PDK, Hashim Thaci, to form governing coalition.

Party of Mr. Thaçi has won early parliamentary elections on Sunday 8 June, but it does not have enough votes to form the government alone.

Krenar Gashi from the Institute for Developing Policies (INDEP), considers that PDK immediately after it receives the mandate from Kosovo president will be able to make the coalition. “I say this because that Thaçi showed himself heart wide with all smaller parties in his pre-election coalition and he will continue to do this after the elections by offering to smaller parties, specifically to the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and to the Initiative for Kosovo (Nisma), an offer which they cannot refuse to form the government,” said Gashi

The other political analyst, Imer Mushkolaj, considers that if political parties, LDK, Vetevendosje movement and AAK are faithful to the words given during election campaign not to enter in coalition with PDK, then for PDK it will be difficult to form a coalition

However, according to Mushkolaj, from previous experience, as LDK and AAK did not hold their word, principles and their ideologies

He said that it wouldn’t be strange at all if very soon could be achieved a coalition between PDK, LDK and AAK and Initiative for Kosovo, reasoning that they are doing this coalition for the sake of national interest

Representatives of PDK stated that PDK aims to establish a wide and stable coalition, regardless with which parties

They have stated that it is necessary to have a stable majority where no problem would appear regarding important decisions

In whichever case, analysts claim that the composition of the new government will face many challenges, starting from the talks with Serbia for normalization of relations and to the establishment of tribunal that will deal with war crimes in Kosovo, reports Radio Free Europe.
