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Veterans enter the government front yard (Koha online)

War veteran protesters who are requesting clearing of the  war veterans' Lists , have managed to cross the fence of the government premises, and are currently at the front yard of the government of Kosovo.

There are clashes between the protesters and the police. The latter have created a cordon in front of the entrance of the main building and they are not allowing anyone to enter the building. Kosovo Police special units are also present at the yard of the government of Kosovo.

Zhevdet Qeriqi is continuously calling on war veterans to leave the front yard, sit in front of the building and wait for the representatives of the Commission for verification, however the protesters are not listening to his calls.

Qeriqi also informed that he has requested a meeting with the representatives of the Commission, however he has not received any response yet.

Kosova Press reports that the governing commission for recognition and verification of the status of veterans and invalids of the Kosovo Liberation Army, has received some of the representatives of veterans for a meeting.

Head of the Council for the Rights of the KLA fighters, Xhevdet Qeriqi and some seven other individuals, were seen entering the building.