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Serbian List MPs return to the Assembly (Radio Free Europe)

 Serbian List MPs have decided to return to the Assembly of Kosovo, confirmed the leader of the Serbian List, Slavko Simic.

He said that the decision was made “in accordance with the interest of Serbian population, respectively the Serbian community that lives in Kosovo and the citizens who live in Kosovo.”

“During the last days, we have discussed within the Serbian List about all the mechanisms that we possess, to oppose through institutions transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into an Army of Kosovo and to start the processes of establishment of the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities,” Simic said.

According to him, “it has been some time that Pristina and politicians of Kosovo are speaking in front of the international community that they allegedly want to initiate the process of the creation of the Association, but that they were not able to do so due to the absence of Serbs at institutions.”

“We want to impede Pristina form starting creation of the Association on its own, without political representatives of Serbs and Serb community in Kosovo, because the agreement for the Association is a property of Serb population in Kosovo and we will have the main role on drafting the statute for establishment of the Association,” Simic said.

“We want to give our contribution at the institutions to move forward towards the process of creation, discuss with coalition partners, initiate the matter at the Assembly meeting, through the councils of the Assembly and the meetings of the government, as well as at the inter-government commissions.”

“Also, through institutions, to object any law and process which is in contradiction with interests of Serb population and which violates vital interests of the Serb community that lives in Kosovo. The decision was made at the right moment, and our way of protesting has been efficient,” said the leader of the Serbian List.

The Serbian List has boycotted work at Kosovo institutions including the Assembly, since October of last year, as sign of objection of the endorsement of the law on Trepca and Strategic Investments.

An attempt to return was made a few months ago, when a separate group of Serbian List MPs returned at the Assembly, when two MPs were dismissed and one minister of the Serbian List was replaced with another. Serbian List then left the institutions of Kosovo again, and this announcement for return could give an end to the several-month boycott.