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Nurse Retracts Testimony in Kosovo Organ-Trafficking Trial (Balkan Insight)

At the retrial of three Kosovo men accused of trafficking in human organs, a nurse who worked at the Medicus clinic near Pristina denied a statement she signed ten years ago about the removal of patients’ kidneys.

Mendehie Hajdari, who used to work as a nurse at the Medicus clinic until the day investigators closed it down in 2008 over the allegations of organ trafficking, appeared at Pristina Basic Court on Wednesday but retracted her previous statement to police.

The former owner of the Medicus clinic, Lutfi Dervishi, his son Arban Dervishi and head anesthetist Sokol Hajdini are being retried for alleged involvement in organised crime in connection with people-trafficking after a Kosovo Supreme Court ruling overturned their original convictions.

Hajdari gave testimony to police in 2008, but on Wednesday in court, she denied everything in the statement.

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