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The Assembly of “patriots” (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that Albanians were never asked about  state borders, and that this is why they live in several neighboring countries. When Kosovo is concerned, continues this daily, Albanians have on the other side of the border Albanians, therefore demarcation should not induce vain nationalistic discourse. Even though the deputies of Kosovo Assembly wasted their folkloric-sentimental-patriotic arsenal, this is a done deal ever since the endorsement of Ahtisaari’s package.

“Demarcation of the borders does not take anyone’s property documented at respective offices, be it in the territory of Kosovo nor in that of Montenegro. It is true that Kosovo officials cannot be trusted, however the issue of the demarcation of the borders is more a technical one, related to the liberalization of visas and processes for European Union integration. Therefore, it would have been good return to the productive debates on the issues that depend completely on Kosovars, such as massive corruption of institutions, nepotism and militantism of administration, lack of transparency degradation of justice, monopole of economy, Mafiosi-business-political oligarchy, fiscal evasion, expelling foreign investors… The list of the issues which require efficient action of the Assembly is very long, however unfortunately, there are a few real voices that represent interests of the citizens. The real patriots are those who work for their country, but the number of those who reach the pulpit for this cause is small.

The others, instead of dealing with the concerns of the population, are dealing with the re-drawing of the maps in Balkans, which represents a utopia of our times. Finally, we are all heading towards EU, where the borders are simply a historical taste, they do not exist anymore,” writes this daily.