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Refugee crisis knocking on the door (Zeri)

Naser Sertolli writes that the political crisis in Kosovo is deepening each day, due to the objections of the opposition parties on the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro. This crisis notes Sertolli, has distracted the attention from some of the major developments in the region and further, which have even reached proportions of global crisis. He notes that Russia’s military implication in Syria (which according to the Western countries resulted with civilian casualties,) increased insecurity among the remaining population and this will consequently increase the number of people willing to flee their country. However, the decision of some of the European countries to close the roads used as transit by Syrian, Iraqi and other Middle East countries refugees, will force the latter to seek other ways. Kosovo will unavoidably become part of this itinerary; therefore the authorities should start with preparations on facing this situation seriously. Arrival of the refugees, even if only as transit, will cause additional crisis (except for the political one) due to the limited capacities of Kosovo. ”However, being that we were in a similar position not very long time ago, it is our moral obligation to help these unfortunate people, to find force and not embarrass ourselves. Albanians from Presevo Valley and those in FYROM who share their piece of bread with Middle East refugees, should serve as an example to us,” concludes Sertolli.
