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He called us fascists (Zeri)

In an opinion piece, the paper’s Editor-in-Chief Arbana Xharra writes that the crackdown on freedom of speech has become more and more sophisticated over time. Nowadays, reporters are openly being threatened by people connected to criminal groups or politics, especially if they tackle corruption, religion and justice. Xharra mentions the case when then-leader of the largest opposition party, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa called Zeri a “fascist paper” and no one reacted. She says the fact that people go through these threats as if nothing happened is dangerous. “We have become accustomed to this denigrated system,” writes Xharra. The more the future of corrupt politicians is threatened, the more difficult journalistic work becomes, says further Xharra adding that the impunity of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s threat against a reporter will only make the situation worse. “We have to protest against Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s threats but also against threats of criminal groups,” declares Xharra.
