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Kosovo must overcome hell (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Enver Robelli argues in his opinion piece that Kosovo badly needs a different government. “The first capital task of responsible politicians in Kosovo, if there are any left in this mafia system, is to make the Republic functional and to save the state. Success can be achieved only if international circumstances are taken into consideration and the fact that Kosovo is no longer in the focus of world politics. Instead of getting caught up in political adventures, Kosovars now have to show maturity, responsibility, commitment and realism … As a society we need to have the strength, courage and determination to overcome hell. War should be launched against everyone that misused power and robbed the country. This country deserves a different fate and a different political class. This society has grown tired of thugs and politicians who terrorize us with luxurious vehicles they bought with our money. Is there hope? Yes there is. Hope lies in waking up from this political delirium. The republic is ours; it does not belong to thugs. They belong in prison. The bad news is that this country will probably still be held hostage by bandits,” Robelli writes.
