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Courage to investigate (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that when Bernd Borchard became head of the EULEX mission, he raised hopes among Kosovars that things would move forward in fighting corruption and organized crime. However, EULEX members are aware that their work cannot do miracles. The miracle in Kosovo is destruction of corruption, handcuffing of criminals, and bringing in front of the justice those that are symbolically known to the opinion as “big fish.”

“Borchard himself stated that we should not expect from someone from abroad to fight criminality in Kosovo. His messages during his last days in Kosovo are short and meaningful, especially since they  address the local prosecutors. With the transfer of competencies even the high profile cases are in hands of Kosovar prosecutors. Hesitation to investigate sensitive cases, noticed during the last years, does not make sense any more. Justice people should one day face the reality and do their job with honor, courage and professionalism.  If they cannot do it, then they should leave space for the others who have the courage to bring corruption to an end.”

“No matter if it is considered good or bad, efficient or not, EULEX was by all means necessary, especially when facing “the powerful ones” in politics and government. Who from local prosecutors would dare to issue arrest warrants for some of the figures that are currently dealing with justice, asks the writer of this editorial. There are others that could be seated at the bench of the accused; however this is difficult to become a reality without strengthening Kosovo prosecution.