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The enraged insults all partners (Koha)

Publicist Enver Robelli writes in his opinion piece that “Hashim Thaci’s recent insults against Albanian political parties that don’t want to enter a coalition with him reveal that the PDK chief sees Isa Mustafa, Ramush Haradinaj, Fatmir Limaj and Albin Kurti only as means to get to power through their votes”. Robelli notes that the coalition between the LDK, AAK and NISMA might not be natural, but that the PDK needs to search within itself the reasons behind this coalition. “Why is everyone boycotting Thaci? He is the best person to answer this question, if he were to be honest. But as he is not honest, as he thinks that he can deceive those that don’t want to become his partners, to buy those he cannot deceive, to threaten those he cannot buy, to threaten and blackmail them with his criminal service, Thaci is now insulting those with whom he wants to form the new government. It seems that finally, the majority of players in Kosovo’s political scene have realized Thaci’s lack of seriousness. Everyone feels deceived – and rightfully so. The LDK and AAK voted in favor of the election of Atifete Jahjaga as President, and the obedient former police officer turned into an assistant of the PDK. The LDK and AAK gave their votes for the selection of members of the Constitutional Court. The outcome: this Court has turned into a typewriter of the PDK. The LDK and AAK gave their support to the non-transparent dialogue with Serbia led by Thaci. What was the reward for this cooperation? Thaci recently resumed talks with Serbia, despite the fact that he lacks a clear mandate because he is the outgoing Prime Minister. The LDK, AAK and the people of Kosovo were not even asked about Thaci’s new political adventure. As a result, not only leaders of the LDK, Vetevendosje, AAK and NISMA, but many people too are wondering if it is useful for Kosovo to have another four-year mandate for a prime minister that has built his career on great deceptions”.
