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Dacic: Pristina has lost support of great powers (Tanjug, Blic)

The fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and USA President Donald Trump spoke about Kosovo and gave support to the talks that lead to the resolution of this issue is a great step ahead, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Belgrade-based daily Blic.

Dacic added, this is a proof that the things have changed and go in favour of Serbia.

“This is a major breakthrough, and prof things have changed. However, a great struggle awaits us, and among those that should be further influenced, Germany is the most important,” Dacic said.

Commenting on the statements coming from Pristina, including the one of Hashim Thaic who said he is against ethnic borders, “but that he is not naïve and knows Serbia does not want to hurry with the inevitable recognition of Kosovo,” Dacic responded that “Pristina has lost support, and there is no stance any longer that everything is solved. They cannot understand that, that is why they take so tragically these statements coming from the world, and revocation of recognitions,” Dacic underlined.