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Dacic: Thaci’s visit to Presevo valley is not announced (Tanjug, RTS, TV N1)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic told Tanjug news agency today that visit of Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci to the municipalities in southern Serbia is not announced.

Pristina-based media earlier reported about unofficial information from the Kosovo President Thaci’s Cabinet that Hashim Thaci together with EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn would visit on Wednesday the three municipalities populated by Albanians in Southern Serbia.

“That visit is not announced, at least not to me. (Johannes) Hahn was here a few days ago and we have no information about that,” Dacic told RTS.

Official Brussels also refuted the EU Commissioner Hahn would be in Presevo on Wednesday, September 12, saying he would be in Strasbourg on that day and attend speech of the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the situation in the EU, EU Commission told Tanjug news agency.

Meanwhile, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic also said that the Serbian government has not received any request for a possible visit by Kosovo President Hashim Thaci to the Presevo municipality in southern Serbia.

“We have had no announcement. He has to turn to the Serbian government first. We will see what he will say to the government and then decide,” she said.

Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic commenting on Thaci's possible visit underlined the police would act in accord with court orders. Asked if Thaci would be arrested under a warrant issued by the Serbian judiciary, Stefanovic said the police would always obey court orders because Serbia is a country ruled by law.