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Shpend Ahmeti: Neither Vucic nor Thaci are honest (Danas)

Neither Vucic nor Thaci informed us what they have discussed in Brussels, nor if they had other meetings. We in Pristina, received no information at all, and it seems also in Belgrade they do not know what Thaci and Vucic are talking about, Shpend Ahmeti, Pristina Mayor and leader of the Social-Democratic Party in Kosovo told Danas daily.

One day they appear in Austria as some school mates, whispering to each other how the time for the agreement has come, then they apply different tactics, pretending they are nationalists, Ahmeti said, adding “that all the games about Vucic’s permission to visit Kosovo and unnecessary tensions suit only Vucic and Thaci.”

“Either we give permission or not, and visits of our leaders to Presevo Valley should also be permitted. Vucic said nothing new, in fact, glorifying Milosevic was one of the biggest provocations for the entire region. In Austria he has said he is for the agreement, then in the north he said he hopes the agreement would be reached in ten years,” Ahmeti went on saying.

He then added, that Thaci in Pristina one day speaks about delineation, the other day that borders are unchangeable, third day he talks about Presevo valley. Both know that as long as the game lasts, they are important. When this game ends, they would be unimportant. They need each other, while citizens are suffering. We believe in united Kosovo. We believe in mutual co-existence of people, and that is why, both in Pristina and Belgrade there should be a struggle for honesty, transparency of dialogue and potential agreements, Ahmeti noted.

Asked if he believes Vucic and Thaci would reach an agreement, Ahmeti responded negatively, saying it does not depend on them only. Thaci has neither political nor constitutional legitimacy to reach agreement on behalf of Kosovo, and that his party requests discussion to return to the parliament, and the assembly should lead the negotiations, to vote for the platform and negotiations team with two-third of support. This way the opposition would become part of the process, that is very important for Kosovo.

Ahmeti also said there should be talks about the rights of Albanians in Medvedja, Bujanovac and Presevo municipalities, assessing their situation “as very difficult,” Danas daily reported.