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Thaci’s adviser: No big Belgrade-Pristina talks in Paris (N1)

In an interview with N1 television, Azem Vlasi, Kosovo President’s adviser has said on Wednesday that an expected meeting between Hashim Thaci and Aleksandar Vucic in Paris would not produce any big news since it will be a protocol encounter.

“That is a ceremony marking the Reemergence day, and no serious bilateral talks are expected,” Vlasi, a former Yugoslav high-ranking official said.

“It is possible that they (Thaci and Vucic) will meet having a drink. I assume they won’t pretend they don’t see each other, but that is not an opportunity for any serious talks,” he added.

Speaking about the formation of Kosovo’s Army, Vlasi said it would be a multi-ethnic defence force, adding he saw no reason for it to bother Serbia or anyone else. Commenting on Vucic’s call on the Serbs in Kosovo not to join the new force, Vlasi said they would be better protected as a part of the army.

Addressing the Pristina Parliament session which debated Thaci’s right to negotiate Kosovo’s territory in the dialogue with Belgrade, Vlasi said the parliament should deal with what was the content of an eventual settlement on final normalisation. He added Kosovo was far away from the European Union accession talks, while Serbia was in a hurry since it had already started the negotiations.

“A speed is irrelevant to us, but the content is. The most important thing is to reach the final goal, i.e., the normalisation of relations between the two countries," Vlasi said.

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