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Stefanovic: Good diplomatic victory of Serbia (Prva TV, B92)

Serbian Minister of Interior, Nebojsa Stefanovic speaking for Prva TV news edition said that Serbia has won a good diplomatic victory at the UN SC session yesterday evening.

“It was a good diplomatic victory of Serbia. Serbia did all as it should, it was good to see the world started to realize there is no solution to the Kosovo issue without Serbia. It was also noticeable that different tones could be heard,” Stefanovic added.

Commenting on yesterday meeting between EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and Ramush Haradinaj, who rejected the EU proposal to temporarily lift the taxes and have Kosovo with asterix in CEFTA instead of UNMIK, Stefanovic said “that Serbia seeks greater involvement of UN.”

He also asked if the EU would tolerate such behaviour of Pristina, since there are two sides, one is constructive, and it is Serbia, while the other one respects nothing and does not want to do anything.

“It is now up to the EU to clearly says these people do not want to do anything. This is good neither for Albanians nor for the Serbs,” Stefanovic underlined.