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Serbs from Zubin Potok announce lawsuits against police (RTS)

Public broadcaster RTS reported that the Zubin Potok municipality started to make an assessment of damages made during the action of Kosovo special police ROSU units in this municipality on Wednesday. “We will file lawsuits against them to all possible legal and judicial bodies. We will use the legal tools, hire lawyers, because it is simply unimaginable that we do nothing regarding so many mistreatments and endangerment of the Serbs in Zubin Potok,” mayor Srdjan Vulovic told RTS. RTS also brings testimonies of the people affected and injured during the ROSU action. “They run towards us shouting we should lie on the ground. And at one moment I see one of them knocking down my daughter, my wife, my deaf-mute neighbor and myself,” Ivica Milojevic said. Arsic family was not at home in Zubin Potok during police action. According to Arsic, this did not stop the police from raiding their house. “They conducted the search and took away EUR 3.100,” Dragomir Arsic said, RTS reported. See at: is external)