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Vucic in Krusedol on 24th anniversary of “Storm” operation (Serbian media)

"The Serbs left, but they hadn't vanished", President Aleksandar Vucic said last night while marking 24th  anniversary since the operation "Storm" in Croatia, Serbian media report. "The Serbs have left and it caused tremendous grief and sorrow in the heart of every single Serb. Is Croatia today happier, more successful or wealthier because of it? I have to disappoint you, all of you who glorify and rejoice in the tears of Serbia - the Serbs are not gone. Serbia hadn't vanished", Vucic said from Krusedol. As he said, we can see proud people tonight, capable of defending their nation, of keeping their name, people who are baptized in the same church, who love their country and are proud of it, wherever they are. The President said that this does not mean that we cannot respond more strongly as we surely can, but we choose not to, because we have become smarter and learned from our past experience. "I am fed up with the lectures given by international and regional officials, advising us that we should not deal with this, that we should forget the destiny of the whole Krajina region, that it would be good to avoid meeting with Dodik and Zeljka Cvijanovic on a regular basis. Generally, we should take care of everything else, except taking care of the Serbian people", President of Serbia pointed out. He noted that only the Serbs accepted that some of their people had committed crimes and dealt with them, while all others worked on one thing only - how to blame the Serbs for everything. He pointed out that the "Storm" happened to the Serbian people partly because the Serbs from Serbia, Republic of Srpska and Krajina lacked unity. "It is our responsibility to ensure that this never happens to us again, that we maintain the best relations with Serb representatives wherever they live", Vucic concluded. See at: is external)