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EULEX on the ground to verify statements about the grave in the Village Piskota (Politika)

EULEX experts and staff of the Department of Forensic Medicine in Kosovo yesterday went to the field in the village Piskota, near Djakovica, to verify the information on suspicion of existence of a mass grave of Serbian civilians at the site, received from the War Crimes Prosecution of Serbia.

EULEX Spokeswoman, Dragana Nikolic Solomon, in an interview with Radio Free Europe (RFE) was unable to give a comment as the investigation is on-going. 

Arsim Gerxhaliu, from the Department of Forensic Medicine in Kosovo, confirmed the information, whose staff together with experts from EULEX is already on the ground verifying the information on possible existence of such grave in the village Piskota.

"This morning they asked for technical assistance from us. EULEX team has visited the site along with the staff of our department, "he said.

Gerxhaliu, who until recently was a member of the Government Commission for Missing Persons, said that so far there was no information regarding allegations of mass graves in Piskota.

"The exact location is not mentioned. So, I never heard about the exact location. But surely now new details arrived from the Serbian side presented to EULEX and this is perhaps the reason to go to the ground," he told RFE.

From the Association of Missing Serbs in Kosovo expressed satisfaction that, as they said, and in Kosovo, they "began to dig."

Serbian prosecutor office earlier announced that it has information on possible human remains at this location that could belong to victims of crimes committed by the KLA in the prison camp "Likovci".