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Serbs step away from leaving government (Vecernje Novosti)

Decision of Isa Mustafa to dismiss Aleksandar Jablanovic from the post of the minister for communities and return had brought into question participation of representatives of the Serbian List in the Kosovo government. Whether they will leave the government might be known already today following their talks with the Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksadar Vucic, in Belgrade.

The Minister for Local Government Administration in the Kosovo government, Ljubomir Maric, said to Novosti that all options are open and that decision of the Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa was the ‘blow to the foundations of a better life’. He further said that he doesn’t agree with Mustafa’s decision, but added that the Serbian List is not made of three persons and that final decision will be brought by all of them, in consultations with the Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic. Maric went on to say that it remains to be seen what will happen in future with Serbian institutions, when a single Jablanovic’s statement was misused despite his apology.
“It looks like that there is a force which doesn’t want the Serbian List to be part of this story,” added Maric.

Soon after Mustafa’s decision, the leader of the Progressive Democratic Party, Nenad Rasic, said that his party is ready to replace the Serbian List, if they decide to withdraw from the Kosovo government. However, the MP in the Kosovo parliament Sasa Milosavljevic opines that the ‘math’ wouldn’t be sustainable despite honoring condition that there is a Serb in the government. “Without MPs from the Serbian List, parties that have created the ruling coalition don’t have the two-thirds majority needed for certain laws,” explained Milosavljevic.