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Zoran Stankovic: Small chances for a rerun of the census (Vecernje Novosti)

President of the Government Coordination Body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, Zoran Stankovic said that the number of inhabitants will be determined in these municipalities by May 1, adding that there are legal obstacles for repeating the census.

Some of the parties from this area have called for a boycott of the last census.

He said to Novosti that the National Council of Albanians have less money than they should, because for the funds is required to have data on population.

On question whether tensions from the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina affect this part of Serbia; Stankovic said that his conclusion was that it is not the case. He cited that in last three months were organized meetings between mayors of these municipalities and four ministers, state secretaries and 90 businessmen from this area and that all questions related to local issues.  

He expects Maternity Hospital to start working as of 1 May in Presevo.

-Ministry of Health approved two gynaecologists and ten midwives to hire and thus the conditions are met to start use of the building which was completely renovated.