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Strache: Serbia must not be blackmailed with Kosovo! (Vesti)

The leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), Heinz-Christian Strache, has urged the international community to strongly condemn the events in FYROM and said that, given the growing Albanian extremism, the Kosovo issue should not be linked to the continuation of Serbia's path towards the EU.

How do you assess the current situation in FYROM, and armed conflict in Kumanovo? 

It is very disturbing and dangerous trend that should be strongly condemned. We have seen terrorist actions on the territory of the state of FYROM behind which, as assumed, is the idea of ​​a Greater Albania. European policy must clearly and strongly condemn it. In FYROM, behind the conflict are geostrategic issues. Thus, in Kosovo we have one of the biggest NATO bases and on the other side we have FYROM which doesn’t want to participate in sanctions against Russia, and which supports the construction of Russian gas pipeline that is in the interest of the entire region. It is striking that the NGOs appear whenever the conflicts occur and when there are geo-strategic interests. Similar situation is in the FYROM. In a  pro-government demonstrations participated five times more people than in demonstrations organized by the opposition.

Is the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo cause of instability in the region? 

Kosovo and Metohija declared independence contrary to the international law. I highlight it for years; as well it is necessary, in the interest of international law, to clarify the situation. It is necessary to find a solution, rather than to put pressure on Serbia to recognize the independence of Kosovo and blackmail it on the way towards the EU. This is not a good and sustainable path to peaceful development of Southeast Europe. It is necessary to find a fair solution, while respecting international law. Serbian regions in Kosovo, for example, should be given at least an autonomous status, which could contribute to reducing tensions.

Are you concerned about the growing Albanian extremism?

Current events show that the growing Albanian extremism contains great potential for conflict. It is necessary to pay attention to it, because this problem does not contribute to a peaceful and sustainable development of the region. Secure and sustainable development in South East Europe is impossible without Serbia and secure and sustainable development in Europe is not possible without Russia.


