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Jablanovic: Proclamation is an ordinary political farce that cannot succeed (Kossev)

"Prominent representatives" of the Srpska in "a joint appeal to the Serbian people" demanded the withdrawal of Aleksandar Jablanovic from all the functions in the Srpska. Recently, media in Kosovo, and Serbian media had more articles about Jablanovic's alleged corruption, nepotism and misuse of funds, as well as his alleged collusion with some senior representatives of the Kosovo government.

How do you react to a proclamation issued by the Srpska, it would be the first proclamation in which they request your withdrawal?

It's a funny situation, but on the other hand and serious, as some political representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija show lack of elementary knowledge on political happenings on the ground. The Citizens' Initiative List "Srpska" from 2013, in whose name they today have sent a proclamation, and where from they invited me to leave, is the Citizens' Initiative which I do not lead.  At the forefront of this initiative is Mr Vladeta Kostic, I head the Civil Initiative "Serbian List" which was formed in April 2014 and which I had registered with the Central Election Commission for participation in the parliamentary elections.

Has anyone talked to you beforehand? Did you know that this proclamation will be published?

Within the caucus and with me personally no one has spoken on the subject, and no one has indicated that there is some problem, and realistically there is no problem. The only problem is that I do not allow individuals to behave as they please, and act as some small dictators on the field.

What does that actually mean? Who are these "little dictators"?

So that means that I do not allow people from Strpce and Gracanica to use money from the Serbian List for what they're up to use it.

So, for what they want to use it?

Well, they always have some of their special needs, some special accounts, some campaigns and actions in which are, one of these two municipalities in every moment, and I did not agree to it.

Please give an example of what you just have said?

I was asked to cover, with the money of the Serbian lists, the costs of the election campaign for the local elections of candidates for mayor of Gracanica, Vladeta Kostic, what I did not want. Money of the Serbian list is the money that can be used exclusively for the Serbian List and exclusively when the time comes for the parliamentary elections in Kosovo and Metohija.

In the "proclamation" however this time your resignation seek and political representatives from the North, from Ljubomir Maric, to the mayors of the north - Stevan Vulovic, Goran Rakic and Vucina Jankovic. How do you comment?

Let me tell you, I have been in contact with most of these people who have signed this proclamation. They called me. They complained, but they were pressed by various blackmail and they had to do it because of these blackmail. That's the only reason they have signed this. I do not see how mayor has the right to interfere in the work of the Serbian List, which participated in the parliamentary elections, and at that point they did not participate as candidates within that list.

Do you know where from this pressure is coming? From Gracanica, let's say conditionally, or from Belgrade?

I personally think that pressure comes from Mr Branimir Stojanovic and partly from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. However, there is another question - individuals who have been placed on responsible positions within the government of Kosovo and Metohija, with their engagement have failed to respond to the challenges, with which they are confronted on those positions, and simply want to conceal their incompetence and work with no results with accusing me of something and they say that I showed the last year who I am and what I am. I am sure that I have showed in a year really who I am. Let me remind you, as Minister, I strongly attacked those Albanians, who attacked a group of Serbian returnees and believers who have tried to visit Djakovica on Christmas Eve and enter the church. That's why I was persecuted and survived mental torture, not to mention the physical, which was prevented by the police and I clearly showed who I am and what I do and that interests of Serbs are always important to me.