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Office for KiM: Loud warning about safety of Serbs (RTK2, Tanjug)

The Office for Kosovo-Metohija warned that the stoning of the bus which transported Serb pilgrims to Pec/Peja constituted a loud warning about the state of security of Serbs and Serb holy sites in Kosovo.

The bus with Serbian licence plates was stoned in Pec/Peja on Sunday, when the bus was exiting the churchyard of the Church of Saint John in Pec/Peja. Nobody was injured in the incident, but the event caused considerable damage.

"The attack, that comes at the moment when a decision should be made on the membership of the self-proclaimed Kosovo in UNESCO, constitutes another warning on what fate awaits Serb holy sites, priests and believers in case that the plan is indeed realised," states the Office for KiM.

The attack occurred less than 24 hours after the assault on a group of Serb boys in Gornje Kusce village.