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Zvečan: Trepča of strategic importance for survival of Serbs (KIM Radio)

Decisions with relation to the destiny of “Trepča” cannot be brought unilaterally without taking into account the fact that its most important capacities are located on the territories of Serb-majority municipalities, said representatives of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija and Serb-majority municipalities, which have initiated a meeting that took place in the seat of the “Trepča” Mining and Metallurgic Complex in Zvečan/Zveçan.

“Trepča”, stressed representatives of the local self-governments, as the biggest economic subject in Kosovo is of the strategic importance for survival and prosperity of Serbs. They also agreed to be united in defending their interests linked with the destiny of the company.

Participants also highlighted that apart of the mines in northern Kosovo, whose main ore body goes throughout central Serbia, mines and ore fields that are located in municipalities of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë and Gračanica/Graçanicë (Ajvalija/Hajvali and Kišnica/Kishnicë villages) are of great importance to Serbs and their political representatives. Participants also extended full support to the Serbian Government and its policy of protection and further advancing improvements of the “Trepča” company.
