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View from Čakor on greater Albania (Sputnik)

It is uncertain whether the Kosovo Assembly will ratify the agreement on demarcation singed by its government and Montenegro. Albanian extremists are threatening with the war, whereas Montenegro has sent special forces to the border line. Čakor is one of the rare crossings between Kosovo and Montenegro. Beside this one and route Peć-Kula-Rožaje there are no other crossings. Until 1999 this crossing was the shortest link between Serbia and Montenegrin coast.

Today, this crossing is a matter of harsh disputes between ‘independent Kosovo’ and Montenegro. Even though the agreement on demarcation was signed in Vienna a year ago, its ratification in the Kosovo parliament is brought into question, because the ruling coalition will hardly manage to provide a two third majority needed for ratification.

Retired general of the Yugoslav Army and former director of the Military-Security Agency, Momir Stojanović, argues that the issue of demarcation between Montenegro and Kosovo is a part of the wider context of creation of so called ‘greater Albanian state’. According to him, problem is not that much about the demarcation of the border line, instead it is an excuse for an internationalization of the Albanian agenda in Montenegro. “As it is well known, in certain municipalities, Tuzi and Ulcinj, and I would add Bar, in great deal, the birth rate of Albanians and their influx from Albania and Kosovo and Metohija is taking place, along with settling and purchasing of flats and houses. I think that in coming years Montenegro will be faced with the methodology of a special war which is recognizable in many parts of the world,” Stojanović.
