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Lawyer: Mitrovic reported by neighbour, who usurped his property (KIM Radio)

The defence lawyer of the arrested Bogdan Mitrovic, Dejan A. Vasic said to RTV KIM, that the first neighbour of Bogdan Mitrovic from the village of Sopina, who usurped his property, reported Mitrovic to the police.

Vasic, further said that this arrest is “a classic pattern of intimidation of returnees and usurpation of their properties.” He also said that arrested Mitrovice is a representative of the village, and took part in all negotiations related to return, as one of the most respected inhabitants from the village. Vasic also said it is impermissible that EULEX stays aside, given its mandate, and that investigation and proceedings are dealt by a local prosecutor and a judge.

Vasic added he would request from EULEX to take over the case.