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Systematic violation of rights of Serbs in Kosovo (KIM Radio)

Serbs in Kosovo are the only people in Europe, whose rights are systematically violated and families of murdered and kidnapped persons have the right to truth, Serbian state officials said at the Memorial Room of the Families of Missing and Kidnapped Persons, on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, KIM Radio reported. Serbian Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin said it is a day when “a great failure and a shame” of the international community in Kosovo is marked, as it neither established the rule of law for all nor  return of all expelled, regardless of their national background. Vulin further said Serbs have not returned to any big city in Kosovo, “they barely came back to some villages,” sustainability of returns “is miserably low,” and that since the arrival of the international community more than 1000 Serbs have been killed, KIM radio reported. Serbian Minister for Local Self-Governance, Branko Ruzic said it is an obligation of every righteous person in Serbia to mark the International Human Rights Day in the Memorial Room as “if we forget the past, our future regardless how bright we want it to be would be darkened,” KIM Radio reported. Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Human and Minorities Rights, Meho Omerovic said the International Human Rights Day is an opportunity to recall the fundamental human right, right to life, while destinies of thousands of missing persons still remain unclear. President of the Association of Kidnapped and Murdered Persons in Kosovo, Simo Spacic, said Serbia is the only one in the region without legally regulated rights of the families of pre-war, war and post-war victims and that his association is seeking help from the state and he thinks the state should help them. He also said the families of the murdered and kidnapped persons have the right to know the truth and the right to justice, KIM Radio reported.