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Belgrade Media Report 1 October


Vucic pleased with agreement reached in Brussels (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that the agreement reached in Brussels on license plates was “absolutely the most that could be accomplished” and that it represented a good result for Serbia, although he also defined some negative aspects of the agreement. Speaking at a news conference in Nis, Vucic said that he was pleased with the invested effort and with what was accomplished, noting that Belgrade had reacted responsibly and wisely and showed that it would always stand by its people. “The authorities in Belgrade made it clear to international officials and NATO that, if security was undermined and KFOR did not do its job in keeping with its mandate, we would be ready and able to protect our people,” he said.

Commenting on the possible flaws of the agreement, Vucic said that one of them was that a solution, probably more difficult, would have to be reached in the upcoming period, and that, practically, the license plates issued by Serbian organs would only be used in the north of Kosovo. On the other hand, Vucic said that the agreement resulted in a situation that was better than ten years ago, and that it remained to be seen how the negotiations would proceed in the coming period.

Vucic: No one could give me such a compliment as Albin Kurti did (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that no one could give him such a compliment as Albin Kurti did. Namely, Prime Minister of Kosovo said that an independent Kosovo has a problem with one man, and that is Aleksandar Vucic. When asked to comment on Kurti's statement, Vucic said that all of Kurti's nervousness could be seen yesterday. He assessed that Kurti failed with the attempt to remove the license plates, and that, as he says, it is not all in one move and that he must think long-term. "You can say I want a successful economy, but I don't like having peace and stability. You can't. You have to take care of everything, monetary policy, stability, you have to respect agreements, to be correct," Vucic said. He pointed out that unilateral acts do not bring anything good. "I hope that this is a good lesson for Pristina as well," said Vucic, adding that he was worried about the case of Ivan Todosijevic, who, by the way, received an invitation to serve his sentence due to his statement about Racak. However, he also pointed out that the document on de-escalation is also important when it comes to Todosijevic and the Community of Serb Municipalities, stating that many important things for Serbia arise from it.

Petkovic: There is no free lunch in Brussels, important that we have a good agreement (RTS)

The most important thing with the agreement reached yesterday is the departure of ROSU, the arrival of KFOR and that the plates for our people living in the north of Kosovo and Metohija will no longer be removed, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). He says that he is satisfied with the agreement, having in mind how difficult the situation is, and that is confirmed by the echo from the field. “Our Serb people, together with President Vucic and the team in Brussels, defended peace and the right to freedom of movement,” Petkovic said.

He emphasizes that the agreement that was agreed is better than the one from 2011, which was referred to from Pristina. “Kurti refers to the agreement from 2011, but on the basis of this agreement, that agreement does not exist, what was agreed in 2016 will be applied, so there is no more reciprocity. This means that what was agreed by the Brussels agreement will be discussed, primarily the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and it was clearly stated that in the case of Ivan Todosijevic, the Brussels agreement was violated in point 10 and the presence of Serb judges. Our position that we did not give up is precisely the ZSO, there is no free lunch in Brussels, we had to fight for this,” Petkovic pointed out. Petkovic also talked in Brussels with the new US Special Envoy Gabriel Escobar. “He is a very experienced diplomat and I am grateful that on the first day he denied Bislimi that something had been agreed in Brussels, trying to put additional pressure on Belgrade. During the two days I did not see Bislimi and thus we showed that there were no direct talks with Pristina while ROSU is on the ground,” he emphasized. ROSU’s withdrawal starts 24 hours prior the implementation of the agreement, because ROSU has no business in the north of Kosovo, Petkovic notes, adding that KFOR is expected to arrive before that. “The most important thing that our people got with this agreement is that ROSU leaves, KFOR comes, which strengthens Resolution 1244, there is no removal of license plates and what is especially important for our people who have KM plates is that they will not be removed, which is important for the freedom of movement,” Petkovic said. “We measured every word and it is important that we have a good agreement,” Petkovic told RTS.

EU welcomes agreement to solve crisis in north of Kosovo (Beta/RTS/RTV/Tanjug)

The EU welcomed on Thursday the agreement on solving the crisis in northern Kosovo, reached in Brussels on Thursday, and urged the two sides to implement all the earlier reached agreements and continue the dialogue aimed at the normalization of relations. “The EU welcomes the outcome of today’s discussion and urges both parties to constructively engage in the Dialogue in order to make swift progress on comprehensive normalization of their relations,” stated the European External Action Service (EEAS). The statement reads that, during the negotiations, the EU “took note” of Belgrade’s concerns over the non-implementation of the agreement on the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities, and the lack of a Kosovo Serb majority panel at the Court of Appeals in a recent case. “The EU as the facilitator will address outstanding issues arising from the 'Brussels Agreement' with both parties,” said the statement and added that this would be a priority in one of the next chief negotiators’ meetings before the end of the year.

NATO welcomes agreement to de-escalate situation in Kosovo (N1/RTS/Tanjug)

NATO spokesperson Oana Lungescu said the Alliance welcomes the agreement reached by negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina to de-escalate the situation in the north of Kosovo.

“We welcome the agreement on de-escalation and the way forward in northern Kosovo reached between Belgrade and Pristina, under the auspices of the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue. The NATO-led KFOR mission will play a fundamental role to ensure its effective implementation, in accordance with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 mandating KFOR to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo,” she is quoted as saying in a press release. “NATO continues to firmly support the EU-facilitated Dialogue and other efforts aimed at the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. This is the only path towards achieving a lasting political agreement for the region and it is key to stability across the region,” she said.

Lungescu recalled that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and that Stoltenberg will meet with EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak at NATO Headquarters on Friday.

Escobar: More work remains in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta)

US deputy assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs Gabriel Escobar stated in Brussels on Thursday that a lot of work still remained in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, but that he expected to see great progress in the forthcoming year. After the negotiating teams of Belgrade and Pristina reached an agreement in Brussels on the de-escalation of tensions in the north of Kosovo, mediated by Escobar and the EU, the US diplomat told reporters that he was proud that both sides had shown dedication to finding a solution. “The idea was to reach the agreement on de-escalation immediately in Brussels, and then seek a sustainable solution later. The outcome of the negotiations is a great success,” said Escobar. Escobar repeatedly underscored the role of the EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak in reaching the agreement, saying that he had “worked very hard” in order for the two sides to reach a solution. He reiterated that the US fully supported the EU-mediated dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo and expressed optimism regarding the continuing of that process.

Escobar: The Washington agreement is important to us (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)

US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar says that the Washington agreement in regard to Kosovo and Metohija is very important to the American side, primarily because of the “moratorium on lobbying for recognition, i.e. for withdrawing recognition of independence”.

Escobar spoke about the Washington agreement at an audio conference, and answering Tanjug’s question whether further dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina makes sense without resolving the issue of forming the ZSO and whether Serbia can expect further surprises from Pristina, i.e. whether the Washington agreement is still valid as far as the Gazivode reservoir is concerned.

He also pointed out that the agreement could give space for dialogue to resolve numerous issues within it. “I see it as a regional strategy, because more and more attention is being paid to the issue of energy. There is more and more interest in sustainable solutions in energy and Gazivode can be a part of that solution. So Gazivode is in our minds very much so,” said Escobar.

Moscow accuses Kosovo authorities of violating 2016 agreement (Beta)

Moscow accused the Kosovo authorities on Thursday of “brutally and cynically” violating the obligations pertaining to the freedom of movement on the administrative crossing between Kosovo and Serbia. The deputy spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexey Zaytsev stated at a regular news conference that the agreement of 14 September 2016, defined that Kosovo would extend the validity of vehicle license plates by five years, after which the sides were to reconsider the issue, with EU mediation if necessary. In his words, it is clear that the reconsidering should have taken place at a negotiation table, with the participation of the signatories. Instead, the Pristina authorities deployed special forces, attempting to impose a solution that suited them, Zaytsev said. “Thus, we see a direct, brutal and cynical violation of the Kosovo Albanians’ obligations in conditions of an unfinished legal process that should solve the freedom of movement problem,” he added.

Mortal remains of Albanians exhumed in Serbia handed over at Merdare (RTS)

The mortal remains of seven people from the mass grave in Kizevak in Serbia proper were handed over on Thursday to the families and the Pristina delegation at the administrative checkpoint Merdare, the media in Pristina report. The remains were handed over by representatives of the Belgrade delegation of the Working Group for Missing Persons.

“These are seven new identifications of mortal remains in Rezala and two cases with remains exhumed many years ago from a mass grave in Rudnica,” the reports state. Family members, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and representatives of the Pristina authorities, led by Albin Kurti, paid their respects to the remains of the victims from Rezal.



EC President visits B&H, meets all three members of B&H Presidency (Hayat


President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula Von der Leyen paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday. She met members of the B&H Presidency in Sarajevo on Thursday afternoon. Hayat noted that member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik also came to this meeting although he still officially does not take part in work of state institutions. Members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic said that there were no concrete conclusions at this meeting, adding that there were constructive proposals and ideas. The officials said that they discussed issues related to the European path of B&H, progress of B&H on the EU path, but there was no talk on blockades of institutions coming from Dodik.

Ursula von der Leyen stated that as other countries of the region, B&H is welcomed to the EU integration and added that previous criticism that the EU and the EC forgot this area are untrue. Hayat noted that Ursula Von der Leyen sent clear messages by saying that B&H must work and meet all reforms on the EU path and the two members of the B&H Presidency Dzaferovic and Komsic agreed and said that now, everything is up to B&H and its leadership and how they will agree. Addressing media, Komsic said that regardless of everything that is going on in the EU, in the Western Balkans and in B&H, he finds that it is very important to maintain the idea and to work on the 14 priorities of the EC. Komsic added: “We need this for us; this means a better state, a more organized state.” Addressing media, Dzaferovic said that they did not discuss the current blockade of institutions in B&H adding that Ursula Von der Leyen certainly knows that it is present and they expect from B&H to unblock the institutions and begin working. According to Hayat, there was also talk about the joint economic market and how the EC, i.e. the EU will offer constant help to B&H and to all other countries of the region in this matter. Dzaferovic and Komsic noted that it was a surprise to hear Dodik saying for the first time that he agrees to urgently launch reforms on the EU path as this was not what he was saying in the previous period. Dodik requested the candidate status for B&H and alleviation of the 14 requirements. “I requested from the EC President that the said principles are redesigned and alleviated, and that candidate status is granted to B&H as soon as possible, and that it would be the measure that would make the relation of the EU towards B&H visible, which they want so much, love so much and help it so much,” said Dodik. He added that economic issues were also discussed: “The EU has prepared investment package for the Western Balkans. Already several months ago, the projects were determined in B&H that should be financed from the funds of the package. One of those projects is construction of the highway from Doboj to Vukosavlje, so that it does not happen that she opens the bridge in Svilaj, which is not reached by any highway” said Dodik. Dodik told the press in Istocno Sarajevo that politicians from the RS are not the ones who block state-level institutions, adding that European perspective of B&H is questionable. “With all the problems, Europe obviously does not have potential to make changes on that plan and this is why 14 priorities that are non-implementable in B&H were set in the first place. I asked the EC President for these principles to be redesigned and made easier, as well as to grant B&H the candidate status as soon as possible,” Dodik stated.

Escobar warns Dodik that threats of secession lead to isolation; Dodik: If they continue to threaten, then we will not talk (FTV


US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar talked to Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) on Thursday. According to a Tweeter post by the US Embassy to B&H after the talks, Escobar spoke with Dodik to convey the US position that threats of secession and rolling back reforms to state level institutions are anti-Dayton and offer the RS citizens nothing but isolation and economic despair. Addressing the press conference in Istocno Sarajevo on Thursday evening, Dodik stated: “We do not have any plan and no one has made a plan of moving towards that. We move towards the Dayton provisions and international agreement. Our announcements that we will withdraw our consent to the agreement on army, indirect taxes and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H represent return to the original Dayton – not territorial redrawing of B&H as some want to present it”. Dodik said: “Mr. Escobar claimed that there are already-prepared sanctions and I responded in my style. I think that the public does not deserve to hear what I told him (…) To stop threatening. If they continue to threaten, then we will not talk. He said that he is not threatening and this is a fact which means that they threaten with facts. Therefore, some old practices…I know this good man Gabe for a long time ago (…) Surely, he also changed.” Dodik also said that the conversation with Escobar was difficult for both sides. Dodik pointed out that the issue of the RS secession arises by itself. Dodik was quoted as saying: “It is impossible to make an agreement in B&H, but we respect the DPA”. Dodik said they also touched upon several topics, which Escobar, insisted on – and that was connected to stabilization of the political situation in B&H. “Allegedly, so that the institutions at the level of B&H could be unblocked, and of course to stop with a type of rhetoric that he believes is problematic. In any case, what I told him was that B&H has been living, for a long time, in conditions of non-law, and the last introduction of a High Representative, in the way it was done, was an illegal decision, and is not in line with Annex 10 of the Dayton Agreement,” Dodik told a press conference. Dodik said for the media Escobar supports the Open Balkan initiative. “During the discussion, we absolutely agreed that the Open Balkan represents a good initiative for economic movements and new investments in this region, and that the said initiative, as for me, can be supported, because I could hear from Mr. Escobar he is making personal efforts for the initiative to succeed,” said Dodik. Prior to the talk with Dodik, Escobar held an online briefing for media from Western Balkan region. He expressed hope that the EU and its members are aware of the strategic significance of the Western Balkan region. He also underlined that USA will support fight against corruption in the region, but he did not mention B&H directly.

Sarovic and Borenovic will not attend Friday’s meeting called by RS President Cvijanovic (BHT1


Leaders of SDS and PDP, Mirko Sarovic and Branislav Borenovic respectively, said they would not respond to the invitation of RS President, Zeljka Cvijanovic, for a meeting she called due to the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H regarding the Law on Forests of the RS. The meeting will be held on Friday, and all representatives of RS institutions and leaders of parliamentary parties were called to attend it. Borenovic told reporters that they do not see the point of coming to this meeting, as they only serve as “decorations” at these meetings, and their voices and opinions are not heard. He emphasized that they cannot trust any agreement made with SNSD, as this party and its members violated previous agreements many times. “The only place where the opposition can confront its opinions with the opinions of the ruling regime is the parliament of the RS and the local parliaments,” Borenovic concluded. Sarovic agrees with this, saying the opposition will ask for all representatives to have equal rights for discussion, and not for the ruling majority representatives to speak longer than the opposition. “We will gladly discuss any topic at the RS parliament,” Sarovic stated. Cvijanovic dismissed Sarovic’s claim that he did not received an invitation, and stated that she sent invitations to all parliamentary parties including SDS. Commenting the fact that the opposition parties announced that they will not attend the meeting, Cvijanovic said that it was her job to invite all parties, and it is up to each party to decide if they want to attend the meeting or not.

Schmidt says he supports electoral reform that will bring B&H closer to EU (O Kanal


High Representative Christian Schmidt told Reuters on Thursday that he supports the electoral reform that will bring B&H closer to the EU, expressing hope that an agreement on this issue will be reached ahead of the 2022 general elections. He reminded that the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), such as the ruling in the Sejdic-Finci case, have not been implemented, stressing that this needs to be changed. Schmidt said that it would be good if the change to the Law on Elections would happen on time, before the October 2022 elections. In this context HR Schmidt said that judgments of the European Court of Human Rights have not been implemented, which has to change. The HR also commented on complains of the Croats in B&H according to which the (election) law does not guarantee equal representation for all three constituent peoples. Namely, Schmidt referred to the Dayton agreement, which created two entities. “The Dayton agreement clearly says there is no third entity and that is the basis for my work” added the HR. Schmidt also called on the EU leaders, prior to the EU summit in Slovenia on October 6, to send an encouraging message to the Western Balkans countries. “The summit must send a clear message that Europe is interested in the European Balkans,” said Schmidt.

Palmer holds talks on electoral reform with leaders of political parties in B&H (O Kanal


US Special Envoy on Electoral Reform in B&H Matthew Palmer arrived in Sarajevo on Wednesday to help advance B&H's electoral reform efforts. He first met with representatives of the Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec and Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EUSR Johann Sattler, to focus attention on the imperative of improving the integrity and transparency of B&H’s election system. According to the US Embassy to B&H’s Twitter post, the equality of each citizen’s vote, and their right to stand for office are at the heart of democracy and the key opportunity to be seized by B&H this year. Palmer held talks with leaders of political parties in B&H on Thursday. Commenting on the issue, judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg Faris Vehabovic said that the ECHR rulings demand that ethnic prefix is not favored in any way, but that everyone has the same right in the election process. SBB B&H issued a press release, which reads that SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic on Thursday morning attended working breakfast with US Palmer and US Ambassador Eric Nelson. The statement reads that this is one in series of the talks senior US officials will hold on Thursday and Friday with B&H leaders with regards to changes to the Election Law and stabilization of the political situation in B&H. Palmer also met with B&H MP from ‘Our Party’ (NS) Predrag Kojovic and DF leader Zeljko Komsic. Commenting on Palmer’s approach to negotiations on the electoral reform in B&H, Komsic told reporters that Palmer’s approach is that “everyone is equally dissatisfied in this process, which is too demanding”. He stressed that all representatives of the international community express their support when they advocate certain approach but they still expect B&H politicians to do all the work, concluding that it does not work that way. Palmer held a number of meetings on Thursday with political parties' leaders, including SDP, SDA and SBB, and it is expected that Palmers holds meetings on Friday with HDZ B&H and other political parties, aimed at reaching a compromise between proposed models in regard to B&H Election Law. N1 reports that Palmer's statement prior to coming to B&H, in regard to elimination of ethnic prefix as one of the potential solutions, has sparked many reactions. Commenting on the issue, Komsic said for the media: “His negotiating approach is, to say, to make everyone equally dissatisfied in this process. I think it is a little bit too demanding. If you truly advocate specific approach, you should support it publicly. You should say it is desirable at the moment that you do that in B&H to make step forward”. N1 reports that Plenkovic also briefly commented on the issue. “We want that the letter, the spirit, political environment that existed in the Dayton are simply brought back to the original setup. Our position is to correct an anomaly that is bad. I openly say it. It is not good that one constituent people, i.e. Croats, does not feel well, and does not feel represented. We cannot say that the right of every individual is guaranteed, and then that what was agreed in the circumstances after the aggression here is not respected. It is not good for the future of B&H, and I am saying this as a friend,” said Plenkovic. RTRS reports that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said the ethnic prefix is an integral part of the DPA and the B&H Constitution, due to which Palmer’s proposal is unacceptable. “Serb, Croat and Bosniak will be elected in the B&H Presidency, and that will happen, whether they like it or not, or the current Election Law will remain, that will again lead to other problems in B&H, because Croat people is outvoted,” said Dodik. SDA Vice President Adil Osmanovic said: “We are not ready to support in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), to comprise separate lists, or Bosniaks on one list, Croats on another, or Serbs and the Others also on the separate lists. It is something absolutely unacceptable”. Commenting on the election of the B&H Presidency members in the B&H Parliament, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that the idea of direct election of the Serb B&H Presidency member and election of the members of the B&H Presidency from the FB&H in the B&H parliament is acceptable for the RS, noting “they would have the same competences”. RTRS reminds that Palmer stressed the solution would be impossible without a compromise among the equal peoples. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic. This meeting occurred two days after Palmer proposed removal of ethnic prefixes concerning election of members of B&H Presidency and election of delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). Covic said that this proposal should not be negotiated. Plenkovic also stated that Croatia will help B&H concerning its EU path, adding that voice of Croats need to be heard on this path. Covic said that the issue cannot be negotiated, because “it is a minimum provided for in the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)”. Covic also stated that rational organization of the state can be discussed, but that the issue on ensuring equal rights for the three peoples in B&H is off the topic. Plenkovic said that Croatia advocates equality of the Croat people in B&H and that the letter, spirit and the political agreement that existed in Dayton is restored. According to Plenkovic, it is not good that Croats do not feel good and not represented, stressing that one should imaging a situation in which Croats elect member of the Presidency of B&H to the Bosniaks or to the Serbs. “Would they be happy and satisfied? I suppose they would not,” said Plenkovic.

Izetbegovic: Palmer did not come up with any new proposals re electoral reform but he expects that HDZ B&H and SDA leaders find solution, this is not how it goes (FTV

Speaker of the House of People (HoP) of B&H and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, speaking about his meeting with US Special Envoy on Electoral Reform in B&H Matthew Palmer, confirmed that he had a working dinner with Palmer and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson on Wednesday evening, and they discussed the current situation in B&H and the need to adopt the amendments to the Election Law of B&H, i.e. the necessary constitutional changes that would lead to electoral law amendments. According to Izetbegovic, Palmer did not come up with any new proposals but he expects that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and the SDA leader find a solution, so he told Palmer and Nelson that this is not how it goes and that any solution coming from Covic and himself – even if it is an ideal one – will not be accepted because it ignores the position of other political parties in B&H. Izetbegovic stressed that all interested parties and experts need to be engaged in the process of amending the Election Law of B&H, noting that he reached agreement with Palmer to extend the negotiations in order to include parliamentary parties’ leaders. Asked to comment if it is possible to implement the principle of limited constitutional changes advocated by the US administration with regard to ethnical prefixes for election at B&H Presidency members and the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), Izetbegovic said that such a solution is implementable in case that Serb political parties, HDZ B&H and left-wing parties approve it or in case that all of them find their interests in this solution. Ask to say which model of electoral reform would be acceptable for SDA, Izetbegovic stated that Fuele’s model had a goal to give a possibility to everyone to elect and be elected, through direct election. He reminded that DF leader Zeljko Komsic and he have a deal that they will jointly represent solutions that are result of a joint agreement, adding that he will try to persuade Komsic that the model of direct election is better because if indirect election is left to leaders of SNSD or HDZ B&H – there will be problems with formation of B&H Presidency as they will be able to halt it. He stressed that SDP for instance advocates the same model. According to Izetbegovic, he would be glad if the High Representative (HR) imposes parts of the electoral reform that refer to transparency and integrity of the election process, but that his interfering in other parts without will of political parties is unacceptable. Asked about topics of his recent meeting with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Croatian officials, Izetbegovic stated that leaders in Croatia only see the situation regarding the Election Law of B&H through prism of HDZ B&H and their rejection of Zeljko Komsic as the Croat member of B&H Presidency. He said that he tried to persuade them that the Croats have many more functions at the state level and the FB&H level compared to what the constitution guarantees. He stressed that the meeting with Milanovic was organized by former Croatian President Stjepan Mesic with an aim to unofficially talk about improvement of relations between the two countries and Croats and Bosniaks, which he gladly accepted. Commenting on the recent conference in Slovenia on strengthening the role of parliaments in the Western Balkans where he was one of the participants, Izetbegovic said that participants in the conference jointly conveyed a message asking the EU to create a concrete dynamic plan on the integration process for the Balkans as a whole and for each of the Western Balkan countries individually, and that they also concluded that countries of the region will tend to improve regional cooperation in several fields.

Weber: Erasing of ethnic prefixes for election of members of B&H Presidency does not represent a true reform that B&H needs (Dnevni avaz


Speaking for the daily, Senior Associate of Democratization Policy Council (DPC), Bodo Weber said that ethno-national leaders in B&H will not accept the reform of the election legislation in parts referring to transparency of the election process, except in a package of “a dirty deal”. He noted that it is unclear whether Matthew Palmer’s post is permanent or temporary, adding that he is continuing the negotiation politics which he started during the mandate of Donald Trump. Weber further noted that erasing of ethnic prefixes for election of members of B&H Presidency does not present a true reform that B&H needs. “This is a so called ‘Fuele model’ which seemingly implements the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in case Sejdic- Finci, but in fact it aims to secure the status of ‘constituent parties’ through mathematics” said Weber. He argues that B&H need essential solution in election legislation and the focus should be on issue of technical reforms in order to secure integrity of election process and prevent election thefts. Weber noted that ethnic leaders are very content with the existing possibilities of election frauds which the current election legislation enables. “They would agree to reforms only as part of package of “a dirty deal” which would fulfill their nationalistic agendas,” said Weber. Commenting the elections in Germany, Weber said that besides the fight for the coalitions, there will be a fight regarding the continuity of support to idea of EU enlargement to the Western Balkans.


Von der Leyen opens Svilaj bridge between Bosnia and Croatia (N1

European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen opened the Svilaj bridge connecting the Bosnian with Croatian shore of the River Svilaj on Thursday, in the presence of delegations from both countries, including EMP Zeljana Zovko, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and his B&H counterpart Zoran Tegeltija. “The essence is in connecting and building bridges between peoples, countries and cultures. That is crucial for all of us. B&H and the entire Western Balkans belong in the European Union. Our common priorities for the future are clear. It is currently the fight against Covid and vaccinations. We have to dedicate ourselves to the economic development of our countries,” said Von der Leyen. “I hope that B&H will soon become part of the digital platform, which is the name behind easier travel and movement for B&H. Please take make use of that. As far as the economic recovery is concerned, we have invested additional funds for an accelerated recovery. We have provided €3.3 billion to support our partners in the Western Balkans, of which some €190 million is for B&H in the fight against the pandemic. We must now work on building a common future. I believe that all B&H citizens, especially the young people, deserve a greener, more prosperous and digital future. More jobs are needed. And that is the backbone of the engagement. We have foreseen €9 million for the Western Balkans, but we also need your engagement there,” said the President of the EC.

Speaking about the opening of the bridge and crossing, she said it symbolizes all of the above – easier movement for a better future. She stressed that it is clear that the region must build the most important bridge – the bridge of reconciliation and trust. “I hope you will reach that bridge. It is our debt to the victims of the past. We owe it to future generations to make that dream a reality. Leaders must have the interests of citizens in their agendas. Reforms are needed. I assure you, we are ready to go through every step together with you as friends and partners,” Von der Leyen noted. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that the bridge symbolizes the values that connect us – community, responsibility, trust, mutual respect and the desire to communicate without obstacles so that people, goods and services can move without restrictions. “It is just one of the bridges connecting B&H and the Republic of Croatia. The bridge near Gradiska will be opened next year. By strengthening infrastructural connections, we connect our peoples, economies and exchanges. We want to take this opportunity to strengthen relations with B&H. We have a thousand-kilometer-long border that doesn’t separate but connects us. I said that Croatia will not raise any wire towards B&H because we know how important it is to be connected. This does not mean that we will not cooperate together in the field of illegal migration and all other areas said Plenkovic. The Chairman of B&H’s Council of Ministers Zoran Tegeltija said this is a very important investment project for both countries. “We have shown that we have enough knowledge, skills and courage to jointly design, build and finance such an important project. It is important not only for our two countries but for all the countries that rely on the Pan-European Road and Corridor 5c. There is a huge desire to connect the citizens of B&H and the Republic of Croatia on both sides of the Sava River. We waited a long time for the construction, but we never thought of giving up. The desire to connect is much greater than steel and concrete. This bridge will be one of the strongest symbols of the connection of our two countries,” said Tegletija.


The EU to be more actively involved in resolving the crisis in Montenegro (RTCG

Professor Gordana Djurovic assessed the visit of EC President Ursula Von Der Leyen to the Western Balkans was a success. Djurovic expects the EU to become more actively involved in resolving the political crisis in Montenegro. She also believes that early elections or some major government reshuffle from the aspect of administration would slow us down on the road to the EU.  She points out that Montenegro has replaced 69 percent of the staff in the political turmoil, instead of 30 percent, which is the EU standard.  "I think that her visit was successful. Everywhere she made nuanced messages towards the specific country that refers to each of them individually, and I think that she has a positive function in the system of European institutions in this mandate" Djurovic said. She considers it important that both sides show optimism, as the EC president has shown. "And that is- We want you in Europe, continue to fulfill the reform tasks," Djurovic said. She added that dialogue is Von der Leyen's main message to every country.

September goes by, but brings no census law: Is DF to overthrow Govt. as promised by Radunovic and Knezevic? (CdM

If the proposed law on the census is not discussed in parliament in September and is not on the Parliament agenda, the Democratic Front (DF) will overthrow the government. That is what the president of the DF caucus Slaven Radunovic said on 30 August, addressing PM Zdravko Krivokapic directly in front of the Parliament. One of the DF leaders Milan Knezevic said at the time that Krivokapic’s way of governing led to the abyss. “If there is no census law, we will overthrow the government, even if St. Peter formed it,” Knezevic said. September has gone by, the law hasn’t been adopted, the DF said things and denied them, Zdravko has remained in his position, the government has not fallen, and negotiations on the entry of politicians into the government will begin tomorrow. We believe that political promises in Montenegro mean nothing to anyone anymore. The government headed by Krivokapic promised Luxembourg and Switzerland, the highest average salaries of €700, the minimum wage of €460, while in the meantime they distributed three liters of oil to the most vulnerable ones. Prices are skyrocketing, the number of unemployed has risen dramatically. It will be better, the government says, but next year. Djurovic expects the EU to be more actively involved in resolving the political crisis in Montenegro. "We are living through a political crisis and the EU is expected to be more actively involved. The challenge for Montenegro is to have a common platform, for the left and right and the center to have one set of political goals that they can see as common and move on," Djurovic said, adding that the mission of the European institutions, primarily the OSCE, would be valuable at this time.


Greece disagrees with Bulgaria’s veto against Macedonia (Republika

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that he does not agree with the Bulgarian veto of Macedonia’s EU accession, and that the process of admitting the Balkans to the EU should be sped up. We agreed that the integration process of the Western Balkans should be integrated quicker, so that it doesn’t turn into new hotbed of problems, Mitsotakis said after a meeting with the Slovak Prime Minister. Greece lifted its long-standing veto of Macedonia after the imposed Prespa Treaty, but their role was picked up by Bulgaria.

Kyuchyuk: There is still time to reach agreement between Macedonia and Bulgaria before the end of the year (Republika

Bulgarian member of the European Parliament Ilhan Kyuchyuk, who is the rapporteur for Macedonia, said that he expects an agreement between the two countries that would be comprehensive and legally binding. There is still time until the end of the year for positive development, but both countries need to show political leadership and determination, Kyuchyuk said. Bulgaria demands a new list of concessions from Macedonia, and wants a stricter framework for their implementation, as it believes that PM Zoran Zaev is not implementing the 2017 treaty he signed with Boyko Borisov.


Kosovo-Serbia license plate agreement / Minister Xhaçka: Continuation of dialogue helps cooperation (Radio Tirana)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka welcomed the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia, in Brussels, on the reciprocity of license plates. Through a note on Twitter, Xhacka writes that the continuation of the dialogue is the only way out, in the spirit of cooperation. "Albania welcomes the agreement reached today in Brussels between Kosovo and Serbia. The continuation of the dialogue is the only way forward, in the spirit of cooperation to which Albania is irreversibly committed in its bilateral and multilateral efforts," writes Xhacka.

CEC receives OSCE delegation to discuss 25 April polls' findings (ADN)


Head of the Central Elections Commission (CEC), Ilirjan Celibashi has received Thursday at the institution’s headquarters the CEC Delegation of the OSCE / ODIHR Election Observation Mission of the 25 April 2021 elections, headed by Ambassador Urszula Gacek. In the gathering, discussions on the findings and recommendations of the final OSCE-ODIHR report on the 25 April elections, were held, so as to identify areas for further cooperation. Comissioner Celibashi expressed his gratitude to Ambassador Urszula Gacek for the realistic OSCE-ODIHR assessments of the CEC activity during the elections and wrote on social media that the recommendations will serve as a reference point for further improvement of the CEC activity.

“We welcomed today at CEC the Delegation of the OSCE/ ODIHR Election Observation Mission of the 25 April 2021 elections, headed by Ambassador Urszula Gacek. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the findings and recommendations of the final OSCE-ODIHR report on the 25 April elections, to identify areas for further co-operation. On behalf of the Central Election Commission, I express my gratitude to Ambassador Gacek for the realistic assessments of the OSCE / ODIHR on the activity of the CEC. I emphasized that the recommendations will serve as a reference point for further improving the activity of the CEC in addressing the concerns raised in the report. Ambassador Gacek, for her part, assessed that the findings reflected in the report on the activity of the CEC, can help the CEC and other actors to take other specific steps to improve future electoral processes,” as announced by the State Election Commissioner.

EU calls for consolidation of Albania’s Justice reform (ADN)


Ambassador of the EU to Tirana Luigi Soreca has underlined Thursday that Albania’s Justice Reform must be made stronger and more solid, while noting that efficiency of courts and independence of magistrates are the key goals. This appeal by Ambassador Soreca came after he met with the new Minister of Justice Ulsi Manja, with whom he talked about the role of the vetting institutions and of the School of Magistrates. “Today I met the newly appointed Minister of Justice, Mr. Ulsi Manja. Justice Reform must be now consolidated, and efficiency of courts and independence of magistrates are the key goals. We discussed the role of the vetting institutions and of the School of Magistratesas well as the ongoing work on the judicial map. The reform of the justice system continues with the EU support,” tweeted the EU Ambassador.