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Belgrade Media Report 5 October


Serbia, Malta interested in strengthening overall relations (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic and his Maltese counterpart Evarist Bartolo agreed in Belgrade on Monday that it is necessary to deepen relations between the two countries in all fields. Speaking at a joint press conference with Bartolo, Selakovic said that an agreement was reached to open a Serbian consular office in Valletta by the end of October, with a permanent presence of the consul, which has not been the case so far. He recalled that the last exchange of official visits between Serbia and Malta took place 11 years ago and added that one of the conclusions of today’s meeting is that it is necessary to intensify visits at the ministerial level. Selakovic stated that Serbia is interested in strengthening overall ties with Malta, noting that more than 5,000 Serbs live on Malta and that the relations between the two peoples are much better than official relations. He especially thanked Malta on the firm and principled support to the EU enlargement policy and for its support to Serbia’s opening of all negotiation chapters it is ready for. The topics of the meeting were the improvement of bilateral relations and cooperation at the multilateral level, migrations and the situation in the region. Selakovic said that he also spoke with Bartolo about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, adding that the positions of Serbia and Malta differ on that issue, but that the two countries can speak about it. The economic trade cooperation was also discussed, which is at a low level. The two ministers agreed to organize a business forum so that the two business communities could see what the potentials for cooperation are, which have been underused until now. Bartolo said that Malta and Serbia have a common history, but what is more important, a common future. He underlined that Malta strongly supports the integration of Serbia and the Western Balkans into the EU.  He noted that the countries of the Western Balkans also contribute to the process of European integration, such as through the Open Balkans initiative.

21st Belgrade Economic Forum opens (Tanjug/RTV)

The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) can help accelerate Serbia’s transition to digitalization, which is crucial for attracting foreign investment in the future, FIC President Mike Michel said at the opening of the 21st Belgrade Economic Forum on Monday. He said that post-COVID-19 global investments would reach 3.23 trillion Dollars and that countries keeping up with digitalization could count on attracting a part of the amount. Michel said foreign companies had invested over 36 billion Euros in Serbia to date and that the country had received 83 percent of all foreign investments in the region. He praised Serbian government measures aimed at helping businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. Michel said EU integration must be Serbia’s key corridor and that the country must have a predictable, less bureaucratic business environment in order to boost foreign investment. Symeon Tsomokos, director of the Greek company TGI International - the organizer of the forum - said the Balkans had always been of interest to Europe but that, given the problems facing the EU, there was a question of how close southeastern Europe was to joining the bloc. He said Serbia's progress in agriculture and major infrastructure projects that had transformed Belgrade into the region's cosmopolitan hub were being watched closely, and added that he hoped the trend would spill over into other parts of the country. Held under the patronage of FIC, the Belgrade Economic Forum is organized in collaboration with VISA.

Selakovic: Serbia has a moving target on its EU path (RTS/Beta)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Monday that Belgrade expected the EU to value the results Serbia has achieved in the EU integration process more highly. “We expect our activities on the European path to be valued properly. We want to see higher estimation of what we have done so far,” Selakovic said at the 21st Belgrade Economic Forum. Taking part in a panel discussion titled “Changing Balance of Powers in South Europe”, Selakovic said it was important for the EU to understand that Serbia was not in the same circumstances central European countries, Cyprus and Malta had been in while negotiating EU membership. “Those countries had precise conditions and an exact date for admission into the EU, while in our case there is no final list of conditions, but a moving target. When we meet one condition, we get a new one, and ultimately we have no clear date for entry into the EU,” Selakovic said. Maltese Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo said in the same panel discussion that the integration of South Europe, i.e. the West Balkans, into the EU was not only in the interest of those countries, but in the interest of the Union as well. Bartolo said the EU should set an exact date for admitting West Balkan nations into membership, instead of continually pushing it back.

Dacic: We pay great significance to relations with B&H (Politika)

High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt met speaker of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic in Belgrade on Monday. The two of them exchanged views about the current political situation in the region with emphasis to progress of the countries on the EU path. Dacic said that for Serbia, the relation towards B&H is significant as an important neighbor and foreign-policy partner. Dacic added that Serbia respects the territorial integrity of B&H.

Support to Open Balkans (Novosti)

At the opening of the 21st Belgrade Economic Forum, HR in B&H Christian Schmidt has supported the Open Balkans initiative. Schmidt said that regional cooperation is necessary, and everyone needs to participate in this regional project, noting the identity should be kept, but there should be an agreement to overcome economic obstacles. “I have heard that people are talking about the Open Balkans initiative as something that was started by Serbs. So what? The question is not who started what, but what I can get as economic advantage out of it,” said Schmidt. Schmidt said that better connection is a good preparation for international competition that is ahead of the countries in the region. President Aleksandar Vucic has a lot of maps that represent the basis for development of infrastructure, and yes, I also support Vucic’s idea for infrastructural support to better connection of the region,” said Schmidt. Schmidt reminded that the Open Balkans initiative is supported by Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania, but other countries in the Balkans should join it. “We need to work not only to fulfill our narratives, looking only at our electoral body, but to see that some things must be done together, and that is an issue in B&H. In B&H, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has requested electronic signature in the banking sector, and we did not succeed, because there is reservation among the politicians,” said Schmidt. Schmidt reminded of over 60,000 highly qualified people have left B&H who need to be provided conditions to stay in their country. “These are young people. They are needed here. We need to do our job, and try that they work here, and that they have the opportunity to work and develop in this region,” Schmidt concluded by saying that individual countries, thanks to the Open Balkans initiative, started “to bear fruit of that cooperation” and he called on everyone to contribute to common future of this region. Schmidt said that he also stated in the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Cabinet and President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen that he will support through different comments any framework aimed at the economic development of the Western Balkans region, as well as in talks with representatives of Slovenia, which currently holds the EU Council.

Kurz: Turkey and China may fill in vacuum in Balkans (Tanjug)

EU member states reached an agreement on the text of the declaration, which confirms their commitment to the enlargement process to the Western Balkans and at the same time emphasizes the importance of the EU's capacity to integrate new members, reported Tanjug. The declaration, to be officially adopted by EU and Western Balkans leaders at the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brdo near Kranj on 6 October, offers compromises between member states seeking clearer support to the Western Balkans’ EU accession and those who initially refused to mention the word extension at all. Although the text of the declaration has been agreed on, EU leaders could reopen the debate on its content during the two-day summit, noted the presenter. The EU has presented an economic-investment plan for the region of 30 billion Euros, of which 9 billion Euros is a grant and the rest will be secured through investments through a new guarantee mechanism for the Western Balkans. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who will attend the EU-Western Balkans Summit, said that the Western Balkans countries must be offered a credible accession perspective as well as support in reform efforts. Kurz added that this is very important for safety and stability of Europe. Kurz also noted that Europe must keep its promises and warned: “If we leave vacuum in the Balkans, then other countries such as Turkey and China will fill it”.

Joint approach to irregular migration problem necessary (Tanjug)

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin stated in Vienna today that Serbia and the EU are affected by the same security challenges – organized crime and irregular migration, to which only firm cooperation can provide a successful response. Speaking at a joint press conference, after a meeting with Austrian Minister of the Interior Karl Nehammer, Vulin reiterated that Serbia is not and will not be a space for migrants. No one can enter and leave our territory illegally and our country is not a springboard for entry into Austria or any other country. By defending our country, we defend your country and every other. By protecting our way of life, we protect yours too, the Minister underlined. Noting that although it is not an EU member, Serbia faces the same challenges as the member states, Vulin stated and added that our country should have the same position and assistance in the fight against the consequences of irregular migration, for which it does not bear the slightest responsibility, as if it were a member of the EU. I am grateful that our proposal to make joint Serbo-Austrian patrols at the border towards North Macedonia was accepted and we agreed to invite our Hungarian colleagues to join these patrols, Vulin said. Nehammer underlined that Austria and Serbia have a common goal – to suppress human traffickers and irregular migrants by means of intensive cooperation. Vulin and his host visited the Austrian police special unit EKO Cobra and attended a tactical exercise at the shooting range in Hochfilzen, at which members of this unit demonstrated their skills in the use of explosives and special vehicles, as well as dog training. Vulin underlined that the exchange of experiences of the two countries’ special units and the perfection of new knowledge and methods are extremely important in the fight against terrorism and organized crime.

Belgrade dismisses two Kosovo Serb officials ahead of local vote (Beta/N1)

The Serbian government dismissed two Kosovo Serb officials on Monday ahead of local elections there on 17 October, without explaining the decision. The dismissed officials are Malisa Djuric from the western municipality of Istok and Boban Stankovic, the head of the central Kosovo Polje municipality. By mid-September, Stankovic was recorded cursing and insulting Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. The recording was published on social networks.

Minister Mali did own 24 luxury properties on Bulgaria’s coast (KRIK/N1)

Despite vociferous denials, Sinisa Mali, currently Serbian Finance Minister, owned luxury apartments worth 6.1 million Dollars on Bulgaria's Black Sea coast, Crime and Corruption Reporting Network KRIK, confirmed late on Sunday. In 2015 when the news broke out, Mali was the powerful mayor of Belgrade, and he admitted to owning one apartment in a resort complex there but insisted that his name only appeared on documents connected to 23 other flats because he was assisting a client with a business deal, KRIK and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), said. KRIK is a member of the OCCRP established in 2006, as an investigative reporting organization specialized in organized crime and corruption. However, back then, Mali denied the ownership of the other 23 apartments, insisting his name only appeared on documents because he was assisting a client with a business deal. KRIK recalled that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had defended Mali, a longtime ally, against any suggestion of corrupt dealings. “I have absolute trust in Minister Sinisa Mali,” Vucic said earlier this year. “I will remind you of all the lies about him, about 24 apartments in Bulgaria. The politicians who led that campaign lied, the media lied.” However, the latest report said that „now, six years later, KRIK and OCCRP have uncovered definitive proof that Mali owned the apartments despite denials. The evidence was found in documents from the Pandora Papers, a massive leak of documents from 14 offshore service providers, including one used by Mali. The report said that Trident Trust, a provider based in the British Virgin Islands, a notorious offshore haven used by the wealthy to shield their assets from public scrutiny, firstly established two British Virgin Islands companies for Mali: Brigham Holding & Finance Inc. and Etham Invest & Finance Corp. “Then, Mali’s two companies bought two Bulgarian firms, Erma 11 and Erul 11, which already owned most of the apartments and soon purchased the rest,” the report said. “Documents from the Pandora Papers reveal that Mali was, in fact, the sole shareholder of Brigham Holding & Finance Inc. and Etham Invest & Finance Corp.,” KRIK discovered. Mali did not respond to multiple requests for comment on the new revelations. KRIK and OCCRP found out that the case of the 24 Bulgarian apartments was just one of several suspicious deals involving Mali. “Over the years, reporters have learned that Mali illegally obtained state-owned land, helped his father privatize Serbia’s state-owned railway company while he worked at the country’s Privatization Agency, and took lavish vacations despite a relatively low official salary,” the findings revealed. The report also said that Serbia’s Anti-Corruption Agency opened a case on Mali’s business in 2015 and found evidence he was involved in several suspicious deals, including one that looked like money laundering. The agency referred the case to the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office, which asked the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering to look into the accounts and transactions of Mali, his wife and children, and any companies he owned or worked for. The Administration later reported detailing multiple suspicious transactions. “It found that Mali was handling large sums of money well above his official salary. It also found that his lawyer in Bulgaria, Ana Panyotova, was involved in a series of transactions’ without clear logic,’ some of them connected to deals involving apartments on the seaside.” Despite all this, the Higher Public Prosecutor’s office declined to pursue the case, saying that they saw no evidence of criminal activity. The report recalled that Mali was promoted to finance minister in 2018. Early that year, six of the Bulgarian apartments were confiscated or frozen, first by a local bank and then by Bulgarian tax authorities. “As finance minister, Mali now controls the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering. It has not investigated him since he was appointed.” KRIK said that the Trident Trust told reporters that they were operating within the law and not giving statements about their clients. Panayotova also did not want to comment. She just said: “I refuse to comment; there have been too many scandals with this,” and hung up. Mali did not respond to a call from a KRIK journalist for an interview, nor to detailed questions sent to him.



Brnabic visits Mostar, Nevesinje, Prebilovci: Visit is very productive and means lot for Serbs; NS: Brnabic ignores state institutions of B&H with this visit; Brnabic denies NS accusations (N1/Nova BH/BNTV


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic visited the area of Herzegovina on Monday. Namely, she visited Nevesinje, Prebilovci and Mostar and she officially opened the 102nd event titled ‘Santiceve veceri poezije’. She assessed the visits as very productive and argued that the visits mean a lot for Serbs in Nevesinje, Prebilovce and Mostar especially in terms of projects that they launched with the support of the Serbian Government. In this regard, there were some promises that construction of the Orthodox church in Mostar will continue as well as other facilities in Prebilovci. The reporter noted that representatives of Serbs in Nevesinje, Prebilovce and Mostar were very content with the fact that Brnabic visited this area. President of the Serb education and cultural association ‘Prosvjeta’ in Mostar Sanja Bjelica-Sagovnovic stated that through their activities, they preserve their culture, language trying to build a better future in the multi-ethnic Mostar. Bjelica-Sagovnovic confirmed that they received a donation, i.e. IT equipment from the Serbian government. Mostar priest Radivoje Krulj said that the Serbian government is helping them the most adding that the Serbian Government is the biggest donor for reconstruction of the Orthodox church in Mostar. During the visit to Mostar, Brnabic visited the Old Town, the Old Bridge in Mostar and attended jumps from the bridge performed in her honor. Asked to comment on the fact that construction of the hydropower plant Buk Bijela on the Drina River was stopped due to launching of a dispute before the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Brnabic stated that the court should reach a decision. Brnabic said that this is important resource both for Serbia and for Republika Srpska (RS) and B&H. Asked is this project jeopardizing the state property of B&H, Brnabic stated that in her opinion, this is not the case. She reminded that all similar projects obtained concessions only from local authorities which was good enough and mentioned over 100 concessions given in the same way. N1 reported about strong reactions to the fact that Brnabic circumvented institutions of B&H, adding that there were no concrete statements about regional cooperation but the usual phrases. Our Party (NS) reacted and stated that Brnabic ignored state institutions of B&H with this visit and thus, she presented herself as a representative of Herzegovina’ Serbs and compared her with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic in the context of his statements that he is a president of all Croats in B&H. Brnabic denied and added that as the Serbian PM, she was a guest. Nova BH asked Brnabic why she bypassed official institutions in B&H and Brnabic responded by saying that she did not bypass anyone. "In accordance with all protocols, I addressed all institutions in B&H and everyone of course knows that I am here. But, my one-day visit is really to the Serb community and projects that are being financed from the budget of the Republic of Serbia" Brnabic emphasized. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia will always be with Serbs in B&H and help them with various projects. “So far, we have donated close to EUR two million for the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, and around EUR one million has remain to finalize everything. It is little for us, and it means a lot here, but it is the most important that these people feel our presence here and our support,” said Brnabic. Brnabic announced that the Trebinje Airport construction would start next year. “I think that the airport is beneficial for everyone. It is important for Trebinje, hence for the RS, it is important for B&H as another airport. But I view it as important and beneficial for the Republic of Croatia''. BNTV reports that Brnabic also visited Prebilovci village, that reminds not only of the biggest suffering of Serb people, but it also reflects the complexity of the region and the need for reconciliation. “We need to turn to future, we need to forgive and we need to fight every day, and maybe there is no better place to say it than this one, we need to fight for better and different future,” said Brnabic.


Dodik informs Von der Leyen, Michel and Jansa that B&H did not make decision on participating in EU-Western Balkans Summit (ATV


On the occasion of the EU-Western Balkans Summit that will be held in Brdo kod Kranja on October 6, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik sent letters to President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and Slovenian Prime Minister, Janez Jansa, pointing out that B&H did not make a decision to take part in the Summit nor did it appoint a delegation or define a platform. Pointing out the importance of the Summit for the future of the region and B&H, as well as the fact that a platform on which no position has been taken by anyone in B&H will be adopted, Dodik has said that this is the competence of the B&H Presidency, but that a meeting that should discuss all this has not even been called. Given the fact that B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic announced his appearance at the Summit, even though necessary legal conditions stipulated by the Rules of Procedure of the B&H Presidency have not been met, Dodik said that according to the Rules of Procedure, the Constitution and legal provisions which regulate the work of the Presidency and appearance of its members at meetings of regional and international character, it is necessary to call a session of the B&H Presidency in order to make a decision by consensus on a delegation that would represent B&H at these meetings. “Given that the legally stipulated procedure to call a session was not followed this time, Komsic’s behavior is illegal and in flagrant violation of the existing legal frameworks regarding the competence of the B&H Presidency” Dodik said. He said that in this case, Komsic is presenting only his personal stances or stances of his party and that one should not consider under any circumstances that such statements are given on behalf of B&H.

Linde meets Komsic, Dzaferovic, Turkovic (Nova BH/N1


Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Ann Linde paid a visit to B&H on Monday. Linde met with B&H Presidency members, Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic. Komsic and Dzaferovic expressed gratitude to Sweden for its support to B&H, expressing hope that Sweden will repeat that position at the upcoming EU-Western Balkans summit which will take place in Slovenia on Wednesday, 6 October. N1 reported that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik was not present at Linde’s meeting with the B&H Presidency members. The reporter noted that in this way, Dodik showed that he continued boycott of institutions of B&H. The meeting was attended by Dodik’s advisor Ana Trisic-Babic in Dodik’s name. Minister Linde stressed that Sweden support integration of B&H into the EU and B&H’s sustainable development, stressing the importance of cooperation between the two countries especially in areas of rule of law, fight against corruption, respect for human rights, education, freedom of media etc. Linde met with B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. Linde stressed that it is important that political leaders in B&H find a way out of the political crisis, noting that it is important to make changes to the B&H Election Law before the start of next year’s elections. "At my meeting with Minister Turkovic, I stressed the importance of the country's political leaders finding a way out of the current political situation and continuing the implementation of necessary reforms in the area of the rule of law, reform of judiciary, democratic governance, media freedom and the fight against corruption and organized crime. The Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) must continue its work to adopt changes to the Election Law and incorporate ODIHR recommendations in them in time for adoption before next year's elections" Linde underlined. After the meeting, it was announced that Kingdom of Sweden, as well as the OSCE mission have, an important role in stability and reforms in B&H. In addition to reforms, the current political situation in B&H was also discussed. Linde said that the political crisis in B&H must be resolved through B&H institutions, and that everything is up to the local authorities. The issue of election legislation was brought up, where Linde pointed out that the IAWG must complete the amendments to the B&H Election Law by 2022 when the elections are due, in order to restore the trust of citizens. Turkovic stated: “The idea of setting a clear deadline for the countries of the region to join the EU can be a key impetus for faster reforms, especially after we have jointly faced challenges such as the pandemic”.  “I think that the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will start with its work. There are many reasons for that, we have over 200 serious cases and laws that need to be put on the agenda. On the other hand, there are donations of vaccines that need to be accepted by the B&H CoM, so that they can be distributed”. Linde said: “I think it very important that political leaders in B&H constructively commit to amendments to the Election Law that should be in accordance with recommendations, and that they are public so that everyone can access them. Unfortunately, the current political crisis does not allow progress, and I truly hope, on the side of OSCE, that this will be temporary and that the electoral reforms will continue”.

Podzic: All levels of authority in B&H intuitions have obligation to work on NATO integration; Nelson says B&H needs to work more and needs reforms (Hayat

Hayat notes that in order for the citizens of B&H to be safe from new conflicts, joining the NATO is necessary, and goes on to say that this would ensure that illusions of those, who believe they have the right to divide this country, disappear once and for all. Hayat reports that the Policy Brief titled ‘Patience and persistence of B&H in NATO integration – challenges and advantages/perspectives’ developed by the Law Institute in B&H with the support of the US Embassy to B&H, was presented on Monday. Hayat reminds that the resolution that ensures full implementation of all peace agreements in B&H has been in force since 1996, with the NATO being tasked with its implementation, and since formation of the B&H Armed Forces, the NATO has provided its full support. Hayat reports that, addressing the present, President of the Atlantic Council of B&H Dijana Gupta said B&H is a partner to the biggest military and political alliance which is the victory of the state, noting policy of usable concept should be developed, otherwise the state will stagnate. “We do not develop a compromise policy; we do not develop usable concept policy. If we do not like something, then the institutions do not function. The institutions have not been formed for the state to be non-functioning,'' said Gupta. Hayat reports that the NATO ensures its member countries higher foreign investments, security, stability, human rights and peace in the country. The US Administration fully supports B&H on its path to the NATO membership, and the US does not support the current political situation in the country. US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson said: “I cannot ignore the fact that political rhetoric of late is even more heated and even less helpful. Politicians can do their mandates best by focusing on economic reform, rule of law reforms and combating corruption, that are necessary to reach prosperity''. Deputy Commander of NATO HQ Sarajevo, Colonel Olcay Denizer said: “The nature of relations with the NATO remains the topic of many discussions in B&H. In such circumstances, it is important that information discussed is accurate and meaningful. The role of civil society and academic community in better understanding of the Euro-Atlantic reform processes is still of key importance”. The report notes that in the context of the B&H’s Euro-Atlantic integration, it is difficult to ignore the RS policy, and reminds of the announced withdrawal of consent of the B&H Armed Forces and the B&H Ministry of Defense. Commenting on this, B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic explained for Hayat that the decision on forming the B&H Armed Forces and the B&H Ministry of Defense was adopted September 28 ,2005 by the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), “with only one vote against it, from the rank of Bosniak people” and October 4 by the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), when the decision was adopted unanimously. Hayat reports that withdrawal of consent can be done only at the B&H parliament, where decisions are amended by majority vote from both entities. Nelson said that the best way for politicians to serve their voters is to focus on reforms related to economy, rule of law and anti-corruption that are needed urgently in order to achieve better progress. Denizer said that B&H has been developing its relations with NATO, adding that it has been active participant in big programs and processes. It was concluded at abovementioned event that B&H is a promising country that should in all segments resolutely build the path to B&H's integration into the Euro-Atlantic integration. It was pointed out that the NATO integration will bring security, peace and economic prosperity, and that the NATO integration simply has no alternative, noted the presenter. Podzic pointed out that the issue of the NATO integration is not only up to the Ministry of Defense, but the Program of Reforms clearly specifies whose responsibility is fulfilling the obligations. Podzic stated: “In the Program of Reforms that we forwarded to Brussels, it is precisely stated and it is known exactly what are the obligations of the B&H Presidency, both Houses of Parliament, the Council of Ministers, all ministries, agencies and lower levels of government. We all have a lot of responsibilities. It is true that most of the obligations are on the Ministry of Defense and the B&H Armed Forces, but we should not forget and we should constantly insist that all levels of government, we all have an obligation to achieve this foreign policy goal”. Nelson was quoted as saying: “NATO's door remains open, but B&H needs to make more efforts to implement reforms. NATO has a strong connection with the B&H Armed Forces, they are natural partners working together on global security, but political representatives in B&H can best serve the citizens if they respond to their demands. Reforms are needed to bring about economic recovery”. Denizer said that the reform program refers to all aspects of the society and not as we often hear, only security and the Ministry of Defense of B&H. He added that B&H authorities should approve the next reform program. Nelson said that the exercise ‘Quick Response 2021’ additionally opened B&H doors of the NATO for B&H. He said that B&H is heading to the NATO and added that the road to the NATO and the path to the EU are complement to one another; both paths imply reforms that will bring benefits for all citizens of B&H leading to prosperity.

Podzic postpones exercise of B&H AF and Serbian Army (N1


B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic postponed the military exercise of the B&H Armed Forces (AF) and the Serbian Army that was supposed to take place on Manjaca from 9 October until 16 October due to the current epidemiological situation. Podzic justified this decision with the current epidemiological situation and the fact that the budget was not adopted, i.e. the issue of food and accommodation for soldiers. Deputy B&H Minister of Defense Mirko Okolic stated that the reasons Podzic mentioned are groundless, arguing that they need no money for holding of this military exercise as Serbia offered help in this direction. Okolic, said that Podzic did not have the right to make the abovementioned decision. Okolic said the exercise was postponed, as it cannot be held this year. Podzic made this decision without consulting his deputies, Okolic said.

Dodik: Podzic’s decision on canceling B&H AF-Serbian Army’s joint exercise is illegal, attacks Serbia, Serb people, I will file charges against him (RTRS


Member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on, as he called it, a unilateral decision of &H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic to cancel the joint military exercise of the Serbian Army and the B&H Armed Forces (AF), that was supposed to be held on Manjaca at the end of the week. According to Dodik, Podzic committed a crime that implies abuse of office and competences. Dodik argued that this is a direct attack on Serbia, the Serb people, its rights and its interests. Dodik assessed that Podzic did not have authorization of the B&H Presidency and in this way, he abused the office and announced that this is how this case will be treated. In his opinion, this is an act of hate towards the Serb people and Serbia as a state. Dodik stated that Podzic actually manipulated the public and most likely, he acted under the political influence of Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic to reach this kind of an illegal decision. Dodik announced that he will file a criminal report against Podzic. Dodik said: “I am sorry about this. Obviously, this will additionally complicate the relations at the level of B&H.” In his opinion, Podzic showed a narrow approach to problems in B&H and this only encourages him in the effort that the RS withdraws the consent for the B&H AF and heads into the direction of formation of the army of the RS. According to Dodik, Podzic could not reach such decision with the consent of his deputies in the ministry. Dodik argued that B&H is unbearable and as long as the RS stays part of B&H, it will suffer greater damage. Dodik said that this is yet another confirmation that the RS should withdraw its consent to the agreement on the B&H AF. “I believed he (Podzic) was a serious man; now I see he is completely frivolous. He allowed himself to be exposed to criminal persecution and sanctions, due to this decision” Dodik stressed, adding that such decision could only be made by the B&H Presidency – and the Presidency would not pass it, because Dodik would vote against it.

Ljubic: B&H should use this opportunity to amend electoral legislation (O Kanal

Guest of O Kanal central news was President of the Main Council of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Bozo Ljubic. Presenter reminded that diplomatic activities to find solution for changes of electoral legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have been intensified over last seven days, adding that several ideas on amending the Election Law were presented so far. Asked to comment the fact idea of the US Special Envoy Matthew Palmer to abolish ethnic prefixes in regards to election of members of B&H Presidency and delegates in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) is unacceptable for political parties with a Croat prefix, Ljubic reminded that Palmer also stated that it is necessary to ensure legitimate political representation in B&H Presidency. Ljubic went on to saying that instead of speculating about Palmer’s idea, political actors in B&H need to consider why this country has been experiencing political blockade for almost two decades and to start with implementation of two ground rulings passed by the ECHR and the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. “We should be looking for an agreement, because Palmer clearly said that they do not have any proposal and that they will not be imposing any solutions, i.e. that they will be mediators. If we use this opportunity, it would represent our responsible approach. I am afraid that if we miss this opportunity, we will be waiting for too long for the next one and B&H would enter very uncertain political situation,” explained Ljubic. Asked about what changes to electoral legislation would be suitable for HNS and whether these changes can be agreed upon by end of 2021, Ljubic stated that it is necessary to reach an agreement grounded on essence of abovementioned two rulings of the ECHR and B&H CC. He explained that essence of these rulings is clear, adding that these rulings are not contradictory but rather complementary. Asked whether he believes certain pressure will need to be exerted to two opposite sides to find necessary solution and compromise, President of the Main Council of HNS stressed that the international community in B&H is actually part of internal political system of B&H due to Annex 1 and Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Ljubic explained that according to Annex 1, NATO has mandate to provide peace in B&H, while Annex 10 says that High Representative is supreme authority in regards to implementation of civil part of the DPA. He went on to saying that consequently, the international comunity has obligations, because B&H came to current situation thanks to solutions imposed by High Representatives. Ljubic explained that he refers to imposed solutions concerning election rules, amending of the Constitution etc. “These decisions brought us in the situation where we testify institutional and political blockade that will perpetuate unless a solution is agreed,” said the President of the Main Council of HNS. Asked whether HNS has a plan in case electoral legislation is not changed by the end of 2021, Ljubic said that he does not want to make any speculations in this regard, adding that everyone, including the international community, will have to be looking for an answer. He underlined that some challenges in B&H have regional character and represent a possible security risk for B&H and the region. He reminded that the ECHR’s ruling demands B&H to enable some of its citizens to be candidates for members of B&H Presidency. Ljubic explained that this ruling is grounded on Protocol 12 of the European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms. He stressed that very same convention forbids discrimination on any other ground. Ljubic emphasized that this ruling is not in opposition to Croats’ aspirations concerning their legitimate political representation in B&H institutions. He concluded that implementation of the ECHR and B&H CC rulings would stabilize relations within B&H, primarily relations between Bosniaks and Croats.

Becirovic: Ethnic principles cannot be completely ignored in process of electoral reform; Sehic: Ethnic prefixes need to be removed if B&H wants to implement ECHR’s rulings (O Kanal


O Kanal commented that after a long time, the US and the EU have again engaged in regards to electoral reform in B&H. During his recent visit to B&H when he met with decision-makers in this country, US Special Envoy for Reform of Electoral Legislation of B&H Matthew Palmer said that in the end no one will be completely content. Reporter reminded that different models of electoral reform were proposed in previous years and most of these proposals were grounded on ethnic principle. Prior to his visit to B&H, Palmer stated that he believes ethnic prefixes concerning election of members of B&H Presidency and delegates in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) should be removed. Director of Ljubljana-based International Institute for the Middle East and the Balkans Studies (IFIMES) Zijad Becirovic said that ethnic affiliation cannot be completely ignored in B&H, adding that it needs to be reduced to B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Former member of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H Vehid Sehic stated that ethnic prefixes need to be removed if B&H wants to implement rulings of the ECHR. Also, some political analysts believe that aim of the recent visit of Palmer to B&H was to establish stances of political actors in this country in regards to changes of electoral legislation. They also claim that the US cannot allow to have electoral legislation changes that are not in line with international standards. Reporter noted that some political parties have also been proposing models to amend the Election Law of B&H. According to HDZ B&H’s proposal, the Federation of B&H would be divided to three electorates, including one with Bosniak and one with Croat majority. Proposal of SDA stipulated that all citizens have the right to be a candidate in elections and the right to vote for any candidate they support. Sehic stressed that ethnic political parties have been advocating civic model of election in areas where people they represent are majority of population, while they are strictly against this principle in areas where their people are minority.


Krivokapic welcomes and supports MANS in revealing secret offshore companies and trusts of Djukanovic; Abazovic: Montenegrin police was ready to investigate the alleged illegal activities (VOA/CdM


Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic announced that he "welcomes and supports the research work of Vanja Calovic Markovic and the non-governmental organization MANS in revealing secret offshore companies and trusts of Milo and Blaz Djukanovic". "At the same time, I call on the competent prosecutor's offices to do their job and investigate allegations of illegal activities by members of the Djukanovic family." "Every illegally acquired euro, to the detriment of Montenegrin citizens, must be returned to the state budget" Krivokapic said on Twitter, adding that the rule of law and the fight against corruption remain a priority for the Montenegrin government. Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said that the Montenegrin police was ready to investigate the alleged illegal activities of Milo and Blaz Djukanovic, urging citizens to "assess for themselves whether the Prosecutor's Office is ready." He congratulated the non-governmental organization MANS and international researchers on Twitter, telling Djukanovic: If he cared about Montenegro's reputation, he would resign immediately. "Behind each of his stories about 'patriotism' are secret accounts," Abazovic wrote.

Montenegrin Prosecution to examine claims about Djukanovic from Pandora Papers (RTCG

The Montenegrin Special State Prosecution (SDT) has formed a case in view of the claims of the Network for Affirmation of the NGO Sector (MANS) that the President Milo Djukanovic and his son Blazo had, in 2012, made secret contracts on the management of their assets, hiding behind a complicated network of connected companies from Great Britain, Switzerland, the British Virgin Islands, Panama and Gibraltar, Montenegrin media report. MANS has, within the global investigative project Pandora Papers, discovered certified copies of contracts on the establishment of trusts and companies at off-shore destinations formed by Djukanovic and his son, state the reports. The Montenegrin legislation, however, does not foresee the existence of trusts, said the executive director of MANS Vanja Calovic Markovic. Djukanovic’s cabinet announced on Sunday evening that “MANS’s latest show for the public is yet another in a series of attempts at discrediting the President of Montenegro and members of his family, something on which MANS has without success been working for years”. In the announcement it is stated that, in the course of 2012, Djukanovic had worked on the establishment of infrastructure for beginning business activities together with his son. “At that time he founded the Victoria Trust, which, for as long as he was the owner, did not have any business transactions, nor had he opened a single bank account, since it simply was never activated at all” states the announcement from the cabinet.


Krivokapic: We will continue to implement the necessary reforms in the field of defence (Gov. Press service

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic attended the ceremony on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, 7 October, which was held in the "Milovan Saranovic" barracks in Danilovgrad. Congratulating the Day of the Armed Forces, the Prime Minister used the opportunity to thank the soldiers for everything they have done for Montenegro in the past period. Especially in moments that were challenging for Montenegro and the whole world. During a pandemic and of course another plague that has hit Montenegro - wildfires. As always, you have responded to this task by showing solidarity and unity, as has always happened in Montenegro in crisis situations - all for one and one for all, said Prime Minister Krivokapic.

The Prime Minister, recalling the bright and victorious moments throughout history, said that today, in peacetime, as a member of the largest and most important military alliance on the planet, soldiers remained an unwavering defender of the state dignity of Montenegro and its stability. Remaining consistently on the Euro-Atlantic path, this Government will continue to implement the necessary reforms in the field of defense, with an emphasis on improving and perfecting all the capacities of the Armed Forces of Montenegro. Globally, we continue to contribute to the Alliance's joint efforts to strengthen collective security and preserve peace, said the Prime Minister, recalling a note by a Norwegian writer who had the opportunity to see what a Montenegrin soldier was like in the late 19th century. He wrote how the chivalrous behavior of Montenegrin soldiers remained unsurpassed in the history of European wars. The Prime Minister expressed his personal admiration and respect for their perseverance and steadfastness. The biggest motto that obliges you is that everything starts and ends with training. Continue where you left off to defend Montenegro and its dignity and be a partner to all within the greatest Alliance, said Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic.


Osmani seeks German support for Bulgaria solution (Republika

Foreign Minister Bujar met Monday with German Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth during his visit to Berlin on Monday. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting between Osmani and Maas focused on the preparations before the EU’s Western Balkans Summit in Brdo near Kranj, overcoming the differences with Bulgaria, as well as the latest internal political situation in our country. It is a fact that Berlin is the strongest leader for the European perspective of Macedonia, as well as the entire region. We have an important summit ahead of us and the support of partners like Germany is necessary, first of all, to overcome the differences with Bulgaria in order to unblock the process, but also to restore European credibility in the region, thus counteracting skepticism in the EU, Osmani said.  The meeting with the Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth was reportedly used to reaffirm the German position on our country’s European progress, on current affairs from a regional perspective, but also to discuss the next steps and reforms needed to unblock EU enlargement.


Mazi: Albania has met the conditions for the first intergovernmental conference with the EU (Radio Tirana

At the meeting of the Foreign Policy Committee, the chief negotiator of Albania with the EU Zef Mazi answered the questions of the deputies regarding the integration of Albania in the EU. Mazi stressed that Albania has met the conditions for the first intergovernmental conference. Regarding the question asked by the DP MP Grida Duma that Albania has met all the requirements, Mazi said that in the conclusions of the March 2020 meeting in Zagreb, Croatia, 15 recommendations were listed, of which 11 are recommendations to be met, 4 were conditions. "In our country, 4 and 11 have been misinterpreted, all have been called conditions. I understand, it was a wave, a situation before the elections. The problem is that they were taken one by one and I was personally in charge of this work and in coordination with all the ministries, so that the 15 were followed step by step. We have reported to the Foreign Policy committees and all relevant committees as well as the National Council for European Integration in parliament. These developments that our country has had in fulfilling these 15 points have been regularly reported by me to the commission and the member states of the union which have an ambassador here as well as in Brussels. "Every month we have sent 11 update reports on how the work has progressed to meet the requirements," said Mazi. "In March of this year, after three years, the meeting of the SAA Implementation Cooperation Council between Albania and the European Commission took place in Brussels. In this council meeting where I participated, the delegation was led by the Prime Minister, both in closed meetings and at the press conference. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Joseph Borrell, and the Commissioner for Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, said that Albania has met the conditions for the first intergovernmental conference. It is understood that in March this year it was again the Macedonian-Bulgarian conflict, but the merit of the countries was emphasized. This is the basis for the expansion of the region," said Mazi.


Preparing Albanians for large cost of life increases, PM warns of winter ‘energy crisis’ (Tirana Times

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has made a surprise and dire prediction that the country is headed into a massive energy crisis this winter at a special address to the public on Sunday.  In his newly-refurbished deep purple press room, Rama said in a dire tone the upcoming crisis could be as large in magnitude as the twin natural disasters of the earthquake and the pandemic. “In the economic and social life there are likely to be negative effects in the lives of families, businesses and society as a whole,” Rama said. “The extraordinary energy crisis has only just started to show its presence.” He blamed the crisis on global trends that are leading to sharp increases of gas and fuel prices, warning that the prices could see unprecedented increases.

Experts note that fuel and power price increases typically reverberate throughout the economy, leading to higher consumer prices which could lead to an even higher inflation that is already being pushed up by other factors.  Rama warned Albanians that the crisis could have shocking consequences and that the winter ahead would be a difficult one. He said those most vulnerable and small businesses would be helped by the state, but did not offer any concrete measures.

Following very low global energy prices during the pandemic, they are rising up sharply as the recovery takes hold. But the speed at which they are increasing has many worried. In Albania fuel is up 10 to 15 percent and gas is up 20 percent just in the past two weeks, reflecting international market movements. Albania already has the region’s highest fuel and electricity prices. While the country produces a lot of electricity through its hydro-electric power plants it has to import it when there isn’t enough rain.  Albania also imports all of its fuel, which is then loaded with taxes the government can’t or won’t collect elsewhere, leading the prices far higher that just across the border. While it is a producer of crude oil, it has to export it because it no longer has any refining capacity.

Fear of political implications? 

Other experts have noted that Rama might be exaggerating the situation in order to justify what would be a deeply unpopular increase in electricity rates, which last increased in 2015 following a major crackdown on power theft and losses that saw hundreds of Albanians arrested and forced people to pay their overdue power bills through an iron-hand approach. The political opposition criticized Rama for not offering any concrete solutions to the problem, and blamed Rama’s bad governance for the state Albania finds itself in. Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha said the opposition had offered a series of solutions to deal with the situation, from reducing VAT on basic goods to state subsidies on power use to help the most vulnerable. Basha added the opposition would work on the ground level to channel people’s concerns over the price increases, which he said were directly linked to Rama’s handling of the economy. “This is not a hole due to global markets, this is a hole due to corruption … and bad governance” Basha said.

The opposition has said the state-run companies that deal with the power sector are being mismanaged, spending millions on luxury while Albanians pay the highest prices in the region. Moreover, some observers pointed out that Rama’s press conference came just hours before the Pandora Papers were released by a global network of investigative journalists. The massive documents cache included findings that showed an Albanian electricity distribution state-owned company had spent millions hiring a Bosnian company, which in turn through the use of offshore companies had channeled millions of euros to a small UAE-based consultancy headed by an Albanian businessman with political connections, according to an investigation by the BIRN network.

Back to 2005? 

Albania’s state-owned power company, OSHEE, just closed its auction purchase of imported electricity for October at 233 euros per MW, the highest price at which Albania has ever bought electricity abroad. A year ago, that price was 50 euros lower, according to Monitor magazine. At that price, 13 million euros get the country about a week worth of electricity. And officials say it’s not just the price, but the quantity that will be the problem. So, unless there is massive rainfall, and quickly, to feed Albania’s hydroelectric reservoirs, the country could be headed for the type of power supply crisis it has not seen since 2005, when rolling blackouts due to lack of electricity crippled the economy and life in the country.

Reports that UK aims to use Albania as migrant holding center stirs anger in Tirana, FM says ‘fake news’ (Tirana Times

The United Kingdom aims use Albania as a holding place for migrants caught crossing the British Channel in small boats from France in a new asylum crackdown, according to several British media outlets. However, Albanian officials categorically deny the claim.  Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka took to Twitter, calling the reports “fake news” and “embarrassing.” “Albania will proudly host 4,000 Afghan refugees based on its goodwill, but will never be a hub of anti-immigration policies of bigger and richer countries. We have instructed our Embassy in the UK to demand the retraction of this fake news.” Xhacka linked to an article by The Sun tabloid, but more reputable newspapers like The Times had also written about the issue, citing a leaked UK Home Office proposal. UK Home Secretary Priti Patel had earlier this year signed an agreement with the Albanian government with critics in Albania expressing concern at the time the agreement could be used to hold third-country nationals in Albania. According to the leaked proposal in the British press, anyone who enters the UK through illegal means and applies for refugee status would have been flown to a processing center in Albania. It is part of UK authorities’ efforts to make life harder for anyone who enters Britain illegally, while making it easier for refugees to reach the UK legally. Previous ideas Patel has suggested, according to the British press, include sending asylum seekers to Rwanda and setting up an immigrant processing center on the South Atlantic territory of Ascension Island.