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Belgrade Media Report 10 November 2021



Brnabic: Serbia has always been on side of freedom in fight against fascism (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended on Tuesday night at the National Theatre the celebration of the International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism – “Crystal Night”.

The International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism, 9 November, is marked all over the world in memory of 1938, when the Crystal Night took place in Germany, which was marked as the beginning of the pogrom of the Jews and the symbolic beginning of the Holocaust. On that occasion, a Memorial Concert was organized at the National Theatre in Belgrade, which was attended by Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic, representatives of the Serbian Army, members of the Serbian parliament, representatives of religious communities and the diplomatic corps. In her address, Brnabic said that we must never be allowed to be silent about evil and silent observers. Today is not just a day to remember, but to warn how little it takes to enter the devouring darkness, said Brnabic. She pointed out that Serbia has always been and will always be on the side of freedom, that it has always opposed fascism, and that it will always do so, and even today history reminds us of an important lesson, so that evil would not happen again, as well as mistakes from the past. She reminded that the violence on the German streets, under the rule of Adolf Hitler, on 9 November 1938, meant the beginning of organized, legally legitimized and publicly supported persecution of Jews, which ended with the murder of six million innocent men, women and children. we have forgotten. The fight against fascism and anti-Semitism must not be just a mere syntagm, but a duty and an obligation, so that nothing similar would ever happen again, she said. In Crystal Night 83 years ago, more than 8,000 Jewish houses and shops were destroyed, as well as more than 1,500 synagogues, their cemeteries were destroyed, and Jews were imprisoned, wounded and killed throughout Nazi Germany.


Vucic: Putin understands Serbia (Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko to discuss preparations for his upcoming visit to the Russian Federation and a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, as well as joint Serbia-Russia projects and current regional and global issues. Vucic noted the significance of the visit to Moscow, given the reputation and influence of Russia and Putin on the international political scene, as well as in terms of global economic developments, the press office of the Serbian president said in a statement. Botsan-Kharchenko said he was confident Vucic’s visit to Russia would be as successful as all of his previous ones, in view of the friendly relations and good cooperation between the two countries. The parties agreed that Vucic’s visit would continue an exceptional political dialogue between Serbia and Russia, which they said was becoming more intensive year by year and reflected a mutual desire for multi-faceted progress of cooperation between the two countries. Vucic said Putin understood Serbia’s position, and once again expressed gratitude to Russia for its support regarding the Kosovo and Metohija issue and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Vucic and Botsan-Kharchenko discussed activities in the wake of a recent session of an intergovernmental committee on trade and economic and science/technical cooperation and a visit by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov. Vucic noted that implementation of joint infrastructure and energy projects was proceeding in keeping with timelines and that, in parallel, work was also underway on other specific proposals for closer cooperation in many areas of mutual interest. Besides bilateral relations, Vucic and Botsan-Kharchenko discussed current regional and global affairs as well, the statement said.


US Embassy dismisses accusations against Congress members as incorrect, insulting (Beta)


On Tuesday, the US Embassy in Belgrade rejected as insulting and incorrect accusations by top Serbian officials against a group of US Congress members who pointed to corruption and problems with media freedoms in Serbia. "From academic exchanges to security cooperation and the fight against COVID-19, the relationship of the United States with Serbia is excellent and growing stronger by the day. Recent allegations against our elected Members of Congress are absurd, insulting, and incorrect," a spokesperson for the US Embassy told Beta. On 5 November, the group called on US President Joseph Biden to consider sanctions against individuals destabilizing the West Balkans, saying that they were concerned about the effect of the political situation in Serbia on the region and Europe. They also called on the administration to continue its engagement and talks with the Serbian government to root out corruption in Serbia and stop attacks on the media. In response to the letter, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that “I am proud of everything that I have done for Serbia and peace and stability in the region”.


Gratitude to Kazakhstan and Angola for not recognizing so-called Kosovo (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked with the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Serbia Madi Atamkulov and conveyed on this occasion that Serbia was firmly committed for further development and deepening of all-encompassing cooperation with Kazakhstan. Selakovic underlined that Serbia was very grateful to friendly Kazakhstan for its clear position on non-recognition of so-called Kosovo, and pointed out that we were approaching the process of normalization of relations and dialogue with Pristina, despite the unacceptable demands of the other side, in good faith, expecting a compromise solution. Selakovic paid special attention to the economic relations, assessing that the current level of economic cooperation did not correspond to the potentials and interests of the two countries. He welcomed Kazakhstan’s ratification of the Free Trade Agreement between Serbia and the Eurasian Economic Union, expressing confidence that the Agreement would give new impetus to the economic relations between Serbia and Kazakhstan. He expressed hope that the Third Session of the Serbian-Kazakh intergovernmental commission for trade and economic cooperation would be held soon, emphasizing that it was an important tool for intensifying our economic cooperation. Selakovic met with the Ambassador of Angola Alcino dos Prazeres Izata Francisco da Conceicao, whom he also thanked on this country’s firm position on non-recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of so-called Kosovo, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. He pointed out that the decades-long friendship between the two countries has lasted since the cooperation in the Non-Aligned Movement, and expressed the expectation that a meeting would take place at the highest state level. However, he pointed out that economic cooperation could be improved, which is why, he added, talks on that topic should be intensified and business forums organized. Selakovic thanked for the presence of the Angolan delegation at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first non-aligned conference led by the Foreign Minister, which, as he said, is another confirmation of the friendly and close relations between the two countries.


Serbia determined to further strengthen bilateral relations with the Netherlands (RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Wednesday with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Joost Reintjes. Selakovic said that Serbia is determined to further strengthen bilateral relations, realize visits at the highest level and intensify cooperation in numerous areas of mutual interest. Selakovic emphasized the importance of his upcoming visit to the Netherlands at the end of November, especially referring to the fact that the last visit of the Serbian minister of foreign affairs was 14 years ago. He expressed hope that the visit of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte to Serbia will be realized in the next period.

Selakovic pointed out that our country is committed to improving economic cooperation with the Netherlands, increasing trade, but also further attracting Dutch investments. Selakovic underlined that Serbia’s strategic commitment is EU membership, pointing out that our European orientation is proven by intensifying the reform process and fulfilling obligations from the accession process, but also noting that progress in that process was not accompanied by appropriate dynamics of accession negotiations. Speaking about our foreign policy priorities, Selakovic singled out regional cooperation and economic connection of the region, especially through the Open Balkans initiative and the creation of a single economic space. When it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Selakovic reiterated that dialogue and compromise are the only right way to reach a sustainable agreement, but also reminded that our side has fulfilled its obligations, while Pristina constantly refuses to implement the agreement, above all to enable the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities.


Selakovic: Significant potentials for strengthening economic cooperation with Egypt (RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Wednesday with the Ambassador of Egypt to Serbia Amr Aljowaily. Selakovic said that the two countries are bound by sincere friendship and that the cooperation that Yugoslavia and Egypt, as founders, achieved within the Non-Aligned Movement, is strongly etched in the memory of our people. Selakovic said that Serbia continues with its policy of friendship towards Egypt and the whole of Africa, noting that we are ready to strengthen and improve our cooperation in areas of common interest. He also reminded of his recent visit to Egypt, emphasizing that our country is clearly committed to further intensifying the political dialogue and exchange of visits at the high and highest level.

Selakovic told his interlocutor that we support the activities of the government of Egypt aimed at preserving the stability of the country and its economic progress, emphasizing that we are looking forward to the success of the Egyptian economy. When it comes to economic cooperation between the two countries, Selakovic assessed that they do not follow excellent political relations, as well as that there are significant potentials for its strengthening in the areas of agriculture, tourism, health, telecommunications, construction, machine industry and mining.

He added that holding a session of the Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation and the Joint Business Council could give an important impetus to the development of economic relations.


Government adopts Law on Referendum, People’s Initiative (Tanjug/Politika/RTS)


At Tuesday’s session, the Serbian government adopted the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative, which will enable citizens to effectively exercise their constitutionally guaranteed right to participate in the exercise of power through popular initiative and referendum. The new law eliminates the shortcomings of a number of solutions from the current law, due to which citizens rarely used the institutes of referendums and people's initiatives in practice. Due to the fact that the current law was passed in 1994, the new bill contains numerous harmonizations with the Constitution, primarily in terms of abolishing the mandatory threshold for the required number of voters as a condition for the success of the referendum, as well as to regulate all types of referendums envisaged under the Constitution. The solutions are based on the recommendations of the Council of Europe from the “Revised Code of Good Practice in the Field of Referendums” from October 2020.


Dacic: Amendments to referendum law to be adopted by end of November (Beta/RTS)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on Tuesday said that changes to the Law on Referendum would be adopted by the end of November so that a plebiscite on changes to the Constitution could be held in mid-January next year. “Our proposal is to finalize it during this parliament composition. It means that we will try to adopt changes to the Law on the referendum by the end of November to be able to pass an act on changes to the Constitution and then hold a referendum in mid-January,” Dacic specified. Dacic also said that the parliament was due to pass amendments to a number of laws which were important for political life based on an agreement with opposition representatives, including the Law on the election of members of the parliament. Dacic added that MPs would again debate the European Commission's Serbia Progress Report.


Protest ends, rightists cheer war criminal in front of police in Belgrade (N1)


After human rights activists and Belgraders, who protested over the mural of convicted war criminal Ratko Mladic, dispersed, a rightist group said to be members of the so-called People’s Patrol, an extremely anti-migrant organization, stayed close to the mural cheering Mladic. At the same time, the police, who guarded the mural since the Youth Initiative for Human Rights said they would remove the mural on 9 November, the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism, stood around without any reaction. Previously, the activists were not allowed to get two streets closer to the building bearing the mural. Earlier, the police arrested two activists for throwing eggs at the mural. They were released after a brief detention. The activists announce new protests. N1 reporters witnessed verbal conflicts between the two opposing groups, but the police separated them, and no physical contact occurred. An N1 reporter saw Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin on the scene, but he refused to talk to the media. In the meantime, the young rightists interfered with an N1 journalist’s live reporting. Aida Corovic, Serbia’s human rights activist, who the Belgrade police briefly detained in the city’s center earlier on Tuesday for throwing eggs at a mural of convicted war criminal Ratko Mladic, told N1 after her release that what happened was “a disgrace of Aleksandar Vucic's regime. “Fear could be seen in the eyes of those cops… we are hostages of an abnormally sick regime,” she added. Corovic said the men who arrested her did not identify themselves as police officers, and she thought they were hooligans and was afraid they would take her somewhere and beat her up. She added that the men, who happened to be plainclothes police officers, started dragging her and that she held for a lamppost. Jelena Jacimovic, an artist, was also arrested with Corovic. Dozens of NGOs, opposition parties and individuals issued a protest against the arrest. Corovic told N1 that today is in many ways symbolic day, adding they went in front of the mural and saw that, apart from journalists and the police, there were no colleagues. “Our reaction was completely spontaneous; we didn’t think much; I was sorry to be there and for the media to leave. It was a symbolic act; we know that the mural will not be damaged (by eggs),” she said. What followed, she added, „was shocking. I felt someone’s hands, and I heard – leave the woman, the voice (of an activist and writer) Vladimir Arsenijevic. Nobody said – we are the police. I was trying to hold on to a lamppost… Corovic said that an officer in the Vracar police station told her she shouldn’t resist the arrest and that his picture was taken. After Corovic’s and Jacimovic’s release, activists, ordinary people, representatives of NGOs and opposition political parties gathered in front of the Trade Unions House in support of the two. They then headed towards the mural, along the sidewalk, without blocking traffic. The police cordons blocked the access to the building bearing the mural. They earlier banned the rally planned in front of the mural to remove it, saying they were not guarding the mural but preventing incidents. A group of young rights later appeared near the mural, cheering Mladic and when told he was a convicted war criminal, they said they did not recognize The Hague Tribunal.

The police separated two groups who yell at each other.


Izetbegovic: Dodik is cause of crisis in B&H (Tanjug


In an interview to Tanjug TV, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic denied claims of Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik that the international community sided with Bosniaks. Izetbegovic also claimed that the report of High Representative Christian Schmidt “diagnosed the situation in B&H and culprits for it very well” and he argued that there is apartheid in the Republika Srpska (RS). As for the visit of US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar to B&H, Izetbegovic said that the most important meeting he had was with Dodik, because Dodik is causing problems. Izetbegovic added that Gabriel did not speak about his meeting with Dodik in the parliament of B&H but he got an impression that “they did reach an agreement on something”, some kind of “lowering of tensions” and he concluded by saying that this was the main reason for Escobar’s visit to Sarajevo.


Komsic ends interview with Tanjug due to denial of genocide by journalist (Tanjug


B&H Presidency Chairman, Zeljko Komsic, demonstratively interrupted the interview for Tanjug, and the reason for that was that the journalist rejected Komsic's request to “admit” that genocide took place in Srebrenica. At Komsic's persistent insistence that genocide took place in Srebrenica, the Tanjug journalist opposed and did not agree with him. After that, Komsic ended the interview. When the interview began, Komsic was asked why B&H politicians are unable to find solutions for the current crisis, and why they, 26 years after the war, are once again mentioning war and conflicts. Komsic emphasized that he cannot speak to those politicians that only think about destroying B&H as a country. Asked who wants to destroy B&H, Komsic said the latest rhetoric of political leaders in B&H shows who is willing to threaten with new wars. Tanjug journalist said that if he refers to Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik, Dodik is just trying to return the country to the times of original Dayton Peace Agreement, and he wants to return RS competencies. Komsic said that no return of competencies is acceptable, as this would also mean creation of the RS army. He explains that this army would be made in the image of the former RS Army that operated during war in B&H – saying that the RS Army and the RS Ministry of Interior (RS MoI) were convicted, through decisions of international courts, of genocide in Srebrenica. Tanjug journalist emphasized that crimes were committed on all sides. Komsic agreed and said that crimes were committed, but pointed out that the RS Army and the RS MoI were convicted of Srebrenica genocide. Tanjug journalist said he would not agree with this statement, after which Komsic asked him why he would not agree with this, as this was confirmed by rulings of international courts. Tanjug journalist said his opinion in the matter is not important, and Komsic said it was very important to hear why this journalist does not agree with the rulings. The journalist said a terrible crime was committed, but Komsic interrupted him, repeating “genocide was committed”. Komsic said this is not only his opinion but an official ruling of international courts. Journalist said he does not agree with this assessment, after which Komsic said he should do the interview with someone else, as he would not like to speak to someone that denies genocide. He told the journalist: “Enjoy your time in Sarajevo. Thank you.”


Dodik: Those who are naive believe in sanctions against me, but also against RS (Novosti


Sarajevo wants to preserve “everything that has been taken away from the RS” and it is aware of the fact that, if they accept dialogue, they will have to go back to the original constitutional set up which means “returning certain things”, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik told Novosti in an interview. The daily noted that, “following the meeting with the ‘bulldozer diplomat’ from USA who, coincidentally, has the same surname as a famous drug lord (the daily referred to US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar), we asked the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H whether any sanctions will be imposed against him or the RS”. Dodik replied by saying that only naïve ones believe in what “various Muslim lobbyists are saying worldwide as well as others who are passionately defending Muslim positions”. Dodik went on to say that the RS’ primary goal is to protect the Constitution and he added that the RS does not want to defeat nobody it only wants to affirm its approach to the Constitution “because, as legalists, we believe this is the only way to preserve the system”. Asked to comment on the announcement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on a dialogue with Bosniaks to find some kind of a solution, Dodik replied by saying that it would be the best if (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic commented on this dialogue “but he rejects any kind of talks”. Dodik added that “Bosniaks are trying to defend constitutional positions which they acquired through application of violence by the international community. They should know this will be difficult, or should I say impossible, to maintain”. Asked to comment on Christian Schmidt “who claims he still has the full mandate as the High Representative in spite of his debacle in the UN Security Council (UN SC)” Dodik said that “the story about Schmidt became ridiculous already. Now I am supposed to talk about a man who was not appointed in a legitimate manner. He is not the High Representative. He was not accepted by the UN SC so I do not know whom he represents anyway. To be honest, it is nauseating for me to even comment any of his statements, those are nonsense and lies that he presents”. Dodik went on to say that a team of people from the RS and a team of attorneys from Germany are looking into possible ways to file a lawsuit against Schmidt in Germany and added: “This person Schmidt can continue presenting himself as the High Representative, although it is a lie”. Asked to state whether he asked Escobar to name people he claims to have contacted in the RS to destroy unity, Dodik said that people like Escobar have goals and noted that “he clearly said what he had to say with regard to the opposition in the RS and I had no need to ask any additional questions. He said that he phoned people from the opposition and that they agreed to be a part of destroying of united defense of the RS. What else I was supposed to ask?”. Asked whether he counts on the opposition parties in fight for return of competencies, Dodik replied by saying that the opposition parties are not in scope of his political interests and activities at all and added: “I will show them what I have in next year’s elections”. Finally, Dodik was asked to state whether the development of events at the latest session of the UN SC might be interpreted as a message of Russia and China that no solution on Kosovo that would not be in the interest of Belgrade will be supported. Dodik replied by saying that it is clear that the context of solving of Kosovo issue changed in comparison to past years and assessed that Vucic carried out an excellent positioning in this matter. “As for the RS, it is simply impossible to solve issues of the RS and Kosovo separately and we will say this clearly to everyone,” Dodik added. Finally, Dodik assessed that Serbia is there to help the RS in every way, from politics to projects “but we will be our own biggest protection”.




Escobar conveys video message to B&H citizens; Dayton Peace Agreement is still very important part of our foreign policy (Oslobodjenje


At the end of his visit to B&H, US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar conveyed a video message to B&H citizens. “While I am completing the first part of my visit to B&H, I want to say the citizens: Thank you very much for the warm welcome. I want to say that after 20 years I see that exceptional progress has been made in the country and that the Dayton Peace Agreement is still a very important part of our foreign policy.” He added that they are ready for the dialogue, but in case there is none, they are ready to use everything necessary to secure progress of B&H: “Therefore I hope that during the next part of the visit in this region, I will bring more progress. I hope that I will visit citizens of this country again and I hope this will be often.” The US Embassy in B&H stated that Escobar reiterated that leaders with a vision for a more prosperous future need to support integration of a more functional B&H within the region rather than pursue more economic isolation by recreating redundant entity level regulations.


Escobar announces possibility of sanctions against leaders who conduct anti-Dayton activities but also against companies that support them (BHT1


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and US President's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar ended his visit to B&H. In an interview for BHRT, Escobar repeated that the US reject any kind of one-sided withdrawal from B&H institutions, which would make those institutions dysfunctional. Escobar reiterated that the US and their EU partners give firm guarantee for maintaining security in B&H. Even though Escobar pointed out that a step forward to dialogue was made in order to solve the political crisis, Escobar confirmed that sanctions are an open option. Escobar was quoted as saying: “I do not speak of sanctions openly because I do not want people spinning it in a way that the RS will be sanctioned. The people in this region suffered enough, however these sanctions refer to individuals and the leaders must be personally held responsible. We did talk about sanctions. The sanctions are on the table, and not just the sanctions. There are other economic resources that can be implemented not only against leaders who conduct anti-Dayton activities but also (against) those who give economic support, i.e. the companies that support them.” In the same interview, Escobar said the US policies in B&H are based on the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), and that withdrawal from central institutions is out of the question.


Dodik: If Escobar thinks sanctions are solution, let him use them as he wants, but it is clear to everyone that this will not produce effect (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on Escobar's stances. "He did not say a word to me about it yesterday (Monday). He even swore that sanctions are not a topic or mechanism that he would use. Therefore, that is probably encouragement of some other... How can I comment on it, except that it could be the interest of the US, but it is certainly not our interest, because the same policies he represents have gone so far as to rudely take away competences and transfer them, and they believe that it is illegal to return them now. If he thinks that stories about sanctions are the solution, let him use them as he wants. But I believe that it is clear to everyone that this is unnecessary business and that it will not produce an effect or results," Dodik said. Dodik said that Escobar even said that sanctions are an instrument that would not be used lightly. During his Ankara visit, Dodik said that the RS will not give up on its intention of returning its competencies. Dodik said this fight will continue even though Escobar said on Tuesday that US sanctions are ready for some B&H politicians and companies that support them.


Escobar meets representatives of RS authority and opposition; Opposition representatives point out that Dodik wants to keep crisis going for as long as possible because of next year's elections (N1


The US firmly guarantees security in B&H, said Gabriel Escobar on Tuesday after his visit to Banja Luka and meetings with the representatives of RS authorities and the opposition. Representatives of the opposition parties in the RS pointed out that the Dayton Peace Agreement has no alternative. After their meeting with Escobar, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that “common sense and people that will turn the crisis in B&H in another direction” is needed, instead of raising additional tensions and endangering the peace. Sarovic told reporters that Milorad Dodik is the main instigator of problems in B&H. He added that the opposition does not see eye-to-eye with Dodik, and they often cannot cooperate in most important matters. Sarovic stressed that even though Dodik talks ill of the foreigners in B&H, he still meets with them – which he also did on Monday when he and Escobar held a meeting in Sarajevo. Sarovic assessed that Dodik changes his mind often, and he tends to support those foreigners that do his bidding. He explains that Dodik supported High Representatives in the past, and he even supported Bonn Powers, as they brought him many benefits. “Now, simply, he is telling a different story,” Sarovic said. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said the current crisis is just an attempt of the ‘ruling elite’ at masking their own responsibility in many corruption cases. “It is obvious that this crisis suits certain political elites. And, through crisis situation, they want to hide enormous corruption, enormous failures of the ruling elite, and enormous responsibility. And, for that, it is important to emphasize that any type of dangerous, risky activities of hazardous individuals, during which the RS would be endangered, is not acceptable,” Borenovic underlined. Representatives of the opposition in the RS stressed that Escobar's visit exposed Dodik's intentions, reiterating that Dodik wants to keep the crisis going for as long as possible because of next year's elections. Representatives of the opposition noted that if this was not the case, Escobar would not have stated that the possibility has been opened for Dodik to give up on taking over competences of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H and formation of an RS army. Borenovic wondered why Dodik did not propose a law for the following week and line up the army of the RS next week. "So, let us see, hotshot, how brave you are and how strong you are," Borenovic said. Sarovic stressed that the DPA is the basis of everything and that there will be no unilateral change. "There are things that require dialogue in B&H. Issues we are very concerned about, certain decisions that are important caused great dissatisfaction in the RS, such as some decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) and Inzko's decision, i.e. change to the B&H Criminal Code, but those issues and all others need to be resolved within the institutions through dialogue, by opening dialogue with partners from the Federation of B&H. SDS, but also PDP is committed to that. That is completely clear and unequivocal," Sarovic underlined. Cubrilovic, who discussed the current political crisis in B&H with Escobar, stated that he is also in favor of dialogue. "In an open conversation, the parties agreed that all disputed issues need to be resolved through dialogue, with equal participation of all parties in B&H. Also, the participants in the meeting agreed that the starting points in the talks should be the values of peace, the Constitution of B&H and an acceptable state system for all," the RS parliament stated in a press release issued after the meeting between Cubrilovic and Escobar.


Dodik and Erdogan meet in Ankara, they agree that peace has no alternative, and that threat of force cannot solve any problem (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara on Tuesday. ATV stressed that this was an opportunity to inform Erdogan about the political situation in B&H from the aspect of the RS. Dodik and Erdogan agreed that peace has no alternative and that the threat of force cannot solve any problem. "Of course, that B&H and the entire region deserve peace and that is indisputable, but within what is internal dialogue, internal problems, internal relations, it is necessary to do everything to create a neutral situation which would allow dialogue of local factors on open issues from the point of view of all of these factors," Dodik said in a phone statement. Dodik stressed that only speculators have been talking about conflicts for months, adding that this is a strategy of Sarajevo - to open issues that suit people from Sarajevo and to close those that suit Serbs and Croats. The Turkish President was also informed about the RS' stances when it comes to Christian Schmidt. "That he (Schmidt) is illegal, that his actions have no relevance. It was important to say that having in mind that Turkey is a member of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC). I believe that it is very important to say that everything we discussed, emphasis was on stabilization of the situation and excluding conflicts as a possible way of solving issues," Dodik underlined. On the eve of his departure to Turkey, Dodik said that the Turkish President has so far received incorrect and one-sided information about what is happening in B&H. After the meeting, Dodik emphasized that internal issues in B&H must be resolved through dialogue of local politicians and by creating a framework that allows things to normalize before those talks are initiated. Dodik said these talks can be supported by leaders from Turkey, Serbia, Croatia – and they will do this by showing they care about B&H and about peaceful resolution of the current crisis. Dodik believes that official Sarajevo only wants to discuss issues that would be beneficial for Bosniaks, while Sarajevo leaders avoid discussing matters that trouble Croats and Serbs. “That is why we have problems in B&H today,” Dodik assessed.


Schmidt meets representatives of civil society: There can be no other end goal but sovereign, territorially intact and irreversibly stable B&H (Oslobodjenje


High Representative Christian Schmidt met on Tuesday with representatives of the Council of the Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals (VKBI), Croat National Council (HNV), Forum of B&H Parliamentarians, Serb Civic Council – Movement for Equality (SGV-PR), and Society for Threatened Peoples. “Today’s meeting with representatives of B&H’s civil society highlights the invaluable contribution this critical democratic factor in society makes in advancing pluralism and diversity of ideas for addressing the dramatic challenges B&H is facing” said the High Representative at the meeting. The High Representative underlined there can be no other end goal but a sovereign, territorially intact and irreversibly stable B&H that is fully capable of exercising its constitutional and legal responsibilities for the benefit of all its peoples and citizens. All segments of the B&H society – institutions, political parties, NGOs, citizens – must contribute to this goal, he noted. The collocutors agreed to meet again to discuss, among others, the principles for constitutional changes agreed by VKBI, HNV, Forum of B&H Parliamentarians, SGV-PR, and Society for Threatened Peoples.


Podzic, Sattler stress importance of political dialogue and decreasing tensions (Dnevni list


Minister of Defense of B&H Sifet Podzic has received Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler with whom he spoke about the current political situation in the country. According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Defense of B&H, they stressed the importance of political dialogue and decreasing tensions, and both agreed that threats with unilateral actions, especially regarding the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, are unacceptable and undermine sovereignty of B&H. Podzic thanked Sattler for the EU’s support to the AF, foremost through joint exercises with EUFOR and project of demining and disposal of unexploded ordnance and weapons. Podzic and Sattler welcomes extension of executive mandate of operation ‘Althea’ in line with UN Security Council resolution. It was stressed that the EU will remain committed to supporting safe environment in B&H for all citizens.


OHR: Forests and forest land on the entire territory of B&H under the exclusive competence of the state (AJB/Hayat


The Constitutional Court of B&H has determined that forests and forest land on the entire territory of B&H represent a public good that falls under state property, which is the exclusive competence of the state of B&H, it was announced on the Twitter account of the Office of the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR) with a call to the local authorities to define the issue of forests by passing a state law in the B&H parliament, which is contrary to the claims of political representatives from the RS, who believe that forests and other public goods are owned by the entity and not the state. OHR conveyed a messaged to the RS on Tuesday in which it was stressed that forests belong to the state of B&H and that decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H need to be implemented.


UK parliament’s House of Commons discusses current political situation in B&H (N1


The situation in B&H was the topic of a session of the House of Commons of the British parliament on Tuesday. Some representatives made serious accusations regarding the behavior of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. A number of questions have been addressed to the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The members of the House wanted to hear what was planned to be done to maintain peace in B&H. The UK is concerned about recent developments. Milorad Dodik threatens to collapse state institutions, in an attempt to divert attention from corruption and poor living standard. Territorial integrity and the High Representative have the full support of the United Kingdom, said Conservative MP for Braintree and UK Minister for Middle East and North Africa (MENA) at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), James Cleverly, in response to questions. “High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt, will visit the United Kingdom in December, where we will once again provide him with full support to his work, but also for the use of Bonn Powers. Together with international partners, we will face the rhetoric of divisions and actions from some politicians in B&H, including the threat to establish the RS army and other institutions said Cleverly. Conflict is possible. Serbia and Russia support Milorad Dodik. Everything was clear at the session of the UN Security Council (UN SC), states Conservative MP for Totnes, Anthony Mangnall. “This is a dangerous thing for a country where ethnic cleansing and genocide took place during the 1990s. We must recognize evil. Now is the time to act, not to wait. If we wait, we will watch death again,” warned Mangnall. The Dayton Agreement is under threat. B&H is facing a new division. What Dodik is doing will affect not only B&H, but the entire Western Balkans, said Conservative MP for North Wiltshire, James Gray. “The RS is the last place where genocide should be denied. And all the High Representative did was ban it. We are facing a possible return to chaos in B&H, which is supported by Russia and Serbia. We need to act quickly to prevent this,” Gray underlined. MPs asked if there was a plan for B&H. They stated that the current capacity of EUFOR, of 700 poorly equipped soldiers, is not a sufficient guarantee of security. They also asked where the red line to which Milorad Dodik is tolerated stands. “We know how quickly things can get out of control in the Balkans. You did not mention what our red lines are towards the RS. We must have red lines for Dodik, for Russia and Serbia. What Dodik is doing are steps towards secession,” concludes Labor MP for Rochdale, Tony Lloyd. Cleverly said that UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, Elizabeth Truss, would initiate a discussion on the situation in B&H at the forthcoming meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Riga. The British MPs also demanded that the Minister visit B&H. The United Kingdom, as a country that participated in the creation of the Dayton Agreement, must play a more active role, is one of the conclusions of the session. During the discussion, major accusations were presented against work of Dodik as well as Serbia and Russia as countries that support Dodik’s activities. The MPs agreed that the UK as a country that participated in the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) needs to be part of the solution and should take on a more active role in B&H.


Pahor on situation in B&H and region: If there is no progress in reasonable time, it will further strengthen those ideas that it is not possible to live together (N1


In an interview for N1 Slovenian President Borut Pahor spoke of the current situation in B&H and the region. “Namely, if there is no progress in a reasonable time, it will further strengthen those ideas that it is not possible to live together, that it is of greater benefit for nations to join their home countries, so to speak. This would open the question of Bosniaks and their political and economic existence, and so on,” Pahor said. He is of the opinion that all this can and must be avoided because it cannot be said with certainty that it is possible to do it peacefully. “Personally, I do not think it is possible to do it peacefully,” Pahor concluded.


Early elections are the last option for the SNP (RTCG


The proposal of the Democratic Front for the election of a new government is closer to the SNP than the proposal for new elections, said the leader of that party Vladimir Jokovic. He believes that the issue of parliamentary elections is the last option for all parties of the parliamentary majority and that it would not solve anything. He added that at yesterday's meeting the current government was defended by only one MP. Jokovic says the concept of an expert government was made under pressure and has become unsustainable. "There were a number of attempts to bring about reconstruction. Therefore, everyone agreed that they are for reconstruction. The dismissal of Leposavic itself showed that something was wrong," said Jokovic. Speaking about the meeting, Jokovic pointed out that everyone agrees that it is time for a change. "Except for one MP, no one defended that government. "Everyone was in favor of the reconstruction or election of a new government," Jokovic said. He reminded that the DF gave five days to the parliamentary parties to vote for the election of a new government, and 30 days to reach an agreement. "What the DF underlined is that the proposals on the reconstruction of the government and the status quo are unacceptable. The only thing left is the election of a new government or early parliamentary elections," he said. He believes that elections would not solve much.


Opposition bloc remains unified: All Alternative members of parliament plan to vote in favor of removing Zaev and his government from office (INA


The four members of parliament from the Alternative party have decided to vote to bring down the Zaev government, the INA news agency reported. The party is in the VMRO-DPMNE led opposition bloc and signed on the proposal to vote no confidence in PM Zoran Zaev, but one of its representatives began to have second thoughts. According to INA, that representative, Skender Rexhepi, is now fully on board. The vote is scheduled on Thursday, and there are reports that Zaev is making last ditch attempts to persuade members of parliament from the opposition to leave the bloc.


Hoxha: BESA will remain in the opposition camp, our main goal is to remove DUI from power (Republika


Agriculture Minister Arianit Hoxha from the BESA party said that the party will definitely vote in favor of bringing down the Zaev government on Thursday with its key three members of parliament, and that even if the vote fails, he will resign from the government and BESA will continue to work to bring the government down. “We will vote against the government, and what happens next will be up to our party institutions to decide. We don’t close the door to talk to SDSM or Zoran Zaev in the future – he is the person who most sacrificed to bring Macedonia in the Euro-Atlantic processes. But our shared interest is to bring down the government. We want to remove the DUI party from power and they (VMRO-DPMNE) want to bring down the government. And that is the first step we will make,” Hoxha said. BESA’s defection from the coalition was the strongest blow to the Zaev coalition after his defeat in the local elections. BESA announced it will leave the coalition over a bitter mayoral race in the village of Zelino. After BESA made its announcement, the Administrative Court decided the disputed race in favor of BESA, in an apparent attempt to calm the party down, but according to Hoxha, its decision to side with the opposition remains unchanged.


SDSM party delegates asked Zaev to postpone his resignation (Republika


PM Zoran Zaev convened party delegates yesterday evening to give him coverage to postpone his announced resignations as Prime Minister and SDSM party leader. The SDSM Central Board good unanimously to ask Zaev to postpone his resignation, said SDSM official Pero Kostadinov. Given how reluctant Zaev was to make good on his pledge to resign, it’s expected that he will “accept” the recommendation from his party. All eyes are on the vote of no confidence in Zaev’s government, they is scheduled for today. A number of news outlets close to SDSM are reporting that Zoran Zaev told the Central Board of his party that he will not resign. Zaev announced his resignations as SDSM party leader and Prime Minister after badly losing in the local elections, but then began to delay his move – especially the resignation in the government. Zaev was welcomed by cheers from his party delegates as he entered the hall in the SDSM party headquarters. Shortly after the media briefings began and the outlets are reporting that Zaev will try to cling on to power, while insisting that there is still chance for a breakthrough in the dispute with Bulgaria in December. The opposition parties led by VMRO-DPMNE saw through Zaev’s hesitation and declared that they will force his hand by a vote of no confidence that is scheduled for Thursday, and they seem to have the votes they need, but Zaev seems to plan to either postpone the vote or get representatives to leave the opposition bloc.


Zaev’s representatives in parliament may try to postpone the vote of no confidence (Republika


SDSM members of parliament and their coalition allies will likely walk out of the building on Thursday, if it looks that the opposition parties have the necessary 61 votes to bring down the PM Zoran Zaev government. This could help SDSM delay the session, if the opposition representatives are not fully assembled from the start. The VMRO-DPMNE led opposition bloc announced over the weekend that it has 61 votes, but one representative since declared that he may change his mind. Opposition officials say they are in talks with numerous other members of parliament from the ruling coalition, which includes a dozen smaller parties.


If the government does not fall on Thursday, it will not fall in the next three months either (Libertas/TV21


The President of the Assembly Talat Xhaferi announced session for a vote of confidence in the Government. According to Xhaferi, unless a vote of no confidence is cast in the government, there can be no re-vote in the next 90 days. "The procedures are clear. There is a session scheduled for Thursday. The session must have an epilogue. The epilogue can be, a vote of no confidence - the government falls, a vote of confidence - the government does not fall. After that, for the next 90 days, there can be no vote of no confidence again. That is why a period of 90 days is given. "If the request for a vote of no confidence in the Government is withdrawn now, the procedure has been started, there is no right for the next 90 days for a request a vote of no confidence again" Xhaferi told TV21.


Santos: Opposition-majority dialogue very important (Radio Tirana


The rapporteur for Albania in the European Parliament spoke after the meetings in the country. In a statement to the media, Isabel Santos said that Albania has fulfilled all the necessary steps to hold the first Intergovernmental conference. As for the media law, Santos said that the recommendations should be taken into account. Santos also expressed the need to reform the justice system. "We have said that Albania is ready for the next step in the integration process. Albania has fulfilled all the necessary steps to hold the First Intergovernmental Conference. I want to say that I am very pleased to see that after the elections the assembly has started working. I understand the importance of the assembly as a place that represents the will of the Albanians. I am pleased that the assembly has started working in cooperation between the opposition and the majority. This dialogue can become very important. As for the media, I received the confirmation that the majority will not continue with the draft law on media. Albania should consider recommendations for media law. The justice system needs to be reformed. Continue with the same procedures until each judge or prosecutor has gone through the process. I was pleased to hear that the assembly has sought the opinion of the Venice Commission on this issue. I believe that this is important for the next elections, ie the reform of the electoral system. I want to give an important message. There is a majority in Europe that understands the progress that Albania is making and they want to integrate. The time has come for Albania to be rewarded for the reforms. "Let's support it," she said.