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Belgrade Media Report 25 November


Vucic meets with Putin in Sochi (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on Thursday. Before a closed-door meeting with Vucic, Putin welcomed his Serbian counterpart outside a Sochi residence with a cordial greeting. "Every meeting with the president of the Russian Federation is of exceptional significance for our country," Vucic wrote in a post on his official Instagram account buducnostsrbijeav. Vucic has noted on several occasions that the meeting would be extremely important for Serbia and that a long-term deal on Russian gas supplies would be the main topic. Making no secret of his intent to ask Putin for the lowest possible gas price, Vucic said Serbia's further economic development depended on the price of the fuel. "That is an issue for all of our country because whether investors will come and whether we will have electricity and reserves depends on that," Vucic said ahead of the trip to Russia.

Vucic said the topics of the meeting would also include developments in the dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija and the overall situation in the Western Balkans. "Regional issues are what is interesting to us but, quite certainly, I will be able to hear Putin's take on the situation in Europe, Asia and worldwide, and how we, as a small country, can find the best position in a turbulent world and protect our interests," he said.

Brnabic: Open Balkans one of Serbia’s main priorities (Tanjug/RTV)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Wednesday that, in addition to the basic foreign policy priority of European integration, regional security, stability and a prosperous region are equally important for Serbia, brought by the Open Balkans initiative. At the conference “Open Balkans - The Road to Stabilization, Cooperation and Prosperity of the Region”, Brnabic pointed out that our region is relatively small and instability anywhere in it will undoubtedly have a bad effect on any of us. Serbia has done a lot in the last seven years. It has some of the best economic results in Europe, we have created 60,000 new jobs despite the corona crisis, we have a clear plan for the future and a record level of capital investments, and we see our future clearly and it is bright for the first time in decades, Brnabic stated. She underlined that, if we fail to transfer part of that prosperity to our neighbors in the region with initiatives like the Open Balkans, we risk all our success. It is not just a nice political idea, but it is the smartest possible policy for Serbia as well as for our partners from the Open Balkans. I hope that everyone else from the region will see that and that they will join us, said Brnabic. She added that it is very important to achieve the goals of the initiative on the free flow of people, goods and workforce in the region. Investors are looking for a good environment to invest, which is a great comparative advantage, especially if you see that Albania and North Macedonia have a fairly high unemployment rate, because investors will see the benefits of a large labor market, she said. Brnabic estimated that in the next two or three years, the realization of these goals will increase the GDP of each country from the Open Balkans by one percent, and in five to seven years, if some other country joins, by up to seven percent. She also said that this will open completely different perspectives for young people from the region, because they will be able to work in this part of Europe.

Mihajlovic: Connecting region's energy sector a must (Tanjug)

We must establish a common energy market in the region and connect physically, but we must first lift physical barriers through joint protocols, Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said on Wednesday. "This initiative must crush prejudice and obstruction, which appear from time to time," Mihajlovic told a business panel at an Open Balkans conference held in the Serbian parliament building. In a time when the world talks about cybersecurity and space, the dominant comments here are about whether the Open Balkans is a Greater Albania or a new Yugoslavia in disguise, Mihajlovic said. "Neither of that is true. People are still unaware of how much this initiative can do for prosperity in this region," she said. She said the energy sectors of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia - the three participating countries - would connect with the entire region and that the countries must therefore send a message to others to join the initiative.

Godfrey on Open Balkans: We support economic linkage; Escobar agrees (FoNet/N1)

Anthony Godfrey, the US Ambassador to Serbia, said on Wednesday that his country fully supported the region's economic integration. Ahead of the “Open Balkan – Road to Stabilization, Cooperation and Prosperity of the Region” meeting in the Serbian parliament, he said the idea of the Open Balkans was crucial for European integration, but that they would fulfil its potential when the entire Western Balkans were connected. Godfrey said that the Open Balkans would help increase salaries and progress in European integration reforms. Also on Wednesday, the US special envoy for the Balkans Gabriel Escobar agreed the Open Balkans initiative could not succeed if all six countries of the Western Balkans were not included. The US position is that all six Western Balkans countries should be members of the European Union within a reasonable time, he has added. “We believe that their voice should be heard in the structures that affect the lives of the people who live in this area. In addition, every country that joins the EU becomes more democratic, stable and prosperous. We support any economic and regional integration that leads in that direction,” Escobar said. He added the US support for the initiative was conditioned by an equal opportunity for everyone to participate and that it should not be an obstacle to the European integration of the region.

France's support stimulus to European path of Serbia and the region (RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday during the talks with newly appointed French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard that cooperation and partnership with France is at a very high level, primarily thanks to open political dialogue between the officials of the two countries. Brnabic pointed to the importance of opening the office of the French Agency for Development (ADF) in Serbia, which is a clear indicator of that country's interest in a more widespread presence in our country over a longer term. At the same time, as she explained, it is a significant incentive for the continuation of cooperation on projects related to investments in road and railway infrastructure, as well as the construction of water supply and sewerage network and wastewater treatment plants. Brnabic underlined that, thanks to the signing of the agreement between the two governments, the beginning of work on the construction of the Belgrade motorway has been enabled, as well as the improvement of energy efficiency in Serbia, which are key projects for our country and great potential for improving mutual relations. She said that Serbia extremely appreciates France's support for European integration, as well as regional initiatives, adding that it is an important stimulus to the European path not only of Serbia, but also of the region as a whole. She informed her interlocutor about the achievements in the area of reforms related to the rule of law and media freedoms, and invited him to join the Working Group for the Protection and Safety of Journalists. Speaking about development cooperation, Cochard assessed that Serbia is recognized as an important strategic partner and expressed confidence that French companies will continue to develop their business in our country. He underlined that France will continue to support Serbia's European integration, primarily through the provision of expert support in that process, and that he is convinced that the implementation of reforms will give positive results.

Stano calls on Pristina to allow Petkovic to visit Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)

EU spokesperson Peter Stano on Wednesday urged Pristina to reconsider a decision denying entry to Kosovo and Metohija to the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. In a statement to Tanjug, Stano said the EU was aware Petkovic's visit had been appropriately announced in line with an agreement on official visits, and that it should have been allowed to take place. “We call on Kosovo to reconsider the decision and allow this visit to proceed,” Stano said. He said the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak - who met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on Tuesday - would continue to Pristina on Thursday to deliver a message about EU expectations regarding implementation of agreements reached to date and responsible behavior when it comes to public statements. He said Lajcak would also advance the work on preparing the next high-level meeting that we hope will still take place this year. When asked whether and how the EU would react to Albin Kurti’s repeated statements about his personal desire for a unification of Kosovo and Albania - which directly undermine the EU-facilitated dialogue on normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina - Stano responded the EU did not comment on hypothetical scenarios and remarks about hypothetical things but that the expectations from Western Balkan leaders were clear and unchanged. “We expect the leaders in the Western Balkans to lead by example when it comes to constructive engagement and responsible behavior and responsible statements that go in the direction of enhancing the reconciliation and regional cooperation and good-neighborly relations, and not to the contrary,” he said.

Venice Commission: Revised constitutional amendments fulfill majority of recommendations (Beta)

In the latest opinion about the revised draft amendments to the Constitution of Serbia, the Venice Commission announced that the majority of its previous recommendations had been fulfilled, but stressed that it was necessary to lower the risks of the High Judicial Council and the Prosecutors' High Council being influenced by politics. The Commission, which is the Council of Europe's expert body for constitutional law, stated on that it was necessary to urgently prepare the legal amendments required for the full implementation of the constitutional amendments. In its latest urgent opinion, delivered at the request of Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, the Venice Commission analyzed the draft law on constitutional amendments that was amended after its previous opinion, which was adopted in October 2021. The Commission has welcomed the fulfilment of the majority of its key recommendations from the October opinion, primarily those about the composition of the High Judicial Council, the Council of Europe has stated. It was highlighted in the opinion that the recommendation referring to the mechanism against unblocking the appointment of members of the High Judicial Council had not been accepted, and that the one about the composition of the Prosecutors' High Council had been implemented only partially. "Although the solutions proposed in the revised draft amendments, pertaining to these two recommendations, are not against international standards as such, the Commission wishes to once again insist on the need for reducing the risk of the two Councils being influenced by politics," the statement reads.



Varhelyi meets with B&H Presidency members; Varhelyi: EU expects all political leaders in B&H to bring attention back to implementation of reforms (AJB)


European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi has warned that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is risking to lose close to EUR 1.5 billion of infrastructural investments. Varhelyi met on Wednesday with the B&H Presidency members, Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija, B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda and B&H Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic, as well as with representatives of the opposition. The focus of the meetings was on economic and reform processes and the crisis in the functioning of state institutions. Addressing the media, Varhelyi said: “Withdrawing of Republka Srpska (RS) entity from the work of the state institutions only additionally distances B&H from the EU acquis, suspends its EU path, and I have already said that this will have significant consequences for the citizens of this country, its economy and the private sector. Solutions can be sought through dialog within the institutions, and we are at disposal to support and facilitate such dialog. Once again, I call on all political actors to find concrete solutions”. The focus of the meeting at the B&H Presidency was on the B&H Armed Forces (AF) and property of B&H. Addressing the media after the meeting, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said: “I proposed that the two entities and the Brcko District sign agreement on property, where they will recognize, as envisaged by the Dayton, that the property on the entities’ territory will belong to the entities, whatever the property is, and that the property determined with succession of former Yugoslavia, and is on the territory of other countries, will belong to the joint level, for the use in regard to diplomatic and consular activities, and the property that, according to the said agreement on succession, is on the territory of the entities will belong to the entities.” Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said: “You have a man who says he does not respect the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC), and the B&H CC is the institution that needs to interpret the B&H Constitution. Who to support then? An individual who has his personal view on important issues, or the institution of B&H? I guess we will respect and implement the B&H CC’s decisions. The state property should be discussed at the state Parliament, and the law on state property should be adopted by the state Parliament, as requested from B&H by the B&H CC.” Dodik announced that the RS will reach a decision on December 10 to put out of force former High Representative Paddy Ashdown's law banning the disposal of property. "And we will make an obligation to effectively introduce this property as the RS property," Dodik said. Dodik also proposed to halve the composition and costs of the B&H Armed Forces (AF). "In that case, we would not decide on certain things. I informed Mr. Commissioner about all of that, who insists on preserving peace which is reasonable" Dodik stressed, noting that the RS officials never called for any kind of war. Dodik stressed that the representatives of the RS at the B&H level are ready to support any decision on projects in the RS, the Federation of B&H or Brcko District. Dodik emphasized that B&H has been in a constant crisis since Dayton, although one is now trying to present that the current crisis is the biggest one. Dzaferovic, on the other hand, demanded respect for the B&H Constitution. "When we say the Constitution of B&H, those are all reforms that were implemented in the last 26, 27 years on the basis of the Constitution of B&H. Nothing was done without the Constitution of B&H. Nothing was done outside the Constitution of B&H," Dzaferovic emphasized. At his meeting with the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Tegeltija stressed the importance of implementing the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. Following the meetings, Varhelyi also said that B&H has European prospects and that it is necessary to implement the fourteen priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC) in order for B&H to get a candidate status for membership in the EU. The European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement stressed that Brussels is planning more than EUR 1.5 billion for infrastructure projects and that in return, the EU seeks functional institutions of B&H. "We expect all political leaders, on their part, to bring attention back to the implementation of reforms, reforms outlined in the fourteen key priorities of the EC, to ensure long-awaited reforms in the area of the rule of law, judiciary, but also constitutional and electoral reforms," Varhelyi underlined. B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic did not address the media following the meeting, but he stated in a press release that Varhelyi conveyed four important messages. Komsic said that Varhelyi stated that he expects blockade of the B&H institutions to end and for B&H institutions to be strengthened. According to Komsic, Varhelyi also stressed that the Common Regional Market (CRM), for which the EU has provided EUR 30 billion, represents basis of economic progress of the entire region and that the EU does not recommend at this time to reduce the capacity of the B&H AF. Komsic said that Dodik tried to trade with Varhelyi. He stressed that Varhelyi was more concrete than other foreign officials and he said no to the division of state property or any changes to the B&H AF. Komsic said that Dodik and his MPs can return to the B&H Parliament and try to change laws that they dislike if they want to.

Tegeltija with Varhelyi: There need to be talks without threats and imposition of solutions (Dnevni list)


Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Zoran Tegeltija, who met European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi told Varhelyi that talks about political situation in B&H should be held without threats and imposition of solutions. The statement further reads that Tegeltija thanked Varhelyi for the continuous engagement and support to B&H in the process of the EU integration and his efforts about the future of the Western Balkans, stressing that a stable and prosperous Balkans is in everyone’s interest. In this context Chairman Tegelija underlined the importance of implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans that is aimed at overcoming economic challenges caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Tegeltija also stressed the need for internal dialogue, without threats and imposing solutions, and the need for consistent respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA).

Varhelyi meets with opposition parties from FB&H and RS, opposition leaders claim authorities are not capable to make progress on EU path (FTV)


EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi met on Wednesday with representatives of opposition parties from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and Republika Srpska (RS). Leaders of opposition parties presented their stances on the current situation in B&H. Following the meeting, leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that they emphasized importance of adoption of amendments to the Election Law of B&H. SDP leader Nermin Niksic stated that they requested representatives of the international community to enable implementation of fair elections in B&H. Representatives of opposition parties also stated that current authorities are not capable to solve situation that prevents any progress of B&H towards the EU membership. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic underlined that it is clear that three ruling parties at B&H level are anti-European and pro-corruptive. “They are not interested in the EU path. The EU agenda has been completely frozen and they have been doing nothing to make us a part of the organized system” explained Borenovic. Our Party’s Edin Forto emphasized that the European values have been dying in B&H. He went on to saying that the international community needs to stop observing current authorities in B&H as credible partners, because they have been opposing strengthening of the rule of law. Addressing media following the meeting, leader of SBB B&H Fahrudin Radoncic said that he understands the need to first harmonize Bosniak-Croat relations and then the situation between the FB&H and the RS, but he also pointed out one precondition and that is stopping destruction of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and return to institutions of B&H. Radoncic also said that is important for the FB&H and the RS opposition to appear together in front of Varhelyi. Radoncic said that FB&H opposition presented very united front during the meeting. He also commented losing of funds and said that he stated that he understands the two-step strategy, where the issue of Bosniak- Croat relations is to be addressed first and then solve situation between FB&H and the RS, but underlined that he said that before this it is necessary to stop the destructive behavior of Milorad Dodik.

Dodik, Cvijanovic, Viskovic meet with Varhelyi in Banja Luka; Dodik says countries supporting law imposed by former HR Inzko are responsible for situation in B&H (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic met on Wednesday evening with European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi at the RS Government building. Dodik informed Varhelyi about clear position that the RS opposes any form of legal violence, imposing of solutions and interference of foreigners in B&H. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Dodik said: “The basic elements of our discussion were related to the current situation in B&H, where the EU expects joint institutions to function and that, in that regard the Presidency, the (B&H) Council of Ministers, and the B&H parliament start functioning normally, the same bodies for which the RS parliament said it would not participate in their decision-making process and work until the issue of the imposed law of former High Representative was resolved. That is exactly what we said to Mr. Varhelyi, i.e. that those behind such shameful business done by Inzko should resolve that issue and that, in that regard, we see the responsibility in the countries that support, or they silently supported such parade done by Inzko.” Dodik reiterated that the RS is not endangering peace, but respects the territorial integrity of B&H and the Constitution of B&H. Dodik also said that one of discussed topics was big investment plan for the Western Balkans, adding that main elements of the meeting concerned the current situation in B&H. Dodik emphasized that the EU expects functional institutions of B&H. Dodik added that he will attend a new meeting with Varhelyi in Sarajevo on Wednesday evening, adding that besides him, leaders of SDA and HDZ B&H, as well as the EU ambassadors will attend it. Dodik emphasized that elected officials should decide the fate of B&H through consensus of representatives of the two entities and three constituent peoples. Dodik stressed that the RS respects and acts in accordance with the Constitution of B&H, and that it expects the same from others, including representatives of the international community. Dodik reiterated that the RS has no plan for secession. When it comes to possible sanctions that were intensely discussed in the past period, Dodik said that the RS continues with its current policies.

Sattler, Varhelyi meet SDA, HDZ, SNSD leaders (Dnevni avaz)


The Head of the EU Delegation Johann Sattler and European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi held a meeting in the premises of the EUD in Sarajevo on Wednesday night, with leaders of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik and leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic. Daily noted that the meeting lasted for two and a half hours and the participants did not want to give any statements afterwards. Answering journalists remark that they waited more than two hours for statements, Dodik briefly said: “Thank the European Union.”

Dodik meets with Nelson in Sarajevo, emphasizes that RS is committed to respecting Constitution and DPA (RTRS)


Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik met with US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Dodik and Nelson discussed the current political situation in B&H with the aim of establishing an internal dialogue. Dodik emphasized that the RS is committed to respecting the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), stressing that this is the path to the successful functioning of B&H. Dodik reiterated that for the benefit of B&H, it is necessary to respect its constitutional order, adding that legal violence and imposition of decisions is unacceptable. "The RS is not against B&H, which can function as a country of two equal entities and three constituent peoples, and decisions must be made by domestic politicians in open dialogue and through agreement," Dodik was quoted as saying. The office of Serb member of the B&H Presidency issued a statement, saying that Dodik is dedicated to respecting the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), and that this is the path towards the successful future of B&H. It was stated that it is necessary to respect the constitutional organization of B&H for its benefits and that no legislative violence is acceptable. Dodik did not mention his meeting with Nelson during the press conference he hosted on Wednesday evening.

RS opposition criticizes Dodik for meeting Nelson in private; Trivic: If opposition did this they would be considered traitors (BN TV)

The opposition in the RS parliament criticized Milorad Dodik for his private meeting with US Ambassador Eric Nelson which took place in Sarajevo on Wednesday. MP of PDP Jelena Trivic said that she can imagine what would happen if one of the opposition representatives met Nelson in his house in Sarajevo. She reminded that she was attacked and ‘crucified’ on social media for attending a meeting with Nelson alongside MP of PDP Igor Crnadak. Trivic stressed that it is necessary and acceptable to talk to everyone and express their stances. She stressed that they were accused of treason because they held a normal, public meeting with Nelson. Trivic said that ruling authorities visit him in his home, and they have no right to talk about treason. She said that there can be no assessments handed out and they will return to the authorities like a boomerang, since they accuse the opposition of what they are doing in order to hide it. MP of SDS Nebojsa Vukanovic said that the RS parliament and all RS institutions are nothing but small stakes in the competition and calculation of the ruling authorities and foreigners who are their mentors who put them in power in 1998. He added that those who are members of the US administration now were members of the US administration back then and the ruling authorities were assessed as a breath of fresh air. Vukanovic said that nothing much has changed, and the menu is probably a little bigger, since the officials have increased their wealth.

Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP files motion for review of RS law on non-application of B&H Criminal Code on territory of RS (BHT1)


The Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) filed a motion with the Constitutional Court of B&H for constitutional review of the RS law on non-application of the B&H Criminal Code on the territory of the RS. The RS National Assembly adopted the law on 3 September three days after former High Representative Valentin Inzko imposed changes to the B&H Criminal Code that prohibit denial of the genocide, war crimes and glorification of convicted war criminals. Chair of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP Alija Tabakovic reminded that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, after the recent session of SDA Presidency in Banja Luka, said that a deadline should be left for the High Representative to annul the law and he added: “Having in mind he did not do that, the only thing we can do is to exploit the legal option of addressing B&H CC with a motion.”

B&H was selected for geopolitical mini show-down between USA and Russia (Glas Srpske)


The author comments the diplomatic offensive which B&H is experiencing in recent weeks. The author notes that the short-sightedness of some foreign officials is very worrisome, because they see sanctions against RS officials as the only solution for the current political crisis in B&H. The author emphasizes that this scenario is very likely, judging by the recent statements of German diplomat Christian Schmidt who is not recognized by RS authorities as the High Representative. Schmidt visited Washington where he sought support for use of the Bonn powers, and he blamed B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik for all problems. The Dutch parliament adopted the initiative to request sanctions against Dodik by all EU member states. Similar messages were sent by some members of the European Parliament. However, notes the daily, all of them missed the opportunity to ask what caused the current political crisis. On the other hand, all international diplomatic efforts have a common threat – the idea of malign Russian influence. The author argues that this is the true reason for the announced sanctions. The US Administration form the 1990s has been revived, and they are determined to once again challenge Moscow. B&H has been marked as one of the locations for the geopolitical mini show-down. Several EU member states, including Germany, accepted this dangerous game. At the same time, Bosniak officials are travelling around Europe lobbying against one part of their own country. The author concludes that there seems to be no more logic, democracy or justice in the world.

Dodik says he discussed Open Balkans with Vucic; There is no willingness in B&H to support it; Vucic: It is important to lower tensions, talk about overcoming issues, and I think Dodik will persist in that manner (ATV)


Milorad Dodik stated that the topic of his meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade was Open Balkans, with no willingness in B&H to support it, and commenting on relations with the Russian Federation, Dodik said the contacts were good in the same way the relations with the EU were good. “Meetings with Vucic are regular and we discuss that. Open Balkans was the topic. There is still, unfortunately, no willingness in B&H to support it, and I think that we will remain isolated in that regard, by not entering Open Balkans project. That was the essence of our talk,” said Dodik for the media on Wednesday. ATV reports that Vucic earlier stated he and Dodik had discussed economic cooperation and political issues, and that Dodik said he would insist on the dialogue to resolve the political crisis in B&H and persist in lowering tensions. “We really had a long meeting, regular consultations on different issues, our economic cooperation, but also political issues. I think it is important to lower tensions, to talk about how to overcome issues and I think that Mr. Dodik will persist in that manner. I will certainly discuss the situation in the whole region with President Putin,” said Vucic. Vucic addressed journalists ahead of his meeting with Putin and announced that they will discuss Serbia’s natural gas reserves, price of natural gas, Kosovo issue, military cooperation, situation in the Western Balkans and global topics. Asked what he will tell Putin about the situation in B&H, knowing that he met with Dodik two days ago, Vucic replied by saying that he presumes he and Putin will discuss the situation in the region but he added that he does not want to interfere in internal matters of other countries. Vucic added that it is important to lower tensions, hold talks to solve problems and he added that he is convinced Dodik will insist on this as well. Meanwhile, in an online address to the Serbian parliament, US Special Envoy for Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar stated that the initiative Open Balkans will not succeed if all six countries of the Western Balkans do not join and underlined that regional initiatives have to be equally open for all the states. Escobar stated that challenges of the Open Balkans include control of borders after opening them, reducing of corruption and reduce of state control in economy. “Besides, it is important for these three countries, which are launching the initiative, to be very open and to closely talk to other three partners who are skeptical,” said Escobar. He noted that regional initiative has to offer equality for all citizens and projects and there can be no discrimination based on ethnic affiliation. Escobar concluded that the USA is ready to assist the regional initiatives, if they are not disturbing European integration.


French President arrives to cement new strategic partnership with Croatia (HRT)

French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Zagreb on Wednesday to sign a strategic partnership and a 999 million-Euro deal on the procurement of Rafale fighter jets. In what is the first official visit of a French president since Croatia's independence, Macron will meet with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday. “We are pleased to host Emmanuel Macron, who is on his first official visit to Croatia. We want to strengthen the partnership between Croatia and France and create the preconditions for increasing economic cooperation and trade. Croatia appreciates France's support on the road to Schengen and the Eurozone,” Plenkovic tweeted, shortly after Macron’s arrival at Zagreb’s Franjo Tudjman Airport on Wednesday evening. Macron has arrived with a large delegation that includes Defense Minister Florence Parly. He will attend a working dinner with Plenkovic and other officials ahead of a packed schedule on Thursday that will culminate in the singing of the Rafale agreement. Earlier on Wednesday Plenkovic’s government gave the final green light for the signing of the agreement to purchase 12 French Rafale jets. The two countries will also be signing a new strategic-partnership agreement. Besides strengthening Croatia’s military capabilities, these agreements will forge a new chapter in relations between the two countries, Plenkovic said. "A strategic partnership means strong support from one of the most influential countries in the world, not just in the EU. It is an opportunity for economic and cultural cooperation as well as political dialogue, but above all, it signals strong support for Croatia's aspirations to become part of the Schengen Area and the Eurozone,” said Plenkovic. Eight Rafale planes are due to arrive in 2024 and another four the following year. They will replace Croatia’s outdated MIGs. The 999 million-Euro price tag includes pilot training, simulators, weapons and a one-year guarantee.

Austrian report recommends banning Bleiburg commemoration (HRT)

A group of experts authorized by the Austrian Interior Ministry has recommended banning the annual commemoration in Bleiburg for Croatian soldiers and civilians-including Nazi-allied soldiers from the Ustasha regime and their families-who were killed there after fleeing partizan forces at the end of World War II The report was presented to the Austrian government on Wednesday by Interior Minister Karl Nehammer. The next step is to present the commission's opinion in parliament. Now the interior minister must present concrete plans to ban the gathering, said local political leader Peter Kaiser. He added that he was pleased with the report, and that he expected the Austrian authorities to point out to Croatia that the gathering was not viable in its current form. The commemoration, officially organized by the Honorary Bleiburg Platoon, has been held under the auspices of the Croatian parliament. The commission comprised historians, lawyers, and representatives of the Catholic Church, the Interior Ministry and local authorities. Taking into account the constitutional prerequisites, international commitments, and the legal foundations of the Constitutional Court, the report said, the commission concluded that the gathering should be banned. However, the commission underlined that the ban did not apply to a neutral commemoration or Catholic mass.


Belgium strongly supports Montenegro's European path (Gov. Press service)

Montenegro and Belgium have excellent bilateral relations, which is a strong impetus to Montenegro's integration agenda. In the coming period, it is necessary to intensify cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, it was concluded at the meeting between Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium Alexander De Croo. PM Krivokapic expressed satisfaction with the meeting with his Belgian counterpart and said that Montenegro has good cooperation with all EU member states, which is confirmed by the meetings he had with the highest officials in the previous period. It gives me great pleasure to meet with you after talks with Chancellor Merkel and Chancellor Kurz, President Macron, Prime Minister Mitsotakis and others to exchange views on future cooperation between our countries, bilaterally and multilaterally, the Prime Minister said. He reminded that Montenegro and Belgium are marking an important jubilee this year - 15 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, and thanked Belgium for supporting Montenegro's strategic commitments.

Montenegro remains committed to the key principles of foreign policy - European integration, NATO alliance and regional cooperation, the Prime Minister concluded. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo expressed satisfaction with the meeting with the Prime Minister of Montenegro and said that the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium will continue to strongly support Montenegro's European path. Montenegro has comparative advantages as a small country in the process of joining the European Union. You have good natural resources for the development of tourism and energy, said the Belgian Prime Minister. The officials exchanged views on the impact of the health crisis on economic recovery and expressed the expectation that room will be created for intensifying cooperation between the two countries in all areas of common interest.

Abazovic: The DF platform has already been seen (RTCG)


The former Prosecutorial Council was extremely politicized, and that is why it was necessary to pass amendments to the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office, about which there was great controversy, said Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. Abazovic told reporters that the government was working as before. "I am not running away from a solution. We are here for the citizens, if we are here because of them, we must have a majority that will adopt laws," Abazovic said. He stated that the model was established on 30 August, adding that he believes that the government should continue to work at full capacity. "Whoever can achieve the majority, let him achieve it. If the Democrats and the DF can find a replacement for URA, let them do that. However, they do not have ideas and contacts and that is a problem" Abazovic said. Asked to comment on the statement of the President of the Assembly Aleksa Becic, Abazovic said that the Democrats should decide whether URA or DF is closer to them.

Martinovic to Abazovic: Admit that you asked Mandic for you to be PM (CdM)

Democrats’ MP Valdimir Martinovic has told DPM Dritan Abazovic that it would be good to admit that he wrote prosecutorial laws together with the DF, as well as that he asked for himself to be the Prime Minister. “You have spent more time with the DF leaders in the past year than all of us from Parliament together. And there is nothing disputable about that, just admit that you wrote the Prosecutorial Laws with them, not with us, that you negotiated the Prosecutorial Council with them, not with us” Martinovic has tweeted. “So, don’t teach lessons to others,” Martinovic has stressed.


US official-Zaev phone call on EU Integration of N. Macedonia, Albania (MIA)


US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Kaen Donfried, in a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia Zoran Zaev, indicated that the integration of Albania and Northern Macedonia in the EU is in the US interest. "Prime Minister Zaev and Assistant Secretary Donfrid discussed Northern Macedonia's bid for membership in the European Union, where the US expressed support for the start of EU membership negotiations in December," the Macedonian government said in a press release this Wednesday. They also agreed that the opening of membership negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania is a foreign policy and geostrategic interest of the United States. Zaev and Donfried during a telephone conversation reaffirmed the strategic partnership between Northern Macedonia and the United States, which are now partners in NATO.


Despite the renewed Bulgarian veto, Osmani says Macedonia will keep pushing (Republika/BGNES)

Macedonian Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani told the BGNES agency that new efforts will be made in an attempt to break the Bulgarian veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks, even after officials in Sofia announced that the veto holds. Macedonia was hoping that with a new majority in the Bulgarian parliament and with President Radev re-elected, the veto could be lifted in time for the December 14th European Council. Even after the outpouring of sympathy on both sides after the disastrous crash of a Macedonian bus in Bulgaria on Monday morning, which Zoran Zaev said will positively influence relations between both countries, the intent to keep the veto was confirmed by Bulgaria’s Ambassador to the EU Rumen Aleksandrov. We expect that the Bulgarian Government is formed in this coming period, and we will begin talks. I believe that there are good chances to reach solution in December. We have no other alternative than to have good neighborly relations with Bulgaria, Osmani said. Bulgaria demands major concessions from Macedonia in the area of Macedonian national identity and history.

Janev: Bulgaria will not relinquish its position on Northern Macedonia (

Bulgaria's policy towards Northern Macedonia remains unchanged, interim Bulgarian Prime Minister Stefan Janev said. As MIA reports from Sofia, according to Janev, Bulgaria has very well stated its position to the Bulgarian society regarding the position towards Northern Macedonia, but not to the EU partners. Janev also said that before the transitional government took office in May this year, the position had not been announced. "We will not relinquish our position," said Janev.


Rama: Open Balkans can help resolve Serbia-Kosovo issue (ADN)


The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama during his online speech from Tirana at the meeting of the Open Balkans initiative, stated that this initiative can help solve the problems regarding Serbia and Kosovo. Rama stressed that even the assumption that the initiative is not open to other members is not true. According to him, the Open Balkans is compatible with the Berlin Process, an initiative founded by outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the Western Balkan countries to become members of the EU. However, Rama expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the EU is dragging its feet on enlargement to the Western Balkans. Albania and Northern Macedonia have been waiting for several years for the date for the start of EU membership negotiations from Brussels. "They promise dates, and then they do not fulfil them… We will not be in the European Union next year, so we in the region must work together," said Rama. According to Rama, the Open Balkans can help solve the problem between Serbia and Kosovo, because 'problems can only be addressed if everyone is together'. The Prime Minister of Albania said that he would be very happy when both partners, the EU and the US, would declare that the Open Balkans is a 'good initiative'.

New German government: Opening of the first chapters of negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia proposed (Radio Tirana)

The coalition agreement of the three German parties that will form the new federal government supports the European integration of the six countries of the Western Balkans. The agreement proposes the opening of the first chapters of negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, visa liberalization for Kosovo and the continuation of negotiations with Montenegro and Serbia.

"We support the European integration of the six Western Balkan countries and, in this sense, even the reforms needed to meet all the Copenhagen criteria," the document said. In this context, civil society will be strengthened, it is further added. It also supports the EU-sponsored Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, as well as efforts to maintain long-term peace in Bosnia based on maintaining territorial integrity and overcoming ethnic differences. "EU membership's capacity to admit new members needs to be improved with membership negotiations," the document says.

"We will not have refugee camps", Cuci: Kosovo-Albania agreement on residence permits (Radio Tirana)

The Minister of Interior Bledi Cuci said that one of the agreements that will be signed on Friday between the Albanian and Kosovo governments, which has to do with residence permits, has been approved. "Today we approved one of the agreements that we will sign on Friday, in the meeting between the government of Kosovo and Albania, which has to do with the residence permits of the respective citizens, it is good news for the citizens of Kosovo, who will simply make an application and without documents immediately the residence permit for 5 years in Albania will be issued, including the work permit. It is also good news for Albanians living in Kosovo who will receive a residence permit in Kosovo to stay there with easier procedures that are today. It is in the continuation of several agreements that we will sign within the sectors included by the Ministry of Interior," said Cuci. As regards the refugee camp for illegal immigrants, Cuci reiterated that there will be no refugee camp in Albania for illegal immigrants entering Britain.