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Belgrade Media Report 06 January 2022



Vucic: Important, difficult decisions ahead for our country (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


In a post on his Instagram profile, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said important and difficult decisions were ahead for Serbia and Serbs. "Important and difficult decisions are ahead for our country and our people. Before that, I used my spare time to play with special friends, Sharkie and Zad, the wonderful dogs I have received in Bahrain from Sheikh Nasser. We will need loyalty, togetherness and brotherhood more than ever before," Vucic said in the post, which included a photo of him in the company of the two dogs.


Brnabic wishes merry Christmas to Patriarch Porfirije (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic sent a Christmas card to His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church and all believers who celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar. “We left behind us a year in which we got convinced once more that love, respect, understanding and solidarity are the greatest virtues that move us and give us strength to overcome all challenges. May this Christmas symbolize the beginning of a year that will bring peace, stability and prosperity to everyone. May faith and love be our guidelines even in the most difficult times. On behalf of the Serbian government and my own behalf, I wish you a merry Christmas and to spend it in peace and love, with family and friends. Peace of God, Christ is born,” reads the Prime Minister’s Christmas greeting card.


Patriarch: Kosovo Serbs may rest assured the Church is with them (Beta/Novosti)


Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, in his Christmas address delivered a message to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia’s spiritual and national cradle, that the Church was fully aware of their hardship and that it would always be with them. In his message, which will be read out in all the Serbian Orthodox churches on Christmas, 7 January, Patriarch Porfirije urged everyone to adhere to the reasonable measures and recommendations of the relevant institutions aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus, but he also reminded everyone about the need to avoid bigotry and to honor people’s liberties. “With the festive joy of Christmas Day, with true concern and responsibility, we send fatherly blessings and prayers for our sisters and brothers in the homeland and the diaspora, wherever Orthodox Christian Serbs live, and especially to those in Kosovo and Metohija, our spiritual and national cradle,” Patriarch Porfirije stated. The Patriarch emphasized that the Serbian Orthodox Church was sending Christmas greetings with deep respect and gratitude, to all the physicians and medical professionals, for whom it was offering prayers to the Infant Christ. “I pray for the swift recovery of those who are ill, and for this disease, which is plaguing the world, to pass,” Patriarch Porfirije stated.


Mihajlovic: Jadar Project suspended pending studies (TV Prva)


Serbian Minister for Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic on Wednesday said Rio Tinto’s Jadar Project in western Serbia had been suspended following demands by citizens and added that upcoming environmental impact assessment studies were crucial for the lithium extraction project. In an appearance on TV Prva, Mihajlovic said there was no contract between the Serbian government and Rio Tinto. “As far as Rio Tinto is concerned, there is no contractual relationship whatsoever, no agreements have been signed between the company and the government or the ministry, regardless of the falsehoods we have been listening to for months. What I am advocating is that we must get the environmental impact assessment studies in order to have arguments for what is true and what is not,” she said. She said that, under a 2006 law, exploitation rights were given to companies that obtained exploration rights. Mihajlovic also said Rio Tinto had been operating in Serbia since 2004 and that, under laws in force at the time, any licensed company had also been allowed to carry out exploration works but not to extract ore without a tender. “The law was amended in 2006, when those who obtained exploration rights and ascertained the presence of ore reserves were automatically given exploitation rights as well,” she said.


Tomasev: New procedure in place for food imports from Open Balkans member states (Tanjug)


Over the two days of the implementation of an agreement on phytosanitary and veterinary inspection and food safety in the Western Balkans, reached as part of the Open Balkans initiative, two shipments of food from North Macedonia and Albania arrived in Serbia, Head of the Border Phytosanitary Inspectorate Ivan Tomasev told Tanjug on Wednesday. “The agreement took effect on 3 January and the real effect will only be visible in a few days. Yesterday we had the first two shipments of vegetable and mixed origin, which were allowed into the country without delays,” he said. “The first shipment was fresh fruit and vegetables from Albania, which arrived at our customs checkpoint in Vranje, where we performed the control and, without sampling, allowed the import, the charging of customs fees and further transport. The other was a shipment of candy drops and pastry from North Macedonia, which was also checked at the Vranje customs outpost and let through without laboratory analyses,” Tomasev said. He said that, in line with a recent agreement between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, both shipments had been furnished with the required laboratory analyses from the countries of origin.


CRTA: Authorities, crisis headquarters to declare whether epidemiological conditions exist for referendum (Beta)


The Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) on Wednesday urged the Serbian government, the Crisis Headquarters for fighting the coronavirus pandemic and the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) to urgently declare their stance regarding the conditions and measures for holding the forthcoming referendum, due to the increase in the number of newly infected people in recent days. “We believe that care for the people's health must be the absolute priority, and it is necessary that citizens are guaranteed a safe environment for exercising their right to vote,” reads the statement from CRTA. Stressing that they lacked the competence and mandate to assess the epidemiological situation, CRTA has stated that for this reason, they urged the relevant state organs to declare their stance, with full accountability, about the extent in which the vote would pose a risk to public health and what protection measures they planned to put in place. The referendum on constitutional amendments has been scheduled for 16 January, and the people will vote in more than 8,000 polling stations.




US imposes sanctions against Dodik, Tegeltija, Kukic and ATV (FTV)


The US imposed sanctions against leader of SNSD and member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Sanctions against Dodik were imposed for undermining the state of B&H. ATV was sanctioned as well – due to its connection with Dodik. Due to involvement in corruption, the US sanctioned former President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Milan Tegeltija and his spouse, as well as leader of PDA and former General Manager of the Brown Coal Mine in Banovici Mirsad Kukic. The statement issued by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) reads that today’s action, the first designation under executive order 14033 build on the Biden Administration’s commitment to promote accountability for those who, among other things, undermine stability of the Western Balkans region through corruption and threats to long-standing peace agreements. The OFAC claims that Dodik undermined institutions of B&H by calling for seizure of state competencies and setting in motion the creation of parallel institutions in the B&H’s entity the RS. “Furthermore, Dodik has used his official B&H position to accumulate personal wealth through graft, bribery and other forms of corruption. His divisive ethno-nationalistic rhetoric reflects his efforts to advance these political goals and distract attention from his corrupt activities. Cumulatively, these actions threaten stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H and undermine the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), thereby risking wider regional instability”, reads the OFAC’s statement. It further reads that Dodik has openly called for, and has taken action towards the unilateral transfer of state competencies from B&H level to level of the RS. The OFAC emphasized that Dodik publicly opposed the internationally appointed High Representative and the composition of B&H Constitutional Court. They added that he publicly denigrated other ethnic and religious groups within B&H, further sowing division and political gridlock. Brian Nelson, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence at the US Department of Treasury stated that destabilizing corruptive activities of Dodik and attempts to jeopardize the DPA - motivated by personal interest – jeopardize stability of B&H and entire region. Nelson stressed that the US will not hesitate to act against those aiming towards corruption, destabilization and divisions as well as against those enabling such behavior. The reporter noted that sanctions were imposed against Banja Luka-based Alternativna televizija (ATV) television that is owned by a company closely linked with Dodik’s family. The US Department of Treasury accuses Dodik of using this media platform to promote his goals. “Dodik acquired ATV to deliberately and expressly further his own agenda, which includes his efforts to denigrate other political figures, burnish his public image and advance his own personal and political goals,” claims the OFAC. The State Department published additional information that Tegeltija and Kukic have been placed on the list of sanctioned ones. It was explained that there are grounded information that Tegeltija used his position to acquire gain for involvement in judicial processes and for manipulation of appointments in judiciary. The statement signed by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken reads that Tegeltija and Kukic were sanctioned for involvement in significant corruptive activities. It was explained there is credible information Kukic misappropriated public funds for personal benefit and interfered in hiring and appointment decisions to benefit himself politically. Entrance to the US has been banned for Tegeltija, his spouse and Kukic. Blinken stressed that these measures once again confirm the US' commitment to sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, the rule of law and democratic institutions and a better future for the citizens of B&H. "Other leaders and entities associated with corrupt and destabilizing actors may also be subject to action by the US Government in the future. We will continue to use the appropriate powers to promote the call for accountability of actors at the regional and global levels," Blinken said in a statement.


Ambassador Nelson: US government imposed sanctions against Dodik and ATV for corrupt activities and continued attempts to threaten stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of B&H (Hayat/FTV/O Kanal/RTRS/BHT1/BNTV/Nova BH)


This news was confirmed in a video message by US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson. “Today, the US government imposed sanctions against Milorad Dodik and Alternativna Televizija, a media entity under his control, for corrupt activities and continued attempts to threaten stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of B&H. Milorad Dodik’s destabilizing actions, corruption, and attempts to undermine the Dayton Peace Accords threaten the stability of BiH and the entire region,” Nelson said. Wednesday’s action by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the first use of the expanded Executive Order 14033, underscores the Biden Administration’s commitment to the Western Balkans region and to holding accountable those who would undermine the Dayton Peace Accords and participate in corrupt activities. Additionally, the US Department of State announced that Tegeltija and Kukic are ineligible for entry into the United States due to their involvement in significant corruption. The actions of Tegeltija and Kukic undermined the rule of law and the public’s faith in their government’s democratic institutions and public processes.  As a result, they have been designated under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2021. “Dodik, Tegeltija, and Kukic have all shamelessly abused their positions to enrich themselves, their families, their political cronies, and the patronage networks they exploit.  Corruption in BiH is an existential threat to the very fabric of the state built over the last 26 years, and to the country’s Euro-Atlantic future,” Nelson emphasized. The actions taken by the US government are a warning to those that would threaten stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of B&H for their personal or political goals, the Ambassador added. “We will continue to evaluate which further sanctions are necessary to fight the endemic corruption that undermines this country’s potential or to make clear that actions such as adoption of the new RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices are unacceptable attacks on the state and on the stability of the country. The United States will not hesitate to act against those who pursue corruption, destabilization, and division at the expense of the people of B&H, as well as those who enable and facilitate this behavior through personal activities and the companies and business entities they exploit,” Nelson concluded in his video message.


Benefit from sowing discord (VoA/Avaz/FTV)


Speaking for Voice of America, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs and US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar stated that in the last couple of months he was very focused on the situation in BIH and during his visits to Sarajevo and talks with the political officials he made it clear that the USA will undertake measures against corrupt officials who are using their posts for personal benefits. “Leaders, such as Dodik, are using politics of identity in order to gain trust of their voters and intentionally sow discord, while stealing the resources from B&H people,” Escobar told VoA.


Important step (Oslobodjenje)


The daily carried Counselor of the US State Department Derek Chollet, who commented on the US sanctions against Milorad Dodik, Milan Tegeltija and his wife Tijana, Mirsad Kukic and ATV Banja Luka. Chollet wrote on Twitter: “An important step. When I went to B&H in November, I made it clear that the US will stand up to corrupt actors. The people of B&H deserve better.”


Dodik: Sanctions will not stop me in preserving the RS (RTRS/FTV)


RTRS reports that, commenting on this, Dodik said the sanctions will not stop him in preserving the RS. “Maybe the first thing that catches your eye is the time when this decision was published, i.e. on the eve of the most joyous Christian holiday, Christmas. Historically, as the people, we have been attacked exactly on big holidays and I know that those behind this decision know that. The second thing that comes to my mind is that the country proud of human rights and freedom of the media has sanctioned the media house. If that is not an attack on the freedom of expression and free speech, I do not know what is,” Dodik was quoted as saying. RTRS reports that Dodik also said he has been punished again without knowing for what, because the first time, he had been accused of violation of the DPA, without any explanation on how he had violated it; Now, Dodik was accused of corruption, without any criminal proceedings for corruption against him in B&H, or anywhere in the world. RTRS reports that Dodik reiterated he has done nothing to bring into question the constitutional order in B&H, nor its stability, due to which it was unclear what the “creators of these sanctions’’ had in mind when they decided to punish him again. “These are sanctions lobbied by several American officers who do not share the vision of B&H I have, and that was signed in 1995. If they think they will discipline me this way, they are terribly mistaken. I am only now getting a new motive to fight for the rights that have been taken away from us for 26 years,” Dodik was quoted as saying. RTRS reports that Dodik also said the US’ decision on sanctions had come ahead marking of the 30th anniversary of the RS and the goal was to discourage him from fighting for the rights of the RS. “I am afraid that everything they have done is insufficient to stop me, because I have not been elected to represent the US’, but the interests of the people in the RS. As long as I do this job, that will be the case,” Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik stated that the sanctions represent direct interference of foreign state to internal issues of B&H and the RS. Leader of SNSD emphasized that imposing of sanctions is farce, because he does not have any property in the US. He rejected any connection with ATV television. Dodik stressed that he will resume to lead the same policies. He announced that in upcoming days the RS parliament will adopt a law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of the RS. Leader of SNSD presented several accusations against the US officials. Namely, Dodik stressed that when it comes to Americans, they only thing that remained for him is to expect they will murder him. He added that if it happens, the public should know it was done by Americans with assistance of the UK. Dodik underlined that he wishes they would impose sanctions against the RS and leave the FB&H out of it. “It would mean they broke B&H. If collective sanctions are imposed against the RS by anyone from the West, we will go to the RS parliament and pass a decision on independence of the RS,” explained Dodik. Dodik gave these statements during the special press conference, on Wednesday night. He stressed that USA directly supported Muslims with this: “Americans are bothered by the fact that we are a stable community, and they are not bothered by the fact that the FB&H does not have government and that Croats do not have their elected member of B&H Presidency. This is not reflection of power. I do not have any property in the USA, this is a farce that I am banned to dispose with property which I do not have. I never even had an account there, nor do I have intention to go to America, even when the sanctions are lifted,” said Dodik. He argues that USA presented series of lies which cannot hold ground and noted that Ambassador Eric Nelson and High Representative Christian Schmidt are liars. “As for Americans, all that is left is for them to murder me. I am telling the public that if this happens, I want to say that Americans with assistance of British did it”, said Dodik. He accused US President Joe Biden of corruption: “How is it that US President Joe Biden is dealing with fight against corruption, while corruptive activities of Biden’s family are well known.”


Tegeltija comments on US sanctions imposed against him (Nova BH/Srna)


Commenting on the sanctions that the US imposed against him, former president of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) Milan Tegeltija stated on Wednesday that it is clear that sanctions are an instrument of the US foreign policy and as such represent US foreign policy. Tegeltija pointed out that he has no need to defend himself because, as he said, it would be pointless. "I have done my job alone and I work honestly, fairly and in accordance with the law and my political beliefs, which I intend to continue to do," Tegeltija was quoted as saying.

Tegeltija told Srna that the US sanctions against him and his wife were not the result of court proceedings, but they are political pressure of a foreign country on developments in B&H.


ATV Banja Luka states US sanctions are attack on media freedom, freedom of reporting and democracy


Management and editorial board of ATV harshly condemned the sanctions of the US Department of the Treasury and said they were an attack on media freedom, freedom of reporting and democracy, which implies that the media report freely, impartially and objectively. It is the democracy they supposedly guard from ATV’s reporting, noted the presenter. ATV issued a statement which reads: “We see the sanctions as a recognition of our work so far, efficiency, but also as an obligation that we must show that the truth cannot be censored. We strongly and decisively reject the meaningless allegations of connection with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. We are surprised by this decision and we consider it explicitly frivolous for one big country to take insinuations from individuals about the connection between our media house and politicians as a credible source.” Director of ATV Srdjan Kevac said via phone: “In what we could read and officially see how it was published, there is a sea of unfounded and generalized phrases, and among other things, the one in which the ownership of ATV is brought in connection with the Serb member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik, which is absolutely untrue. We reject it as for him as for any other politician. Here is obviously a blow to democracy on the scene and discrediting and targeting a media house and an attempt to stifle and shut down that media, i.e. ATV.”


Schmidt: US sanctions against Dodik is logical consequence of destructive and dangerous attitude (FTV)


High Representative Christian Schmidt commented on sanctions the US imposed against Milorad Dodik. Schmidt said that decision of the US to impose sanctions against Dodik is logical consequence of the destructive and dangerous attitude. He added that Dodik has to answer a lot of uncomfortable questions and should return to reasonable and accountable actions without violating the state Constitution and the rule of law. Schmidt stressed that sanctions are one of tools the international community can use to show that blocking of the state will not be tolerated. In this context, the High Representative mentioned blockade of B&H parliament and said that the offer for talks remains open. “As agreed with the European Union and the international community, the offer remains on the table to work with the Parliament in a constructive manner and find solutions based on the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement. The rule of law has to be respected; it is as simple as that,” the High Representative underscored.


Dzaferovic: Sanctions are clear message that undermining of state institutions cannot be tolerated (FTV)


Member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic commented on sanctions the US imposed against member of B&H Presidency from rank of Serb people Milorad Dodik. Dzaferovic stressed that sanctions are clear message that undermining of state institutions cannot be tolerated and that Dodik cannot expect any reward, but only harsh sanction for attack on constitutional order of B&H. He also stated that most important thing is that other European countries join this initiative. Dzaferovic underlined that if Dodik resumes with undermining of the state, sanctions against him need to be expanded and strengthened.


Grlic Radman meets with Turkovic in Sarajevo (O Kanal)


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman met with his B&H counterpart Bisera Turkovic in Sarajevo on Wednesday. The two officials discussed open issues and relations between B&H and Croatia as well as the EU path of B&H. The reporter noted that there are a number of open issues between two countries that burden their relations and two ministers discussed possibility to solve these issues. Turkovic stated that a step forward was made in regards to the issue of Croatia’s usage of water from Busko Jezero lake in B&H. The reporter noted that no progress was made in regards to solving the issue of building of nuclear waste disposal at Trgovska Gora near a border with B&H. However, two ministers concluded that B&H needs to return to the EU path and implementation of 14 priorities set by the European Commission (EC) needs to become the main task of B&H authorities. Grlic Radman stressed that Croatia supports every agreement of political leaders in B&H. Turkovic emphasized that B&H agrees that implementation of 14 priorities set by the EC needs to return to focus of B&H authorities. She added that it is necessary to provide full functionality of B&H institutions. Grlic Radman and Turkovic announced a possible joint session of Croatian government and B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) in 2022. Prior to that, economic forum of B&H and Croatia should be held in Sarajevo. Addressing the media after the meeting, Grlic Radman said: “I think that political rights, equality, elimination of all forms of discrimination in the electoral process are necessary to achieve political legitimacy and satisfaction of the constituent peoples to be able to elect representatives they choose. We can certainly support that, but, of course, it is the responsibility of political leaders.”


Grlic Radman meets with Mayor of Mostar: I am pleased to see Mostar once again having authorities elected by citizens of this city (BHT1/FTV/N1)


Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman met with Mayor of Mostar Mario Kordic on Wednesday. Grlic Radman and Kordic discussed Croatia’s future investment in Mostar. On this occasion, Grlic Radman stated that he is pleased to see that Mostar once again has the authorities elected by the citizens of this city. According to Grlic Radman, Mostar should serve as an example of coexistence and tolerance among Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, as well as ‘Others’. He concluded that the agreement that enabled holding the elections in Mostar could serve as basis for amending the Election Law of B&H. Kordic also stated that many should look up to Mostar, because current authorities in this city have been focused in providing better life for all citizens.  Grlic Radman used this opportunity to emphasize significance of changes of electoral legislation in B&H. Kordic said: “I think it is obvious that, after the political abstinence or no elections for 12 years, non-existence of the City Council for eight years, what happened after the signing of the Mostar Agreement, i.e. elections in Mostar, ensured a quality political and communal work.” Grlic Radman said: “Amending the Election Law should also be a reflection of this example to create a just representation based on the Dayton-Paris Agreement, representation of the constituent peoples in collective bodies.”


Pendarovski meets EU Ambassador Geer (Republika)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Wednesday with EU Ambassador David Geer. At the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the political developments in the country ahead of the formation of the new government, as well as the expectations and opportunities for progress in terms of Macedonia’s European prospects, said the President’s Office. In that context, Pendarovski stressed that Macedonia remains focused on the European agenda and ready for dialogue with the Republic of Bulgaria in order to overcome the current situation. At the same time, Pendarovski stated that the valorization of our country’s progress and the start of accession negotiations, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, will be an additional impetus for the reform process, especially in key areas such as combating corruption and the rule of law. It was pointed out at the meeting that the start of accession negotiations with the European Union will significantly affect regional cooperation, stability and progress in the region, reads the statement of the President’s Office.


Kovacevski and Gashi discussed the new European-oriented government (Republika)


Alternativa leader Afrim Gashi and the Vice President of the party Safije Sadiki-Shaini met Wednesday with SDSM leader Dimitar Kovacevski. As Gashi informed on Facebook, at the meeting they discussed the government’s plan for a country with a European and progressive orientation. Congratulating the newly elected leader of the Social Democrats Kovacevski on the new task, among other things, we talked about the future of the country and the government’s plan for a country with a European and progressive orientation, Gashi wrote. Alternative as part of the new government, he said, will strive for the advancement of the country towards the European family and the building of a progressive state.


Pisonero: We will work hard with the French Presidency, to open negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia as soon as possible (Radio Tirana/Report Tv)


A 'veto' of Bulgaria due to the problems of North Macedonia has been holding hostage for months the opening of negotiations with this country but also with Albania, given that the EU intends not to separate the two countries from each other. 'Bulgarian veto is seriously damaging the credibility of the union itself'. That is the statement issued by the spokesperson of the European Commission Ana Pisonero. She underlines that both Albania and North Macedonia have met the conditions to start membership negotiations and the date of the Intergovernmental Conferences should be determined as soon as possible. "It is essential that EU member states conclude discussions on the Negotiating Frameworks without further delay and that the first intergovernmental conferences with both countries be held as soon as possible. Both Albania and North Macedonia have completed conditions for launching membership negotiations. The Commission will remain in contact with all relevant parties and will work with the next French Presidency to achieve our common goal of formally launching membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. As we have said all along, delays in the official launch of membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia are negatively affecting the credibility of the EU. The pending bilateral issues between Bulgaria and North Macedonia should be resolved as a matter of priority and should not hamper the enlargement process. "We continue to encourage both sides to reach a mutually acceptable solution to the pending bilateral issues," Pisonero told Report Tv.