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Belgrade Media Report 25 January 2022



Brnabic in Brussels at the meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council (RTS)


The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, is leading the state delegation in Brussels at the meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council of Serbia to the European Union. The aim of the meeting is to review Serbia's general progress in the accession process, internal reforms, but also in foreign and security policy. The Prime Minister and members of the delegation will talk to all the highest officials of the Union.


The Stabilization and Association Council is conceived as a format of a meeting in which on the one hand there are representatives of all EU member states led by, European Foreign Minister Josep Borrell and on the other hand a Serbian delegation led by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, there is also Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic .


It is a format that should make a cross-section of the situation and give a comprehensive picture of the overall relations between Serbia and the EU and the progress in the membership negotiations. Political and economic criteria will be on the table, as well as issues of the situation in the region, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as pandemics and European aid in that area. In the preparatory document, the so-called common position of the EU before the meeting in which RTS had an insight, you can see the topics that will be on the table and during the meeting.


It states that the EU welcomes the steps taken in the constitutional reform that should lead to the strengthening of the independence of the judiciary. Serbia is urged to speed up reforms in the field of justice, as well as in the fight against corruption and organized crime, media freedoms and domestic treatment of war crimes.


The preparatory document calls on the authorities to unequivocally communicate in the Serbian public about their European commitment. The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is mentioned as an important item. Constructive engagement is also expected from Belgrade, with the important note that both sides are expected to fully implement the agreements already reached.


The election process in Serbia is also one of the topics. It says that Serbia, in order to strengthen confidence in the election process, is expected to fully implement all the findings and measures recommended during the inter-party dialogue with the mediation of the EP.


During the day, the prime minister will have a series of meetings with top EU officials, including EC President Ursula Von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel, newly elected EP President Robert Metsola, and a series of meetings with EU commissioners and members. The first of these meetings is underway with EP Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman David McAllister.


Pristina, investigation against several officials of the Serbian List (RTS)


The Anti-Corruption Agency in Pristina has launched an investigation against several officials of the Serbian List due to different functions at the central and local level in institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, and irregular reporting of property and income, reports Radio Free Europe in Albanian.


The procedure was initiated against the president of the Serbian List Goran Rakic, the deputy president of the Assembly from the Serbian List Slavko Simic, the head of the parliamentary group of the Serbian List in the Assembly Igor Simic, MPs Zoran Mojsilovic and Verica Ceranic.


An investigation has also been opened against former MP Ivan Todosijevic, the mayor of North Mitrovica Milan Radojevic, the mayor of Leposavic Zoran Todic and councillor of the Municipal Assembly of North Mitrovica Aleksandar Spiric. Also, the Anti-Corruption Agency has launched an investigation against Zlatko Minic, Miodrag Ralic, Veroljub Stankovic, Milorad Jovanovic, Milan Ivanovic and Srdjan Nikolic.


The Agency says that all investigative actions are being undertaken in connection with the collection and analysis of relevant documentation.


Petkovic: Kurti's efforts to ban the elections on April 3 in KiM will lead to unforeseeable consequences (RTS)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic, said on the occasion of the statement from the Self-Determination movement that elections organized by Belgrade should not be allowed in KiM, that such a scenario by Kurti would reverse the progress made in the dialogue years back.


Petar Petkovic said that Albin Kurti's efforts to completely ban the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in KiM on April 3, and thus abolish basic human and civil rights for Serbs, would lead to unforeseeable consequences for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


"Such a scenario by Kurti would reverse the progress made in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina years back, and all international representatives operating in KiM should be aware of that" Petkovic said, referring to a statement from the Self-Determination movement that KiM should not allow elections on April 3 organized by the authorities in Belgrade.


According to him, Kurti's destructive intention to annul and trample on all agreements and agreements reached so far is obvious, but the question is whether the international community will again calmly watch Albanian politicians play with the normalization of relations or this time move from words and statements to concrete actions.


The Serbian people in KiM, Petkovic pointed out, expect to be enabled to exercise their right to vote on April 3, in an identical way as it has been the case during all election processes so far.


"Therefore, these elections are the last chance and test for the international community, which has an absolute responsibility and obligation to ensure the implementation and respect of democratic achievements and principles and to enable the Serbian people in KiM to exercise their right to vote" concluded the director of the Office for KiM.


Stefanovic with the British Minister of Defense: Serbia is determined to strengthen its relations between the two countries (RTS)


Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, who is on an official visit to the United Kingdom, met in London with British Defense Minister Ben Wallace. Stefanovic was greeted by an honorary British Guard. The two ministers discussed cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense and the possibilities of its further improvement, the Ministry of Defense announced.


Recalling that Wallace is the first Minister of the United Kingdom to visit Serbia and that Minister Stefanovic is currently on a return visit, they agreed that talks at the strategic level, realized in difficult circumstances due to the pandemic, are the crown of previous substantive cooperation in the field of defense, and are important for further qualitative intensification of overall bilateral relations.


Minister Stefanovic conveyed that Serbia is determined that the two countries will strengthen their relations in the field of defense in mutual interest through joint efforts, following the example of the alliance of our ancestors during the two world wars.


He thanked the British side for the donation to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia in the fight against viral infection Covid19, whose importance is reflected in the fact that help arrived at the right time, at the beginning of the pandemic, and pointed out that we very much appreciate the recent donation in the form of ski equipment for members of the Military Academy of the University of Defense, which is a continuation of successfully implemented training in winter conditions by British instructors.


He singled out the joint engagement in the multinational operation UNFICYP in Cyprus, which is the crown of the previous military cooperation, in which members of the armed forces of the Republic of Serbia and the United Kingdom participate together carrying weapons in an operation for the first time since the end of World War II. Respecting the commitment of both sides, he pointed out the importance of the realization of the joint exercise in the current year as an essential step forward in cooperation.


In addition to continuing the education of members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army in the United Kingdom, Minister Stefanovic stressed the interest of our side in the further development of military-military, military medical and military-economic cooperation, which is very important for the Republic of Serbia. and military power in the world.


Minister Wallace thanked Stefanovic for his return visit to the United Kingdom, emphasizing that such talks contribute to finding modalities of cooperation that are in mutual interest. He pointed out that the Arrangement between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom on improving cooperation in the field of defense, signed during his visit to Belgrade in June last year, is another indicator of mutual readiness and commitment to bilateral military cooperation.


Assessing the military-military cooperation as very good, Minister Wallace expressed his determination to increase the joint participation of members of the British and Serbian armies in United Nations missions, as well as to develop cooperation between our defense industries.

Wallace pointed out that the United Kingdom considers Serbia part of the European family, which is why, as he said, we will continue to strengthen the Serbian economy together.


Obradovic filed criminal charges on suspicion of election theft in a referendum (RTS)


The leader of Dveri, Bosko Obradovic, submitted criminal charges against the presidents of 29 polling stations from 12 municipalities to the Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade for alleged election theft in a referendum. In a statement to reporters, Obradovic said that everyone who participated in the election theft committed a serious crime of falsifying the will of the citizens of Serbia, and that he must be held accountable for that, and the punishment for such a crime is from six months to five years.


The leader of Dveri said that the criminal charges submitted by the party and him personally as a presidential candidate is a message that he would protect every vote in the elections on April 3 and that election theft would not pass. He added that the referendum showed how it is possible to defeat the government, because, as he claims, there was no election theft wherever "Dveri" had observers.


He said that this is a great moment in which the competent prosecutor's office is on the test, and that it will be seen whether it reacts according to the instructions of the SNS or according to the Constitution and the law. He stated that it is easy to show who is right, and that it is enough for the prosecution to issue an order to the police to conduct informative interviews with 771 voters, as many as went to polling station 60 in Sjenica, and to determine that not even 10 percent of them lives in that municipality, nor in the country, and that someone else voted for them.


He announced that on April 3, each of the 8,130 polling stations will be covered by members of the polling boards, who will be trained like these in the referendum and will not allow any kind of theft. "This is a model of how we can defeat Aleksandar Vucic in the elections on April 3. And the precondition is that all of us from the opposition determine a sufficient number of members of the election board" said Obradovic.


Enough is Enough, Healthy Serbia and I live for Serbia together in the elections (RTS)


The movement Enough is Enough and the parties Healthy Serbia and I Live for Serbia will run in the upcoming elections on April 3 on the joint list of "Sovereignists", it was said at the conference of that political bloc.


Sovereignists believe that the political scene in our country consists of globalist pro-EU government, globalist pro-EU opposition gathered around the Freedom and Justice Party, globalist pro-EU greens and sovereignist political options, which, in addition to the Sovereignist bloc, include Democratic Party of Serbia, Dveri and Zavetnici.


"Even before the beginning of the referendum, we sent them an invitation to join us and participate in the referendum together. That invitation also stands for participating in the elections" said President Enough of Sovereignists Sasa Radulovic.


Democratic Party: Talks on joint candidates to be suspended over Ponos nomination, or democrat leaders to step down (Beta)


A member of the Democratic Party Main Committee, Aleksandar Dikic, said on Jan. 24 that “using a fait accompli technique, a party, which for unknown reason aspires to lead the Serbian opposition, nominated Zdravko Ponos as a presidential candidate,” referring to the Freedom and Justice Party.


“Without any prior agreement or clear, credible parameters, without a series of meetings involving a broader spectrum of coalition partners, this hasty nomination is yet another proof that conflicts within the opposition hadn’t been resolved, and that there’s more than animosity and unhealthy ambition behind them. The problems are much deeper,” Dikic said in a featured article for the Danas newspaper. He wants to know “where in all that lies the role of the Democratic Party, which has always been the connective tissue of the Serbian opposition” explaining that there were only two options left. “First, for the lack of sheer decency and for heedless messages that have reached the opposition public in the aftermath of the decision, the Democratic Party is suspending talks to make it possible for the opposition to run together in the next city and parliamentary elections” Dikic wrote in his article.


The other option, as he put it, was for “the Democratic Party Main Committee to pass a no confidence vote to the party leadership, if they were to propose a vote in support of the candidacy of Zdravko Ponos.”


Djilas: Party not to give up on Ponos (Beta)


The Freedom and Justice Party leader, Dragan Djilas, said that he was convinced all opposition parties would support Zdravko Ponos as a presidential candidate, promising not to give up on his nomination.


“We have nominated Ponos because, among other things, this whole thing has been taking too long, and we want to bring it to an end. We have made a promise to the Serbian people that we’ll nominate a candidate until Feb.1, and Ponos is the man we have clearly proposed as our candidate to other opposition parties” Djilas said for the Nova paper on Jan. 24.


When asked to comment on the words of the People’s Party president, Vuk Jeremic, that Miroslav Aleksic was their “first choice,” and that it was the coalition partner that was insisting on Ponos, Djilas said that he didn’t want to discuss statements by other politicians, because he felt that everyone should explain their own views.

“It was not party interest that had led us in making the choice…We have suggested to our partners and to all other opposition groups in Serbia, that they, too, should support Zdravko Ponos, and that all of us should rally around him in this struggle,” Djilas said, making it clear that he wouldn’t give up on the nomination, because he believed in Ponos.


Former Army Chief-of-Staff Ponos most suitable candidate opposition can currently offer (Danas)


The former Serbian Army (VS) chief-of-staff and up until recently deputy leader of the opposition People’s Party (NS), Zdravko Ponos, is currently the best figure which the opposition can offer out of the party figures as a possible candidate for president of Serbia, writes Danas daily on Tuesday.


Also, the preliminary measurements of Ponos’s ratings show that he could achieve even a better result than the former ombudsman Sasa Jankovic who had, in the 2017 presidential race won about 15% of the vote but all the same lost convincingly from Aleskandar Vucic who got about 55%, cites the daily, reporting unofficial sources from one of the agencies for public opinion research. According to this point of view, Ponos is “a solid and stable candidate, who has not been involved in any corruption affairs and who is best described by the word - soldier”, it is said.


“This is what the people, or rather the voters could esteem, since for years back the public opinion polls show that the institutions which the citizens trust the most are - the army and the church. It is only a matter of whether the opposition will know how to use this in the campaign”, stated the sources. As one of the advantages of Ponos’s nomination, in relation to the former NBS governor and current Professor of the Economic Faculty Dejan Soskic, who was recently in some circles - much to his own surprise - mentioned as the non-party figure in play for this role, is that Ponos is much more recognizable in the broader public. “Ponos is more recognizable. Ponos is, in some polls, even better than Boris Tadic, the former president, and has significantly better results than Jankovic (2017)”, stated Danas’s sources. They added that Ponos certainly had a better rating than the NS deputy leader Miroslav Aleksic, of whom it is believed that he could win a sufficient number of votes in Belgrade, which the opposition perceives as the main stand of its voters, since he is from Trstenik, in Serbia proper, and has politically affirmed himself there. The possibility of Ponos being the opposition’s presidential candidate was first mentioned in October last year by the leader of

the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), Dragan Djilas, which caused the dissatisfaction of NS leader Vuk Jeremic, who claimed that he had not been consulted about this idea and soon everything ended by a quiet withdrawal of Ponos from the position of NS deputy leader. However, it was Dragan Djilas himself who brought up the idea again, thus risking a conflict with the NS only a couple of months before the elections at which the opposition announced a joint appearance.


The most recent circle of tensions within the opposition began when Jeremic stated that the first choice of his party for the opposition’s presidential candidate was Aleksic, only so that soon afterwards, the SSP leader again proposed Ponos. The game of Chinese whispers was continued when they announced from the NS that they had heard of this proposal from the

media but they did, albeit, lower tensions somewhat by saying that it had been agreed to request two expert and independent public opinion polls which would help in the making of the best choice, and which the coalition should examine on Tuesday, Danas writes.


Fear from ‘non-paper’ again starts spreading in region (Politika)


Former High Representative Valentin Inzko recently told Slovenian media that the ‘non-paper’ on change of borders in the Balkans did exist and he said that “the famous ‘non-paper’ on change of borders in the Balkans, which some in Slovenia encouraged, has been stashed in my drawer for nearly four years”. Radovan Kovacevic, the Advisor to Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik, told the daily that regardless of frequent speculations on whether the ‘non-paper’ existed or not, it is obvious that many people at important addresses in the EU and worldwide concluded that the situation in B&H is not good and that the stance that this situation is not sustainable has prevailed. “In this context, there are more and more of those who think that the logical solution should be, as they say, ‘a completion of the process of dissolution of Yugoslavia. We are familiar with those opinions. Our stance is that B&H can exist only if we return to solutions we agreed to, i.e. Dayton organization and Constitution of B&H as it was accepted in Dayton” Kovacevic stated. Kovacevic reminded that this Constitution has never been changed but the reality in B&H is opposite to the highest legal document “because of illegal interventions by the international representatives”. Kovacevic argued that topics mentioned in the ‘non-paper’ will certainly “come to the agenda unless there is will to go back to what has been stipulated by the Constitution of B&H and unless a way is found for leaders of the entities to discuss everything that makes both Serbs and Croats dissatisfied”. The daily reminded that Dodik told Spanish Mundo several days ago that the Republika Srpska (RS)’ policy is not oriented towards secession but he warned that B&H will not be able to survive if two of its peoples are dissatisfied. The daily reminded that the RS representatives, before the ‘non-paper’ was published, called representatives of the Federation of B&H to discuss a possible agreement on future of the country but they did not accept this call.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


HR Schmidt for German media: EU could easily reach consent on introduction of sanctions to Dodik (Nova BH, O kanal)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt stated for German media that the EU could easily reach consent about introduction of sanctions to member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik. In a statement for The Pioneer, he said that basic sanctions would be one option and he added that it is possible that the EU reaches a unanimous stance on this issue. HR Schmidt also said that the EU should condition B&H with financial assistance and he recommended to all international donors and not just the EU to do this.


Schmidt was quoted as stating: "In order to prevent the current conflict from turning into a hot conflict in which people would be shooting at each other, we must make it clear that the state must not be divided and it must function.” Schmidt suggested that personal sanctions would be an option.


Schmidt will address the German Parliament on Wednesday. The Office of the High Representative has announced that Schmidt is supposed to submit his report on the situation in B&H. O Kanal reminded that reaction of Germany and the EU as a whole when it comes to sanctions against individuals in B&H, primarily against Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, are still being expected.


Group of MEPs calls on EU to change strategy towards Dodik (BHT1)


A group of members of the European Parliament (MEP) has harshly condemned on Monday acting of member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik. They assessed it as dangerous and called for changing of the EU’s calming strategy towards Dodik and possible imposing of sanctions against him. A joint statement signed by eight MEPs reads that awarding of the secessionist policy sends a bad signal to B&H politicians, citizens and entire region. Signatories called on the EU Council and member countries of the EU to follow an example of the US and impose sanctions against Dodik unless he radically changes course and conducts concrete steps to reduce current tensions in B&H.


UK Ambassador Field publishes blog post ‘End to B&H’s consequence-free environment’ warning that current crisis is dangerous distraction from corruption (BN TV)


UK Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Matthew Field published a blog post entitled ‘An end to B&H’s consequence-free environment’ on Monday, warning that the current crisis in which B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik and the RS National Assembly (RSNA) attempt to reverse the progress of the last 26 years, is a dangerous distraction from corruption. Field wrote that using of hate speech and directly ignoring the legal order of this country, the steps it lays out will devastate the security and prosperity of the RS and other parts of B&H, robbing people of the brighter future they deserve.


The Ambassador continues: “Consequences can be both external and internal. Externally, that includes the use of sanctions or other restrictive measures against the individuals leading these steps. The UK is already working on this, though it is complicated and legally demanding. Like other friends of the country, we are also reconsidering all of our assistance programs, to ensure UK taxpayer money does not reinforce the individuals or institutions working to undermine the legal order of the country. At the same time, we want – and must – protect innocent B&H citizens from any negative impact of these changes. And as significant contributors to the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other international financial institutions, to ensure rigorous conditions apply to any further support: better no arrangements than ones which indirectly reinforce negative agendas in B&H”.


According to the ambassador, the domestic consequences are just as important. In this regard, the blog post reads: “Rule of law is most simply defined as no-one being above the law. Those who break the law need to be investigated and prosecuted, without prejudice or favor. B&H’s own judiciary has more than enough material to begin these processes. And the strongest domestic sanction comes on Election Day, the opportunity to remove from office those who are failing to act in the best interests of their voters.” He made it clear that no one will be allowed to prevent the general elections in October.


Dodik: Field confirms thesis that B&H is last colony in Europe (RTRS)


While Republika Srpska (RS) is trying to regain its competencies, the attacks of foreign officials keep on coming. British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Matthew Field wrote a blog, accusing the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik of the crisis in B&H. Dodik responded to this, saying Field’s blog and its content is “a dangerous departure from diplomatic practice and lack of respect for the external sovereignty of B&H”. Dodik said Ambassador Field only confirms that “B&H is the last colony of Europe” in which foreign officials lead activities as if they were in their own country.


In a statement for Srna news agency, Dodik stated: “For 26 years, B&H has been their experiment, and none of them were held accountable for why that experiment has failed. All we hear from them, and they should not even comment internal affairs of B&H, is corruption, and of course, on the Serb side”. If a country can stop progressing only because of corruption, then how come all countries of the world have not stopped, Dodik asks. “Or is corruption only (present) here, where their representative receives a EUR 25,000 monthly salary, and he does not pay tax in his country, nor in the country in which he is a colonial governor” Dodik said.


Cubrilovic calls on Izetbegovic, Covic to address RSNA; Osmanovic: They should first address B&H Parliament (RTRS)


On Monday, Speaker of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Nedeljko Cubrilovic sent a letter to SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic, inviting them to attend and address a special session of the RSNA dedicated to the current political and economic situation in B&H.


“We are convinced that your participation in the special session of the National Assembly of the RS would make significant contribution to the development of dialogue and finding the most acceptable solutions for B&H”, Cubrilovic wrote in the letter. Cubrilovic confirmed that the session will be scheduled for February 1.


Commenting on the letter, SDA Vice-President Adil Osmanovic stated that the B&H Parliament is the place to address all issues in B&H and he called for return of Serb representatives into the B&H institutions. Osmanovic also said that member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, as well as Izetbegovic should primarily address the B&H Parliament and then talk about addressing the RSNA.


B&H HoR to discuss changes to Law on B&H HJPC on February 3; RS representatives say it is pointless to discuss those changes right when RS is about to adopt law on formation of RS HJPC (EuroBlic)


The House of Representatives (HoR) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will hold a session on February 3 and one of the items of the agenda will be the proposal of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H on changes and addenda to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H.


The daily reminded that the discussion will take place right when the Republika Srpska (RS) Government will propose a law on formation of the HJPC of the RS to the RS National Assembly (RSNA). The daily also reminded that the RSNA adopted conclusions on restoring of competencies on December 10, 2021 while B&H CoM’s Proposal of the Law on Changes and Addenda to the Law on B&H HJPC entered the protocol of B&H Parliament on December 29, 2021.


Chair of the Serb Caucus in B&H HoR Nenad Stevandic said that it will be pointless to discuss the law at the level of B&H on February 3 if the RS will adopt its law before that. “However, should some kind of talks be launched, a possibility of understanding the situation, under the condition that this will not jeopardize functioning of the RS, then we could talk” Stevandic added.


Deputy Chair of SDS-PDP-DNS Caucus Mira Pekic said that this situation shows that the authorities at the level of B&H “have lost their compass” and added that it is incredible to have the announcement on changes and addenda to the law at the level of B&H at the same time when the RS announced the adoption of a new law. “Any kind of changes at the level of B&H are probably an attempt to do something with regard to 14 priorities of the EU for B&H, under the pressure exerted by the EU and international community. I believe that the changes to the Law on B&H HJPC have not been harmonized and that this is an attempt to carry out cosmetic changes” Pekic added.


DNS leader Nenad Nesic said that the situation is contradictory and reminded that the proposal on changes to the Law on B&H HJPC came from B&H CoM, the institution at whose helm is a member of SNSD. “I want to know what the real truth is: will we restore competencies to the level of the RS or will we strengthen the HJPC at the level of B&H? I would like gentlemen from SNSD to answer that question” Nesic added.


Chair of SNSD Caucus in B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said that SNSD will not change its stance on any of legislative proposals for as long as the RSNA conclusions are in force and she reminded that the RSNA conclusions stipulated that there are no preconditions for participation of Serb representatives in the work of B&H institutions for as long as ‘Inzko’s law’ is in force except in situations in which it is necessary to prevent adoption of decisions that would be harmful for the RS’ interests.


SDA, DF MPs demand that the December 10 RSNA conclusions are put out of force; RS representatives reject request calling it “very irritating” (Glas Srpske)


SDA and DF members of the House of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have sent a note to their colleagues in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly, demanding that they put out of force some of the conclusions adopted on December 10 in the Assembly’s special session. The letter signed by 13 MPs was titled as the request to put out of force the conclusions regarding the information on transfer of competencies in the sector of indirect taxation. The daily assessed the note as “scandalous” and called out the MPs for their “political arrogance.”


The daily further reads that the signatories of the letter call themselves legitimate representatives and defenders of interests of the state of B&H, and they threaten to solve the issue through the forums of coercive jurisdiction if their request is not timely met.


Commenting on the request, Head of the SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac told the daily that this letter has no political or legal importance. However, she stressed, the tone and certain parts of the letter “illustrate very well how political Sarajevo sees the relations in B&H between various levels of authority, giving a superior status to one legislative body over another, which has no ground in the Constitution or in real relations.” She suggested that SDA and DF better refer to the Constitution and clear share of competencies instead of coercive jurisdiction.


Head of PDP Caucus in the RSNA Perica Bundalo told the daily that this was an inappropriate way to address the entity parliament, because it implies a superiority of the Parliament of B&H over the RSNA. He found it “very irritating” that they emphasize their note is of high priority and that it demands prompt action.


Sarovic: US and EU probably exerted pressure on Orban, and Orban showed that relations with US and EU countries are more important to him (BN TV)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was scheduled to pay an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday, at the invitation of Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija, but he cancelled the visit. The official reason cited for cancellation of his visit was the deteriorated epidemiological situation in Hungary related to the COVID-19 pandemic.


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic assessed that the pandemic is a good excuse to cancel the visit, but he considers that it is actually unrealistic to expect that Hungary would continue supporting Republika Srpska (RS) and its authorities and go against the stances of the US and EU countries. Sarovic believes that the US and the EU probably exerted pressure on Orban in this regard, and that Orban showed that relations with the US and EU countries, like Germany, are more important to him. The SDS leader considers that Slovenia, which is being mentioned as one of the countries that the RS could rely on “in this crisis situation”, will act the same as Hungary. The SDS leader referred to Serbia as “the only sincere friend of the RS, which will remain by its side no matter who is in the authorities”. He added that Orban will not provide his support and he concluded that it is now clear that the pressing issues should be resolved within B&H.


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic also presented an opinion that the pandemic has nothing to do with the cancellation of Orban’s visit, but rather that it is some sort of a diplomatic message that Hungary is giving up on providing support to the officials in the authorities of the RS. Borenovic said: “It is obvious that some European officials are leaving (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik’s policy stranded, because he is someone who is dealing with risky political moves.”


New round of negotiations on electoral reform in B&H (N1)


A new round of electoral reform talks begins on Wednesday. Special US envoy for election reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Matthew Palmer, and Managing Director at European External Action Service (EEAS), Angelina Eichhorst, will have their first meeting in the building of the B&H Parliament with members of the Collegium of both Houses. Then, the negotiations will be moved to Neum.


For now, it is certain that SDP B&H will not respond to the call of international officials. With Bakir Izetbegovic at the helm, the SDA team is entering another round of negotiations. Expectations are not high, given the complex political and even security situation in B&H. But the priorities of this party when it comes to the electoral reform are clear. “The (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) should be reduced to a real House that will raise issues only of vital national interest, because we see no reason for the (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR), which is legislative, and the House of Peoples, to discuss all issues and all laws in the same text. This leads to blockades and difficult work of the Federation of B&H (FB&H); we want an easier passage” stated SDA member Adil Osmanovic. After that, it is possible to discuss how to implement the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in the ‘Ljubic’ case. When it comes to ‘Our Party’ (NS), they say, they received an invitation to participate in the talks in Neum, and the party's bodies have yet to decide whether they will participate or not. Their proposal remains unchanged. “One president with non-existent, removed powers, direct election in the House of Representatives, which means reducing that conflicting atmosphere that follows in the election campaign, everyone always focuses on that presidential race. Of course, complete reduction, transfer of the House of Peoples to the House of Representatives, which will decide on the vital national interest; it is something we have always insisted on in all our conversations” explains NS member Damir Arnaut. SDP B&H will not participate in the negotiations until the work of state institutions is unblocked. When the representatives of the parties from the RS return to the state Parliament, SDP B&H will be ready to talk, and they wish to discuss technical changes to the Election Law. “The priority in addition to technical changes to the Election Law is that we have fair and correct elections, and that we cannot leave the Houses of Peoples blocked” says SDP B&H member Zukan Helez.


However, the question is whether HDZ B&H will primarily agree to focus on reducing the competencies of the Houses of Peoples on the FB&H and B&H levels, and what their moves will be if there is no agreement on their key requirement for ‘legitimate’ representation. “Talks on electoral reform are in a complicated phase and we as the European Union need to send a clear message to those who oppose the reforms, to those who favor the status quo. The success of this process is key to the stability of the country, failure could lead to a major crisis” warns Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman.


Experts pose the question if failure could lead to an attempt to block the election process. Many believe that it is through such statements, even by Croatian officials, that something like this is announced. In his latest blog, British Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field wrote: “We will not allow anyone to prevent the vote from taking place in October this year”.


HDZ B&H’s Kozul: Solution for electoral reform is possible, but atmosphere in political Sarajevo is hindering progress (Dnevni avaz)


Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Predrag Kozul (HDZ B&H) stated in an interview for the daily that parties which are members of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) continue to support the proposal for amendments to B&H Election Law which was presented last week. “We prepared a very serious proposal for changes to the Election Law, along with very limited constitutional changes, which secure the implementation of all court rulings, the ones of the European Court of Human Rights and the ones of B&H Constitutional Court” said Kozul. However, due to the “overall climate in the political Sarajevo”, Kozul is not too optimistic regarding the next round of talks on electoral reform. Still, he underlined, HDZ B&H remains with the stance that changes to B&H Election Law are necessary. In his opinion, the intervention of the Western powers resulted in a slight progress, although he does not see any direct link between the visit of US Special Envoy for Electoral Reform Matthew Palmer and Director for Western Balkans and Turkey of European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst to B&H and the sanctions imposed by USA against SNSD leader and B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik. “We have a negative experience with sanctions and how much they help. I have the feeling that something has started moving forward regarding the blockade of state institutions as well. That is the reason why we can realistically expect a solution on the issue of Election Law. It is important to talk” said Kozul. He noted that the general sentiment on the Bosniak political scene and among the Bosniak voters is hindering the talks, because the world “treason” is often mentioned. In his opinion, this atmosphere represents an obstacle for progress in the talks on electoral reform, and there seem to be no one among the pro-Bosnian parties with the courage to accept the agreement without fear of being called a traitor. Kozul said that the solution suggesting erasure of ethnic prefix from the provisions on B&H Presidency members and members of the Federation of B&H and B&H Houses of Peoples is not acceptable. He added that some proposals made by Palmer were suspicious for HDZ B&H.


SNSD’s Prodanovic on changes to B&H Election Law: It would be very important to remove obstacles regarding election of Croat member of B&H Presidency (O kanal)


SNSD delegate in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) Lazar Prodanovic, asked about his expectations from new round of talks on the electoral reform in B&H and the upcoming visit of Special Envoy on Electoral Reform in B&H Matthew Palmer and European External Action Service (EEAS) Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey Angelina Eichhorst, said that reaching an agreement in this process primarily requires the same readiness for mediating the process the international representatives demonstrated in the case of amendments to the Election Law of B&H and implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg concerning the elections in Mostar. He stressed that B&H politicians also need to invest maximum efforts to reach solution in order to ensure for all citizens of B&H to be able to nominate for the post of B&H Presidency member, as well as efforts when it comes to the amendment to the Election Law of B&H concerning the election of delegates to B&H HoP. He noted that it would be very important also to remove obstacles regarding the election of the Croat member of B&H Presidency in the FB&H. According to Prodanovic, Republika Srpska (RS) politicians both from the ruling coalition and the opposition have constructive approach regarding the election of B&H Presidency members as they advocate for the direct election.


Sejdic prepares his own proposal of changes to Election Law, criticizes Eishhorst and Palmer for advocating their own and not EU’s and US’ interests in talks on electoral reform (Glas Srpske)


Dervo Sejdic, one of the key actors of the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case, confirmed for the daily that he has prepared his own version of changes to the Law on Election and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which tends to erase the ethnic prefix in the election of members of the Presidency and the House of Peoples of B&H. Sejdic will address the Council of Ethnic Minorities of the Parliament of B&H and present his proposal which, according to him, is quite similar to the one coming from political representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) and one part of those in the Federation of B&H (FB&H).


Sejdic said he already spoke to some of them about his proposal and that none of them said the document was not worth of attention. Instead, there is a general stance that this requires a further analysis, creating a positive atmosphere and gathering a two-third majority in the Parliament of B&H, without which no change can take place, he added. “I propose that the preamble says that B&H is a democratic and social state of its citizens, constituent peoples Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, and ethnic minorities, and in that context a change in the part which refers to the election of the Presidency and the House of Peoples members, where one member (of the Presidency) would be elected from RS and two from the FB&H, without ethnic determinants” Sejdic explained, adding that the FB&H and RS would be two constituencies. He also proposed formation of one more caucus in the House of Peoples, which would be for ethnic minorities and citizens of B&H, two from RS and two from the FB&H. Decisions would be made in majority of votes of those who are present, but with at least three from the ranks of the Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats each, and two of the ethnic minorities and citizens, he said. Sejdic noted that his proposal does not suit the HDZ B&H, because it stipulates the removal of ethnic prefix in the election of the Presidency members but also because the HDZ B&H advocates two constituencies within the FB&H.


Sejdic announced he would send a final version of the proposal after he addresses the Council on Tuesday. “It requires political will, and that is what we lack the most during the pre-election activities,” he said, adding that foreign mediators, the EU’s Angelina Eichhorst and US’ Matthew Palmer do not help either, “because they do not advocate the interests of the EU and the US but their personal ones.” Sejdic also suggested that there should be no rush in amending the electoral rules but that this should be done after this year’s elections.




Croatian FM Grlic-Radman: EU must send clear message to those who inhibit process of election reform in B&H (Hina)


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman informed the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) about political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the context of the election legislation reform. Grlic Radman said that “we in the EU” want to convey a clear message to those opposing reform and favouring status quo that success of talks on electoral reform is of significance to ensure stability in B&H. He added that any lack of success in this regard leads to a bigger crisis. Grlic-Radman said that the EU must send a clear and a strong message to those who inhibit the process of the election reform in B&H and who are content with the status quo that changes to the B&H Election Law are necessary. Grlic-Radman added that this is necessary in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination in the election process and enable legitimate representation of the three constituent peoples in collective bodies of the state.


Grlic Radman; There are no reasons to withdraw diplomats from Ukraine (Hina)


EU foreign ministers said on Monday that notions of "spheres of interest" had no place in the 21st century and condemned Russia's threats against Ukraine, threatening Moscow with "massive consequences" if it attacks Ukraine. "Notions of 'spheres of influence' have no place in the 21st century," the Council said in conclusions on the European security situation.


EU foreign ministers met in Brussels and the main topic was the tense situation on Ukrainian borders, where Russia has amassed tens of thousands of troops. "The Council condemns Russia’s continued aggressive actions and threats against Ukraine, and calls on Russia to de-escalate, to abide by international law and to engage constructively in dialogue through the established international mechanisms," the conclusions say, adding that "any further military aggression by Russia against Ukraine will have massive consequences and severe costs." That "includes a wide array of sectoral and individual restrictive measures that would be adopted in coordination with partners."


Due to the situation in Ukraine, some countries have announced downsizing their diplomatic missions and advised against travel there. Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said Croatia was monitoring the situation and that for now there was no reasons to withdraw diplomats. "The EU High Representative for the foreign and security policy, Josep Borrell, has said that for now there is no reason to evacuate. Croatia will follow the situation and the EU's position. There might be a change, but for now the member states won't withdraw their diplomats" he said.


Milanovic on the conflict in Ukraine: If there is an escalation, we will withdraw our troops to the last Croatian soldier (Jutarnji list)


"NATO is stepping up its presence, we don't have to do anything about it, nor will we have anything. If there is an escalation, we will withdraw our troops to the last Croatian soldier. It has nothing to do with Ukraine, but with Biden's policy, I see inconsistency and dangerous behaviour. There are ways to save Ukraine, at least 99 percent, to help it economically" Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said.


"When (Former US President Donald) Trump left, who was attacked by Democrats for nurturing (Russian President Vladimir) Putin's policy, the new administration, under pressure from Republican hawks, suddenly put pressure on the Pentagon and Biden to stand firm against Russia. I see a strong Russian interest, I see Ukraine. Ukraine has no place in NATO. It is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Peace. The political scene needs to be calmed down and extremists not allowed to keep up the pressure on politics, and that is why Croatia will not participate in that. I will not allow it, and (Croatian Prime Minister Andrej) Plenkovic can continue to threaten Russia as much as he wants. Apart from visiting Ukraine twice, he does not know what happened. Croatia should escape from that, when there is a fire - close the door" Milanovic added.




Abazovic: If someone touches the security sector against Constitution to provoke tensions, outbursts of nationalism, they’ll get an adequate response immediately (CDM)


Following PM Zdravko Krivokapic’s urge to schedule the session of the National Security Council today in an attempt to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, from the position of head of the Bureau for Operative Coordination, which would mean that Mr Krivokapic is going to take over control over the entire security sector against Constitution, the Leader of the Civic Movement URA says loud and clear that everyone touching the constitutional order of Montenegro would get an adequate response.


“We have to be patient until February 4, when everything with the government is going to be finished. If they think they will get some benefits, no problem, they can do whatever they want. But I want to send a clear message – if someone wants to undermine the constitutional order, they’ll get an adequate answer” Abazovic tells reporters. He also adds that he’s not satisfied with dismissals in the government, as they reflect despair of prime minister.


DPM Abazovic is also proud of the security sector. “Someone wishes to take over it. Now is important for citizens to realize why we insisted on this sector after 30 September”. Abazovic also notes that PM Krivokapic can’t dismiss Head of the National Police, Zoran Brdjanin, from the National Security Council. “In this regard, he may issue a conclusion. The government can do it, unlawfully.” The PM has been advised by wrong people, Abazovic believes. “All his moves over the past three days are totally contrary to what he wanted to achieve.”


Krivokapic: A coup attempt is underway in Montenegro (Antena M)


At the news conference Importance of Freedom of the Press for Chapter 27 and EU integrations, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has noted that a coup is underway in Montenegro. According to him, media bias has been growing in Montenegro as well.


“What can one say at a time when Montenegro is facing a coup attempt. However, I want to deal with an extremely important topic – ecology. It doesn’t matter what kind of government will be the next one, because life is not this moment, but care for the future and leaving generations with resources that they can use. See what happens when you pass by Moraca River, you don’t know whether it’s Moraca or a usurped sand and gravel” PM Krivokapic told reporters.


Govt. dismisses Radulovic from Delegation for EU Accession Negotiations, Milatovic replaces him (CDM)


At yesterday’s electronic cabinet meeting, the government dismissed Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic from the State Delegation of Montenegro for the negotiations on accession to the European Union, which he led, CDM has been informed. Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatovic has been appointed in his place. The Montenegrin state delegation for negotiations on accession to the European Union is in charge of conducting negotiations with EU member states and participating in the work of EU-Montenegro intergovernmental conferences, which are held twice a year and are attended by foreign ministers.


Krivokapic dismisses Sekulovic and appoints himself head of Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights (CDM)


After learning that his chair is shaken, PM Zdravko Krivokapic has reached for revanchism in the Government, and those who raised their voices against him. He first submitted a proposal for the dismissal of DPM Dritan Abazovic and now he has taken over the coordination of the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, which has so far been headed by Interior Minister Sergej Sekulovic.


The Government notification, submitted to the Ministry today, which CDM had access to, points out that Krivokapic has been appointed to lead this Ministry until the appointment of the Minister. It’s recalled that Sekulovic took over the position of the head of this Ministry, after Vladimir Leposavic was dismissed from the position of minister on 17 June last year, due to the denial of the Srebrenica genocide.


URA: The minority government model is currently the optimal solution for overcoming the political crisis (FoNet)


At yesterday's session, the main board of the Civic Movement URA gave a mandate to the party leadership to open consultations with political partners on resolving the political situation in the country, adding that the minority government model is the optimal solution for overcoming the political crisis. It was concluded at the session that URA, as a party, is ready to go into opposition and to announce it clearly and precisely, it is stated in the announcement published after the session of the Main Board.


“We must unblock Montenegro's path in European integration with the European government, and at this moment we are offering a solution that is optimal, but we are not running away from the elections either” the statement reads. It is added that another reason why URA is offering the European government is that it wants to say stop to the establishing of political parties behind the scenes through state resources.


“If we did not say that transparently, we would be like the DPS. Montenegro wants to be a country of justice, and the seven-month-old government model has failed to elect a new justice minister” the statement said. It is also emphasized that the URA model of the European government will not return the DPS to power, nor will it enter into any arrangements with that party. In that government, there will be, above all, the signatories of the Memorandum, and there will be no place in it for compromised people who provoke negative emotions from the public. All quality cadres in the European government will find their place, it will not be the government of revanchism, but the government of unity and reconciliation, the URA said.


Earlier, at an electronic session of the Government, the Prime Minister proposed the removal of the leader of URA and a Deputy PM Dritan Abazovic from the position of President of the National Council for the Fight against High Corruption and himself as the new leader of that body.


Last Night, protests were held in Podgorica and several cities in Montenegro against the proposal to form a minority government, which is supported by URA.


Medojevic: DF will not support the minority government (RTCG)


There is no theoretical chance that the Democratic Front (DF) will support the minority government, said the president of PzP and one of the leaders of DF, Nebojsa Medojevic. He believes that the current crisis in Montenegro can be resolved only through elections, and that all this should be preceded by an agreement between the political elite.


Commenting on the announcements of Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic that the options of minority and technical governments to get out of the crisis are on the table, and that they should talk to the DF first, Medojevic said that the Deputy Prime Minister had no communication with DF leaders Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic. Medojevic also said that he had no communication with Abazovic, because, as he said, the untruths he had previously stated regarding the presidential candidate Milka Tadic Mijovic.


"Our position is clear. At this moment, we are in favor of a possible agreement on the technical government, and on calling the elections. That makes sense. I add another condition. "I think that before that, we should all agree in Montenegro, to resolve the differences we have so that there will be no political struggle over them" said Medojevic.


Medojevic said that elections can only solve the situation in the country, adding that there is no trust: "There is no theoretical chance that the DF will support the minority government." What is that? "We had one minority government, one experiment, now we need to make a new one that could radicalize the situation in the country."


According to the PzP leader, that would be a government that would eliminate 80 percent of the Orthodox population in Montenegro: "That is not good. I have nothing against that in terms of theoretical models, but in this situation, when we have a problem with the mafia, with the economic crisis, with the possible escalation of some riots, it is unreasonable. Therefore, a general agreement on fundamental values ​​and an agreement on elections are a peaceful path. We don't know if there will be peace, because as you can see, the mafia has its plans, not only in the country, but also in the region" Medojevic said.


At this moment, Medojevic believes, the solution is to understand that the country is in danger. "It is time for the political elite to sit down and make an agreement on fundamental values ​​that no one will question, such as state status, the country's territorial integrity. It is time to make a historic agreement and go to the polls" Medojevic said. He says that within the framework of that agreement, the date of holding fair elections in Montenegro should be determined: "the only thing that can be decided in the elections".


Medojevic also claims that the information about the preparation of the assassination of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is not about spin, stating that there is a risk of liquidations in Montenegro as well.


US Embassy: Political leaders to avoid inflammatory nationalist rhetoric (VOA)


The US Embassy in Podgorica called on political leaders in Montenegro to avoid "inflammatory" nationalist rhetoric and to work together "on the way forward" for the country.


Asked by the VOA whether the United States is concerned that, in light of daily protests and growing political and ethnic tensions, instability in Montenegro could worsen, the embassy said it would "closely monitor the situation in Montenegro, but that the way forward must be determined in advance by its elected leaders through dialogue and in accordance with democratic processes”.


"We call on political leaders to rise above identity politics, avoid inflammatory nationalist rhetoric and work together in the public interest to offer a constructive, productive way forward for the Montenegrin people" the embassy told VOA.


It also reiterated that the United States would "cooperate with any democratically formed government that ensures Montenegro's progress on the Euro-Atlantic path, which includes accelerating the process of joining the European Union, strengthening NATO membership and supporting common values."


The American Embassy in Podgorica also informed the VOA that at this moment there are no plans for the visit of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar to Montenegro. Montenegrin media previously reported that Escobar would come to Montenegro in early February. In a recent interview with the VOA, Escobar said that resolving the current crisis in Montenegro would depend "on the country's leaders and voters."


North Macedonia 


Key parties agree to abolish the technical Government rule, but SDSM and DUI don’t want it to lead to early elections (Republika)


The key political parties agreed with the proposal from VMRO-DPMNE to alter the electoral code and to abolish the legal requirement that a technical Government is formed 100 days before general elections, with the opposition taking over several important departments. VMRO formally submitted the proposal to Parliament yesterday, announcing that it is ready to relinquish this pre-election advantage if it will help lead to early elections as soon as possible. The ruling SDSM party said that the proposal from VMRO is a welcome sign that Macedonia is sufficiently democratic to ensure fair elections. Jovan Mitrevski from SDSM said that this request needs to be agreed between all key political parties. A similar response came from SDSM’s coalition partner DUI. Both SDSM and DUI oppose the idea that this proposal leads to early elections, with Mitrevski saying that the issue is not a priority since the next elections are due in 2024. The Besa party, which recently left the SDSM – DUI coalition, said that it supports VMRO’s proposal, insisting that Macedonia is in an unstable condition and the ruling majority has no capacity to lead the country and its institutions.


Dimitrov: Success is not only to remove the Bulgarian veto, but also the way it will be done (TV Sitel)


Former Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, in an interview with TV Sitel, regarding the upcoming joint session between the Macedonian and Bulgarian governments in Sofia, believes that the dispute is rushed, that this is the position of the new government, which it has nothing to do with the previous one. According to Dimitrov, the previous position was that “this is a package.”


If we remove the elements it will be harder to compromise. It was confirmed on Tuesday that only Macedonia made a concession. We must not be euphoric after the lessons of the past and be careful. Difficult topics remain. The success is not only in removing the Bulgarian veto, but also in the way it will be done. I do not think the problem will be solved if we pretend, Dimitrov said. The former minister adds that it is important to reiterate that there is a Macedonian language and a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. The language must be clear in the negotiation framework, says Dimitrov.


The Macedonian Army is preparing a plan for possible participation in NATO intervention in Ukraine (Telma TV)


Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska told Telma TV on Monday that the country’s position as regards the issue between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine is that the country fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.


From what we get through our communication channels within the NATO structures and from what the public is informed, is that diplomatic negotiations are underway for a peaceful settlement of this dispute. We, absolutely, as a state, support such a course of events, ie we stand for a diplomatic solution to this dispute, Petrovska said.


Regarding the obligations of the Macedonian Army as a NATO member, in case of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Minister said that the engagement of our army, as well as the armies of all other NATO member states, is defined at the conferences for generating forces that specifically on this topic are held under the coordination of the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers.


At these conferences, each member state makes available forces, units or equipment according to its own capabilities. At this moment, our army as part of those structures has an obligation and is already preparing analyzes for the possibilities for our potential participation or engagement. The decision for eventual participation is prescribed in which procedure it is carried out, a decision of the Government is required. Such a decision has not been made yet, says Petrovska.




Meta: Albania appeals for the settlement of Ukraine-Russia disputes through dialogue (Radio Tirana)


President Ilir Meta through a message on social networks has reacted to the situation in Ukraine. Through a reaction on Facebook, the head of state stressed that he joins the concern of NATO partners for the increase in the number of Russian troops and military equipment in Ukraine. Meta writes that Albania strongly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and calls for the settlement of disputes through dialogue and diplomatic means.


“I join the concern of our NATO partners for the unprecedented increase in the number of Russian troops and military equipment on the border with Ukraine and the threat of launching a military aggression against a sovereign and friendly country. The threat and eventually military aggression against Ukraine poses a direct threat to European security and a serious violation of international law. Albania strongly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and calls for the settlement of disputes through dialogue and diplomatic means" writes Meta.