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Belgrade Media Report 28 January


Starovic: Bigger escalation between Russia, Ukraine would negatively affect Serbia (RTS/Beta)

Any bigger escalation between Russia and Ukraine would have a very negative impact on Serbia's foreign policy and its position in the foreign policy arena, the State Secretary at the Serbian Foreign Ministry Nemanja Starovic told RTS on Thursday. He said that a more serious and wider escalation between Russia and Ukraine would certainly be a disaster, seeing as they were two friendly and brotherly Slavic peoples for Serbia, and added that it would put Serbia's foreign policy in a very difficult and inconvenient position. “I want to point out that we are in no way part of the political or any either conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and are not and will not be part of the problem. If there is even the least bit of space for us to be part of the solution, we are ready for something like that,” said Starovic. He added that Belgrade was appealing for peace and a peaceful solution because a great escalation was not in anyone’s interest, not in the interest of Moscow or Kiev or Central and Western European states, the Ministry said in a press release. He went on to say that there should be no fear of escalation of a bigger armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, if the situation was viewed objectively, but that the publicly formed perceptions often affected the reality on the ground and that even sharp rhetoric may ultimately lead to the escalation of the conflict. “I, nevertheless, hope that will not be the case, that reason will prevail. I hope that this intensive diplomatic activity will bear fruit. We are now seeing an intensive exchange of different messages, a dialogue at the level of Moscow-Washington and Russia-NATO, meetings are being planned in the so-called Normandy Format, which besides Moscow and Kyiv also includes Paris and Berlin,” said Starovic.

Selakovic, Pendarovski on improvement of minorities’ position in Serbia (Beta)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic and the president of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski had talks in Skopje on Thursday about what the two countries could do to improve the position of minorities in Serbia and North Macedonia. The occasion for the meeting was St. Sava's Day, which is marked in that country as the Serbs' national day, the Serbian Foreign Ministry has stated. "This year, due to COVID-19, the Republic of North Macedonia is the only country in the region in which the celebration of St. Sava's Day and St. Sava's Solemn Ceremony were being organized for the Serb minority. That was the cause for the meeting with President Pendarovski, which took place in a warm, friendly and festive atmosphere," Selakovic stated after the meeting. During the meeting, he added, other discussion topics were the expansion of economic cooperation and the importance of the Open Balkans initiative. The meeting was attended by the president of Republika Srpska (RS) Zeljka Cvijanovic and representatives of the Serb community in North Macedonia.

Obradovic running for Serbian president (Beta)

The Dveri Movement said on Thursday that its leader Bosko Obradovic would run for president of Serbia at the elections in April. A press release said that the movement will campaign under the slogan Heart for Serbia. It quoted Obradovic as saying at a meeting in Belgrade that “Serbia is obviously not in good shape” with a government that “is not guided by a love of its homeland”. “If they loved Serbia they would not be bargaining over Kosovo, they would not be robbing farmers and entrepreneurs, would not humiliate Serbian families, would not sell Serbian land, water and air,” Obradovic said. He said that the authorities suffered two big blows over the past month – the departure of Rio Tinto and the outcome of the referendum on constitutional amendments. He said the “third and most important blow” will come at the April elections.

The Dveri Movement will run in the parliamentary elections as part of the Patriotic Block.

Fajon: More recommendations for Serbian elections (N1)

Tanja Fajon MEP told N1 on Thursday that more recommendations might be made to improve conditions for elections in Serbia. Fajon is one of the facilitators engaged in the inter-party dialogue between Serbian ruling and opposition parties in an effort to improve conditions for elections. She came to Belgrade with Vladimir Bilcik, Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein. The European Parliament delegation is due to meet with President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, heads of parliament party groups and the opposition parties that rejected their mediation. She said that more recommendations could be made after her talks with political leaders on Friday. “I expect that we will make recommendations again or talk to all players about what can be done,” she said. “The elections will be very significant and I want everyone to have an opportunity to choose at free, transparent and fair elections and that will be our most important message to the authorities,” she said. Fajon said the facilitator delegation faces two hard days during which they will see if agreed measures have been implemented, the preparations for the April elections and what remains to be done to improve conditions for fair and democratic elections. According to Fajon, the fact that some opposition parties have not named representatives to the Republic Election Commission and interim media monitoring body is not crucial to the elections.

There is no solution in sight; There's nothing to offer to Serbia (TV Tanjug)

EU and USA want to resolve status issue of so-called Kosovo as it blocks their strategic goals in the Balkans, says Cambridge University professor Timothy Less. Ahead of the visit of US envoy to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar and EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak to Pristina and Belgrade, Less says that he is skeptical that any solution will be reached, because he does not believe there is anything Pristina can offer Serbia to compensate for the loss of Kosovo. He adds that one of the topics of conversation between the representatives of the USA and the EU will be the holding of the April elections in Kosovo and Metohija, but that the main focus will be on broader strategic goals and attempts to restart the dialogue. "As long as Serbia does not recognize Kosovo, they will return with new demands, until the two sides sit down and negotiate a solution in which Serbia will eventually have to recognize Kosovo. But I must say that I am skeptical about any solutions to this issue because I do not believe that there is anything that Kosovo can offer to Serbia, which will compensate Serbia for the loss of Kosovo", Less told TV Tanjug. That is why he predicts, as he says, "the continuation of the last decade" in which the two sides had, he says, symbolic meetings, and that no solution or end to that issue will be reached. Asked whether Albin Kurti hears Washington's demands, since Escobar said that Pristina has an obligation to form the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), Less said that Kurti hears them, but does not accept them. "This call for the establishment of the ZSO is, from the point of view of the Americans and the EU, a reasonable compromise between the exclusive positions of Pristina and Belgrade. They want Serbia to recognize Kosovo's independence, and the compensation for that is that Pristina gives autonomy to Serbs in Kosovo," Less said. The problem, he points out, is that Pristina does not see it as a reasonable compromise, because they expected that after the declaration of Kosovo's independence, "they are the rulers of their borders". That is why Pristina is not ready to accept the demands of the EU and the USA to withdraw and give autonomy to the Serbian population, especially because they fear that this could be the reason for secession. When asked what kind of ZSO model mentioned by Escobar could be applied, he answered that there are possibilities for different variations, but that everything will be based on the fundamental idea - that Serbs will remain part of Kosovo, but with a dose of independence and free decision-making. "This may include different types of autonomy for which there are many models around the world and other parts of the Balkans," Less added. When it comes to the conversation on the topic of voting of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija in the upcoming elections on 3 April, Less says that Pristina will try to limit their possibility of voting, as it prevented their voting in the referendum on 16 January. "I think it was easy to predict, because Kosovo is determined to prove its independence from Serbia, and allowing Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to vote in the Serbian parliamentary and presidential elections undermines Kosovo's right to independence and recognizes that Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija are in fact, the citizens of Serbia, not Kosovo," Less said. That is why he believes that, as in the case of the referendum on 16 January, Pristina will try to limit the voting of Serbs residing in Kosovo in the upcoming elections in April.



Palmer and Eichhorst meet with IAWG members, present proposal of changes of electoral legislation (Hayat

US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst met on Thursday with members of Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) in charge of changes to the election legislation of B&H and presented certain proposals of changes to the Election Law of B&H. Chair of IAWG Alma Colo (SDA) stated that package of proposals presented by Palmer and Eichhorst refer to improvement and integrity of the elections process in B&H. She explained that it is refers to the method of financing of elections in the case the budget is not adopted, appointment of election committees, bigger transparency of the election, defining of election rhetoric, early election campaign, reviewing of borders of constituencies and transparency and financing of election campaigns. Colo underlined that she is not certain there is political will for so called technical changes of the Election Law, adding that primarily there is no political will for it by HDZ B&H, as well as by the RS ruling parties, primarily SNSD. She noted that changes of electoral legislation should be adopted not later than March. Also, Colo deems that upcoming days are of key importance for reaching of an agreement on the reform of electoral legislation. She stressed that if an agreement on key issues is reached, it would be much easier to adopt the so-called integrity package of changes to the Election Law of B&H. Member of the IAWG Branislav Borenovic (PDP) is skeptical that changes will be adopted. Talking about changes to the Election Law proposed by Palmer and Eichhorst, Borenovic said that it contains solutions that could improve the election process in regards to its transparency. He added that it would improve the existing law and the election process. Borenovic stated that political factors in the RS have not harmonized a stance on whether the RS representatives are returning to state institutions. Member of the IAWG Snjezana Novakovic Bursac (SNSD) said that SNSD and the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) are interested in improving the election process, but they are not willing to accept experimental solutions for which it is uncertain if they can be implemented or if they will improve the process. Novakovic Bursac said that the stance of representatives of SNSD and the Serb Club is that they cannot comment on this package, because for them the amendments to the law mean, above all, reaching the political agreement on key issues in the Federation of B&H.

Palmer and Eichhorst meet with representatives of several political parties (Hayat

Matthew Palmer and Angelina Eichhorst met on Thursday with representatives of SDA to talk about changes of the Election Law. This meeting was closed for the public and participants have not addressed media. Palmer and Eichhorst also met with leaders of political parties from Sarajevo, namely with leaders of NiP, Our Party and SBB B&H. The reporter noted that representatives of Our Party stated that along with SDP and DF, they will not attend talks in Neum about changes of electoral legislation. Following the meeting with the US and the EU representatives, leader of SBB B&H Fahrudin Radoncic said that this might be the last chance when B&H has full attention of Washington and Brussels. He also stated that considering results of general elections held in 2018, SDP is a leader of the opposition. Radoncic went on to saying that by refusing to attend the talks in Neum, SDP delegitimized itself as the leader of the opposition. Radoncic also said when there is will, a solution is found for everything. "I believe that it is not some great wisdom to reveal that it suits the ruling parties, including SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA, best that nothing happens and for the elections to be held in accordance with the old rules, to continue the massive and brutal election theft," Radoncic underlined. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic did not arrive to Neum but he did meet the foreign officials on Thursday morning at the EU Delegation building in Sarajevo. Unlike his partners in ‘Troika’ coalition, Konakovic said that he does not wish to take these negotiations lightly as he fears what might happen if SDA and HDZ B&H were left alone, behind closed doors, making their own plans and deals. “We fear meetings behind doors, between (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic and Bakir Izetbegovic. They have caused us so much harm so far that we do not wish for this important meeting to be held in the same way,” Konakovic stated. Konakovic informed members of the press that they heard stances of the RS opposition, as well as asked for NiP’s proposal on introduction of post of the fourth member of the B&H Presidency to be considered. He believes that NiP proposal will receive more support when other political leaders realize that their ideas and proposals will simply not be accepted. FTV reminds that SDP B&H and DF earlier withdrew from negotiations, saying that state-level institutions in B&H must be unblocked before holding talks on amendments to the Election Law. Members of ‘Our Party’ (NS) were part of negotiations until Thursday, but then they also made a decision to withdraw from talks. NS members say they made this decision as they saw that civic B&H is something that will not be possible at this moment, and they saw no point in continuing talks. NS’ Predrag Kojovic said that NS members will not go to Neum. Kojovic pointed out that NS representatives do not want to continue talks if civic B&H is not on the table among other options. "We wanted and we hoped that the pressure and participation of these exceptional people who have made a huge effort will result in B&H moving forward, for it to move toward a normal European state. Unfortunately, we were forced from the very beginning of this process to seek a solution in a small circle that was bounded - that the proposal must not encroach on the RS and that the proposal must satisfy Dragan Covic. Proposals that will be discussed in Neum are on that track and that is why we do not want to go there," Kojovic emphasized.

SDP: Election changes which will bring additional divisions of B&H along ethnic lines are unacceptable just as every asymmetric solution on election of B&H Presidency members (Dnevni list

SDP leader Nermin Niksic has sent a letter to PIC Ambassadors, Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler and High Representative Christian Schmidt on Thursday in which he informs them about SDP’s stances regarding the negotiations on constitutional and election reforms. The letter reads that SDP sticks to its previous stances and a pre-requisite for talks on above-mentioned reforms is de-blockade of state institutions and putting out of force unconstitutional, anti-Dayton, secessionist decisions of the RS authorities. The letter also argues that B&H has the Election Law, though bad, but it does exist and therefore possible failure of the process of reforms does not bring in question holding of the elections. According to SDP, to talk on election changes with those who participate in the process of destruction of the state and ignoring the attacks of sovereignty and territorial integrity based on RS  parliament’s decision and by the neighboring countries as well, is unacceptable. The letter also reads that any changes of the Election Law which will bring additional divisions of the country along ethnic lines are unacceptable just as every asymmetric solution with regard to election of B&H Presidency members. It was further stated that the most positive aspect of the initiative for them is the fact that along with the EU, the US also takes part in this over its representatives. The letter added: “We are convinced that the USA and EU will base their participation in political processes in B&H first of all on universal values that they themselves are based on…” SDP believe that the USA, as a sincere ally, will be a “dam” for anti-state manipulations. SDP concludes that they are willing to participate in all processes conducted in B&H institutions, which would lead to unblocking of the country, stopping of secessionism and establishing of the fair, election model in accordance with ECHR’s judgments, that will guarantee protection of integrity of the election process.

Hartmann: I am fully convinced that there will be elections in B&H because boycott of elections is completely unacceptable in democracy (Nezavisne

In an interview for the daily, Austrian Ambassador to B&H Ulrike Hartmann stated that the minimum that would meet European standards is that every citizen with the right to vote has not only the opportunity to vote but also to be elected. Hartmann stressed that she is fully convinced that there will be elections in B&H because boycott of elections is completely unacceptable in a democracy. Speaking about her expectations from the new round of negotiations on changes to the electoral legislation in B&H, Hartmann said that she believes that 12 years after the first verdict of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Sejdic and Finci case, it is high time to harmonize the B&H Election Law with that and, on the other hand, get an election law that meets the European standards and at the same time make the electoral process more transparent. "Both these elements are equally important because it is necessary to restore the trust of the citizens in the electoral process in a way that they are certain that every vote counts. That is why it is important to finally implement the so-called technical recommendations of ODIHR, the Venice Commission and the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) in practice," Hartmann pointed out. Asked whether Austria is taking part in the talks on electoral reform, Hartmann said that Austria is not directly taking part in the negotiations, but that it is taking part as part of the EU. She underlined that Austria strongly supports the initiative of Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst and US Special Envoy for the B&H Election Reform Matthew Palmer. "I believe that this is also an important example of close cooperation between the EU and the US... We really appreciate these talks, but we have been clear from the very beginning that it is not up to the mediators to provide the solutions, but that it should be seeking and reaching a common solution by the responsible institutions and responsible political representatives in B&H," Hartmann stressed. Asked whether what Croats are asking for in the electoral reform is within the European framework, Hartmann said that experts are part of the international team leading the current talks. "It has been clear from the very beginning that one is not asking for giving up or abolishing the tripartite Presidency. The minimum that would meet European standards, and I underline the minimum, and not what would be ideal, is that every citizen with the right to vote has not only the opportunity to vote but also to be elected. That is the basis," Hartmann emphasized. Asked how sure she is that there will be no boycott of elections in B&H, Hartmann underlined that she is fully convinced that there will be elections in B&H "because boycott of elections is completely unacceptable in a democracy". Asked whether this means that boycott is unacceptable for the EU, Hartmann said that boycott is not a tool used in democracy, because there is a parliament in which every party has the opportunity to express its disagreement with any issue. Asked whether the EU will join the US sanctions, Hartmann stated that situation is definitely more serious than it was in previous years. "Not only do we have a serious political crisis, but also concrete activities, like, for example, this law on the establishment of the RS Agency for Medicines and termination of the competences of the Agency for Medicinal Products of B&H in the territory of this entity. This means that now these are no longer just announcements, but concrete actions," Hartmann underlined. She stressed that with the RS parliament decision on the establishment of the RS Agency for Medicines, the competencies of the state are taken over unilaterally. "I do not know any democratic state in which that would be possible. That is why there are serious talks in the EU on a possible reaction in an appropriate manner. And everything that is happening, including the celebration of 9 January with the rhetoric that marked it, makes things very serious," Hartmann pointed out. Asked what will happen to Inzko's law, Hartmann said that content of this law has been discussed for many years, adding that what is important is for B&H to get a law that exists in other European countries. "A framework law when it comes to genocides and war crimes, hate speech, is needed, therefore a law which sanctions the denial of such phenomena. A law that does not apply to any group or people, but to everyone equally, is needed," Hartmann underlined. Hartmann deemed as important that the current High Representative is advocating a law with a similar content that would be adopted in the B&H Parliament. "In addition, the adoption of such a law in the parliament would send a signal to the EU about B&H's maturity, which would be an important step on the path to European integration," Hartmann concluded.

MPs in Bundestag discuss situation in B&H; MP Wagner: Freedom and peace in Western Balkans are at risk, because people denying genocide have been living in some parts of Western Balkans (Hayat

B&H and the situation in B&H were some of the topics discussed at session of German Bundestag held on Thursday. Hayat reminds that High Representative Christian Schmidt addressed Bundestag on Wednesday and presented the report on the situation in B&H. He got support to react in case the situation in B&H does not start improving. Some MPs underlined that although peace is implied for them, this is not case for others around them. MP Robin Wagner stated that freedom and peace in the Western Balkans are at risk, because people denying genocide have been living in some parts of the Western Balkans. Wagner went on to saying there are thousands of political detainees in Ukraine and Belarus. He added that people in B&H, Belarus and Ukraine “count on us”, adding that this is why the ruling coalition will pay special attention to abovementioned areas because they are committed to fight for democracy, freedom and peace. According to the daily, the meeting was closed to public, however according to reports of the German media, concern was expressed about the current political crisis in B&H. Daily further reads that HR Schmidt should present in Sarajevo today (Friday) his plan on how to solve the key crises that are shaking B&H. In this context daily reads it is a big question if the plan includes resorting to the Bonn powers or imposition of new decisions, arguing that it is certain, according to sources in the Bundestag, that Schmidt enjoys support of the Bundestag. In addition, daily learns that B&H should be visited by Chairman of the European People’s Party Caucus (in the European Parliament) Manfred Weber in the coming days.

Grmusa: Schmidt was not appointed High Representative in B&H in accordance with Annex 10 of DPA, which is why he was not allowed to address UN SC (Glas Srpske

The daily carries that after he was not allowed to address the UN Security Council (UN SC), German diplomat Christian Schmidt submitted a report on the situation in B&H to the German Bundestag, thus practically admitting that he has no legitimacy, because he did not get the consent of the UN SC to be appointed High Representative. After the submission of the report, a joint statement by Schmidt and Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs of the German Bundestag Anton Hofreiter was published on the OHR's website, stating that the situation in B&H is worrying and that if things do not move, the international community and the High Representative will continue to act. "We will continue to monitor the situation closely and, in consultation with the international community, will discuss whether and what steps might be necessary. We agree that the conditionality of financial resources must become the rule in the future,” the joint statement reads. Political scientist from Banja Luka Vojislav Savic stated that it is absurd in itself that Schmidt addresses the parliament of one country about the situation in another country without any international legitimacy because he did not get permission to address the UN SC. "He can only be some kind of high representative of Germany for B&H, and that is just an absurd situation. He tries to stay relevant in any way, addressing where he gets to, although he is probably aware that it is not of excessive importance," Savic underlined. PDP Presidency member Milko Grmusa said that Schmidt was definitely not appointed High Representative in B&H in accordance with Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), emphasizing that this is the reason why he was not allowed to address the UN SC. "Quite simply, international law is very clear and precise in this case, therefore Schmidt has neither legitimacy nor legality on the basis of which he would draw on the powers of the High Representative. Realistically, he is aware of that himself, and the best proof is the fact that he does not use any of the powers available to the High Representative," Grmusa pointed out. That is why, as Grmusa noted, Schmidt is forced to secure his own and the political credibility of the country he comes from in another way, i.e. by insisting that Germany and then the EU follow the US sanctions policy towards SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. "Paradoxically, we have come to the situation in which a diplomat who does not have any opportunity to use the powers of the High Representative, but has the support of important world powers that can impose sanctions in the long run, is more dangerous for Dodik, but also for RS," Grmusa said, adding that, on the other hand, the states that support Schmidt will not go too far with sanctions, because with that they would take full responsibility for everything that would happen later in B&H, but also in the region, "where there are serious problems that no one from the RS really created".

Dodik announces special law on prohibition of use of term ‘genocidal’; Comments of RS officials (EuroBlic

Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik announced that the RS will propose a special law on prohibition of calling an entire ethnic group as ‘genocidal’. “Should our partners in the Parliament accept this, and I see no reason for this not to happen, we will be willing to participate in its work”, Dodik added. Leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that he is proud to be one of proposers of the law announced by Dodik and he added: “I think our law has no direct connection with ‘Inzko’s law’ but it prevents belittling of Serbs and RS, knowing it is mostly us who are called genocidal,” Stevandic added that returning to the parliament of B&H to propose such law would be in line with conclusions of the RS National Assembly because those allow everything that is of the interest for the RS to be discussed. Stevandic also said that the law imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko will have to be solved either by adopting a new law, revoking the imposed law or in some other way. Sources told the daily that this is an attempt of representatives of the RS to return to adoption of laws in the Parliament of B&H before ‘Inzko’s law’ is put out of force. “However, our sources claim that Banja Luka is working on a plan on how to additionally belittle Inzko’s law at the same session of the Parliament of B&H”, the daily noted and argued that representatives of the RS might even propose a vote on verification of ‘Inzko’s law’ to be cast at the same session and added: “Knowing that they have enough votes, the law would be rejected in the first reading, i.e. it would not be confirmed and this would be published in the Official Gazette of B&H.” PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that it is obvious that SNSD has decided to return to the Parliament of B&H and it remains to be seen what price will be paid for it. Borenovic added that it would not be the first time they have done this, i.e. “pull the handbrake to the end and then just let it go”. As for other issues, Borenovic said that there is some kind of a plan of the ruling coalition – SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H – but details of it are still unknown and contradictory statements are being presented. “In any case, the RS parliament conclusions are clear – there can be no participation in adoption of decisions until the issue of Inzko’s imposed decision is solved. We can see that there is also readiness of (High Representative Christian) Schmidt, he sent a letter to the Collegium of both Houses of the Parliament of B&H several weeks ago in which he said that he would be willing to revoke Inzko’s decision if an adequate document is adopted by the parliament of B&H,” Borenovic concluded. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that the issue of Inzko’s law is an important political issue for all citizens of the RS because this was an attempt to determine the character of events from 1992 to 1995 by one-sided decision of the former High Representative and destroy everything that has been done in the past 20 years to promote peace. Sarovic argued that the law should either be put out of force or changed and argued: “The fact nobody from Sarajevo or the Office of the High Representative (OHR) mentioned changing of Inzko’s law indicates that there is no will at the moment to do anything with regard to this matter.” Sarovic assessed that returning to the parliament of B&H to try to change Inzko’s law can only serve as an alibi for certain forces from the RS to return to the parliament of B&H.

Dodik reveals condition for return to B&H institutions; Comments of FB&H politicians, political parties (FTV

FTV investigates when B&H institutions might be unblocked. It seems that there are many ultimatums for return of Serb representatives to the state-level institutions. The list is created by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, and now, he has a new condition. Dodik said that if a law is adopted in the B&H Parliament, which prohibits and punishes the usage of term ‘genocidal creation’ when speaking about RS, then the representatives from RS will return to B&H institutions. Dodik plans to send the law proposal to parliamentary procedure soon, but it is a question if anyone will accept his condition. Dodik explained that all those that would use the term ‘genocidal’ when talking about certain collectively – meaning B&H, the RS, the FB&H, the Brcko District, the cantons, or institutional subjects – they would be punished and a prison sentenced would be determined in that case. Also, if someone called certain national group, like the Serbs, the Bosniaks, the Croats, ‘genocidal’, then prison sentence would be determined at five years. “If such law is accepted by our partners in the Parliamentary Assembly, and I believe there is no reason why they would not, we are ready to take part in the work”, Dodik told members of the press. While HDZ B&H and SDA did not formally comment Dodik’s proposal, it can be sensed that they are actually ready to support it. FTV noted that HDZ B&H is almost always with SNSD on all matters, while SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic hinted with his recent statement that he might accept this condition – as he believes this might be the only way for unblocking the state-level institutions. Izetbegovic told reporters that Serb representatives were just looking for a way in which they would return to B&H institutions. “And that is a good thing”, he says, adding that this is acceptable for SDA. The SDA leader emphasized that his party members have never called the entire Serb population ‘genocidal’, and they would never do that. He said they did not call the RS ‘genocidal’, and they have accepted the RS in 1995. “We accepted it in Dayton, but we know what came before that” Izetbegovic stated. He said their intention is never to offend the entire RS or the Serbs. Izetbegovic concluded by saying that Dodik’s proposal is probably the way out of this current situation. On the other hand, members of ‘Our Party’ (NS) do not trust Dodik and his ideas. They say they would trust him more if his proposal was written in form of an official document and sent to parliamentary procedure. The NS members would accept the proposal but they first need to see it on paper. NS MP in the B&H HoR Predrag Kojovic told reporters that he does not believe adoption of this proposal would actually put an end to some people’s behaviour – people that have the need to offend B&H and block its institutions. DF members categorically rejected Dodik’s proposal. “Is that the same Dodik that claimed, around 15 years ago, that the RS entity was formed on genocide?” asks DF MP in the B&H HoR Zlatan Begic. Begic underlined that the truth is not determined by the number of hands in the parliament. “The truth is what it is” Begic added. He said the RS was formed on genocide, on war crimes, and crimes against humanity. “And, as long as that entity exists, that will be a chain on the throat of the entire Serb population”, Begic stressed. While DF made its decision, SDP B&H did not. SDP B&H members say it is difficult to say whether they would support the idea or not before they read the law proposal. They say this is Dodik’s way for returning to B&H institutions, pointing that he made this move after Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic asked him to. SDP’s Zukan Helez stated that the law proposed by Dodik is unnecessary, because nobody ever called an entire people genocidal. He noted that only a sick person could do such a thing. In his opinion, Dodik is only looking for an excuse to return to the institutions. ‘Our Party’ member Mirjana Marinkovic Lepic stated that Dodik is only looking for a way to divert attention away from the amendments to B&H Criminal Code prohibiting genocide denial. She noted that no official ever called Serbs a genocidal people. However, if Dodik insists, his proposal could be included in the Criminal Code as an amendment. SBB’s Damir Arnaut noted that according to Dodik, even late US diplomat Richard Holbrook would be sent to jail because he also said that the soil in the RS is drenched in blood. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated that the situation is very clear – individuals and institutions which do not deny genocide are not genocidal, and those which do deny genocide are genocidal.

Softic: I do not believe that state institutions will be unblocked soon, sanctions must expand to judicial office holders too (Oslobodjenje

The daily carried an interview with SDA Vice President Safet Softic who said that he does not believe that B&H is headed in the direction of unblocking of state institutions because SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is in an increasingly difficult position and he is facing a lot of pressure. Softic underlined that he expects a lot of turbulences on the political scene, and a lot of pressure coming from the international community regarding the electoral reform. He noted that Dodik’s rhetoric has been the same, albeit growingly inflammable, for years. However, what is concerning are Dodik’s actions, and they must be stopped. Softic noted that many welcome sanctions against Dodik as a sign that the international community has not abandoned B&H. “I expect the EU, led by Germany, to join the sanctions, either jointly as the Union or individually, that of course remains to be analyzed, but that pressure must increase, because EU sanctions are a real danger for local politicians who are involved in corruption and they should be somehow sanctioned for what they are doing,” said Softic. He noted that the fact that the international community needs to sanction local politicians shows how weak the judiciary system in B&H is. He expects that sanctions will expand to judicial office holders as well, because it is necessary to remove judges and prosecutors who are corrupted or who are linked to corrupted politicians. Asked to comment claims that the current crisis serves not only the interests of SNSD and HDZ B&H, but SDA as well, Softic said that there is always the intention to make all three sides equal in all matters. He dismissed the claims as false and underlined that SDA and SNSD are on the opposite sides. He underlined that SDA always fought for B&H and strengthening of its institutions, and despite many mistakes that were made, SDA can be proud of its achievements. Asked to comment the proposals for trilateral meetings of B&H, Serbia and Turkey, Softic said that multilateral meetings are always welcome, but the political destiny of B&H lies in the EU. He underlined that B&H’s proprieties must be the EU and NATO integration. Softic noted that Serbia is a very complex society and it has a very weak democracy. Commenting the talks on electoral reform, he stated that the international community should focus on technical improvement of the election process and introduction of new technologies. Asked to comment the proposal of the Croat People’s Assembly for electoral reform, Softic said that there is nothing new about it. He noted that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic is a tough negotiator, and that due to this toughness, he missed the opportunity to get to a solution with the so-called Fuele’s model of reform. Softic believes that if Covic wants an agreement, HDZ B&H will have to accept some changes regarding competences of the Houses of Peoples, and that will be the price that HDZ B&H will have to pay.


Grlic Radman: EU is against those who stall reforms and support status quo (Vecernji list

Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman called for implementation of the electoral reform in B&H “obviously alluding to the Bosniak attempts to obstruct the process”. Grlic Radman said the EU is against those who stall the reforms and support the status quo and that Croatia is most interested in the political stability. “Time is running out, this is an election year. I think it is in everyone’s interest to have a stable and functional B&H that is focused on Europe. We insist on integral B&H. If it had been down to Croatia, B&H would have been in the EU by now” said the Croatian FM. We further stated that ‘we’ give full support to (US Special Envoy for Electoral Reform Matthew) Mr. Palmer and (Director for Western Balkans and Turkey of European External Action Service Angelina) Mrs. Eichhorst in an effort to reach an agreement that would enable members of the three constituent peoples to truly choose who will represent them. The Croatian FM further said ‘we’ are convinced that High Representative (Christian) Schmidt will contribute to the understanding that all three constituent peoples in B&H must be satisfied with their position and that is why ‘we’ give him the support in order for reaching compromise soon. In addition, the FM said the US administration plays the key role, reminding that he called for end to discrimination of Croats in the election process at a meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States.

Plenkovic says Milanovic's statements scandalous, undermine Croatia's reputation (Hina

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic called out President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday for undermining Croatia's reputation and credibility, and said the government distanced itself from his views on the Ukraine situation. Milanovic's statements "are damaging for Croatia's reputation and shameful," he said at a cabinet meeting. "They lead to big disappointment, I'd say indignation, among our partners, from the Unites States to NATO member states, European Union member states, our neighbors." Plenkovic said it seemed that every important ambassador would be summoned due to Milanovic's statements. "That's bad, it's scandalous, it undermines Croatia's reputation and credibility. It's in total opposition to the Croatian government's principled foreign policy positions, not just on Ukraine but many other countries." The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry yesterday summoned Croatian Ambassador Anica Dzamic to protest against Milanovic's recent statements, which were applauded in Russia. Milanovic said earlier this week that Croatia would not get involved in the crisis in any way in the event of its escalation and that it would not deploy its troops there. He also said Ukraine did not belong in NATO and that the EU instigated the 2014 "coup d'etat" in Ukraine at which pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown. Plenkovic reiterated that the Croatian government's stand was "to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity, to respect international law principles, to advocate peace, conflict de-escalation, defusing tensions, and to contribute to international community efforts, whether through the various existing formats or through our activities in NATO, the EU or other organizations". He denied that sending troops to Ukraine was being considered, saying that it was not on the agenda of any international organization.

Foreign Minister calling his counterparts to apologise over President's statements (Hina

Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Thursday that because of President Zoran Milanovic's statements about Ukraine, he had to call nearly every one of his counterparts and apologise. "We are appalled. I, as minister, have indeed a heavy burden and responsibility because of the ambassadors, who have been besieging me, asking what to say and how, how to communicate," Grlic Radman told the press. "I have to call nearly every minister and apologise, say that what Milanovic said is not the government's official position." He said there was allegedly an initiative in Ukraine to declare Milanovic persona non grata. "I think the Croatian state doesn't deserve such behavior from the president, the minister said, the Croatian state created with the blood of Croatian defenders, which was led by the visionary first Croatian president Franjo Tudjman, who would certainly turn in his grave were he to hear such a narrative. He said this was an attempt "to destabilize the Croatian authorities" and that it had caused Croatia "big reputational damage" in the international community. Ukraine is not the first state with which Milanovic has managed to "make Croatia quarrel" as ambassadors have been summoned because of his statements also in Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, he added. Grlic Radman expects of the president "a constructive policy, one which will promote peace, stability and cooperation, send positive, affirmative messages, which will result in cooperation with other presidents and which will contribute to the further affirmation of Croatia's foreign policy".


Krivokapic: This government likely to be overthrown; I doubt that I will be the one signing the Fundamental Agreement (RTCG

This government has cleaned and prepared the field for plowing. When it did that, why should it leave the political scene, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic wonders in the RTCG’s Argumenti show, answering the question whether this government is counting its last days.

“This is the government that has tried to be civic and democratic in order to bring democracy to life in Montenegro. We did everything we could, the rest is all up to MPs. If the initiative was submitted and postponed once, it’s rather unlikely that it will not be supported the second time. That would be a disgrace for the largest party – DPS, and the main submitter of the initiative – URA,” he said in the show. Krivokapic claims that he did everything in his power when it comes to the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, but he doubts that he will sign it. In the Fundamental Agreement, he said, there are no substantial changes in relation to the draft sent to the Patriarchate on 21 July 2021.  "The agreement can be signed until 4 February, believe me, I doubt that I will sign that agreement precisely because of such statements. Those statements came from similar addresses to the blessed Metropolitan Amfilohije. This is a game of politicians from Montenegro and Belgrade and a large number of commissioned political analysts," Krivokapic said in an interview with TVCG. According to him, the goal of all this is that after 4 February, when the deputies will vote of confidence in his government, a savior of the Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church will appear on behalf of someone else. Answering the question of who would that be from Montenegro, Krivokapic said, someone from the SNP.

Becic says he has not seen Fundamental Agreement, he keeps silent about whether Democrats are paying for arrival of citizens to protest in Podgorica (CdM

Parliament speaker Aleksa Becic has stated that he has never seen any version of the Fundamental Agreement. He has not answered the question whether the claims that his Democrats organize transportation from Montenegrin cities and pay for fuel for coming to tonight’s protest in Podgorica are true, he has only said that he cannot follow everything that is written or published. According to him, one political subject of the parliamentary majority announced the possibility and readiness to form a parliamentary majority with the DPS, and another subject ruled it out.

DF after talks with SNP: Protests if parliamentary majority makes any agreement with DPS (CdM

Nova leader Andrija Mandic and Democratic People’s Party leader Milan Knezevic talked to the leader of the Socialist People’s Party Vladimir Jokovic and reiterated their views. They pointed out that it was necessary to respect and preserve the electoral will of the citizens expressed in the 30 August elections. They added that a new sustainable solution could be sought within the current parliamentary majority. They said that if parts of the existing parliamentary majority made any agreement with the DPS, the DF would start and lead the extra-institutional struggle by organizing protests. DF leaders informed Vladimir Jokovic that any agreement and cooperation with the DPS was unacceptable to them, and that they believed that this would be the position of the SNP.

Jokovic: Signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, correcting injustice towards it (N1

The leader of the Socialist People's Party of Montenegro, Vladimir Jokovic, stated in the that the signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church represents "correction of injustice towards it", and that it should have been done in May last year, when Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic was in Belgrade. He points out that the Serbian Orthodox Church did not interfere in political issues in this country, as well as that the state of Serbia did not interfere in the internal affairs of the neighboring country. "Dritan Abazovic met privately with our Patriarch. I have an invitation and I will meet with the Patriarch. It is my pleasure to meet with the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije," he said, adding that he did not want to comment on Abazovic's visit. Commenting on the Fundamental agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, he stated that the Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic was supposed to sign the document in May last year. However, he does not know why it was not done, and what happened in the meantime. "I don't see why now, when the trust in the government of Montenegro is being tested, to go public and announce that the government will sign the Fundamental Agreement. Why not in the previous year and a half," he wondered. "The key position of this government was to change the Law on Freedom of Religion, and to sign the Fundamental Agreement in May last year," said Jokovic. According to him, Krivokapic should have signed the Fundamental Agreement when he came to Belgrade. After that, he recalls, he lost the support of the Democratic Front. "If he had political responsibilities in the full sense of the word, Krivokapic should have gone before the parliament and checked whether he has confidence or not… What was agreed has not been done and that is why the Serbian Orthodox Church is angry," Jokovic pointed out. He estimates that the government of Montenegro, which does not have full political capacity, should not sign the Fundamental Agreement now. He says that if it were his duty to sign the Fundamental Agreement - it would be a "true honor" for him. "The essence is for it to be signed, as it was signed with the Islamic religious community and the Catholic Church in Montenegro." Nothing else is required but to sign on the same grounds what the other two religious communities have signed. So, this is about correcting the injustice towards the Serbian Orthodox Church," he said. The signing is a big step forward in the relations between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church Jokovic underlined that the signing of the Fundamental Agreement will be "a great day and a great step forward in the relations between the state of Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church". "The Serbian Orthodox Church has never interfered in political relations in Montenegro. The latest developments are due to the injustice of this law. The DPS included the Serbian Orthodox Church in the protests, which were conducted in such a way and which were magnificent," he stated. He adds that the purpose of the Law on Religious Communities was to seize the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro. "The church interfered only in the domain of what concerns the church. And interference of Serbia, I have never noticed that the state of Serbia interferes in the internal affairs of Montenegro," believes Jokovic. He assessed as unsuccessful the work of the government of Montenegro so far, stating that no foreign investment came, that the number of unemployed increased enormously, and that relations within the parties within the ruling coalition "almost did not even exist". "Why this is so, is a question for the prime minister," Jokovic said. Commenting on the upcoming session of the parliament of Montenegro, he assessed that "the government fell at the moment when the Democratic Front said that it no longer supports it". As the support of the government in the parliament has not been checked so far, he expects that it will happen at the next session. "Whatever happens, is nothing terrible. It is the maturing of democracy," commented Jokovic, not excluding the possibility of electing a new government of Montenegro. Asked whether he would take part in the vote of no confidence in the government of Montenegro, he said that the SNP will not overthrow the government, but also that it will not regret it. Jokovic denies that he negotiated on possible engagement in the next government of Montenegro and points out that he did not say a single word about it with anyone. "I don't know who would be the prime minister or who would be part of the new government. Everything is open here. "No one can say how it will be," he concluded.


Mandic and Knezevic discussing current situation with Vucic: Peace and stability in Balkans priceless (CdM

The leaders of the Democratic Front, Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic, have talked yesterday in Belgrade to the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic about the current situation in the region, and stated that peace and stability in the Balkans are priceless. During the meeting, it was stated that Montenegro should be part of the Open Balkans. In an open conversation and friendly atmosphere, Mandic and Knezevic presented Vucic with economic and investment projects for the north of Montenegro, which, with Serbia’s support, would significantly ensure the economic development of this part of our country, employ a large number of citizens and enable the return of displaced people to former industrial cities,” DF has stated.


Osmani asked to testify on state of negotiations with Bulgaria (Republika

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Macedonian Parliament will meet to discuss the growing dispute with Bulgaria. Committee Chairman Antonio Milososki called Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani to attend, and specifically to provide the written answers that Macedonia sent to a list of six demands from Bulgaria last year. Bulgaria is pushing to rewrite Macedonian history and redefine Macedonian national identity, using its veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks as a form of pressure. After the Zoran Zaev regime insisted for years that the negotiations do not intrude on the national identity issues, last week Zaev’s former Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov confirmed that a major betrayal of national interests is in the works. I expect an interesting discussion and that we receive serious answers to the doubts developing around the untransparent negotiations between Skopje and Sofia, Milososki said.

We didn’t have essential differences with Dimitrov in the process, but in the work discipline, says Osmani (TV Kanal 5

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said that he would refrain from commenting on the accusations made by the former Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov. “I do not want to enter into a reply with the former colleague because the public has said enough, both political and civil… Rarely on any issue in the public there was a consensus. It would have been a surprise if the timing was not what it was. The timing was missed in giving such qualifications once you see that you are not on the list. I will refrain from commenting and I can only wish him success in his further work and engagements, Osmani said for TV Kanal 5. He pointed out that they worked together and that they had achieved together. As one of the most important achievements, he singled out that, as he said, perhaps for the first time on a rare issue after independence, the politicians representing the communities, especially the Macedonian and Albanian, spoke for the first time in one tone, whether in Skopje, Sofia, in Brussels, in Washington… Minister Osmani stated that they did not have essential differences with Dimitrov in the process, but in the work discipline.