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Belgrade Media Report 24 February


Vucic from Madrid: It is clear that Spain will not recognize Kosovo's independence (B92, RTS)


After meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public saying Spain's position on Kosovo and Metohija remains unchanged. "It is clear that Spain will not recognize the independence of Kosovo, it remains with its position, it respects the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia" Vucic said. "I thanked for the opening of the fourth cluster of the EU. We will continue to strengthen our relations. I believe that this year we will have the opportunity to host the Spanish king, which has never happened" Vucic said. 


The President stated that during his talks with Spanish officials in Madrid, he pointed out numerous illogicalities and hypocrisy that exist in international politics when it comes to Ukrainian areas, on the one hand, and Kosovo and Metohija, on the other. Vucic thus answered the question of the journalists whether they talked about Ukraine and whether he conveyed his position on those double standards during the talks in Spain. 


"Of course, we talked about Ukraine and I reiterated our clear views on respect for international public law and the borders of internationally recognized countries in accordance with Serbia's policy and pointed out the many illogicalities and hypocrisy that exist in international politics, but this is not great news" the president said. 


Vucic said that the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, had announced a visit to Serbia, and that in meeting with her, as well as with officials from countries around the world, he would be honest and protect Serbia's interests. 


When asked by journalists what he thinks about the announcement of the arrival of the head of German diplomacy next month and whether the conversation will be open, considering her recent statements about Serbia, Vucic said: "The German foreign minister has announced that she is coming. Germany is an important country and our most important and largest partner in Europe, and they are always welcome. Do not forget that there is no one in the world from the most important officials in the world whom I have not met and before whom I have not been honest and open, always protecting the interests of Serbia - I will do the same at that meeting" said the President. 


Germany’s MFA: Baerbock will probably visit Serbia in March (

If there is no large-scale conflict between Russia and Ukraine, German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock will come to Serbia next month, the website posted on Wednesday. The first official visit of the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany is planned within her mini diplomatic tour, in which, apart from Serbia, she should visit Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Kosovo. 


“If the situation between Russia and Ukraine does not escalate further, she will visit Serbia in less than two weeks”, according to information the journalists received from diplomatic sources. Kosovo and the talks under the EU auspices, as well as the political situation in the B&H are topics for talks between Baerbock and Serbian officials, but they will also discuss the upcoming elections and whether the conditions for the participation of various political actors in the elections are in line with the standards advocated by the EU, wrote 


Vucic: Our stance on Ukrainian crisis in next 48 hours (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Feb. 23 that he would declare where he stood on the Ukrainian crisis within the next 48 hours. He said this during a one-day visit to Madrid, in response to a reporter's question about what Serbia would do, following the statement by EU spokesman Peter Stano, who said he expected Serbia to harmonize with the EU regarding the sanctions against Russia for recognizing the two breakaway regions in the east of Ukraine. Vucic said that he would meet on Feb. 24 with the representatives of the five most developed countries of the world and the EU – the U.S., Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy and representatives of the EU in Belgrade. He would declare his position on Ukraine after that meeting, or not more than 24 hours thereafter. "Our positions, however, unlike many of theirs, will be in full accordance with international law, absolutely principled and will not differ from what we believed and declared in 2000, in 2015, and today" Vucic stated. 


A session of the National Security Council was held (RTS)


A session of the National Security Council, at which the situation in the region and Ukraine was discussed, was held at the Palace of Serbia. "The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, chaired the National Security Council and exchanged information with the members of the Council on the situation in the region and Ukraine" it was stated on the Instagram profile of Buducnostrbijeav. 


The session was attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Ministers of Defense and Police, Nebojsa Stefanovic and Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of Justice Maja Popovic, BIA Director Bratislav Gasic, representatives of the Serbian Army. 


A session of the Government of Serbia will be held at 3 pm, which will be attended by President Vucic. During the day, President Vucic also talked with the ambassadors of the Quinte countries and the head of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia on numerous issues, the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic announced. All information on the views expressed by the parties will be published in the next 36 hours, it is stated in the announcement. 


Dacic: We must not act on their request, as they didn't help us during air-raids on Serbia (RTS)

SPS President Ivica Dacic assessed that Serbia must not join sanctions against Russia, because the countries that ask Serbia to do so did not help us in 1999. I wonder whether Serbia represents an energy power, so that everything depends on how we declare ourselves, we must look after our own interests. We have suffered a lot for the sake of others. Let's preserve relations with the EU and with Russia and China, because no one will defend us if they (Russia and China) stop defending us" Dacic told RTS. He stated that the crisis in Ukraine happened because the West did not respect the agreement that NATO would not expand to the East. "We have to make a balance, both the Ukrainian and Russian people will pay a high price. We appeal for peace" Dacic said. 


Tadic: Serbia must have a clear position on Ukraine (RTS)

Boris Tadic, the president of the Social Democratic Party, said regarding the situation in Ukraine, that it was an obvious aggression of Russia on that country, which was preceded by a series of events. "One of them is that the West violated the agreement reached with Yeltsin that there will be no NATO enlargement to countries bordering Russia, and that was preceded by a fight over energy, where both America and Russia have opposing interests" said Tadic. Unfortunately, the citizens of Ukraine will pay a terrible price. What is very dangerous is that the citizens of other small countries may also pay the price, Tadic pointed out. According to him, this is a dangerous situation in which Serbia must have a clear and resolute position. "We cannot support the aggression against the sovereign state of Ukraine, we cannot support the recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk, because that is contrary to our interests in Kosovo, but we need to pursue a balanced policy. We are a small force and we have to find the right angle on how to approach this situation, it will be a big problem when the EU continues to put pressure on us to join the sanctions" Tadic said. This is a very complicated situation, extremely dangerous, and according to the principle of open courts, where there is a conflict, there is a possibility of escalation" Tadic said. 


Petkovic: If Bislimi wanted to have talks with me, he would have them (RTS)

If Bislimi wanted to talks with me, he would have them, that's why I went to Brussels, said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and Belgrade's chief negotiator in dialogue with Pristina Petar Petkovic, reacting to Pristina negotiator Besnik Bislimi's statement regarding the meeting in Brussels. 


"Yesterday I spent 11 hours in Brussels with a delegation from Belgrade talking to Miroslav Lajcak. If Bislimi wanted to have talks with me, he would have had them right away, that's why I went to Brussels - let's talk! The Community of Serb Municipalities, energy and other agreements Pristina must fulfil, not avoid them" Petar Petkovic wrote on Twitter


Pristina's chief negotiator in the dialogue with Belgrade, Besnik Bisljimi, claims that the Serbian side was the one that refused a joint meeting during the dialogue in Brussels. "I insisted on meeting with Petkovic, but it seems to me that the Serbian side was not interested in that, which later announced to the media that we refused the talks" Bislji told reporters in Brussels. According to him, EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak can confirm these allegations. 


Bisljimi also estimates that the meeting of the main negotiators with the EU mediators in the dialogue was aimed at preparing the next meeting of the dialogue at the highest level between Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti


Brussels officially states that the next meeting between Vucic and Kurti can be organized only if there are satisfactory results in the talks at the level of the main negotiators. EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said after the meeting with Petkovic and Bislimi that the parties "approached the agreement on some documents" and that "work continues". 


Unofficial information can be heard in diplomatic sources in Brussels that Belgrade and Pristina have approached the agreement on energy, as well as speculations about a possible meeting between Vucic and Kurti before the elections scheduled for April 3. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


B&H joins EU statement which condemns Russia’s moves in Ukraine (BN TV)

At the session of the UN General Assembly, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) joined the EU statement on the situation in Ukraine, reported Srpskainfo portal. The statement strongly condemned, among other things, Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine as independent republics, and the decision to send Russian troops to the area. Allegedly, the decision that B&H joins the statement was made by B&H Ambassador to the UN Sven Alkalaj, but it is assumed that he could not have done so without the knowledge of B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic or Chairperson and Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, added the presenter. It was done, noted the report, without a joint position of B&H Presidency and despite the position of the Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, who said that B&H should remain neutral in this crisis. 


B&H Ambassador to UN Alkalaj, analyst Ahatovic discuss situation in Ukraine (Hayat)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ambassador to UN Sven Alkalaj and military analyst Nedzad Ahatovic were guests for Hayat and discussed the situation in Ukraine. Alkalaj said that a debate was held on Wednesday in the UN General Assembly on the latest events between Ukraine and Russia. All countries condemned Russia's position. This is the aggression that is taking place by Russia against Ukraine, said Alkalaj. He believes that Russia's invasion of Ukraine began eight years ago when Crimea and other parts were conquered. It has lasted since 2014 and has now escalated after the proclamation of these two republics. In that way, an even bigger invasion is being prepared. Alkalaj added that the US intelligence agencies said the Russian military's readiness to invade has reached somewhere around 80 percent, that they surrounded Ukraine from all sides and aggression could start very soon.  


Ahatovic is of the opinion that Kiev is relatively limited in resisting aggression. When it comes to the possibility of sending US troops to Ukraine, Alkalaj said that such a thing is impossible. According to Alkalaj, the US will help in every other sense, such as the most important anti-tank vehicles, modern weapons, especially technology that will help prevent the collapse of communication. There are no grounds for the US soldiers to come to Ukraine, pointed out Alkalaj, as Ukraine is not a NATO country.   


Reporter pointed out that, justifying the entry of the Russian army into eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that otherwise the Ukrainian army in those regions would commit genocide like the one in B&H, and Putin admitted that genocide took place in Srebrenica. Alkalaj was asked how much this recognition is a slap in the face to Serbian officials for whom, as the reporter said, genocide denial is the main policy and how acceptable the comparison of B&H and Russia is. Alkalaj responded that it is very sarcastic coming from Russia which vetoed the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN. Alkalaj said that he is glad Russia finally recognized that genocide was committed in Srebrenica and that he hopes B&H’s neighbours will follow that with attentively. When it comes to B&H, Alkalaj said that B&H should join the activities encouraged by the EU, the US and the UK. Alkalaj said that B&H should react to violation of international law and aggression of one country towards another, as B&H also experienced such aggression. He said that B&H should take a clear stance of support to all forces that are against the activities related to Russian invasion against Ukraine.  


B&H Presidency member Dodik: B&H remains neutral on matter of Russia and Ukraine (RTRS)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik addressed a press conference in East Sarajevo on Wednesday. On this occasion, Dodik stated that, despite opposite attempts of part of political Sarajevo, B&H remains neutral on the matter of increased confrontations of Russia and Ukraine. Dodik pointed out that the B&H Presidency is the only institution in B&H that can take a serious political stance on the situation between Russia and Ukraine. However, Dodik confirmed that no one, not even Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, initiated taking a stance on Russia’s decision to recognize independence of Donetsk and Luhansk. Dodik added that, if the discussion takes place, neutrality is the only solution. "As a representative of Republika Srpska (RS), I cannot allow our relations with Russia to be damaged by stances about current events such as those currently coming from the Federation of B&H (FB&H)” he remarked.  


In addition, Dodik pointed out that the RS’ policy of “exclusion from NATO structures” proved to be the right policy because, if B&H was a part of NATO now, and if the conflict broke out in Ukraine, B&H would have to participate. Dodik added that such participation in the conflict would bring nothing good to anyone. Dodik also said that the world is in a new dynamic, and that it is necessary for the great powers to agree on a new policy in order to ensure peace. Dodik said that B&H should refrain from unnecessary comments on whether someone is right or not, adding that it would be absolutely the most useful for B&H to remain completely neutral and that an order is issued to B&H's entire diplomatic system to keep such stance on the international plan. Dodik stressed that he will not allow for relations with Russia to be endangered, noting that in case of insisting that B&H joins sanctions against Russia – he will reject them as unacceptable. Dodik assessed that policies led by the West are part of strategic orientation. 


RS President Cvijanovic: B&H FM Turkovic has no right to express views on Russian moves; Other reactions (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted on Wednesday to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic’s social media posts in which she condemned the Russian recognition of independence of Donetsk and Luhansk. Cvijanovic said that Turkovic has no right to express any views, unless they are personal or the views of her political party. Cvijanovic also stated that Turkovic carries out foreign policy, which is defined by the B&H Presidency, and that she cannot affect the policy as such. As someone who implements the foreign policy, which is defined by the B&H Presidency, Turkovic is not eligible to form any official stances on her own, says the RS President. If we are talking about international law, says Cvijanovic, then it must be defended every day and on every occasion. “Unfortunately, in the recent past, we have had many situations where international law has been violated. Finally, we live in a state where international law is violated. The Dayton Agreement is being violated by those who should preserve and promote it” RS President Cvijanovic emphasized. Bisera Turkovic shows day by day that B&H is not a state.  


Serb MPs in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) agree that she is constantly violating the B&H Constitution. They say her removal from post should be initiated as soon as possible. “I call on Mister (Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Zoran) Tegeltija to sanction Mrs. Turkovic's speech and once again I want to clarify that B&H is not equal to SDA, that Mrs. Turkovic has no formal legal basis to lead foreign policy” says DNS MP in the B&H HoR Nenad Nesic. SNSD MP in the B&H HoR Sanja Vulic agrees with Nesic and says that Turkovic consciously did this in order to spoil relations between the RS and Russia. 


Izetbegovic: Aggression in Ukraine must be stopped (Nezavisne)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented the situation in Ukraine and noted that this is the first time since the annexation of the Crimea that a country is taking away territory of its neighbour. “We cannot pretend that we do not see the elephant in the room. Such precedent must be stopped and we must have a stance on this. This is against the international law and what is defined by the United Nations as the inalterability of borders,” said Izetbegovic. He also expressed fear that the situation in Ukraine could reflect on Western Balkans too, and encourage someone in the Balkans or inspire them to deal with problems by force. “This needs to be stopped on time, stop this aggression on time and it is necessary to be courageous here. One should not ‘walk on the eggshells’ here, so to speak,” said Izetbegovic. 


Situation in Ukraine divides politicians in B&H; Comments by B&H politicians (N1)

The situation in Ukraine has divided the politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) where part of the politicians consider that B&H should remain neutral towards this issue, while others believe it is necessary to clearly oppose Russian aggression on Ukraine. A certain number of politicians have fear that the scenario could transfer itself onto the Western Balkans, as open violation of international law encourages – as N1 reported – “domestic separatists”.  


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic noted that it would be best not to side with anyone in this situation. Sarovic assessed that there is a need to take care of issues in B&H rather than other countries’ issues. On the other hand, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic expressed clear support for territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and opposing to Russian violation of international law. This is the same stance that was presented on Tuesday by B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic. B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic noted that warnings and even sanctions from the EU, against Russia, are not enough. Podzic fears that this could be an introduction to a Third World War. SDP B&H’s delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Denis Becirovic called for taking the issue in Ukraine seriously, due to “separatist forces that are trying to bring down the constitutional order in B&H”. B&H Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Josip Brkic (HDZ B&H) expressed support to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, at a meeting with Belarus Ambassador to B&H Aleksandr Ponomarev on Tuesday.  


Slovenian Minister Tonin fears something bad will happen in Western Balkans, argues ‘Putin’s friend Dodik’ is making strange moves (Dnevni list)

Dnevni list reports that Slovenian Defense Minister Matej Tonin spoke briefly for CNN, commenting the crisis in Ukraine and importance of unity between the Western allies. Tonin argued that Russia’s activities represent clear violation of the international law and invasion, and admitted that sanctions would be painful not only for Russia, but for the EU as well, due to increase in gas prices. The Minister further stated that Russia could also cause problems in the Western Balkans. “Part of the Russian scenario is to divert attention and I fear that something bad will happen in the Western Balkans, where Russian President Vladimir Putin’s friend Milorad Dodik is making some strange moves” said Tonin.  


Dodik also commented statement of Slovenian Defense Minister Matej Tonino for CNN, adding that Tonino dared to comments something like this, when only couple of months ago he came to him and said that he is young, does not know the language (B/H/S) and does not know anything about B&H. 


Covic: I would not support Dodik's ‘declaration of independence,’ how could I? (N1)


If Milorad Dodik, the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member, hypothetically, declared the independence of Republika Srpska (RS) entity and if Russia recognized it, Dragan Covic, the leader of the strongest Croat Party in Bosnia (Croat Democratic Union – HDZ B&H) said he would not support him, because such a move would be unconstitutional. 


“Dodik can’t do that. I wouldn’t support that. That would be contrary to the Constitution of B&H. How could I support that” Covic asked adding that “B&H is, above all, our responsibility” and that it can only be a European country. In his opinion, B&H has missed an earlier opportunity to get closer to EU and NATO accession. 


Speaking about political partners, the HDZ B&H leader said that Bakir Izetbegovic, the leader of the Bosniak SDA is a bigger partner than Milorad Dodik, the leader of the ruling SNSD in RS, because he lives with Izetbegovic in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). 


“But whether it is a partnership or a coalition – we can talk about that. Personally, I think we missed a great opportunity to activate our Partnership for Peace, we should have received the candidate status and joined NATO more intensively” said Dragan Covic, adding that the stability of B&H is primarily the responsibility of internal structures and not outside factors. 

According to Covic, only irresponsible Bosniak policies can make someone think in the way of advocating for Herceg-Bosna, a self-declared wartime Bosnian Croat political structure established by Croat nationalists. 


He added that the current organization of government in the FB&H is dysfunctional. “We now have ten cantons, eleven governments and parliaments in the FB&H. Why do we need all this together? We can arrange it completely differently” he said. “Why don't we create three federal units in the FB&H and solve everything” Covic suggested, adding that they would not be ethnic federal units. 


The HDZ B&H leader said that the Croat National Assembly, an organisation bringing together most Croat parties from the country defined their priorities in a recent meeting. 

“First of all, we want to resolve the issue of the Election Law, the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court, to integrate them into our Election Law, and possibly change the Constitution a little for the purposes of that Election Law. If we succeed, we are out of the crisis. Then we need to look for the improvement of relations between ourselves, to accelerate economic opportunities. 


When asked if Dodik’s moves of creating parallel institutions in the RS entity and thus undermining the country’s constitutional order, is not the basic and primary crisis in the country, Covic responded by saying: 


“It seems to me that we need to understand what B&H is and that everyone perceives it the way they wanted to make it 30 years ago. When parties from Sarajevo brutally and radically advocate for the creation of a civic state – there is a clear intention behind it to create a unitary state. There is no doubt that the SDA absolutely advocates this. And I am afraid that unknowingly, others are also slowly following this, they have become prisoners of what the SDA is demanding. This can be seen through the negotiations we conducted on amendments to the Election Law. Personally, I think that the separatism that is sometimes advocated for is as harmful as unitarism” Covic concluded. 


SDA leader Izetbegovic: EU’s strategy of blocking funds for entire B&H is bad (N1)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented on Wednesday on the fact that the EU has hinted that continuation of destructions and failure to reach concrete agreements could lead to sanctions in the form of blocking the funds for development projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), like the Corridor 5c. Izetbegovic noted that this EU’s strategy is bad and that sanctions should be directed precisely, instead of letting the entire B&H suffer the consequences. “With regard to blocking the development projects for B&H, I think it is a very bad strategy. I told that to (European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy Oliver) Varhelyi when he presented me that plan. Why would they torment the entire B&H, or even the entities? Sanctions should be directed precisely, surgically, towards those who create problems, and not towards the people or B&H” Izetbegovic said. He considers that the EU will give up on this strategy, as it would further deepen the poverty and prevent development of B&H. “That will not achieve anything” he concluded. 


B&H HoP: SNSD, HDZ B&H delegates support RSNA’s initiative for dialogue of entities, three peoples about possible solutions for B&H; Delegates of other parties from FB&H strongly oppose it (Nova BH)

After three months, the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) held a regular session on Wednesday. During the session, the B&H HoP supported the initiative of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) for a dialogue of the entities and the three constituent peoples about possible solutions for B&H. Namely, eight delegates supported the initiative, five were against it and one abstained from voting. Delegates from SNSD supported the aforementioned conclusion, and four members of the Croat Caucus – everyone from HDZ B&H - supported them as well. The Bosniak Caucus refused to endorse this conclusion, which – according to RTRS – would relax relations in B&H after “so-called law by (former High Representative Valentin) Inzko”.  


Asked to comment on this issue, leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik told reporters that they should read the Constitution of B&H which reads that the entities should reach agreements about everything. Commenting on this issue, leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic stated following the session that the dialogue is welcomed but it is well-known who is authorized to discuss the state-level competences. He added that the entity of the RS, the RSNA and RSNA representatives produced the crisis and thus, they should solve it on their own. He added: “I do not know what they call us, trying to put this at the level of the entity. We dismissed this, before and (we are dismissing it) this time. There will be no talks about B&H at the level of the entities but at the level of state institutions and representatives.” 


Owing to votes of HDZ B&H and Serb Caucus, B&H HoP adopts conclusion in which it is demanded that CEC members are appointed based on public vacancy notice; B&H CEC: We are not legislative body; We act in line with our competences (N1)

The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) adopted on Wednesday a conclusion disputing the composition of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC). According to N1, the question is whether this battle against the CEC is a show for the public or a clear strategy. The conclusion, which was proposed by HDZ B&H’s delegate in the B&H HoP Lidija Bradara, reads that the CEC is not a legislative body, nor does it have the right to make decisions from the competence of the B&H Parliament. The conclusion also notes that the CEC was not elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Election Law of B&H. According to the conclusion, appointment of the CEC members based on the public vacancy is required.  


Deputy Speaker of the B&H HoP Nikola Spiric (SNSD) said he is in favor of respecting the conclusions, and it is true that the conclusions are not laws. “However, the conclusions are passed by those who want to organize B&H based on an agreement and decisions of institutions of authorities”, Spiric noted, adding that he is not in favor of selectively implementing laws and conclusions.  


Deputy Speaker of the B&H HoP and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stressed that interpretation by one delegate, who proposed the conclusion in question, cannot serve as basis to amend the law. Izetbegovic noted: “The CEC is legal and the court might possibly decide on that, if needed. If such practice is introduced, we could pass similar conclusions of all kinds.”  


SDS’ delegate in the B&H HoP Mladen Bosic remarked he never realized what is illegal in the appointment of the CEC members. Bosic referred to the Paragraph Six of the Article 2.5 of the Election Law of B&H, which includes a mechanism of appointment of the CEC in a way its members are appointed, in case there is no proposal based on vacancy procedure for a certain period of time. Bosic said he does not see what was illegal regarding the current CEC. 


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that the CEC of B&H was illegally appointed, that it was done maliciously and that this institution should return to legal flows. The B&H House of Peoples (BiH HoP) said on Wednesday that the CEC was not appointed in accordance with the law, and that is now a new reality, Dodik stated. He pointed out that this is no longer a rhetorical story, but a decision of a body that says that the CEC was not legally appointed, and that this must be reconsidered. 


Izetbegovic: Croats are not endangered in B&H; Election can be postponed by maximum of one month (Dnevni avaz)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated on Wednesday, after the session of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples, that dialogue is welcome, but it is necessary to be clear about who can discuss matters of the state. He reiterated that Croats are in no way endangered, and that they have everything. He noted that Croats have the possibility to stop all decisions and processes at the state and Federation of B&H (FB&H) level. They also have the entity vote system in B&H Council of Ministers, as well as B&H and FB&H Houses of Peoples at their disposal. “If anyone is endangered, it is B&H and its business community”, said Izetbegovic.  


Speaking about changes to B&H Election Law, Izetbegovic said that elections in B&H can be postponed by a maximum of one month. He stated that he was not at all informed about the meeting on electoral reform which was supposed to take place in Mostar on Tuesday. Izetbegovic said that neither he nor SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic received an invitation to this meeting. Izetbegovic explained that the election can be postponed by a month if that will solve the problem of electoral legislation. He reiterated that SDA is willing to continue with dialogue until a solution is found. 



PM Plenkovic: We strongly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (Hina)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Thursday strongly condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, calling on Moscow to stop the military attack immediately. “We strongly condemn Russia’s aggression and invasion on Ukraine. This unprovoked attack is a gross violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and international law,” Plenkovic wrote on his Twitter account on Thursday morning. “This is exclusively the responsibility of Russia, which we call upon to immediately stop this military attack. We express our solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people” Plenkovic said. 


Croatian cyber-soldiers being used to help Ukraine as Russia invades (HRT)


Croatian cyber-soldiers are being used to help Ukraine out in its hour of need as Russia launches its invasion of that Eastern European country. As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Croatian cyber-soldiers who are being sent to the aid of Ukraine during these tremendously difficult times are part of the CRRT, a team for rapid action in cyberspace, which was established by Lithuania, Estonia, Croatia, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania as one of the European Union's ultra-modern and enhanced defense cooperation projects. 


The Republic of Croatia is among a group of six European Union (EU) member states that are helping Ukraine by mobilising its military cyber forces for rapid action. It is one in a series of reactions from European Union allies to the Russian military's incursion into another part of territory that Russia is formally but illegally trying to seize from Ukraine - the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, which Russia recognised as independent states very recently. 


According to Lithuanian defense sources, the CRRT, including the aforementioned Croatian cyber-soldiers has been activated to help Ukrainian institutions cope with growing cyber threats as Russia begins its invasion of Ukraine which has been strongly condemned across the board. This is the first time that this new European defense project has been activated in real circumstances. In a request for help, the Ukrainian Government said it expects CRRT members to be physically deployed in the City of Kiev in order to help defend key Ukrainian Government computer networks and systems. 


So far, there has been no confirmation that the CRRT member states have agreed to physically send their military cyber experts, or that Croatia has agreed to send its people, be they Croatian cyber-soldiers or others, to Kiev, as reported by Vecernji list




Djukanovic condemns attack on Ukraine: Russia violates all fundamental principles of international law (CDM)


Montenegro strongly condemns Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, says the President of the state, Milo Djukanovic. “Russia violates all fundamental principles of international law, undermines European security and threatens its stability. We join the calls of EU leaders to Russia to urgently end hostilities, withdraw forces from Ukraine and respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine” Djukanovic has tweeted. 

Krivokapic: We hope that Russia will turn to a reasonable and diplomatic path (CDM


“We pray for all the victims in Ukraine, and for the families’ refugees and the crying children to return to their homes. We hope that Russia will turn to a reasonable and diplomatic path to overcoming the crisis, because war is not that” said the outgoing Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic. "Peace and conversation must be ways to overcome all misunderstandings. Montenegro stands united with its allies and partners in the protection of peace, international law and the territorial integrity of Ukraine" said Krivokapic on Twitter



Abazovic: Mandate is given to those who can certainly form govt; country doesn’t change by sitting passively and waiting (CDM)


I gave my Besa (oath, keeping one’s word in Albanian) that we will change Montenegro and that we will fight against organized crime and corruption, that we will create civil society, that we will make every effort to make Montenegro a member of the EU as soon as possible, Dritan Abazovic has told HRT. Abazovic says he believes that, if there is wisdom, we will form a government quickly. 


Speaking about the election of a prime minister-designate for the composition of the government and whether it will be him, Abazovic says that the mandate is given to those who can certainly form a government, adding that he is not “someone who has the exclusive right to get a mandate to form a government”. He adds that “the country does not change by sitting passively and waiting for someone else to finish the job for you”. 


DF starts blockade of Montenegro (CDM)


The Democratic Front (DF) is going to start the action called Blockade against Betrayal today at 6:30pm. “We will block 17 roads in Montenegro outside the city cores, one of the DF leaders, Andrija Mandic, has stated. It will be announced which roads will be blocked. 


“The message is that we do not agree to betrayal and fraud and change of the electoral will. We patiently sought a solution not to allow the DPS to return to power. We were careful and cautious because the people who sent the DPS to the opposition asked us to do that. In the past few days, we received information that was poorly received, and that is that the SNP delegated a negotiator for the minority government”, he has said at the press conference. 

Mandic has added that citizens will be able to move freely within cities, but the DF apologizes to all those who want to do intercity traffic. 


North Macedonia 


Osmani: In these difficult times we stand with Ukraine (Republika)


Today’s decision of the Kremlin on military actions by Russia’s military forces are nothing less than an act of aggression and start of war against Ukraine, acts that we condemn in the strongest possible terms, Macedonia’s Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani posted on TwitterIn these difficult times we stand with Ukraine, he added.


Meanwhile, the Macedonian Government announced its readiness to receive refugees from Ukraine, if the situation there deteriorates further. “Macedonia has shown its open heart and has helped in similar situations in the past. The Government will offer its assistance in the case of escalation in Ukraine. Prime Minister Kovacevski will speak on the phone today with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and this will be one of the topics” said Government spokesman Dusko Arsovski




Rama: We strongly condemn Russian aggression, our thoughts are for the Ukrainian people (Radio Tirana)


After Russia attacked Ukraine with missiles this morning, comes a reaction from Prime Minister Edi Rama. The latter through a twitter post has condemned the attack, while issuing prayers for the people of Ukraine. "We join NATO and its EU allies in the firm condemnation of Russia's aggression. "Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people" Rama wrote. 


Meanwhile, Albania's ambassador to the UN delivered a speech at the Security Council meeting regarding the attacks carried out by Russia in Ukraine. During an intervention in the urgent meeting, Ambassador Ferit Hoxha stated that Russia is brutally punishing its neighbours, while adding that Albania supports the sovereignty of Ukraine. "Albania condemned the unprovoked aggression of Ukraine. Russia is brutally attacking its neighbour whom it wants to deny its existence, freedom, land and dignity. Albania called on the UN to support Ukraine's sovereignty and its territorial integrity" he said. 


Stabilization and Association Committee convenes, Xhacka on Moscow-Kiev crisis: Joining EU for additional sanctions on Russia (Radio Tirana)


At the 14th meeting of the Parliamentary Commission for Stabilization and Association between the representatives of our country and the European Union, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka spoke about Albania's attitude towards Russia after the recognition of the independence of the regions of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhan. 


She said that our country is fully in line with the common foreign and security policy of the EU, while adding that she agrees with adding that she supports the decision of the European Union to increase sanctions against Russia. 


"Albania has continued to be fully aligned with the common foreign and security policy of the EU, not only as a strong signal of the country's commitment on the road to the EU, but also because we share the values ​​and principles on which this policy is constructed. And this becomes even more important in this turbulent time of challenges to our common European security. Attacks on the European security architecture make the joint approach of the EU and our region even more necessary. Albania has just decided to join the European Union statement that strongly condemns Russia's decision to recognize Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent entities and the subsequent decision to send Russian troops to these areas - a statement that states that "There should be additional sanctions against Russia," she said. 


During her speech, Xhaçka said that in this time of resurgence of geostrategic competition in Europe, it is crucial not to give opportunities to third actors that play a destabilizing role in our region. 


"On the other hand, in this time of resurgence of geostrategic competition in Europe, it is crucial not to give opportunities to third actors who play a destabilizing role in our region - crucial to the region; crucial to the security of the European Union. "That is why anchoring the region in a clear, credible, tangible perspective, EU membership has become more important than ever," she said. The EU-Albania Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee met in its 14th meeting. 


"The EC has given its assessment" / Soreca: We are determined for the Intergovernmental conference! (Radio Tirana)

The Ambassador of the European Union to our country, Luigi Soreca this Wednesday commented on the latest political and institutional developments in Albania where he emphasizes the importance of meeting the criteria for EU membership. Soreca in his speech said that the work done so far is to be appreciated to the maximum and why it seems that the integration process is not going well. The ambassador, among other things, stressed out that the Commission gave its assessment in December and that efforts are being made to organize an intergovernmental conference as soon as possible. 


"The Assembly will maintain a major role in the process of involving the Albanian public, two weeks ago we saw the role of the Albanian Parliament on the path of integration with the extension of vetting, an important step in consolidating the path of integration. It is essential to have a real and lasting cross-party dialogue in order to have stability for Albania's future in the European Union. The European Commission has given its assessment and said that Albania has met the criteria to open negotiations and we are determined that the first intergovernmental conference be held as soon as possible. The Council's conclusions and the member states' conclusions in December have shown this and why the integration process is not progressing so fast. The European Union has stood by Albania during the earthquake and the pandemic. While we wait for the development of the intergovernmental conference, we do not have time to waste but we must continue working with the state administration. Albania should use this time to continue with its challenges and not miss any moment to advance them, respecting the international standards and those of Venice" Soreca said.