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Belgrade Media Report 13 September 2022



Vucic: No tensions, there are big differences; I am grateful to Milanovic (B92)


After the summit of the Brdo-Brioni Process, which is being held on Brdo near Kranj, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the public. When asked if there were tensions, Vucic said that there were not. "There were no tensions, differences are not tensions. The talks went normally, there were no tensions. Our position on the issue of Kosovo is different from the position of other countries, with the exception of the Serbian representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)" said Vucic.


"We also talked about 6 points with the emphasis that the EU should help the Western Balkans if it can in the difficult energy situation, we are all in," said the president, adding that he is at the head of a country that is on the European path, but in which there has never been more opposition to joining the EU, which normally has its mouth full of international law when it comes to Ukraine, but not Serbia and the situation with Kosovo.


"The basic point is the reaffirmation of the accelerated European path of the entire region. Meaning, the visa liberalization of the entire region and the granting of candidate status to B&H. We had many differences, opposing views," Vucic said.


"Everyone can lay a flower in Jasenovac, but not me. They forbade me to lay an ordinary flower. But I am grateful to President Milanovic because today he supported Serbia's European path," said Vucic. "If you had a referendum in Serbia for the EU today, our people would say no. There is a different approach in Europe when talking about the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the integrity of Serbia," he said. "Secularism is at a high level in our country. I don't know how it is in your country in Croatia, but in our country the church is separated from the state. They can make decisions, but the state is not involved. I know that you can't wait for me to come to Jasenovac that you can ask me whatever you want," says Vucic.


Regarding the relations between the leaders and the atmosphere, he repeated that there were no tensions and that the atmosphere was even better than last year. "I shook hands with both of them, there are different attitudes, but it was a normal atmosphere... It was a better atmosphere than last year, although it seems to me that the situation is more difficult than last year," he said.


The declaration did not include the request of Croatian President Milanovic, the Serbian president said. As Vucic said, Serbia would also support that. However, Vucic explained that Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic did not agree and that is why the request was not submitted.


"Our relations are excellent, given that they recognized Kosovo's independence. I only told them why they are asking us about sanctions against Russia, why would they impose sanctions on Russia, which did not recognize Kosovo, but not to Slovenia, which did. Apart from that, our relations are excellent, the growth is progressing every year," he explained.


He also spoke about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. "No one wants a new conflict in the Balkans. One thing that many people underestimate is what Putin wants to do, because he says - if you could set a precedent, so can we. It's not easy, but we want to preserve peace and stability", said the President of Serbia.


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Slovenian President Borut Pahor welcomed President Vucic. The members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, Milorad Dodik and Zeljko Komsic also arrived. Immediately after them came the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic. The summit is also attended by the president of the so-called Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani.


Pahor: We adopted joint conclusions, pointed out the importance of EU enlargement (Tanjug)


The President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, expressed his satisfaction that the conclusions of the "Brdo-Brioni" Process were adopted at the meeting of the leaders of the Western Balkans. Pahor stated that at the Summit on Brdo near Kranj they also pointed out the importance of EU enlargement. Borut Pahor, at the press conference, stated that a decent discussion was held and that the divisions were not so dramatic as to prevent the adoption of a joint document. "We were not able to adopt the declaration and we stopped the preparation before the Summit, because there were issues that divided us. During the conference there were common positions, so we adopted the conclusions," he explained. He conveyed that the importance of EU enlargement was reaffirmed as an urgent contribution to the preservation of peace and stability in the region.


We called for the acceleration of the process 


The conclusions emphasize that EU enlargement is a geopolitical issue. "We have called for the speeding up of the process. We call for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to be granted candidate status by the end of this year, as well as for the visa regime to be abolished. We also call on the EU to support the Western Balkans in dealing with the energy and food crises," emphasized Pahor. He also pointed out that the participants reaffirmed their commitment to dialogue, as the only way to overcome the problem. He expressed his gratitude that everyone came for an open conversation and showed respect. "There were differences of opinion, but we have put them aside," Pahor said.


The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was discussed 


When asked whether Serbia was asked to recognize the so-called Kosovo, Pahor said that dialogue was discussed, but that Serbia was not asked to do so. "I call on all countries to continue the dialogue and solve the problem for the sake of peace and stability, that is my personal position," said Pahor. Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who co-chaired the meeting, said that it was not discussed, because it would be a never-ending road. When asked if he had the opportunity to talk with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about bilateral disputes, Milanovic replied that he did not. "Vucic told us that currently the percentage against the EU membership in Serbia is two to one. That's 80 percent against, which is a percentage that should be taken into account politically," Milanovic emphasized.


Milanovic: The accession process is a goal 


Pahor stated that the goal of the "Brdo-Brioni" platform is not to discuss bilateral relations and problems, but rather the accession process. When asked how realistic it is for the EU to adopt candidate status for B&H by the end of 2022 and abolish the visa regime, Milanovic said that "he honestly has to say that he does not know". "There is a lot of prejudice and restraint among some member states. It is indicative that the EU gave candidate status to Ukraine, and not to B&H. It is completely immoral and terrible. I have said that on many occasions. If I were someone who decides, I would give conditional status candidates for Ukraine and B&H," explained Milanovic.


Pahor pointed out that he was always a politician who stood for "building things step by step", adding that one should always see even the smallest possibility for progress. He said that before the EU Summit in July, no one discussed B&H, and then an initiative was launched to give that country the status of a candidate, but there was no consensus at the end. However, he adds, an initiative was adopted to consider the conditional status of the candidate by the end of the year.


Milanovic said that it is not good that half a year ago, when it was proposed to give Ukraine candidate status, some countries said that it was impossible, such as the Netherlands and Germany, and then behind the scenes an agreement was reached and the European Commission received an order to give a positive opinion.


Dzaferovic: Internal issues will be dealt with by B&H itself 


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic stated that the Brdo-Brioni Process is not a platform within which the states of the region deal with the internal issues of any of them. He added that the internal issues of B&H will be dealt exclusively by B&H itself, which is why no declaration was adopted at the Summit on Brdo near Kranj. "I am satisfied with the conclusions because we dealt with common matters, which are of interest to all of us who live here. We did not deal with the internal issues of any country, that is not the task of this initiative," Dzaferovic said.


Dodik: Brussels to allocate more funds for the WB countries 


The Serbian member of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik, said that at the meeting of the leaders of the Brdo-Brioni process, conclusions were adopted which state that Brussels should consider the Western Balkans as a single geostrategic zone and that the countries of the region should become full members in one package. He pointed out that in the next five years, Brussels should allocate more funds to support the countries of the Western Balkans.

"Otherwise, we should think about which way to go, because we have seen that other countries have received candidate status, but they have not met most of the conditions for such an act," said Dodik.


Djukanovic: Montenegro is close to the goal of getting a stable government 


Montenegro is close to the goal of achieving a stable political government through democratic procedures, including parliamentary elections, which will continue to lead the country on the path of European development, said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on Brdo near Kranj. He said that he mentioned at the summit that Montenegro has been going through an interesting phase of democratic development for the last two years. Djukanovic added that perhaps from the point of view of the neighbours, the region and the EU, it could also seem problematic, but that even in that period, Montenegro showed a strong determination to continue the European path and withstood all the temptations she went through. "Today, Montenegro is closer than at any time during those two years to its goal, which is to achieve a stable political government through democratic procedures, including parliamentary elections, which will continue to lead the country on the path of European development," Djukanovic pointed out.


Brdo-Brijuni summit adopts six-point conclusion (FoNet, Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Monday that a six-point joint conclusion reaffirming support for the Western Balkans’ European path was adopted Monday at the 11th summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process held in Brdo near Kranj, Slovenia. Vucic explained that a conclusion was adopted without Croatia’s position on the importance of “legitimate representation of the constituent peoples at all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).” According to Croatian media, B&H representatives were the ones who refused to accept this wording.


Vucic said after the meeting that Serbia would have backed this Croatian President Zoran Milanovic’s position because it is in line with the Dayton Agreement.


“We managed to adopt a six-point joint conclusion which reaffirms support for the Western Balkans’ European path, visa liberalization for everyone in the region, the granting of candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina and, what it important to us, it asks for the European Union’s (EU) support in the light of the grave energy situation that the Western Balkans and the whole of Europe are facing, if it is possible for us to get it, if not, then nothing,” Vucic told the media in Slovenia.


The six conclusions adopted Monday at the Brdo-Brijuni Process meeting were posted on Twitter by Slovenian President Borut Pahor: We reiterate the EU enlargement policy as the most direct contributor to the maintenance of peace and stability in our region, and more than ever a geopolitical issue. We call for accelerated EU integration process, in line with the well-established conditions for EU membership. We call for granting the candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina by the end of 2022. We call for removal of visa regime for the entire Western Balkans by the end of 2022. We call for EU to stand side by side with Western Balkans in mitigating the consequences of the looming economic and energy crisis. We reaffirm our strong commitment to the dialogue as the only viable solution to the existing differences and open political issues in the region.


President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski told the Summit that B&H deserves to be granted EU candidate status and that Kosovo deserves a visa-free regime, adding he expects Slovenia’s and Croatia’s continued support for the Western Balkan countries’ European integration process.


“We showed that there are a lot of differences, diametrically opposed positions, but the conversation proceeded in a civilized, rational manner,” said Vucic, adding that the region’s expectations from the EU was the main topic and that the meeting was held in a better atmosphere than last year even though the situation in the region is now more difficult.


Mutual recognition is the only possible solution for achieving the desired peace and bringing the countries closer to the EU, Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani told a press conference following the Brdo-Brijuni meeting, adding that partial solutions achieved in the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue do not bring long-term peace. Osmani said that half-measures as the result of the Belgrade-Pristina dialog would not bring long-term peace. Osmani told a news

conference that mutual recognition was the only solution that would lead to the desired peace and closer association with the European Union. "We didn't have bilateral talks, obviously we have many differences with President Vucic and that is happening because Serbia won't accept the reality that Kosovo is independent and sovereign, which is an irreversible reality," she said. According to Osmani, there are many things the two sides do not agree on, but the dialog should focus on "mutual recognition," while Serbia should become "constructively engaged as soon as possible, in view of mutual recognition.


Vucic said the EU is not very popular with the Serbian citizens and expressed hope that this can change in the coming period. “I come from a country that is on a European path, it will not give up on this, but a country in which the EU is the least popular. If you were to have a referendum in Serbia today on whether or not to join the EU, the Serbian citizens would say no. I hope we will manage to change this in the months and years ahead of us,” Vucic told the media. Vucic explained that one of the main reasons for this is the issue of Serbia’s territorial integrity, because “everyone keeps talking about Ukraine’s territorial integrity, while they have trampled all over Serbia’s territorial integrity.” “People in Serbia cannot accept this kind of hypocrisy, but I hope this Serbian citizens’ rational impulse will switch on in future and that we will understand what our real interests are and that we will be able to separate them from emotions,” said the Serbian President.


Commenting on the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, Vucic said now “everything is different”.

“There will be many comings and goings of various experts. The first thing is – no one wants a new conflict in the Balkans, and the second is that they want to take the Kosovo argument out of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s hands, which he uses in talks with all Western officials,” Vucic added.


Today, a special session of the Assembly on Kosovo and Metohija, President Vucic presents a report (Tanjug)


Members of the Assembly are considering at today's special session, the Report on the negotiation process with Pristina from June 15, 2021 to September 1, 2022.


The report is presented by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who will inform the MPs and citizens about the current situation, the challenges ahead, as well as everything that the state has done so far for the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.


No myths 


"The National Assembly is the right and only place where a conversation about such an issue can be held in depth. First, I want to make a brief overview of our possibilities and strengths, with which we fight for the most important issue. Let's be realistic, and not engage in phantasmagoria. It also means that we have to adapt our own myths, understanding how important they are in creating the entire spirit of the Serbian people, and that without myths we would not have survived to this day," said the president. "Responsible politics must not rest on myths. This means that we have to adapt our myths," said Vucic during the presentation of the report.


"We have to avoid the deadlock and dangers that we failed to do in the past. To not perish, to think about how we are going to develop satellites, artificial intelligence... We need to find life for the Serbs and no less life for the Albanians in that space of ours, and that is a difficult task, but we have to strive for it as a country and as a nation. I think it is very important that in politics we offer people what is correct and what is possible. Because it is much more important than flattery to do what we can," said Vucic.


"Since a major conflict has occurred in the east of Europe in the meantime, our position is even more difficult. The hysteria within the international community reflects on Serbia and our key national interests. Our policy regarding the Kosovo and Metohija issue is guided between what is desired and what is possible, with the fact that the people have maximalist desires, while our possibilities are scarce. And if I were to go into the analysis of who is to blame now, it would be quite pointless," said Vucic.


"Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija"

Vucic says that before the Berlin Congress there were 64 percent of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and that most Serbs left the southern province at the beginning and end of the 20th century.


"People often say that Kosovo has always been ours. That is simply not true, we also had ambassadors there. Sometimes we won, sometimes others won. What is significant is that there is a strong influence of the foreign factor, and whenever the Serbs faced tragedy, the West always sided with those who are against the Serbs. From 1961 to 1991, we fell from 27 percent to 11 percent of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija," he said.


"I swore by the Constitution of Serbia that the Republic of Serbia will never recognize the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo and Metohija, nor will it give up its legitimate struggle for its national interests," he said.


"We are exposed to various security challenges today, I think you can understand and feel that. We have an increasing presence of special armed forces in Pristina, there is no fabrication of crises by Serbia. The danger is close, immediate and serious... The representatives of the Serbian people can best testify to this. Serbia in no way participated in generating the crisis. We remained focused on dialogue," he said.


Vucic reiterated that Serbia is not in favor of a conflict, considering that it is not a smart solution, but he stated that, if a conflict occurs, Serbia will react and added that there will be no persecution of Serbs. "If our people are attacked, we will be strong enough to defend them, take my word for it," said Vucic.


Pristina's intention is to provoke conflict 


"The dialogue crisis is a systemic problem that stems from two things. First, the Western world does not want to respect the UN Charter and Resolution 1244. That is our biggest problem, and the only thing we can appeal to. They won't even hear it. They say things on the ground have changed. As you can see, when it happens in Ukraine, then the order of the UN has not changed, but when it comes to Serbia, then they have," said the President of Serbia.


"When we fought for 10 Serbian municipalities, they cheated us. You have to keep in mind that we have to live and that this country has to live. We have to have factories in order to be able to pay salaries, pensions, to pay salaries to everyone in KiM, to motivate people to live in Kosovo and Metohija. We have to protect these people, it costs money, and to pay for it all, you have to have a healthy and good economy. We have a large part of investments from China, but still the biggest part of our investments comes from the West", he added.


"After the beginning of the drug embargo, they suppressed every protest with brutal force. You know that on October 13 last year they shot and wounded Srecko Sofronijevic. This series of violence continued by preventing voting in the referendum, as well as in the elections, despite all the assurances of Quint countries. Then they threatened to forcibly take control of the energy infrastructure. Then and now the issue of personal documents, where they want to issue visas for 90 days to the Serbs living there. Pristina's intention to provoke a conflict is also obvious in their attempt when additional police forces invaded the north of Kosovo in July without the approval of the North Directorate" reminded Vucic. "Serbs can no longer tolerate that cruelty," stated Vucic and said that he asked people not to leave the Kosovo interim institutions.


Excerpts from GoS reports on the dialogue (Assembly of Serbia)


Report on the negotiation process with Provisional Institutions of the Self-government in Pristina from 15 June 2021 to 1 September 2022, submitted by the GoS.


Community of Serbian municipalities (CSM) 


During the reporting period, Belgrade raised the issue of CSM as a priority topic at every meeting within the Dialogue. In this respect, EU mediators were constantly told that it is unacceptable that more than 9 years after the conclusion of the First Agreement, this central subject of the entire normalization process has not been implemented. In this sense, the Serbian side persistently insisted that the Special Representative of the EU for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue (hereinafter: “EUSR ") formally put this issue on the agenda of the talks with the PISG in Pristina within the framework of the Dialogue. Concretely speaking, the Serbian delegation raised this question on each technical and high-level meeting by explaining the need for the formation of the CSM.


Belgrade particularly reminded that since 2013, after the start of the implementation of agreements in the field of police, judiciary, etc., as well as the formation of the Management Team responsible for drafting the Statute of the CSM (hereinafter: "MT"). continuously expects the start of work on the establishment of the CSM within the Dialogue. Also, Belgrade pointed out that Pristina had the obligation to adjust the normative framework in order to be able to form the CSM in the provincial system.


The Serbian side persistently explained its request to the EU to urgently include the issue of the CSM in the agenda of the negotiations with the fact that it is not a matter of good will, but an undoubted obligation of the mediator according to Article 21 of the General Principles from 2015. In relation to that, Belgrade repeatedly reminded the EU mediators that the members of the MT for the formation of the CSM managed to finish the work on drafting the CSM Statute within the stipulated time. Namely, after formally informing EU mediators about it on August 9, 2018, in accordance with Article 21 of the General Principles, the mediator was obliged to take the first next step in the implementation of the agreement in the area of ​​CSM. That step implies the mediator's obligation to organize a dialogue meeting where the Draft Statute would be presented at a high political level. Bearing this in mind, it is obvious that the issue of the CSM is not and cannot be a topic that that should be considered depending on the will of the parties involved. On the contrary, it has long been clearly agreed upon as the central mechanism of the entire process of normalization of relations, the implementation of which is prescribed in detail by the agreements - and for which EU is solely responsible in the next step.


Although the EU mediators took note of the aforementioned views of the Serbian side, pointing out that they received the same request from the MT on April 18, 2022, the aforementioned meeting at which the UT would present the Draft Statute of CSM has not yet been organized - although the Serbian side continues to insist on it and considers that there is no legitimate explanation for the lack of involvement in the organization of the meeting.


Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that during July and August 2022, a certain strengthening of the interest of EU mediators and other interested parties in initiating talks on the implementation of the Agreement on the CSM was registered. In this sense, it is particularly important to emphasize that the EUSR for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina has on several occasions publicly indicated to the PISG in Pristina that the issue of the CSM is an obligation that they will not be able to avoid and that discussions on that topic will certainly be initiated.


It should be borne in mind that the Belgrade side in good faith has fulfilled all the obligations it has assumed in the agreements reached so far, which was done primarily for the sake of forming the CSM as a central mechanism that will provide an institutional framework for the protection of the security and elementary rights of Serbs within the provincial system in Kosovo and Metohija. Seen from that perspective, it is absolutely clear that Belgrade will not renegotiate the fulfillment of what was already guaranteed by the agreements reached, especially considering the conditions where Belgrade fully fulfilled its part of the agreement. Bearing in mind the fact that even after 3,421 days from the signing of the First Agreement there was no progress in the implementation of any topic that is of essential interest to the Serbian side, it is obvious that substantive progress in the process of normalization of relations is impossible, not only formally but also factually, without the prior formation of the CSM.


In the following period, regardless of the actions of the other party and the eventual inactivity of the EU mediator, Belgrade will continue its strong involvement in the formation of the CSM as agreed and prescribed by the provisions of the First Agreement, Implementation plan, The scope of work of the Management Team and the General Principles, and will not accept further conditioning on that issue. To that end, as before, Belgrade will engage all available capacities and resources.




During this reporting period, not only was there again a complete lack of progress in the implementation of the provisions governing the issue of police within the framework of the First Agreement, but there was also a drastic deterioration of the situation in this area. The burning problem, which in the past 14 months fundamentally complicates the entire process of normalization of relations and generates serious security crises on the ground, is primarily caused by the violation of point 9 of the First Agreement by the PISG in Pristina. That article of the First Agreement clearly stipulates that there will be a separate regional police commander for the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija where Serbs make up the majority population (the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvečan, Zubin Potok and Leposavić). That article also stipulates that that person will always be a Kosovo Serb appointed by the PISG body in Pristina responsible for police affairs - from a list submitted by four mayors on behalf of CSM.


Despite the fact that Pristina refused to implement the obligation to form a CSM, which is necessary for finalizing the procedure of formally appointing the regional police commander to duty in full capacity, it should be emphasized that based on the aforementioned Article 9 of the First Agreement in 2013, the establishment of the Regional Directorate of the Kosovo Police - North (hereinafter: "RDN"). Since the First Agreement was reached, it has been headed by a person who has an acting status (Police Captain Nenad Đurić), who is formally competent in every sense for managing all police affairs in the north of AP KiM. However, the continuous efforts of the PISG in Pristina to completely undermine and ignore the position and responsibilities of the regional commander and the RDN are the root cause due to which all the problems in the area of ​​the police arise. The ultimate goal of these activities is to collapse and in the future abolish this directorate which was supposed to be the strongest guarantee for the peaceful and safe life of people in the north of the Province.


On the contrary, as well as completely ignoring the fact that the package of agreements on the police from 2013 stipulates that the security forces of the PISG in Pristina can be engaged in the north of AP KiM only at the invitation of the commander of the RDN, with the prior approval of KFOR and the mayors of majority Serb municipalities in the north of KiM, the PISG in Pristina completely exclude the RDN from police work and carry out constant terror against the Serbs. They do it with arbitrary, police incompetent and untrue assessments that in the north of AP KiM - although this was not stated by the competent RDN - a peaceful protest by Serbs or some other minor security event represents a significant threat to public order and peace. Then the PISG in Pristina uses those estimates to justify the illegal incursions of its parapolice forces into the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which are colloquially known to the public under the acronym "ROSU." Although according to the 2013 agreement, it is indisputable that they do not have the right to enter the north of AP KIM without fulfilling described conditions and obtaining the necessary approvals, their activities Pristina justifies by claiming that these are not the security forces, but the police forces.


However, it should be borne in mind that these forces have the designation of police only in name, while according to the organizational and formational structure, method of engagement, tactics and weapons they represent formations with a typical military profile. In this respect, their illegal engagement in the north of AP KiM is completely unacceptable and dangerous for regional peace and security because it always generates security crises, which directly threaten the personal and property security of the Serbian population in the north of AP KiM.


During the reporting period, 4 such illegal incursions by Pristina parapolice forces into the north of AP KIM were registered, which is the highest registered number recorded in the same time interval. All of the aforementioned attacks resulted in open terror against the Serbian population living in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, with the aim of unilaterally imposing solutions on the Serbs in AP Kosovo and Metohija and Belgrade contrary to the agreements from the Dialogue. These are the following four attacks:


  1. On September 20, 2021, a large number of members of the special units ROSU deployed at the common crossing points of Rudnica/Jarinje and Brnjak/Tabalije in an effort to impose a unilateral decision of the PISG in Pristina on the introduction of their PROBA plates. As a result, the local Serbs blocked the roads and the blockades lasted for 14 days, after which the crisis de-escalated with the Conclusions of September 30, 2021. which introduced the "sticker regime" on license plates.


  1. On October 13, 2021, due to alleged smuggling of goods, the so-called Kosovo police sent inspectors to seize goods at several locations in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvečan - with the assistance of the intervention unit. Due to dissatisfaction and protests by local Serbs, the so called Kosovo police sent members of special parapolice units to Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvečan, who used brutal excessive force against peaceful demonstrators. These units used armored fighting vehicles, shock bombs, large quantities of teargas and even firearms. On that occasion, Srećko Sofronijević was seriously wounded by firearms, while several others received minor injuries.


  1. On January 7, 2022, on the day of Christmas as the most joyous holiday among Serbs, the so-called Kosovo police raided several households in the area of ​​Leposavic municipality in which members of the special parapolice unit ROSU participated.


  1. On July 31, 2022, ROSU forces carried out a violent action against Serbs who were peacefully protesting in the north of AP KiM due to Pristina's unilateral decisions to abolish "KM" licence plates and introduce an entry/exit document for Serbs from AP KiM - with which Pristina violated the agreements about licence plates and personal documents from the Dialogue.


In addition to these incursions, in the second half of August, the Pristina parapolice forces carried out a kind of "prolonged invasion" in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. This time, they even went a step further in threatening peace and security through the actions of their parapolice phalanxes, which started a continuous operation in the north of Kosovo and Macedonia operation and built four new "fortifications" of a kind for their permanent presence in that area. In doing so, they did not only violate the agreement on the police from the Dialogue in 2013, but directly the technical agreements reached as part of the implementation of the Military Technical Agreement between the Serbian Army and KFOR. According to these technical agreements, in the area up to 1,000 meters along the administrative line on the AP KIM side, the presence of any security forces except KFOR is prohibited.


Grossly violating those agreements, during these crisis situations, the Pristina forces carry out illegal occupation of positions, closure of traffic communications and patrolling. In addition, they have already established positions in a number of different locations with the obvious aim of ensuring their permanent presence. This further deepens the crisis that was initiated by Pristina on June 29, 2022, with its illegal decision and attempt to impose an entry/exit document on Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as abolishing license plates issued by the Republic of Serbia for municipalities located in AP KiM. This development absolutely threatens the peace and security of citizens and violates the entire architecture of the military-technical agreement and the agreement on the police from 2013, as a result of which the Serbian side demands from the EU mediators and KFOR to urgently, without any delay, ensure compliance with everything agreed and the departure of these invasion forces from the north of the Province.


If the crisis caused by those actions of Pristina de-escalates in due time, Belgrade will insist that Pristina undertakes again an obligation not to violate the Police Agreement and to strictly respect the competences of the RDN. In this sense, Belgrade will demand the consistent implementation of everything agreed upon, which means that a special police unit must be formed within the RDN, which would be subordinate to the commander of the RDN. Due to the current refusal of Pristina to accept it, the RDN does not currently have a special police unit for high-risk operations, which could be engaged by the RDN commander in crisis situations - and which, according to the First Agreement, would have to be made up of 95% Serbs.


Mentioning the ethnic structure of the police forces in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, it should be emphasized that the percentage of representation of Serbs within the RDN is another element of the serious violation of Article 9 of the First Agreement by the PISG in Pristina. Namely, according to that provision, the ethnic composition of the police in the RDS must reflect the ethnic structure of the north of AP KiM where Serbs make up more than 95% of the population. Pristina violates this obligation not only by the aforementioned illegal deployment of its parapolice phalanxes composed almost exclusively of Albanians, but also by deploying ethnically tailored units, the so-called border police, intelligence, intervention forces, etc.


The offices point out that since the First Agreement was reached, EU mediators have been constantly informed about the essential importance of the police issue and the need for strict compliance with all agreed provisions by the PISG in Pristina. In this regard, it is indisputable that the described violation of arrangements in the area of ​​the police reflects the aspiration of the PISG in Pristina to gradually abolish or render meaningless the RDN and thereby exert additional pressure on the emigration of Serbs from the north of the Province. Pressure towards the RDN Pristina also exerts through the pressure on members of the RDN, against which they occasionally initiate staged processes, as well as through the rejection of proposals made by the RDN management regarding personnel solutions for management and other positions in the RDN.


Bearing in mind the importance of the police issue for the position of Serbs in the Province, in the continuation of the Dialogue, the offices will insist on the fulfillment of all remaining obligations of Pristina. In this regard, they will continue to insist on the consistent fulfillment of Pristina's obligation to form the CSM, which is defined by the Police Agreement as one of the subjects whose representatives participate in the process of appointing the RDN commander.


Likewise, the obligation of the PISG in Pristina remains to accept the last three groups of former members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Namely. Pristina continues to refuse to employ 72 former members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, namely: 34 firefighters, contrary to the provisions of the agreement and the Implementation Plan of the First Agreement, 15 members of the Directorate for Food and Accommodation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, as well as 23 former police officers.




The issue of energy was first raised by the First Agreement on the Normalization of Relations from April 19, 2013, and was then discussed and harmonized in more detail through the Agreement on Energy from 2013 and the Conclusions of the EU mediator on the implementation of the Agreement on Energy from 2013, which concluded in 2015.


The key problem in the implementation of those agreements in the reporting period was the procrastination and refusal of the PISG in Pristina to issue a license for the supply of electricity to the Serbian company "Elektrosever." As the reason for that, the PISG from Pristina were giving reasons that are not grounded in the Dialogue agreements nor in any other regulations governing the licensing of energy activities.


During the reporting period, Belgrade advocated the position that disputed issues must be resolved within the framework of the Dialogue, and that any arbitrary actions by PISG in Pristina could seriously threaten the energy security of the population in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. In this sense, an additional problem for the protection of the interests of the Serbian side occurred during this reporting period in the form of open threats by the PISG in Pristina that members of the KP and parapolice forces ROSU would, beyond the agreed procedures, undertake illegal actions to physically overtake control of TS Valač and other facilities of the energy infrastructure located in the area of ​​the north of the Province.


Realizing that such a development of the situation would drastically threaten peace and security, as well as that it is absolutely unacceptable from the point of view of Serbian interests guaranteed by the Dialogue agreements, Belgrade has since June 2021 intensified engagement with EU mediators in order to prevent such developments. In this sense, it was firmly made known that the Serbian side will not allow a unilateral change in the situation on the ground and successfully imposed that the implementation of energy agreements within the Dialogue must be consistent - starting from the meeting held within the Technical Dialogue on July 7, 2021. This was achieved despite the efforts of the PISG in Pristina to avoid the discussion of the above-mentioned issue at all costs, explaining that they have nothing to negotiate with Belgrade about it because it is their exclusive "internal issue."


After that, the Serbian side constantly exerted pressure in the context of the fact that the PISG in Pristina is unacceptably long considering the decision regarding the amendments made by the Serbian side when it comes to the request to issue a license to the company "Elektrosever" for the supply of electricity in the Province, and when it comes to enabling this company to provide distribution services in northern Kosovo and Metohija.


Within the framework of the technical dialogue, PISG in Pristina were initially persistent in rejecting these assessments and stated that the reason for the delay in the implementation of the agreement is purely procedural in nature. Specifically, the newly elected provincial institutions that were established after the 2021 elections - have not yet completed the procedure for electing new members of the Board of the Provincial Energy Regulator ERO. In this regard, the PISG in Pristina claimed at the beginning that they would fulfill their obligations from the energy agreements as soon as the provincial assembly confirms the election of the members of the EPO Board, but only that body can make the final decision on the request for the issuance of a supply license.


However, instead of doing so, the PISG in Pristina, after the election of the members of the EPO Board on August 2, 2021, made a decision granting the provincial electricity transmission system operator KOSTT 11 million euros to pay for electricity in the north of Kosovo, and the PISG in Pristina government was obliged to introduce electricity billing in the north of the Province within six months. Bearing in mind that according to the agreements from the Dialogue, it is prescribed that the Serbian company "Elektrosever", which has not been issued a license, should perform these tasks, it became clear that the PISG in Pristina do not want the problem of the licensed company Elektrosever to be resolved in due time.


Instead, the PISG in Pristina have started to condition the issuance of a supply license on the realization of their alleged rights that are not based on the energy agreements from the Dialogue, which primarily refer to their establishment of physical control over the energy infrastructure facilities in northern Kosovo. Bearing in mind that such demands are contrary to the aforementioned agreements from the Dialogue, as well as the fact that such activities would objectively call into question the energy security of northern Kosovo, the Serbian side decisively rejected Pristina's demands. In the negotiations that followed, the Serbian side managed to impose and defend the position that in the process of implementation, the agreed license must be issued to the company Elektrosever first. That was a logical and necessary step so the aforementioned company could become fully operational and then supply electricity and provide distribution services at full capacity in the north of AP KiM, which, in accordance with the agreements from the Dialogue, would fully ensure independence in the supply of electricity to the north of AP KiM.


After lengthy negotiations on the implementation of agreements concluded in 2013 and 2015, finally, in May 2022, Pristina accepted to issue a supply license to the company Elektrosever, as a first step. At the same time, through the achievement of the Basic Agreement on business cooperation between the company Elektrosever and KEDS, the necessary conditions were created for the company "Elektrosever" (in accordance with Article 5 of the Arrangement from 2013) to provide distribution services to the population and other users in the north of KiM. The agreement was formalized at a meeting within the Dialogue at the technical level on June 21, 2022 in Brussels, when the consensus over the text was reached in the document entitled "Energy Agreements' Implementation Roadmap."


That document was reached exclusively in order to overcome the deadlock in the implementation of the aforementioned, previously agreed upon Arrangements and Conclusions in the field of energy. The operationalization of this agreement should ultimately enable the company "Elektrosever" to supply electricity to the population in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as to provide distribution services in that area. In this way, it is guaranteed constant, and for all parties indisputably legitimate and legal, presence of this Serbian company on vital facilities of the energy infrastructure in majority Serbian municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija.


As part of the package of Roadmap documents, Belgrade managed to achieve the harmonization of two additional accompanying documents, which prevents unilateral interpretation of the Roadmap and blocking its implementation. These documents are:

1) Interpretive statement of the EU mediator, confirming the right of the company "Elektrosever" to maintain a permanent presence at Substation Valac and other energy infrastructure facilities in the north of Kosovo, as well as

2) a letter from the Energy Community addressed to the EU with a guarantee that the Basic Agreement on Business Cooperation (commercial agreement) between the company Elektrosever and the company KEDS - by which the company "Elektrosever" was guaranteed that they will also provide distribution services in the north of AP KiM - in accordance with the provincial regulatory framework. The mentioned document was necessary so that the PISG in Pristina, after the agreement on the Roadmap, could not prevent and cancel the implementation of the agreement reached between the company "Elektrosever" and KEDS. Without that guarantee, the regulator ERO could declare that the agreed cooperation between the Serbian and Turkish companies is not in accordance with the "regulatory framework of Kosovo" and claim that the company "Elektrosever" does not have the right to be physically present at the energy infrastructure facilities in the north of Kosovo.


This package of agreements, which protected the vital interests of the Serbian side in the field of energy, was undeniably achieved primarily thanks to foresight, but also the constructiveness and proactivity of Belgrade. At the same time, the Serbian initiative to reach an agreement on business cooperation between the company "Elektrosever" and the Turkish company KEDS bypassed and overcame the last obstacles that Pristina had been putting up for the conclusion of the Roadmap for a long time - by contesting the right of the company "Elektrosever" to provide distribution services in northern Kosovo and Metohija.


By agreeing on the Roadmap “package,” the full energy independence of the north of Kosovo and Metohija is ensured, which will be supplied by the Serbian company Elektrosever - undisputedly for all parties in the Dialogue. Also, the company "Elektrosever" will provide electricity distribution services in that area (billing, collection, maintenance and physical connection of new customers). Thus, the Serbian population in the north of AP Kosovo and Metohija will not, in a formal and physical sense, have any kind of relationship with the energy actors who represent the interests of PISG in Pristina, and who could use the instruments of energy policy without this agreement for additional pressure on the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.


Regarding the dynamics of the implementation of the agreed provisions of the Roadmap, on June 24, 2022, the energy regulator of PISG in Pristina made a decision on the provision of the supply license to the company "Elektrosever", which was delivered to this company on June 27, with which the PISG in Pristina fulfilled the first part of its obligations from Roadmap within the agreed deadlines. By obtaining a supply license for the company "Elektrosever", the way has been opened to reach operability in the provincial system and supply electricity to the population in the north of the Kosovo and Metohija.


Acting in accordance with point 2 of the Roadmap, on July 1, 2022, the director of the company "Elektrosever" informed the EUSR for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina that - bearing in mind that the supply license was issued on June 24, 2022 and that still has not become operational - the company "Elektrosever" does not have the possibility to submit a list of consumers to Pristina because it still does not have the full legal capacity to conclude contracts with consumers. At the same time, it was indicated that this company will be able to conclude supply contracts with consumers only after signing the contract with the companies KOSTT and KEDS, envisioned by the Roadmap, as well as obtaining the so-called Energy Identification Code (hereinafter: "EIC CODE") and determining the conditions and methods of supplying consumers.


The implementation of the Roadmap continued on July 18, 2022 through the assignment of the EIC CODE to the company "Elektrosever." Namely, the request for obtaining the EIC CODE was sent electronically to the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET), after which a positive response was received in the same way, with a notification that it takes a day or two to be published in the central register, after which the "Elektrosever" company will be able to use it freely. Along with obtaining the supply license and EIC CODE, the company "Elektrosever" established further communication with the relevant companies within the provincial energy system, primarily with KOSTT and KEDS. In this regard, the Serbian side considers that the company "Elektrosever" has already fulfilled the obligation from the Roadmap to sign standard market contracts with KOSTT, primarily the Agreement on Balance Responsibility and the Agreement on Participation in the Electricity Market.


The only documents of the Roadmap package, which have not yet been signed, are two contracts - the Connection Agreement and the Commercial Agreement - which the company "Elektrosever" should sign with KEDS. The commercial agreement was already agreed with KEDS before the Roadmap was agreed, primarily for the purpose of operationalizing the paragraph 1 of article 5 of the 2013 Energy Agreement, which ensures one of the key interests of the Serbian side. That interest is that the Serbian company “Elektrosever” can unhinderedly achieve physical presence and control over energy infrastructure facilities in the north of AP KiM - through the provision of distribution services in four municipalities with a majority Serbian population (billing, collection, maintenance and physical connection of new customers).


The envisaged agreements with KEDS clearly represent the essence of a comprehensive agreement on the Roadmap. The current delay in achieving them also stems from the fact that those agreements, in order to fulfill the purpose of protecting Serbian interests as prescribed by the Roadmap, must be concluded simultaneously in the package. Although the Serbian side is fully committed to fulfilling the provisions of the Roadmap and ensuring a safe supply of electricity north of Kosovo and Metohija, it is clear that all other elements of the Roadmap agreement lose their meaning without the conclusion of the mentioned agreements with KEDS. At the same time, it is important to point out that the order of the remaining steps with the aim of reaching these agreements does not depend on the company "Elektrosever", because it is neither legally nor factually able to initiate these steps.


In this respect, the Serbian side is still waiting for KEDS to submit the Draft Commercial Agreement on business cooperation with KEDS, which was repeatedly pointed out to all actors of the implementation of the Road Map. Nevertheless, the Serbian side believes that this step will also be taken in the coming period, so that the implementation of the Roadmap can be successfully completed within the agreed deadlines.


The Serbian side regularly informs the EU mediators, as the guarantor of the agreement, about dynamics and implementation, and expects that the agreements in question with the company "Elektrosever" will be concluded as soon as possible so that the Serbian company can finally become operational. All the remaining cases would then proceed significantly faster, because the company "Elektrosever" would no longer have limitations in terms of legal and operational capacity to conclude contracts with consumers in the market without hindrance and operate like any other company.


The Serbian side has ensured that property rights over the energy infrastructure in the area of ​​AP KiM will not be threatened by the agreed Roadmap, because this was not even discussed. In this regard, during the negotiations, the EUSR for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, pointed out that the Roadmap does not go into the issues of property ownership and that it is a broader issue that will be discussed later within the Dialogue. Besnik Beslimi, the PISG chief negotiator in Prishtina, confirmed that property issues were not considered in the Roadmap.


Having all the above in mind, in the following period, the offices will continue to insist that the EU mediators take the necessary measures and actions for the full and consistent implementation of all the provisions of the Arrangement from 2013, Conclusions of EU mediators from 2015, as well as the Roadmap itself.


Freedom of movement

The regime of freedom of movement is based on the Agreement on freedom of movement from 2011, Final operational conclusions of the Implementation Group in the area of ​​freedom of movement from 2011 (hereinafter: “Final operative conclusions"), Arrangements concerning the finalization of implementation of 2011 freedom of movement from September 14, 2016 (hereinafter: Arrangements), Conclusions from October 19, 2016, which followed the aforementioned agreements, and Conclusions of September 30, 2021. In this sense, the regime of freedom of movement across the administrative line is applied to six common crossing points (CCP) CCP Tabalije/Brnjak, CCP Depce/Mučibaba, CCP Mutivode/Mutivode, CCP Merdare/Merdare, CCP Končulj/Bela Zemlja and CCP Rudnica/Jarinje.


Although Belgrade fulfilled its part of the obligations from the Arrangements and Conclusions by the middle of November 2016, the implementation of the solutions reached was delayed due to Pristina's unwillingness to fulfill the assumed obligations within the agreed deadlines. Namely, Pristina informed the EU that it will postpone the implementation of this regime because it is “not able to prepare the agreed amount of stickers within the given period". This caused delays in the implementation of the “sticker regime” as well as reregistration of all the vehicles with licence plates issued by PISG in Pristina (KS or RKS license plates).


An additional problem in this area was generated by the decision of the PISG in Pristina dated September 17, 2020, which - more than a year before the prescribed deadline - annulled the special decision of Pristina from 2017 to continue with the registration of vehicles with “KS” licence plates for the next five years, but also the Administrative Instruction on the registration of vehicles with status-neutral “KS" plates, which was adopted in 2018. Based on that decision from September 2020, a notice was issued that it is no longer possible to register vehicles in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija with “KS” license plates and that, accordingly, owners of vehicles with "KS" license plates must replace them with ..RKS" license plates when renewing their registration. This Pristina act directly violated point 5 of the Agreement from September 2016, which stipulated that the validity of “KS” plates will be extended for 5 years, after which the two sides will review this issue, with the mediation of the EU.


After the reactions of Belgrade, the EU informed the parties that "KS” license plates will be valid until September 2021. However, in practice, the Pristina side did not stick to it, and at the meetings held within the Dialogue during July and September 2021, the representatives of Pristina refused to negotiate this problem at all. In this regard, the Serbian side demanded an urgent extension of the validity of the “KS" licence plates, which Pristina side refused, although according to the agreement, it was obliged to discuss this topic within the Dialogue.


On that occasion, Pristina's argument was based predominantly on the claim that the current provincial government does not accept the legitimacy and legality of the agreements that were agreed in the area of ​​freedom of movement within the framework of the Dialogue in the period before February 17, 2021. Instead, they announced the unilateral introduction of PROBA plates for vehicles with the registration plates of the Republic of Serbia and threatened a complete ban of entry to vehicles with the registration plates of the Republic of Serbia, which are issued by the displaced Police directorates of Serbia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (PR, KM, PZ, GL, UR, PE, ĐA).


Illegal shortening of the term of validity of status-neutral plates “KS" (by one year before the deadline defined by the Conclusions of 2016), refusal to discuss this issue within the Dialogue and the introduction of PROBA plates on September 20, 2021 by Pristina, which was followed by the illegal incursion of Pristina parapolice units into the north of Kosovo and Metohija, generated a drastic political and security crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Among others, these violent acts by PISG in Pristina resulted with closure of CCP Rudnica/Jarinje and CCP Brnjak/Tabalije, which also had consequences on the distribution of primary food and medicines, but also transportation of sick people and children (especially high school students and students of University of Pristina temporarily settled in Kosovska Mitrovica).


After long negotiations, the crisis was overcome by the Conclusions of September 30, 2021, according to which the Pristina parapolice phalanxes had to withdraw from the north of AP KiM by October 2 at 4:00 p.m. This was set by the agreement as a precondition for the start of applying the "sticker regime" for vehicle license plates of both parties - which was defined in the Conclusions of September 30 as a temporary solution that will come into force on October 4 at 08:00. Those Conclusions stipulate that the solution will be in force until an agreement on a permanent solution is reached within the high-level Dialogue, as well as that a special Working Group will be formed composed of representatives of the EU, Belgrade and Pristina, which will try to define possible proposals for a permanent solution for license plates within six months. According to the Conclusions, he working group had the obligation to present its findings to the Dialogue at a high political level, which is responsible for defining and adopting a permanent solution.


In accordance with the Conclusions. The working group held a total of eight meetings during the six months of its mandate. The representatives of Belgrade were actively involved in the work of the Working Group all the time, proposing several status-neutral solutions for license plates. On the other hand, Pristina did not come to the meetings of the Working Group with proposals for solutions that would be acceptable to both sides, but insisted all the time on solving the status issue by reaching a permanent solution for license plates. In this sense, Pristina constantly tried to blackmail the Belgrade side with the threat of abolishing the license plates of the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija, issued by the displaced Police directorates (PR, KM, PZ, GL, UR, PE, ĐA). Representatives of Belgrade in the Working Group have repeatedly rejected Pristina's evaluations and warned the representatives of PISG in Pristina and the EU that, according to the conclusions of September 30, 2021, the Working Group is not competent to determine a permanent solution to the issue of licence plates.


Likewise, representatives of Belgrade refuted the claims of PISG in Pristina that the sticker regime was adopted as a solution that will be valid for 6 months, which is the period for which the two parties claimed that the conclusions were set as the deadline for finding a permanent solution. In this sense, the Serbian side constantly reminded that the text of the Conclusions of September 30 does not state in any place that there is a deadline by which a solution must be found, but that there is only a time-limited mandate of the Working Group, which within a period of 6 months should explore possible options for such a solution - which can only be brought about by Dialogue at a high political level.


Also, the PISG in Pristina and the EU were told that the text of the Conclusions does not differentiate between any categories of license plates issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia or the PISG in Pristina. Quite the opposite, that agreement clearly stipulates that the sticker regime, which will start to be applied from October 4, 2021, will be a measure that will be applied temporarily until a permanent solution is found. In this sense, the Serbian side underlined that on October 4, 2021, the PISG in Pristina started putting stickers, as well as on any other license plates of the Republic of Serbia. In this way, they recognized them as part of the overall sticker regime, thus losing the right to apply the so-called re-registration process on them. Faced with the arguments of the Serbian side, EU mediators have accepted the argument that the sticker regime will apply until a permanent solution is found.


At the last meeting of the Working Group for licence plates, which was held on April 20, 2022, the EU mediators concluded that the work of that body was completed. They concluded that, despite the end of the mandate of the Working Group, the implementation of the Agreement from September 2021 continues, which means that until an agreement on a permanent solution is reached at a high political level, the sticker regime will be applied.


Despite the conclusions of the chairman of the Working Group and additional confirmations received from the EU mediator that the "sticker regime" will continue to be applied until a permanent solution is reached at a high political level, on June 29, 2022, Pristina unilaterally made illegal decisions on 1) issuing the Entry-Exit Document" (declaration sheet) which will replace the personal document issued by the authorities of the Republic of Serbia, and 2) re-registration of vehicles with license plates PR, KM, PZ, GL, UR, PE, ĐA to registration marks “RKS", which are not status-neutral, and without an agreement with Belgrade within the framework of the Dialogue, which is conducted with the mediation of the European Union. In the decision on vehicle re-registration, it is stated that the re-registration will last two months, from August 1 to September 30, 2022. If the vehicles in question are not re-registered with “RKS” plates in the specified period, they will be “nationalized.”


By making this decision, Pristina has violated the provisions of the Conclusions of September 30, 2021, for which the representatives of Pristina were emphasizing at every meeting of the Working Group that the agreement is applied without any problems. To repeat, in accordance with the text of the Conclusions of September 30, 2021, on October 4, 2021, Pristina began to apply the sticker regime to the registration plates PR, KM, PZ, GL, UR, PE, ĐA, as well as on all other registration marks of the Republic of Serbia when crossing the administrative line. With this, Pristina de jure and de facto admitted that the registration plates PR, KM, PZ, GL, UR, PE, ĐA also belong to the “regime of the temporary sticker solution,” which will be in force until a permanent solution is found at a high level meeting within the Dialogue - that is that all holders of those plates can move freely with the stickers on the territory of the Province.


Part of the Pristina decision on the “nationalization” of vehicles with registration plates PR, KM, PZ, GL, UR, PE, ĐA which are not re-registered on the so-called “RKS” plates within two months, is in fundamental contradiction with the Dialogue on the Normalization of Relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but also with all conventions on the protection of the right to peaceful enjoyment of private property acquired in a legal way. 10,000 Serbian families in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are facing an open and illegal threat of potentially being left without their private property, and 20% of them without basic means for work.


By making such decisions, Pristina once again generated a political and security crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, according to the same model that created the crisis on September 20, 2021 through the introduction of PROBA plates for vehicles with license plates of the Republic of Serbia. On this occasion, the Serbian side sent a letter of protest to the EU mediators and asked them to respond urgently and solve these problems. After discussions between US diplomatic representatives in Kosovo and Metohija and EU officials with the Pristina leadership, the implementation of both decisions was initially postponed for one month, from August 1, 2022 to September 1, 2022. Despite, Pristina continued to issue entry and exit documents at the other four common crossing points


In the meantime, on August 18, 2022, the EU organized a high-level meeting within the framework of the Dialogue, where the two sides failed to reach compromise. While the engagement of the Serbian side was assessed as constructive, the Pristina side was characterized as not ready for a concrete discussion on finding a possible solution.


In an attempt to prevent the security escalation initiated by Pristina in connection with these issues and to find a compromise solution on August 24 and 25, meetings of EU mediators and US representatives with officials of the two sides followed in Pristina and Belgrade. At last, on August 27, 2022, an agreement was reached that the Serbian side will continue to allow the use of identity cards issued by PISG in Pristina without the use of an accompanying entry-exit document. In this respect, a verbal agreement was reached that the Serbian side no longer issues an entry-exit document, and that the Pristina side does not introduce their version of that entry-exit document - with additional EU guarantee that Serbian ID cards remain the only identification document of Serbian citizens residing in the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija, both north and south of the Ibar. An integral part of this agreement is a status-neutral statement (disclaimer) with the following content: “Enabling the use of identity cards issued by Pristina (Kosovo) will be done exclusively for practical reasons in order to facilitate the position of individuals and enable their freedom of movement, in accordance with the Agreement on Freedom of Movement reached in the Dialogue in 2011. It cannot be interpreted as recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, does not prejudge the determination of the final status of Kosovo, and cannot be interpreted as Belgrade's consent to deviate from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).” This statement will be prominently displayed at all administrative crossings, border crossings and other places relevant to the application of this agreement in the area of ​​freedom of movement.


At the same time, the PISG in Pristina have committed themselves that all citizens of the Republic of Serbia who have Serbian ID cards, including all Serbs living in the area of ​​AP Kosovo and Metohija, will be able to freely enter and leave the territory of the Province, thus preventing the intention of the PISG in Pristina "to outlaw" the possibility for Serbs living in AP KIM to use identity cards issued by the Republic of Serbia in front of its authorities. Bearing this in mind, this agreement preserves the state-legal capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the Province when it comes to the validity of identity documents issued by authorities of the Republic of Serbia.


During the reporting period, no enhanced measures and prohibitions were taken at the administrative crossings in order to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and the Serbian side continued to apply regular procedures for controlling vehicles, persons and luggage.


On the other hand. During the mentioned period, Pristina repeatedly changed the scope of measures restricting the movement of residents to Kosovo and Metohija. The last measures were adopted on April 30, 2021, which were abolished due to the improvement of the epidemiological situation. In this regard, persons entering the territory of the Province, as well as employees in public and private institutions, must fulfill the condition of having a certificate of vaccination with two doses or one dose of the Jonson vaccine, while persons who for health reasons may not be vaccinated they must have a negative PCR test no older than one week.


Independently of all the above-mentioned measures, during the reporting period, Pristina also applied other unilateral measures that threatened the implementation of the Agreement on Freedom of Movement, which refer to: the ban on crossing border crossings with North Macedonia and Montenegro to persons who hold passports issued by the Coordination Directorate of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, request for additional personal data when announcing visits by IDPs and pilgrims who want to come to Kosovo, which is not foreseen by any agreement; occasional bans on the entry of organized groups into AP KiM; as well as special controls and measures at CCPs against Belgrade officials and other persons coming from central Serbia, who do not fall under the regime agreed upon by the Agreement on Official Visits.


For this reason, the Serbian side repeatedly pointed out to the EU mediators that the implementation of all the mentioned measures by Pristina is a gross violation of the Agreement on Freedom of Movement and that the unilateral approach to issues of importance to both sides represents an unacceptable attitude towards the agreements reached.


When it comes to the abuse of the right to freedom of movement, during the reporting period, a total of 424 persons from AP KiM were registered, who were prevented from attempting to illegally cross the administrative line, while 61 persons (citizens of Asian and African countries) illegally crossed the administrative line from AP KiM area to central Serbia.


Bearing in mind the daily need for freedom of movement across the administrative line, the Serbian side believes that in the coming period the existing problems will be solved and that the PISG in Pristina will stop the practice of introducing unilateral measures that violate the Agreement on Freedom of Movement and escalate the political and security crisis in the north KiM.


Regional representation 


This reporting period was marked by continuous attempts by the PISG in Prishtina to restart negotiations on the amendment of the Agreement on Regional Representation and Cooperation within the framework of the Dialogue. This was done with the proposal that the EU mediator should refer regional organizations with the Interpretive letter, which would allegedly facilitate and unify the practice of labeling and naming the PISG in Pristina in all segments of the work of regional initiatives and organizations. However, the essential interest behind this request by the PISG in Pristina was to amend the 2012 Agreement - which would allow them to conclude regional agreements by presenting themselves as "Kosovo" instead of the agreed term “Kosovo*" and accompanying footnotes.


During all talks with EU mediators, Belgrade expressed a clear position that the Serbian side is ready to discuss any technical specification of the Agreement which faithfully reflects the provisions of the 2012 agreement. However, the Serbian side emphasized that all parties are obliged to abide by the agreement reached, stressing that the changes proposed by the PISG in Pristina are not in accordance with the spirit and text of the arrangement from 2012. In that regard, during the reporting period, the offices continued, together with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to fully monitor the implementation of the Agreement on the regional representation of Belgrade and Pristina dated February 24, 2012.


The key problem continues to be Pristina's continuous attempts to participate in meetings of regional initiatives and international organizations, where they would be represented contrary to the manner prescribed by the Agreement. During the past 14 months, those attempts in most cases related to the problem of marking the name of the Province at meetings of organizations and accompanying documents, where the PISG in Pristina tried to succeed in being marked only with the term "Kosovo" without an asterisk (“*”) and accompanying footnotes, as provided for in the Agreement. In that context, the offices prepared 103 written advisory opinions, which were submitted to state bodies, representatives of social, cultural, sports and other organizations and institutions that participate in regional cooperation activities - so their representatives could act properly in this context when receiving requests by the PISG in Pristina which essentially violate the Agreement.


Despite the existence of a detailed “Instruction on the behavior of state and other official representatives of the Republic of Serbia at international and regional gatherings attended by representatives of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG) in Pristina", which was adopted in January 2019, the offices continued during this reporting period to monitor the implementation of this Instruction on a daily basis and respond to the requests of the institutions of the Republic of Serbia for giving opinions regarding the participation of their representatives at certain international and regional gatherings.


In the coming period, the offices will continue to monitor the implementation of the Agreement, with the aim of protecting the interests of the Serbian side and preventing the development of events and actions that are contrary to what was agreed in the Dialogue.


Missing persons (newly opened topic in the dialogue) 


Although the issue of missing persons was raised for the first time as part of the Dialogue in mid-2020 - when the principles for solving it were agreed - the new PISG government in Pristina immediately after coming to power in February 2021 rejected the agreed principles and demanded to renegotiate that issue. As a party that does not perceive this issue through a political prism, but treats it exclusively as a humanitarian and civilizational issue, Belgrade accepted that the issue should be reconsidered and that a mutually acceptable solution be found. The openness of Belgrade in this regard was a clear demonstration of the goodwill and openness of the Serbian side, primarily towards the families of all the missing persons during the conflict in Kosovo and Metohija, who have been searching for the truth about the fate of their loved ones for more than 20 years.


Accordingly, during the reporting period, the issue of missing persons was intensively discussed at the meetings within the Dialogue of Belgrade and Pristina. Specific discussions were held on the proposal of the text of the Declaration on Missing Persons, which the EU, as a mediator, formulated and proposed to the parties. Within that framework, Belgrade was the only one to show a constructive approach, which is confirmed by the fact that at the very beginning it accepted the first, original, undisputed status and content EU proposal for the Declaration on Missing Persons.


However, Pristina immediately fundamentally rejected the EU proposal and requested 10 additional changes to the text, which Belgrade - all but one - accepted as a sign of goodwill. Despite that, Pristina for months prevented and is still blocking an agreement on this humanitarian issue because it continuously insists on the use of the term "enforced disappearances" as a special category that would be mentioned in the text of the Declaration. The use of that construction in the declaration is absolutely unacceptable for Belgrade, because it is contained in the relevant international conventions that regulate the issue of enforced disappearances as a clearly defined legal category of crime for which there is the exclusive responsibility of states.


Since the Republic of Serbia is the only entity that has the status of a state in the Dialogue process, the possible acceptance of the term "enforced disappearances" would imply the responsibility of Serbian policemen, judges and other state authorities, i.e. the Republic of Serbia itself, for all disappearances that took place under force during the conflict in the area of Kosovo and Metohija. This specifically means that the Republic of Serbia - since the so-called KLA and Kosovo are not states, and according to the relevant international conventions on enforced disappearances, only sovereign states are responsible for enforced disappearances - in that case would be the only one marked as directly responsible for all enforcedly disappeared Serbs, non-Albanians and Albanians, who were kidnapped and massacred by the so-called KLA. This is clearly beyond any limit of common sense and civilized demand, which the Serbian side clearly presented by pointing out that they will not agree to such a thing.


Nevertheless, Belgrade showed extreme constructiveness in this matter as well by offering three more possible compromise solutions that fully protect the interests of the Republic of Serbia in relation to Pristina's request for the use of a term that would somehow acknowledge the fact that many persons disappeared under duress during the conflict. At the same time, those proposals completely excluded the possibility of the Republic of Serbia and its authorities being responsible for the aforementioned acts of enforced disappearances that are legally regulated according to the aforementioned conventions on enforced disappearances. However, Pristina categorically rejected even those additional proposals from Belgrade. In doing so, Pristina once again showed that it uses its alleged interest in solving the issue of missing persons exclusively to gain political points, and that the local politicians are fundamentally not interested in shedding light on the fate of missing persons from AP Kosovo and Metohija. Moreover, by obstructing the negotiations, Pristina tried in every possible way to remove responsibility and accuse the Republic of Serbia of the disappearance and fate of all missing persons from the territory of AP KiM.


Orlic: The National Assembly will openly discuss Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


The first special session on Kosovo and Metohija will last two days. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will present the Report on the negotiation process with the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina from June 15, 2021, to September 1, 2022. The President of the National Assembly, Vladimir Orlic, says that Kosovo and Metohija will be discussed openly. It is difficult to talk about unity in the parliament, it would be very good if someone from the opposition came out and supported the state policy, says Orlic and adds that the Parliament will vote on the report.


Vladimir Orlic said that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will address the parliamentarians and the people on the occasion of Kosovo and Metohija, and that members of the diplomatic corps, as well as other representatives appointed by the parliamentary parties, will attend the special session.


"It is important to show how we relate to institutions, but also to a topic such as Kosovo and Metohija," said Orlic. He mentioned that Vucic will present the Report on the negotiation process, that he will talk about all the important topics, the problems that Serbia is facing and the challenges ahead. "He will answer the questions of the MPs himself, and the National Assembly will make a statement on that report. As you know, the President of Serbia speaks completely openly about this and about the current moment and what will happen next," said Orlic.


He added that important steps have been taken so far and, in that sense, mentioned President Vucic's scheduled speech before the UN General Assembly on September 21, but also more than 20 withdrawals of recognition of so-called of independence of Kosovo. "We showed in this way that we can fight for our interests in the worst possible conditions", said Orlic, emphasizing the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the moves of Aljbin Kurti, as well as the agreements signed on behalf of Belgrade by the representatives of the previous authorities. The special session on KiM will last two days, and yesterday the President of the Assembly had a meeting about it with the heads of parliamentary groups. Asked whether unity in the parliament can be expected on this issue, Orlic answered:


"For everyone to support, you saw - the answer is already contained in the reactions that came from some of the participants, above all people from the former regime, they made it clear that they have no intention of showing understanding and unity, some even say that unity is superfluous," said Orlic. However, he points out that it would be good if the state policy found support in the parliament. "I will not eliminate in advance the possibility that maybe during today's and tomorrow's discussions, someone from the opposition will come out and say that they want to support the state policy - it would be very good, extremely important if that happens. But I am not sure if it is realistic, because you know that those who openly say that they are for an independent Kosovo and those who say that the state is wrong to talk at all, that it should be resolved with weapons, are sitting next to each other in the same benches. Can there be unity and consensus between these things? it's hard to say," said Orlic. "I'm not optimistic in advance, but let the voting day be the benchmark to see if things have changed for some people," said Orlic. He points out that there is unity where it is especially important to have it - in Kosovo and Metohija, which is being discussed and where it is most difficult. "They are the most united about their country, their president and what we do," said Orlic.


Vucic refuse to comment on SPC diocese’s award to Seselj, then lashes out at Croat reporter (VIP)


President Aleksandar Vucic, on Monday, strongly reacted to the question by the Croatian journalist who asked him to comment on the fact that one of the dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) had awarded a medal to the leader of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) and convicted war criminal Vojislav Seselj. During his address to the journalists after the meeting within the Brdo-Brijuni Process at Brdo near Kranj, in Slovenia, Vucic was asked whether the fact that the Illinois-based SPC Diocese of New Gracanica - Midwestern America has awarded a recognition to Seselj - Vucic’s political father - could also reflect on the relations between Serbia and Croatia, seeing that Seselj was among other also convicted for instigating the expulsion of ethnic Croats from the north Serbian province of Vojvodina.


“Who gave him the medal? A diocese. Well, (in Croatia) you decorate every day those who killed Serbs (in the 1990s war), you make films about them, and to this you are not sensitive in the least”, retorted Vucic raising his tone of voice. For the awarding of the medal “you should ask the relevant SPC diocese. I am neither a priest, nor a bishop, or the patriarch, or

anything else and I don’t even think of being one. With us the Church is very independent from the state. I don’t know how things are with you Croats, but we are very proud of the secularity of our country, these are long established European and world values”, he continued.


At the further insisting of the journalist to present his standpoint on this matter, Vucic said that he had just done so. “I do not know what I could tell you… This is all I have to say to you. Let me tell you, I can see that you yearn for me to come to Jasenovac to answer all your questions. I am enjoying it and I can’t wait to come and lay down that flower and answer those questions”, he said, alluding to the fact that recently the Croatian authorities did not permit him to, within that which was called in Belgrade “a private” visit, visit the site of the concentration camp from World War II in which the Croatian Fascists murdered a large number of Serbs, Jews and others.


Vucic received an invitation to attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth (Tanjug)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, received an invitation to attend the funeral of the British Queen Elizabeth II, it was confirmed to Tanjug in his office. Either President Aleksandar Vucic or Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will go to the funeral, which will depend on the upcoming trip of President Vucic to New York, for the session of the United Nations General Assembly. Queen Elizabeth, the longest-lived British monarch, died on September 8 at the age of 97, and will be buried in London on September 19.




Bosnia and Herzegovina  


Brdo-Brijuni Summit ends without adopted declaration as B&H Presidency members Dzaferovic and Komsic refuse to endorse use of term legitimate representation of peoples in B&H (BHT1)


On Monday, the leaders of the Western Balkans countries attended the 11th summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process held in Brdo kod Kranja, Slovenia. All the leaders accepted the invitation of Slovenian President Borut Pahor, including the three members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency – Sefik Dzaferovic, Zeljko Komsic and Milorad Dodik. During the summit, the leaders adopted a six-point joint conclusion reaffirming support for the Western Balkans’ European path. They did not, however, adopt a joint declaration due to opposition of the two B&H Presidency members, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic.


In the six conclusions the leaders said: “We reiterate the EU enlargement policy as the most direct contributor to the maintenance of peace and stability in our region, and more than ever a geopolitical issue; we call for the accelerated EU integration process, in line with the well-established conditions for EU membership; we call for granting the candidate status to BiH by the end of 2022; we call for removal of visa regime for the entire Western Balkans by the end of 2022; we call for the EU to stand side by side with Western Balkans in mitigating the consequences of the looming economic and energy crisis; we reaffirm our strong commitment to the dialogue as the only viable solution to the existing differences and open political issues in the region”.


After the meeting, the leaders of the process reaffirmed in their conclusions the importance of enlargement as an important geopolitical issue. Pahor added that they called for an accelerated process of integration into the EU in accordance with the well-known conditions for membership. Pahor said that the leaders of the countries of the Western Balkans at the meeting confirmed their commitment to the EU enlargement in order to ensure the stability of the region. He emphasized that it is more necessary than ever and that it is a matter of geopolitical interest, and they called for the accession process to be accelerated, but also for B&H to be granted the candidate status for membership in the EU as soon as possible by the end of this year, as well as for the EU to stand with the countries of the Western Balkans in their fight against the energy crisis.


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic also confirmed the decision to give up on the declaration, but emphasized the importance of the six conclusions. “It is the lowest common denominator, but still the common denominator on which we could agree. We gave up on the declaration”, Milanovic said, adding that the conclusions were adopted in difficult circumstances for the world, Europe and the region. Speaking about the reasons for the non-adoption of the declaration, Milanovic said that it was not adopted, because B&H does not agree with the proposal to mention the constituent status of peoples in that country in the document. “My proposal was to mention the constituent status of peoples in B&H in the document. To me, to us and to many, this seems like a minimum standard, but some colleagues from B&H did not allow it. It was my duty to proposes it, but it was rejected instantly and that was that. We concluded that we will not even put forward the declaration; we found something in common”, Milanovic told members of the press. In a statement for the media, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said: “That was not included in the declaration, because Bosniaks and Croats, or Bosniaks and Bosniaks – whatever you like – did not agree with that, and we were willing to support Milanovic’s proposal”.


Dodik: By rejecting the Croatia’s proposal regarding the concept of constituent peoples in B&H, Komsic and Dzaferovic demonstrated disrespect for B&H Constitution (ATV)


The summit ‘Brdo – Brijuni’ took place in Brdo near Kranj in Slovenia on Monday. Commenting on the summit, Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik told ATV that by rejecting the Croatia’s proposal regarding the concept of constituent peoples in B&H, Sefik Dzaferovic, Zeljko Komsic demonstrated disrespect for the Constitution of B&H. He said that he has nothing against the story of the Western Balkan integration in the EU as long as the EU does not set conditions, reminding that such a situation has happened several times so far. Dodik stressed that Republika Srpska (RS) will have its response in case that the EU sets conditions for the accession and further delays the process. He concluded that the EU will accept B&H in its membership for the sake of its own interests and goals. “As for the RS, in the current political configuration where the EU itself imposes solutions that are inacceptable for us because they are unconstitutional, the EU as such is unsuitable. However, we think that would be a standard in which we would be able to struggle in some other way, because we have some friends in the EU who understand our status very well”. Dodik concluded.


Dzaferovic: Brdo-Brijuni Process cannot be used for discussing internal affairs of any of the countries of the Western Balkans region (BHT1)


BHT1 carried an interview with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic, made after the 11th summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process concluded. He is satisfied with the outcome of the summit, but he pointed out that this meeting was not the place where someone would discuss internal affairs of B&H. Dzaferovic said the question at this moment is not if the Western Balkans needs the EU, or if the EU needs the Western Balkans, but the important thing is for the EU to accelerate its enlargement process as soon as possible – making all the Western Balkans countries its members. He added that this must happen so that the Russia-Ukraine crisis is not over-spilled onto the Western Balkans. We had a successful summit, given the purpose of the Brdo-Brijuni Process, Dzaferovic assessed. That purpose, he explains, is for this process to encourage the Western Balkans countries – which are not EU member states – to become EU member states as soon as possible. All conclusions adopted on Monday revolve around this goal. That is why Dzaferovic calls this summit successful, adding that EU membership of the countries was emphasized as being a strategic matter. “The EU should view this matter in this way, and not in an administrative and technical way”, the B&H Presidency Chairman underlined. Besides the six conclusions from the summit, Dzaferovic says the leaders agreed that all open issues between the countries must be solved through dialogue. “That is the only way in which these issues can be solved”, Dzaferovic said.


Asked if he expects the EU to place new conditions before B&H, or to have a lighter stance towards this country, Dzaferovic said he expects the EU to “finally draw some conclusions” in times of a global crisis, and especially in light of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. “The EU also knows that the Western Balkans is susceptible to Russian influence. And it is completely clear, if there is no concrete action of the European Union, a simple thing might occur for that crisis to over-spill onto the Balkans”, Dzaferovic warns. That brings danger for both the Western Balkans and the EU. Dzaferovic expects the EU member states to have a more flexible approach to the accession of the Western Balkans countries, as this will bring stability to the region and the Union.


During this year’s summit, the leaders did not adopt a declaration. Dzaferovic and B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic opposed Croatia’s proposal of including the term “constituent status of peoples in B&H” into the final version of document. Dzaferovic told BHT1 that Brdo-Brijuni Process cannot be used for discussing internal affairs of any of the countries of the Western Balkans region. “I immediately said that anything that touches upon the internal issues in B&H will not be acceptable”, he underscores. None of the platforms in the world will be able to deal and meddle into B&H’s internal affairs, the B&H Presidency Chairman was clear. “We will resolve our issues alone, within B&H”, Dzaferovic says. Dzaferovic stated that he would not have come to the summit on Monday if the mentioned proposal was included in the declaration.


US Ambassador to NATO Smith visits NATO Headquarters in Butmir district and B&H Ministry of Defense: Presence of EU and NATO forces in the region is important for preserving stability of B&H and Western Balkans (BHT1)


US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith is paying a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). She visited the NATO Headquarters in Butmir district, and the B&H Ministry of Defense. The interlocutors agreed that the active presence of EU and NATO forces in the region is important for preserving the stability of B&H and the Western Balkans. Ambassador Smith emphasized the continued commitment of the United States of America to support B&H on its Euro-Atlantic path, to the benefit of all its residents, as well as the entire region. “The upcoming decision of the United Nations Security Council on the continuation of the EUFOR mission in B&H is particularly important. We hope that there will be no obstructions and abuse of the veto rights of individual permanent members”, B&H Defense Minister Sifet Podzic was quoted as saying. Podzic reminded that the UN Security Council will be deciding on continuation of the EUFOR Mission in B&H, stressing that messages of NATO member states on the commitment to find solution to continuation of the EUFOR Mission in B&H in all possible scenarios are encouraging.


Collegium of RSNA schedules two special sessions for Wednesday, including one on granting formal approval to new German Ambassador to B&H; Opposition conveys a message they will not participate in Dodik’s political games (BN TV)


At its session held on Monday, the Collegium of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) scheduled two RSNA special sessions for September 14. At its first special session, the RSNA will discuss Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik’s refusal to give formal approval to new German Ambassador to B&H (Thomas Fitschen), i.e. the RS’ vital national interest and its violation by granting the formal approval.


Addressing the press conference after the session, Deputy Speaker of the RSNA Denis Sulic said: “Opposition representatives attended, all three opposition caucuses representatives, i.e. DNS, SDS, PDP, were present. They participated (in the work), I think they voted against the date for the 34th RSNA special session. Everyone has their own right to present their opinion. I saw in the media they will not come to the 34th special session. We have one or two more days to see whether they will come. I invite them also so that we show unity and protect the RS’ interests”.


BN TV reports that the opposition conveyed a message to Dodik the RS’ vital interest is better standard of living for the citizens, due to which they refuse to participate in Dodik’s “political games”. The reporter notes given the fact that Dodik needs two third majority so that his veto in the B&H Presidency is accepted, it is certain the new German Ambassador to B&H will be granted formal approval.


Addressing the press conference, PDP representative in the RSNA Igor Crnadak said: “SNSD’s idea is to create a reservation out of the RS, a hermetically sealed hole in which they are the rulers and in which they, at their so-called executive committee, decide about life and death and everything else. That policy will not succeed, that policy is over, that policy has failed and this session will show it once again. Bear in mind that this is unprecedented diplomatic scandal. I think that people who are not familiar with international relations and diplomatic rules probably do not know how serious foul is this. And another thing, the Ambassador is not disputable, the only thing disputable is that he comes from that country. Of course, that country will react and of course it will further escalate”.


SDS representative in the RSNA Miladin Stanic said it is impossible to believe that someone will vote against granting the formal approval to the new German Ambassador “to the country with which we have the largest trade, we have the largest number of our people there and we have received the largest sums of money from abroad on the basis of our people being employed there and, in a way, it keeps the RS standing on its feet more than the regime does”.


DNS representative in the RSNA Dusko Ivic said the RS authorities are manipulating people, wondering why before every election they initiate such activities


Adviser to the Serb member of B&H Presidency Radovan Kovacevic (SNSD) said that the representatives who plan to vote against the protection of RS vital interests at the upcoming special session will side with those who undermine the rights of the RS and Serbs. He stressed that Germany’s policy towards the RS and B&H is “anti-Dayton, anti-constitutional and anti-Serb policy”. The RS authorities stressed that the Resolution on B&H adopted by the German Bundestag is the main reason why the formal approval for the ambassador is not approved.


Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that the RSNA, by scheduling special sessions during the latest mandate, got a dimension guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) according to which there can be no decisions in BiH without the RSNA’s stance. “The Serb member of the Presidency of B&H (Milorad Dodik) gave significance to this possibility and he has been using almost every possibility for the RSNA to present its stance. By doing so, the RS has become very visible at the political scene and in the process of making of decisions”, Cubrilovic added. Cubrilovic also said that this right, granted to the RSNA by the DPA, was won during the war with difficulties but also after the war when domestic legal experts invested great efforts in making sure the RS has this kind of protection through the institution of the RSNA. “It was not simple to work in the past period of time, which was marked with constant pressures and threats with sanctions and punishments. I think the RSNA provided an adequate response each time”, Cubrilovic concluded.


President Cavara: If FB&H CC is not filled by January, it will not be able to pass any decisions; HR Schmidt gave in to protesters (Dnevni list)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) President Marinko Cavara stated that the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC) could find itself in trouble come the month of January. Namely, Cavara said that one CC judge will retire (in January) and in case vacant positions on the CC are not filled, the CC will not even have five judges, which is minimum quorum. And without minimum quorum, it could practically not be able to take any decisions. Cavara further stated that in line with the (FB&H) Constitution, and on basis of the HJPC’s proposal and support promised by international officials, foremost High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt, he (Cavara) appointed, in line with the FB&H Constitution, judges to the CC and submitted the names to the entity Vice Presidents. “When they give consent, then I propose the names to the FB&H House of Peoples and with that the procedure would be completed, because with the confirmation in the House of Peoples the judges could start working”, said Cavara. Commenting recent protests in front of the OHR, Cavara said that Schmidt gave in to the pressure of protests. “Protests and threats at the expense of the High Representative in Sarajevo have influence on passing of decisions, it is difficult to expect that Schmidt will impose changes to the Election Law”, stated Cavara.


Russian Embassy: Claims about Russian cyberattacks in B&H aimed at influencing election results are another portion of anti-Russian disinformation (Glas Srpske


The Russian Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement commenting the “concern” of Western representatives over the alleged intentions of the Russian Federation to launch cyberattacks in B&H and influence the results of the upcoming General Election in this way. The Embassy described this as “another portion of anti-Russian disinformation”. The Embassy emphasized that Russia has no doubts that the NATO Communication Center, the US Embassy or the EU Delegation has experts ready to commit such cyberattack and label it as produced by Russia. The Embassy also noted that referring to the experience of the 2016 US election, NATO Communication Center’s Janis Sarts claims that Russia is trying to use the existing weak points to create instability in B&H and undermine the legitimacy of election results. In this way, the West is admitting the existence of weak points of the US election system. “In reality, these are not the weak points, but terrifying archaism and anti-democracy which Washington defends with ‘a foaming mouth’. Try to organize election observation in America by the OSCE whose member is USA – the sheriff will immediately throw you out of the polling station and put handcuffs on your wrists”, reads the Russian Embassy’s statement. The Embassy emphasized that weak points require treatment and correction, and not maintaining in order to be used as an alibi for mythical “attacks”. According to the Russian Embassy, the situation is completely different – USA and their allies are spending huge amounts of money to interfere in Russian elections. “As for the cyberattacks, any smart student can commit a computer attack, carefully concealing it”, stated the Embassy.




Brdo-Brijuni Process summit: Conclusions accepted conclusions but no joint declaration (HRT)


At the 11th annual summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process, held today in Brdo kod Kranj, the countries participating in the Process accepted conclusions - instead of a Joint Declaration as previously planned - calling, among other things, for an accelerated process of integration into the European Union and that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) be given candidate status by the end of 2022.


“We gave up on the declaration. We received conclusions, which is the lowest common denominator we could agree on,” said Croatian President, Zoran Milanovic, after meeting at a joint press conference with Slovenian President Borut Pahor. “Just mentioning, even touching on that term - equal rights for all constituent peoples in B&H - simply bothers some. The very mention of that term bothers them,” said President Milanovic explaining to journalists the reason why the Joint Declaration was absent from this year's meeting of the Brdo-Brijuni Process.


“I faced similar problems a year ago at the NATO Summit in Brussels, when I had to fight for days and threaten to block the joint communiqué before a mere mention of the Dayton Package was included in the final text of the NATO Summit communique, which everything revolves around. A number of states were against it. It just tells you what kind of circumstances we live in and that we have to fight for basic rights. This is now a bilateral matter, i.e. a matter for Croatia, not Slovenia, so I would not go deeper,” said the Croatian President.


In his opening address, President Milanovic said that he will do everything possible to continue the meetings of the participants in the Brdo-Brijuni Process, given that Slovenian President Pahor's second presidential term ends at the end of this year. “Someone new will be elected as president of Slovenia and I hope that we will continue with this same rhythm in quite difficult circumstances. Because the circumstances are difficult in Europe and among the participants of the initiative. So, I am satisfied with what we have done today,” said President Milanovic, thanking Slovenian President Pahor, who, together with the Croatian President, is the co-chairman of the meetings of the Brdo-Brijuni Process.


When asked whether the topic of Serbian indictments against Croatian pilots was raised during the meeting, President Milanovic said that he did not and would not discuss the indictments brought against Croatian pilots with Serbian President Vucic. “I will not solve it in this way. I said in public what I had and I stand by it. That's not the right approach. And when we talk about conclusions, in one of these points of conclusion we are talking about established principles and criteria. For us, this topic will certainly be one of the criteria in the talks with Serbia. However, it should be emphasized that at the moment the mood of the public in Serbia, towards Serbia's membership in the European Union, is extremely negative, that two thirds of Serbs in Serbia are against Serbia's membership in the European Union. This is a number that every politician must reckon with. It is the only country in the region where the mood is like that,” said President Milanovic.


When asked by a journalist if there was also talk about Serbian recognition of the Republic of Kosovo, President Milanovic said: “There was no discussion about that because it would be a road of no return, I think the meeting would have ended sooner than it had started. I publicly invite and encourage those who have not yet done so to recognize Kosovo, but now was not such an opportunity. However, at this moment it is not realistic for Serbia to recognize Kosovo. I think this is the position of both President Vucic and a large part of the Serbian public. This is reality,” stated the Croatian President.


Bosnia’s Komsic slams Milanovic’s proposal for Brdo-Brijuni declaration (N1)


"Croatian President Zoran Milanovic should not have insisted on something that cannot pass, which is the so-called legitimate representation," Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Zeljko Komsic said on Monday, after the Brdo-Brijuni summit.


Milanovic said on Monday that “some people in B&H are bothered by the mere mention of the concept of constituent peoples, which is why the joint declaration was not adopted at the meeting of the Brdo-Brijuni Process.” “My proposal from several days ago, in preparation for this meeting, was to mention the constituency of the people in Bi& in the document. To me, to us, to many of us, that seems like a minimum standard, but some colleagues from B&H did not allow that, and that proposal was ‘rejected immediately”, he said.


In his reaction to this move by Milanovic, Komsic stated that B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic and he took a clear position on the issue. “The verdict of the European Court of Human Rights in the Zornic case, more precisely in paragraph 43 of the verdict, ordered the rejection of the concept of constitutively, to which, as written in the verdict, and not only according to us, had to be agreed to in order to stop the acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing. That judgment is an integral part of the Opinion of the European Commission on candidate status for B&H membership in the EU. I am grateful to President Pahor, who advocates for B&H to receive candidate status. From this comes his understanding that we cannot adopt those principles that conflict with the judgments of the Court in Strasbourg and the Opinion of the European Commission,” Komsic noted. After Dzaferovic and Komsic intervened, instead of a joint declaration the leaders of the Western Balkan Countries adopted conclusions.




Djukanovic: Today, Montenegro is closer to the goal of having a stable political government through the elections, which will lead the country on the path of European development (CDM)


“Montenegro has shown that it is firmly committed to the further continuation of the European path. Today, Montenegro is closer than at any time during the previous two years to its goal, which is to reach a stable political government through democratic procedures, including parliamentary elections, which will continue to lead the country on the path of European development”, said the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, after the meeting of regional leaders at Brdo near Kranj. This year’s summit, says President Djukanovic, has confirmed the unequivocal support for the European development path of all the countries of the region and that Slovenia and Croatia are “our friends and neighbors, who within the EU will continue to advocate for the certainty of the future perspective of membership for all our countries”. He believes that today’s overall conversation was “very responsible and that conflicting issues were avoided to the maximum extent”. President Djukanovic points out that during the entire period from 2006 until today, Montenegro “has been an important promoter of European values in the Western Balkan region”.


There is no agreement of the old parliamentary majority; Mandic: In this composition of negotiators, all resources have been exhausted (CDM)


An agreement was not reached. We have established that all resources have been exhausted in this composition, said one of the leaders of the DF, Andrija Mandic, after the fourth meeting of the old parliamentary majority. He announced that he would invite to another meeting the presidents of the parties who did not participate in the talks so far. "We had two proposals, DF nominated Andrija Mandic for the position of prime minister in the future government, and GP URA nominated Dritan Abazovic. It is certain that the DF candidate had the support of political structures numbering 28 MPs, and the GP URA had the support of nine MPs. Five deputies of the SNP conditionally supported Abazovic and the proposal of the DF. As the talks got into an unenviable situation, we from the DF held consultations, and told our colleagues that we are ready to give up the post of prime minister, but to reach an agreement with 41 MPs", Mandic said.


Abazovic: In the next elections, Montenegro will get a European government led by the URA (CDM)


In the next parliamentary elections, Montenegro will get a European government. And that European government will be led by the URA, Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic said in Rozaje. "And that URA will lead Montenegro to the EU. Don't have any dilemmas. We are going victoriously, bravely. We face adversity, but believe me we hid the ball from them. The ball is hidden at this moment...", said Abazovic. He pointed out that they "continue their mission and lead Montenegro towards the EU". "Montenegro must complete every obligation by 2025," he adds. Abazovic points out, we have to move towards the EU, but respect the standards. "We have to work honestly. Whoever wants to work in that way should be given a hand. "Whoever wants to work only for himself, against cities and the state, should be given a red card and sent to the opposition permanently," said Abazovic.


North Macedonia 


Referendum: who wins, who loses? (Libertas)


While waiting for the parliamentary outcome of the referendum initiative, the neighborhood is analysing what it will mean for the relations between Sofia and Skopje.


The President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, participated in the meeting of the leaders of the countries participating in the Brdo-Brioni Process in Slovenia. The meeting discussed the current key topics in the region and Europe, the EU expansion process with the countries of the Western Balkans, the security situation and Russian aggression against Ukraine, but also the measures and ways to deal with the energy and economic crisis. The Brdo-Brioni process, as a joint initiative of Slovenia and Croatia, was established in 2010, with the aim of accelerating the process of EU enlargement with the countries of the Western Balkans, by solving open bilateral and regional political issues.


North Macedonia should resolve bilateral issues with Bulgaria during the negotiation process with the EU, under conditions with which the opposition VMRO-DPMNE does not agree. The party located the source of the problems in the bilateral Agreement on Good Neighbourhood, Friendship and Cooperation, and decided to oppose it with a referendum initiative.


"The people will go to the referendum because they know that the Agreement with Bulgaria is the root of all the negations of the Macedonian language, history, and identity. There must be a referendum, because it is the highest form of democracy. We appeal to the anti-Macedonian SDS and Kovacevski not to dare to multiply the people by zero", said the opposition party. After numerous claims that the government is allegedly preparing to reject the referendum initiative due to its disorderliness, party leader Hristijan Mickoski said that he hopes that it is speculation and that it should be left to the Speaker of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi, to give the green light to the initiative, which will be followed by the collection of the necessary 150 thousand signatures to go to a referendum.


In the announcement, the ruling SDSM assesses that "Hristijan Mickoski's initiative for a referendum is his new deception towards the citizens, which will not succeed."


The most important - the rights of the Macedonian Bulgarians 


How do they see this initiative in neighboring Bulgaria? There is restraint in the government, and the evaluations mostly refer to the significance of the integration of the North Macedonia into the EU, and the inclusion of the Bulgarians in the Macedonian Constitution, without which the negotiations would be blocked.


"Everyone who wants to be part of the European family should understand that it is neither a bank nor a donor, but freedom and protection of human rights. We want guarantees for the rights of Macedonian Bulgarians, for true good-neighborliness, respect for history," said the Vice-President of Bulgaria, Iliana Jotova. As a success of the Bulgarian foreign policy, she highlighted the defense of the Bulgarian position on the inclusion of the Bulgarians in the Constitution of the North Macedonia. "This is an example of how we succeed when all institutions and political parties work together," said Jotova at the opening of the final course of the National Program "Managerial Skills" at the Bulgarian School of Politics "Dimitar Panitsa".


There is no lack of analysis - who does not like the North Macedonia to join the EU? Solomon Passi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and president of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria, addressed this topic in Skopje these days. "If there is one country that under no circumstances wants North Macedonia to enter the European Union, it is Russia." Or, more precisely, President Putin," said Passi at the AUE-FON debate on "Youth and education as the key to a stronger Euro-Atlantic alliance." According to him, democracies must be united in order to have a strong response to such tendencies.


(Un)productive initiative 


In the wider Bulgarian public, the initiative for a referendum is seen as a move that does not bode well for the North Macedonia or for its relations with Bulgaria.


"The initiative for a referendum is counterproductive for North Macedonia, but at the same time it is productive for the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Mickoski", assesses BTA journalist Plamen Jotinski in an interview for BNR, answering the question "whether Skopje has the potential to become a nerve center due to the opposition's persistent attempts to sabotage the country's Euro-aspirations". According to his predictions, the referendum initiative will 100% fail, but Mickoski believes he will not forget his "chorus". "SDSM, even if slowly, is moving in the right direction. It can be said that the current prime minister is pragmatic and does not seek popularity in public statements. "Unfortunately, we do not realize very important issues, such as cooperation in infrastructure, in business, because if we create normal working conditions in business environments, relations between the two countries will be normalized not very quickly, but constantly", he assesses.




Eighth Constitutional Court Judge appointed (


The High Court informed through a press statement today to have elected Ilir Toska as a Constitutional Court Judge, electoral media report. According to the media, 13 High Judges voted in favour of Toska’s appointment as Constitutional Court Judge. The High Court has currently 15 Judges, whereas the Constitutional Court would have eight judges after Toska’s appointment. 


Begaj in Slovenia: Cyber-attacks, evidence that third actors endanger peace and stability in the Balkans (Radio Tirana)


The summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process was held in Slovenia, where the situation in the Western Balkans was discussed. The president of Albania, Bajram Begaj stated that the expansion of the European Union with the countries of the Western Balkans is a geostrategic issue for security and peace. According to him, the Europeanization of the Western Balkans is seriously threatened by third parties. President Begaj also spoke about the recent cyber-attacks, which he considered as evidence of dangerous threats from third parties to the peace and stability of the region. "The war in Ukraine is a turning point for the EU's approach to the integration of the Western Balkans. Russian aggression, peace and security cannot be taken for granted. The war in Ukraine is reshaping the international geo-political and geo-economic scene," said Begaj, among other things.