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Belgrade Media Report 10 October 2022



Kosovo as UN member unacceptable for Serbia (RTS/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday that the essence of Germany's and France's proposal on Kosovo and Metohija is for Serbia to allow the entry of the so-called of Kosovo in all international organizations, including the United Nations, and that, although this was not specified, we would receive faster entry into the EU and probably significant economic benefits, adding that it is unacceptable for Serbia for Kosovo to be a member of the UN. In his address to the nation at the Palace of Serbia, Vucic said that there is a proposal from Germany and France on the table that must be discussed and thought about, because, as he stated, the proposal of the two most powerful countries cannot be "thrown out the window", as this would be irresponsible. I am not sure if we can accept that, the President said and added that Serbia has its own red lines, which he is not sure anyone will like. According to him, Serbia's position is becoming more and more complicated because, as he correctly predicted eight months ago, Western countries will try to, as they think, solve the problem of Kosovo and Metohija by Kosovo's entry into the UN, because they believe that this is how they solve an intra-European problem, as if that happens, they take the argument out of the hands of Putin and Russia, who can refer, like they do, to that case. He said that Serbia's biggest mistake, in addition to the question sent to the International Court of Justice, was that it was accepted that the EU should start managing the process of resolving the final status of Kosovo and Metohija. Since then, regardless of the Brussels agreement, we have not been able to raise the topic of the Community of Serb Municipalities in a serious way, he pointed out. Each time, to calm us down, they would say that we will talk about it next time. And every next time some new crisis would arise, which would be produced either by the Albanians supported by the Quint countries or together, and we were told that this is a very difficult topic for the Albanians, he said. He pointed out that regardless of everything, we have to talk with Germany and France, as it is of vital importance and we have to work on reconciliation with the Albanians and the normalization of relations in every sense. For Serbia, because of our Constitution, and not only because of it, it is unacceptable for Kosovo to be a member of the UN. And that will bear its consequences, because the whole idea is based on the fact that one way or another, without our recognition, because we would not be further humiliated if we formally recognized Kosovo, but not to protest and to give a clear signal that we agree with the membership of Kosovo in the UN, he said. He reminded that in his speech in the parliament, as well as through the report on Kosovo and Metohija that was adopted in the parliament, as well as today, he clearly stated what we can and what we cannot do. He pointed out that the state will continue to provide economic, social, humanitarian and any other support to our people in Kosovo and Metohija and that through the next budget of Serbia, the support will be even greater than before. The President stated that the Council of Europe will start the procedure for Kosovo's admission to that organization on 2 or 3 November and said that Serbia, while he is the president, will not recognize Kosovo's independence. We will fight as much as we can, politically and legally – to protect our country and our borders and territorial integrity in accordance with international law. Our prospects are small, I also spoke with the Prime Minister, and there is no will to accept the independence of Kosovo and membership in the UN, he repeated and added that other things can be discussed, but not this.


Drecun on pressures and sanctions to Russia: Belgrade will have to atone moment, Russia doesn’t understand this (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


Russian officials should have a little more understanding for Serbia’s position, the Chair of the parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Saturday, adding that Belgrade will have to decide at some point to resort to some type of sanctions against Russia. “If that were to happen, no one should encourage internal instability in Serbia, it should not be in the interest of the West or friendly countries,” he told Tanjug. Drecun assessed that the situation for Serbia is complex, that everything is intertwined. “You don’t know where to cut, no matter how you cut there will be damage,” he said. It seems that Serbia has no room for maneuver, assessed Drecun and added that it needs the support of Russia in the UN regarding Kosovo, and we are also dependent on it for energy, he reminds. “Perhaps at some point we could ease the pressure on Kosovo’s membership in the UN if we started following the EU policy towards Russia,” he said. He added that he is surprised that Russia itself does not recognize the gravity of the situation Serbia is in, even though their officials say that strong pressure is being exerted on Serbia. “The Russians are busy with their own problems, but they are also pushing us into new problems,” he said. Speaking about the proposal of France and Germany, Drecun said that Serbia will have to think about it, and that it cannot just be pushed aside. He assessed that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and the extent to which we will follow the EU foreign policy primarily towards Russia are connected. “We have to see how long we will be able to endure the damage caused to us because we do not follow the EU policy towards Russia. When the damage is greater than the benefit, we will have to correct our policy if we want to fight for our interests,” he said. Drecun pointed out that nothing that turns Kosovo into a state with full international legal capacity, i.e. membership in the UN, is acceptable for Serbia. “If Kosovo becomes a member of the UN, it never returns to Serbia, that is not acceptable for us,” he emphasized.


Selakovic: Serbia still a country with long-term displacement crisis (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated today that Serbia is still one of the countries with the largest number of internally displaced persons in Europe and one of the five countries in the world with a long-term displacement crisis. Addressing the 73rd session of the Executive Committee of the UNHCR program, Selakovic said that Serbia is grateful to this organization on cooperation in overcoming the consequences of the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s and in providing accommodation and care for the persons that found themselves in Serbia’s territory due to the current conflicts in the world. The wars of the 1990s forced more than half a million Serbs to flee or be expelled from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, he recalled and pointed out that Serbia has been making efforts for decades to provide them with accommodation and care, but also to create conditions for their sustainable return to their homeland. However, we do not always come across understanding and readiness of the parties involved to work together and find a lasting solution. According to Selakovic, a special problem Serbia is facing is that more than 200,000 people were forced to leave their homes in Kosovo and Metohija, seeking security and protection from the systemic persecution to which non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija are constantly exposed. The Serbian Foreign Minister expressed gratitude to UNHCR on the realization of the Regional Housing Program of providing durable and sustainable housing solutions for refugees and displaced persons as a consequence of conflicts in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Selakovic underlined that it is a devastating fact that less than two percent of the internally displaced persons have managed to achieve a sustainable return to their homes in Kosovo and Metohija.


Vulin, Greek Minister sign agreement on joint police patrols (Beta)


Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Greek Minister for the Protection of Citizens Panagiotis Theodorikakos signed in Alexandroupolis on Sunday an agreement on joint police patrols in the two territories. The Serbian Interior Ministry reported that the two ministries had agreed that the move would strengthen the security of Serbian nationals in Greece and vice-versa, and that the agreement would contribute to more efficient cooperation and rapid reactions in emergencies. The two officials agreed at the meeting that operative cooperation between the Serbian and Greek police departments was at a high level, especially in fighting organized crime, curbing the drug trade, money laundering and human trafficking.


Jeremic: Vucic considers new concessions in Kosovo (FoNet)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was considering new steps regarding Kosovo, which would present the continuation of irreversible concessions done in the past ten years, the leader of the opposition People’s Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic emphasized. “When you make concessions at the international scene that are formalized, then you cannot go back anymore, there is no going back to the previous situation, except maybe by war, which should not even be considered”, Jeremic, a former chairman of UN General Assembly said. Jeremic asked under what kind of pressure Vucic was if he was saying repeatedly until yesterday how Serbia is no longer spoken to by the language of blackmails and pressures and that the country has never been stronger, that he is appreciated and gladly seen all over the world. “He should push back if everything he was saying was true,” Jeremic said.


Djilas: Serbia left without Russian oil for not applying EU policy (Nova)


The leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas estimated that the European Union's ban on Serbia importing Russian oil is the first visible consequence of not accepting the EU's foreign policy. “Over time, we would also face the departure of many companies that operate in our country. All this would lead to the loss of jobs,” said Djilas for Nova daily. He estimated that due to the deterioration of Serbia’s international position, some Kosovo initiatives, such as the request for membership in the Council of Europe, will probably receive the “green light”.


PSG: Introducing sanctions against Russia is no longer a question of if, but when (Beta)


The leader of the opposition Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) Pavle Grbovic said that “it is no longer a question if Serbia must introduce sanctions against Russia, but when this would happen”. “The choice is become banal. Either we will join a united Europe and align our policy with the EU policy, or we would suffer the most direct possible damage”, Grbovic said. According to him, “the last decision referring to disabling supplying of the Russian oil is a showcase in this direction and a proof that we no longer speak about abstract but very specific danger”. “Of course, the introduction of sanctions would have its price, primarily in terms of price of gas that we import from Russia. However, these consequences are incomparably less dangerous than potential withdrawal of European investments from Serbia”, Grbovic said. Grbovic said that now “is no time for emotions”, but rational behavior.


Good cooperation with UN Women on gender equality projects (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Friday with Regional Director of the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) for Europe and Central Asia Alia El-Yassir. At the meeting, it was assessed that the government's cooperation with this UN agency is good and that several projects in the field of gender equality policies are jointly implemented. Brnabic and El-Yassir specifically mentioned projects that are related to social entrepreneurship and that should contribute to improving the economic position and economic empowerment of women, as well as projects in the field of gender-responsive budgeting. Brnabic stated that the Law on Social Entrepreneurship was adopted at the beginning of the year and that the government will continue cooperation with international organizations and civil society organizations on the implementation of that document. Serbia has a good legislative framework in the field of gender equality, and in addition, it is necessary to further strengthen the institutions that deal with these topics. The regional director of UN Women assessed that the activities carried out by the government and the Prime Minister in the field of digitalization are significant, since it is a topic that is important for overcoming the gender gap in various areas. At the meeting, the issue of the fight against discrimination and violence against women was highlighted, which is globally current and which requires special attention from everyone. The meeting was also attended by Permanent Coordinator of the UN in Serbia Francoise Jacob and Head of the Office of UN Women in Serbia Milana Rikanovic.


ODIHR urges applying recommendations to level playing field in next election (Beta)


Douglas Wake, Head of an observation mission of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, said on Friday that he could see the openness of Serbian institutions to working on applying the mission's recommendations in its report on April elections in Serbia, but that the recommendations being applied were mostly technical, while virtually no progress was made on those pertaining to essential issues. "A large number of the recommendations that were applied were technical and we stressed that clearly in the report. Unfortunately, the recommendations pertaining to fundamental issues in Serbia, like access to media, the availability of funds to all political actors in a campaign, the use of public resources, and the issue of pressure on voters, are areas where we have seen limited or no progress. We hope that this will be given attention in the future," Wake told Beta in an interview. Wake stressed that it was necessary for all interested parties to get involved as soon as possible so changes could be visible by the next election cycle. "It is important for these changes to happen as soon as possible so all of the players in the electoral process know the rules of the game, have a chance to familiarize themselves with them and compete on a level playing field," Wake said. He visited Belgrade last week to present the report with colleagues from ODIHR in Warsaw. They met with representatives of ministries, the Serbian Electoral Commission, the Anti-Corruption Agency, parliament, courts, civil society and media.




B&H CEC publishes update preliminary election results; SDA in lead for B&H and FB&H parliaments (Hayat)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H has published updated preliminary election results. According to the preliminary results for the B&H parliament from the FB&H after over 93 percent of polling stations being processed, SDA is still in convincingly leading with 216,366 votes, followed by political parties gathered around the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) with close to 100,000 votes less. According to the preliminary results for the B&H parliament from the RS, SNSD is in lead with 240,819 votes, followed by SDS and PDP. According to the preliminary data for the FB&H parliament, SDA is in the lead, followed by political parties gathered around the HNS, SDP B&H and DF.


B&H CEC reveals updated elections results, Dodik and Cvijanovic in the lead (RTRS)


SNSD's candidate for the RS President Milorad Dodik, with 290,616 votes or 48.16 percent, convincingly leads in the elections for the mentioned post, according to the preliminary results of the general elections updated on Saturday by the B&H CEC. PDP candidate Jelena Trivic is second place, with 262,352 votes or 43.48 percent. The B&H CEC has also published updated preliminary results for the election of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency. SNSD candidate Zeljka Cvijanovic won 310,329 votes or 52.57 percent, while SDS candidate Mirko Sarovic won 212,768 votes or 36.04 percent.


Opposition stages new protest in Banja Luka, demand recounting of ballots for RS President (N1)


The RS opposition held another protest in Banja Luka over alleged election theft. N1 carried the live broadcast of speeches of the RS opposition members from protest in Banja Luka. It seemed that more people gathered on Sunday than on Thursday, noted the presenter. The police claimed that there were about 2,000 people at the protest, which is less by 500 compared to police estimates of the protest on Thursday. The reporter added that RS opposition claimed that about 30,000 people gathered on Thursday. The flag of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s party SNS was seen at the protest. It was obvious that SNS’ sympathizers were present at the protest, commented the reporter. While it is too early to talk about whether that could mean Vucic’s support, the fact that SNS’ flag could be seen at the protest says a lot, added the reporter. The Vice President of SDS Milan Radovic said they are asking for the votes to be counted again and to find out how certain votes became invalid. Radovic sent a message to the RS authorities that they will not steal from them this time and that they will not give up until they prove that PDP’s candidate for the RS President Jelena Trivic won the elections for the RS President. Radovic commented that the authorities went looking around the world to find someone who will congratulate them on their victory in the elections, like in Belarus and the US. Radovic said that none of them make decisions in the RS but the people of the RS do. Radovic also mentioned the RTRS and called on them to use their wits and not to serve the regime. Radovic said that this television station is theirs and they will make an objective television station out of it. According to Radovic, those who ordered and carried out election theft will answer before the court. He called on the prosecution and the police to start doing their job. Olivera Nedic from Doboj said that Doboj citizens collected evidence to establish criminal acts that happened on the election night. Nedic called on everyone to collect testimonies to send those who stole votes to prison. She said they will not give up and that Trivic is the only legitimate president of the RS. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that even more of them came to this protest to say that Trivic is the RS President. According to Borenovic, this is the best indicator that sincere and great support is invincible. He said that they fight against election fraud and corruption and that this is their obligation and duty. Borenovic said that they are strong because they have the support of the citizens. He added that they have a message for the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, which is that Dodik should leave. Borenovic said that they demand that the institutions do their job and that the law applies equally to everyone. He is convinced that they will get a recount because the people deserve the truth. Borenovic said that they will demand that the judicial institutions finally start doing their job and that whoever stole votes goes to prison, including those from the ruling regime who gave orders. Borenovic said that they showed on Sunday that they will not give up.


Crnadak: We constantly send objections to CEC B&H about election theft (Dnevni list)


PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak said that the fight against election theft goes in two directions, the first one being formation of a legal team that is constantly sending objections to the B&H CEC. Crnadak explained that ‘we’ have sent a request for vote recount and repeating the election for the RS President. According to him, deadlines for these issues will start after the election results get published, arguing that they needed to point to many irregularities right away since there needs to be a relevant pattern on basis of which one can prove the election irregularities that could influence the election outcome. Crnadak further stated that the second form of struggle is protests, which is guarantees by the Constitution as the right to express dissatisfaction. In addition, Crnadak said they will submit criminal reports against everyone who took part in retailoring of the election will, reminding that election theft carried a prison penalty up to three years of imprisonment.


Kovacevic: Opposition will not succeed to weaken the RS in this turbulent time and make it unstable and vulnerable (ATV)


ATV brings a comment of SNSD spokesperson Radovan Kovacevic about the protests of the opposition held in Banja Luka against results of the general elections in B&H. Kovacevic stated that the opposition went from one lie to another and then, they came to the street which in his opinion, means that they already had this scenario prepared. Kovacevic added that the opposition will not succeed to weaken the RS in this turbulent time and make it unstable and vulnerable. Kovacevic stated: “The RS elected – at free democratic elections recognized by all relevant factors - winners of the elections who will lead it for the next four years. We will preserve stability in the RS, save it from all those who attack it and its rights regardless of whether they come from the outside or from the RS.”


SDA Presidency discusses elections and HR Schmidt’s decision on Election Law (Nova BH)


The Presidency of SDA held a session in Sarajevo on Sunday. On this occasion, the SDA Presidency discussed results of the general elections, possible coalitions for formation of authorities, and High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt’s decision to impose amendments to the Election Law of BiH on the night of the general elections on 2 October. While he did not reveal with which parties he expects to possibly form authorities, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that SDA has achieved success in the elections and this leaves room to think about whom they can form coalitions with in the new mandate of authorities at all levels in in BiH. According to Izetbegovic, it is necessary to form a strong and good coalition that would be sustainable. The SDA leader emphasized that only election winners should create coalitions to form the authorities. The SDA leader stressed that SDA has some ideas regarding whom they could form coalitions, but he did not want to reveal anything yet. “The negotiations are yet to start. We still do not have the final results, although we do have some idea about them”, Izetbegovic said, adding that the time has come to start making contacts regarding formation of authorities. “We are open for all”, Izetbegovic confirmed. He noted that he will gladly meet with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, although he still has not directly talked to him after the elections. With regard to Schmidt’s decision on the Election Law, Izetbegovic made it clear that SDA is not satisfied with the decision, because it finds that these amendments favor HDZ B&H and that it will be impossible to form the authorities without that political party in the future. Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic noted that Schmidt’s decision provides asymmetrical solutions, because it does not apply to both entities and offers different solutions for the FB&H compared to the RS. In this regard, Dzaferovic singled out the fact that Vice-Presidents in the RS do not have a role in appointment of judges of the RS Constitutional Court (CC), while in the FB&H the Vice-Presidents and President nominate them. In addition, Dzaferovic noted that the President and Prime Minister of the FB&H cannot be from the same constituent people, while in the RS that is not the case. Dzaferovic stressed that SDA calls on the OHR to remove discrimination in every sense. According to Dzaferovic, Schmidt should be working in interest of all in B&H, but this decision “in some way protects HDZ B&H”. Dzaferovic added: “The motive was to implement the decision (of B&H Constitutional Court) in the case (of HNS’ Bozo) Ljubic. There was no need to pass such decision. Such decision was practically already implemented by the B&H CEC.”


Schmidt: Vucic’s opinion differs from Dodik’s (Face TV)


As a guest of Face TV on Saturday evening, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt confirmed that he spoke to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic over the phone on Saturday morning and they discussed numerous topics, including B&H’s territorial integrity and tendencies of some RS parties for autonomy of the entity of the RS. Schmidt said that Vucic’s opinion differs from that of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who – however – thinks like Russian President Vladimir Putin. When it comes to the elections, Schmidt said he has full confidence in the CEC and clarified that he does not have to use Bonn powers regarding elections for the RS President, given that PDP’s candidate Jelena Trivic can request recount of votes. Schmidt noted that he trusts the B&H CEC, which is supposed to verify election thefts together with competent institutions. Schmidt is not giving up on his intention to explain in details or to justify his decision passed seven days ago that refers to amending of the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of the FB&H. Schmidt did not want to say whether Zagreb affected his decision, adding that he talked with everyone and that passed decision is only his.


Dodik: It is politically indecent that Zelenskyy advises anyone including people in Balkans (Srna/RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik told Srna that the arrogance shown by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy exceeds the importance of the role he thinks he has and that he is certainly not someone who should be asked about what the Western Balkans should or should not do. Dodik stated this on the occasion of Zelenskyy’s address to the citizens of Cetinje, in which Zelenskyy said that sanctions against Russia are mandatory, that Russia is a threat to everyone and that it is no less important for the Balkans. Dodik said that Zelenskyy thought he could lecture everyone else and judge who is on the right path and who is on the wrong path. Dodik assessed that this should be rejected. Dodik stated via phone: “It is politically indecent for him to give advice to anyone, including us in the Balkans. His views are none of our business and are not ones we should follow”. Dodik said that Zelenskyy has those who sympathize with him, but that Dodik believes that others in the Western Balkans also think that such a blind suggestion is without any basis and that giving lectures about what one should do is absolutely not adequate for the time, and especially not adequate the role that Zelenskyy has in it.


Djukanovic: This is not about David but brother Abaz, servant of Greater Serbia (CdM)


Following the 2BS Forum in Budva and commenting on the outgoing prime minister Dritan Abazovic’s statement that he (Milo Djukanovic) “bumped into David”, the President of Montenegro Djukanovic told the press that it wasn’t about David, but brother Abaz, the servant of the Greater Serbia regime. “Just like in 2016 when the slogan was ‘We or him’. It was a stupid slogan, you know how the story ended – they lost. No one from them has such ambition any more except from the smallest among them, the most pretentious one. He’s not David, but brother Abaz, the servant of Greater Serbia. We’ll deal with that challenge easily,” the President noted.


On dismissal of Kentera

The President notes that a policy determining the dismissal of head of the National Security Agency (ANB) in such a way is frivolous. “It’s not even a smart move as it happens in a moment when the ANB has started dismantling the spy network which had been working against the interests of Montenegro.” On the announcement that new initiatives for cutting short the mandate of the parliament will be submitted and the support he expects, the President says that the majority of 41 MPs are not only opposers of Montenegro and opposers of Montenegro’s European future. “Their party interest is to postpone elections. That story is going to end on 23 October. It’s realistic to expect that after that, there will be people who’ll say they don’t want to take part in ruining Montenegro. Having in mind my 30-year experience, I tell you – whenever Montenegro faced a critical situation, it always made right decisions – from early 90s, then in 1999, and when it backed the Belgrade agreement so that the awareness of independence may mature, when it made decision on independence and when it became a NATO ally.”


Government dismisses Savo Kentera (CdM)


At Saturday’s telephone cabinet meeting, the government of Montenegro dismissed the acting director of the National Security Agency (ANB) Savo Kentera. This decision was made at the suggestion of the Prime Minister in the technical mandate Dritan Abazovic. Kentera was appointed acting ANB director on 5 May, after the dismissal of Dejan Vuksic. Abazovic stated at the 2BS forum in Budva that he had certain objections to the work of ANB when it came to the latest case of cigarette smuggling.


Kentera on his dismissal (Pobjeda)


The dismissed director of the National Security Agency (ANB) Savo Kentera has commented on the information about his dismissal initiated by the Prime Minister in the technical mandate Dritan Abazovic, saying that it is another indicator of where the country is heading for and that some things must change so that Montenegro would not deviate from the road from which, as she says, it has started to deviate. “This is something that will not be a good sign even in Montenegro for those who see it as a part of the West and for all those who want the values that it cultivates”, Kentera said at the 2BS Forum in Budva. Kentera also pointed out that Abazovic had not dared to tell him that he would be dismissed. “It speaks of the courage of the Prime Minister who could not say that to my face. He said thus so much about himself and what the government was like and where the country was heading for, good luck to him”, Kentera said.


Abazovic meets EU Special Representative Lajcak (


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic met with EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak. We need to appoint members of the Constitutional Court so that Montenegro, as a leader in the EU integration process, continues to make progress towards EU membership. The EU process is above daily politics and we must implement reforms in society quickly, PM Abazovic pointed out. Prime Minister Abazovic stated that the government is proud of the results achieved in the fight against corruption and organized crime and that it will continue to make progress in the area of the rule of law. EU Special Representative Lajcak said that he was pleased to hear from the Prime Minister that a functioning Constitutional Court is a priority and pointed out that he expects swift action in appointing judges ahead of local elections. Furthermore, the two officials discussed the political situation in Montenegro, the resolution of the political crisis, the geopolitical situation in the context of the war in Ukraine and its repercussions on the Western Balkans.


Lajcak: There’s only one word for Montenegro in Brussels – disappointment (TV Vijesti)


There’s only one word in Brussels when it comes to Montenegro – disappointment. The work of Savo Kentera, fired Acting Head of the National Security Agency (ANB), was greatly appreciated in both Brussels and Western capitals, the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak noted. In a statement for TV Vijesti, Lajcak said that the government’s decision to dismiss Kentera was “a serious move”. He continued: “The National Security Agency is a key institution for communication with NATO, and the previous work of Kentera was greatly appreciated by Brussels and Western capitals.” Asked about the way out of the current political crisis, he said that Montenegrin politicians should have answered that.


Podgorica hosts 10th Montenegro’s Pride March (CdM)


Montenegro’s 10th Pride March was held in Podgorica, on Saturday, under the slogan “No More Buts”. The march, during which no incidents were reported, started at around 4 p.m. in Podgorica’s Independence Square, where it also ended an hour later. Among others, Minister of Human and Minority Rights Fatmir Djeka, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism Goran Djurovic, Minister of Urban Planning Ana Novakovic Djurovic and Podgorica Mayor Ivan Vukovic also joined the marchers. The 10th Montenegrin Pride also saw the participation of representatives of several ministries, MPs, ambassadors and human rights activists. On behalf of the Office of the President of Montenegro, a presidential aide for human rights and freedoms, Srdjan Spaic, attended the 2022 Pride.


Kovachevski: Government is stable, no need for grand coalition (TV21)


The government is stable and the parliamentary majority ensures its continued functioning despite events in DUI, which is their intraparty affair, says Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. Kovachevski told TV21 he has not talked with Alliance of Albanians leader Arben Taravari over the party’s participation in the government but says any support to the country’s European path and measures for management of the economic and energy crisis is welcome. “I said in my recent parliament address that now is a time when we have to unite around the country’s strategic goals – continuation on the path to full-fledged EU membership – but also proper management of the energy and economic crisis. I haven’t met with Mr.Taravari but communication with AA lawmakers has always been there,” says Kovachevski. He says there is no need for a grand coalition including VMRO-DPMNE, like in 2001, because the country is not in a political or military crisis. “I believe the Government has the capacity to cope with all these issues. The incumbent and the previous government supported by this parliamentary majority successfully managed the corona[1]crisis and its negative economic impact and we will do it again now,” says Kovachevski.


Ohrid club opening a provocation by Macedonian citizens, says PM Kovachevski (TV21)


If we are to react, then it should be to the Macedonian citizens living here and who should be aware of other citizens’ feelings that have reservations toward that name and that figure. And it refers to all other clubs that have been opened, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Saturday when asked whether the government has reacted requiring the Bulgarian authorities not to open clubs in the country named “Tsar Boris III” or “Vancho Mihajlov”. In Friday’s interview with TV21, he also condemned the opening of the Bulgarian controversial club in Ohrid. The government and the ruling party SDSM, Kovachevski stressed Saturday, have condemned the event saying it is only a provocation by a small group of people who don’t want the country to have good relations with Bulgaria. He reiterated that the country has a very liberal legislation involving the formation of civil organizations and association. The Justice Ministry has been tasked with drafting a new law on associations and organizations. The PM called on all parliamentary groups and the Jewish community as well to take part in the drafting of the bill since the Jewish community in the country was affected the most during WWII.


Spasovski: Absolutely unacceptable to promote fascism-related figures (Makfax)


Today’s protests over the opening of Bulgarian club “Tsar Boris III” in Ohrid ended without major violations of the public order and peace, and contrary to speculation, there were no attempts for conflict with the police, says Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski. “I understand the protest of the citizens. Personally, I condemn the opening of such a club in North Macedonia, especially in Ohrid. Why? Because our country was born on the benefits of the people’s struggle for freedom in World War II. We foster those benefits because in that way we keep our country. I am a follower of those policies and think it is absolutely unacceptable to promote figures who had been part of the fascism movement,” Minister Spasovski told Makfax. Asked about the effect of the current events and the continued provocations from Bulgaria by using controversial names from Bulgarian history on the country’s security, Spasovski says there is no threat for serious violations, since these are marginalized groups. “A vast majority of Macedonian citizens don’t support this,” says Spasovski. He adds it is illogical that Bulgaria demands they are not called fascists, in spite of the historical facts they had been on the side of fascism during a certain period, which on the other hand does not correspond with these events they want to promote in North Macedonia. “One doesn’t fit with the other! We must turn to the future, we must have a vision for the future of the country and its citizens. Retrograde processes lead to no good for those living in North Macedonia,” underlines Spasovski.


Osmani calls opening of Bulgarian club in Ohrid a provocation (All media)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Saturday the opening of the Bulgarian cultural club “Tsar Boris III” in Ohrid is a provocation to the detriment of the Bulgarian community in the country. The right to association is indisputable, however the name (of the club) is not in line with the second item of the convention for the protection of minorities, he said. “The name does not contribute to friendship, on the contrary, it is the basis for intolerance and discord. Thus I think it is provocation to the detriment of the interests of the Bulgarian community in the country at a time when the community is getting chances to form associations, to express its uniqueness through the Protocols and the obligations stemming from it as well as through a debate on amending the Constitution,” Osmani told reporters at a weekly press briefing. Asked to comment on remarks by his Bulgarian counterpart Nikolay Milkov regarding the opening of the Ohrid club, the Minister said it is impermissible interfering into North Macedonia’s internal affairs, adding he plans to let him know about his opinion at an upcoming meeting on 21 October in Berlin. As regards ways to prevent the registration of associations bearing provocative names, Osmani said the Foreign Ministry has no authorization on the matter whatsoever. He mentioned that the Justice Ministry, which is the institution with authorization on the matter, has already formed an advisory body tasked with analyzing the names of clubs and associations being registered in the country. “I believe we should have serious talks with the citizens of Bulgarian origin living in North Macedonia and ask them what is the purpose of choosing these names. I’ll repeat, it is to the detriment of the Bulgarian community,” Minister Osmani concluded.


Ambassador Koja: N. Macedonia made historic progress, but much remains to be done in key areas (MIA)


North Macedonia made historic progress towards its strategic goal of Euro-Atlantic integration, joining NATO and finally beginning accession negotiations with the EU, the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Ambassador Clemens Koja says in an interview with MIA. Nevertheless, he stresses, much remains to be done in all of these key areas, including in implementing reform legislation, strategies, and action plans designed to improve the functioning of institutions and improve the people’s quality of life. Koja, whose four-year term as chief of the OSCE Skopje Mission is coming to an end, says in the interview that the support for judiciary reforms remains one of the Mission’s priorities, including support for the modernization of the Criminal Code and the Law on Criminal Procedure. “When I arrived in Skopje, I was struck by the phenomenon you mentioned, the extremely low level of public trust in the judiciary. In my opinion, increased transparency, impartiality, and effective and timely adjudication of cases are key factors for increasing the public trust. Principles of equality before the law must be respected, and, of course, judges and prosecutors must be allowed to do their work free from any external influence, and must demonstrate personal integrity throughout,” the Austrian diplomat says.

As regards the media situation in North Macedonia, Koja states it has improved during his tenure as proven by the country’s rankings in international media reports. “But there is still significant room for progress. First, reformed media legislation needs to be fully implemented. New governing bodies for MRT and the Media Agency have not been appointed, and journalists still face difficult working conditions, often receiving only short-term contracts that provide little job security. Our Mission has worked hard to support efforts to improve the safety of journalists, and we are pleased that the number of physical attacks against journalists has decreased in recent years,” he adds. According to Koja, unfortunately, the number of cases of cyberbullying and online violence, particularly against women journalists, is growing. “We have encouraged the relevant governmental institutions to improve their response to such cases. We have also worked to enhance professional standards for reporting and increased media coverage of the concerns of vulnerable groups in the country,” the ambassador says. Speaking to MIA, Koja stresses that it is both an honor and a huge task for North Macedonia to become the OSCE chairmanship holder in 2023. “I have a very high regard for Ambassador Dzundev and his team at your Mission in Vienna, and for the team your government has put together to work on the Chairpersonship here in Skopje. I have no doubt that they will do an admirable job as Chair in a very difficult and complex environment,” he concludes.


Albania's journey towards the EU, on 7 November, the bilateral review of the legislation to be negotiated (Radio Tirana)


Albania and North Macedonia will follow their own path in negotiations with the European Union. November 7th marks the day when these processes will no longer be held at the same table and time according to the Albania, North Macedonia/EU format, but Albania-EU. This phase marks the beginning of bilateral meetings for further consideration of the legislation to be negotiated. While they held a meeting during the week with the Interior Minister Cuci, the ambassadors of the EU member countries conveyed precisely through the focus on the rule of law, the concentration of requirements for each country, according to the performance of each one. Referring to the procedure that starts with Chapters 23, 24, the expectation is that Albania will show before these chapters are opened that there is a promising situation for the rule of law that will allow it to undertake deep reforms in the future. While there is still no calculation of how much and how the reform in justice will be classified for these talks, which has been described as part of the procedures of talks and chapters for other countries, the sensitivity of the western countries for concrete figures of the fight against crime and corruption remains to be seen, but especially of crime that comes from the Albanian border. On the other hand, considering for a few months the rule of law, the reform of public administration and the functioning of democratic institutions in the country, the obligation is to draw up guidelines for all three areas by March next year. The rule of law and public administration reform are mandatory for the opening of the first chapter, while the guide-line for the functioning of democratic institutions is voluntary.


Xhacka, commitment to cooperate with EC in all the fields (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka received the Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life Margaritis Schinas. Xhacka assured Albania's commitment to cooperation with the European Commission in all areas, including security and migration. On social networks, Minister Xhacka wrote: "Excellent conversation in Tirana with the Vice President of the European Commission for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas. I expressed our gratitude for the support of the European Commission during Albania’s accession process in the EU. Albania is committed to working together with the European Commission in all sectors, including security and migration," writes minister Xhacka.


Cuci welcomes the EC vice-president: Support in the field of immigration (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Interior Bledi Cuci hosted the vice president of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas, with whom he discussed issues of illegal immigration and asylum seekers.

"As I heard from him the assessment that Albania remains a good example in the management of migratory flows coming from the countries of Africa or the Middle East towards Europe, we both reaffirmed the support the EC will give to our country in the field of immigration and in order to specifically to address the problem of clandestine traffic", says Minister Cuci. Cuci discussed with the European diplomat also on Albania's agreement with FRONTEX as a success story in respect to border management. "Albania is committed to progressively align its policies with the European Union, in the field of immigration and asylum. I assured Vice President Schinas that our actions and priorities project Albania as a reliable future member of the Union", says Minister Cuci.