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Belgrade Media Report 17 January 2023


Constructive role of Belgrade the dialogue with Pristina (RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with the SRSG and UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh. At the meeting they discussed the importance of the continuation of the engagement of the UNMIK Mission on all issues of importance for the consistent implementation of UNSC Resolution 1244, as well as the current security and political situation in Kosovo and Metohija, especially in the context of the latest incidents, which additionally increase tensions. The topic of talks was also the perspective of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Dacic pointed out that Serbia was devoted to dialogue as the only way for resolving the current problems, but that the essence is in the respect of the agreed. In that context, he stressed that there was still not progress in the implementation of the obligations taken over by the other side, primarily in regard to the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), even though nearly ten years have passed since the signing of the Brussels agreement. Ziadeh voiced gratitude for Serbia’s support in the work of the UNMIK Mission and especially commended the constructive role of Belgrade in the dialogue with Pristina. The interlocutors voiced expectation that good cooperation will continue in the future period as well, noted the statement of the Foreign Ministry.


Vucic with Peach: Serbia devoted to maintaining peace (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received the UK's special Western Balkans envoy Stuart Peach on Tuesday to discuss the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the region as well as bilateral relations, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic noted that Serbia was committed to maintaining peace and stability in Kosovo and Metohija and that it had demonstrated that in crisis situations caused by Pristina's unilateral moves. He said Belgrade was ready to continue dialogue with Pristina towards a compromise solution with the safety of Kosovo Serbs as the key point. He also pointed to the necessity of respect and implementation of signed agreements. Vucic noted that Serbia highly appreciated KFOR's significant role in maintaining peace and stability and in protection of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in keeping with UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Peach said the UK supported the EU-facilitated dialogue process. The parties noted the significance of the presence of KFOR as a guarantor of security. Vucic thanked the UK government for its support and financial assistance to Serbia, in particular in fields such as education, open data and digitalisation. Vucic and Peach exchanged views on bilateral cooperation and ideas for advancing it, in particular in defence, energy and science, the statement also said.


Vucic: It was a bigger tactical victory than we presented it (TV Happy/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked about important political issues in the entire region. "The situation for us is serious and it is getting complicated because this year we will have many elections in the region, which will be a good opportunity for continued attacks on Serbs," he said. As he said, attacks on Serbs are a safer option for them. "On Christmas Day, after the severe crisis we had in Kosovo and Metohija, we were faced with the attack on Serbian children. People in Serbia noticed, what hurt me the most, that no one, from EULEX, Americans, Germans, to the UN Office in Kosovo, no one said that two Serbian boys were attacked. Citizens of Kosovo, two people, but that no one can conclude who was the attacker and who was attacked. And the only reason why those children were attacked was that they were armed with a Serbian oak tree. They were shot only because they were carrying a Christmas tree, only because they are Serbs, and they didn't even say that. I say this so that people would understand how difficult the position of the state and the people is," said Vucic. He recalled how the same people were talking about Racak these days. "Have you ever seen all of them condemn, for example, the fact that the President of Serbia is not allowed to go to Jasenovac or to say something on the anniversary of the founding of the Jasenovac camp? That never happened. Never. They even chose whether to come to Donja Gradina based on whether the Russian ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina will appear there or not," said Vucic. He also spoke about the attack on Serbian children and their parents in Sarajevo. "They were attacked only because they are Serbs and because they are the parents of Serbian children, but no one is allowed to say that. And if it were the other way around, it would be terrible. For me, it is not a problem to condemn when someone urinates in a mosque. I condemn that," he said. "Maybe I only answered two questions about Montenegro, I didn't have a view of the events there. I didn't even see what was happening. When they don't know what else to do, Djukanovic and his men call out - Vucic and his men," he added. He said that he was aware that the Serbs were not in favor of removing the barricades and that he was aware that with that move he lost popularity among them, but as he explained, his task was a higher goal, which was to preserve peace and as normal a life as possible for our people on Kosovo and Metohija. "They want to overthrow me because Serbia is progressing at every step and people will be able to see that," he said. Regarding the attacks and criticism, he says that such moves harm the reputation of the country. "They announced a noose around my neck, I was surprised... They talked about the Vucic family and some billions, that's meaningless, and then I read about the noose around my neck and I said, let's read what they're going to blackmail me with... Well, isn't that a noose around Serbia's neck? Tell the people what your policy is regarding Kosovo and Metohija," he said.


About barricades on Kosovo and Metohija

Vucic says that one of the international representatives told him to urgently remove the barricades seven days before the actual removal and that this representative told him that Kurti would go and strike at the barricades. Vucic says that this representative managed to scare Marko Djuric and Petar Petkovic. "I called him and told him to stop selling tricks to these people of mine. The people were very well organized and I knew who could do what and who couldn't," said Vucic. He says that the Serbs were given guarantees by NATO, the USA and the EU. "For the first time, we have a document that is not only signed by Thaci and Rasmunsen. It is a formal source of rights for us. It is very important for us. It was a bigger tactical victory than we presented it," he said. "They were convinced that they could do everything, and then they realized they couldn't do everything. People's resistance contributed to them realizing they couldn't do anything. Our problem is that everyone in the world talked about barricades, but they didn't talk about people being forbidden to go to the referendum, elections, that they arrested people transporting goods, vaccines, medicines," says Vucic.


Arrest warrants for an alleged crime in Racak continuation of pressure against Serbs (Politika/Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated yesterday that the fact that the prosecutor's office of so-called Kosovo issued international warrants for 18 Serbs for an alleged crime in Racak is an additional form of pressure and provocation. After a meeting at the House of the Guard of the Serbian Army, where the state leadership was informed about the situation in the army, Brnabic pointed out that the year 2023 started extremely badly, and that last year peace was barely preserved, and that only thanks to the president of our country. She pointed out that the hybrid war against Serbia is waged daily from several sides and that it is aimed at reducing the strength of our country, the Serbian leadership and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija by criminalising the Serb List. As we had an attack on an 11-year-old boy and an 18-year-old young man on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we now have those indictments. In the last two years, there have been more than 300 provocations and attacks on the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija, and no one has been held accountable, nor has a single indictment been filed. This speaks of the state of security and the rule of law for Serbs in the province, she stressed. Also, Brnabic said that Serbia will not calm down until the perpetrators and those who ordered the murder of the leader of the Civic Initiative "Freedom, Democracy, Justice" Oliver Ivanovic are found and brought to justice. Given that the murder took place on the territory of the AP Kosovo and Metohija, we need information from international actors dealing with the legal order - EULEX and UNMIK, as well as Pristina institutions that are in charge and competent to find the perpetrators of that heinous crime, she explained. Serbia has no additional information, but the Serbian security services continue to work on it, she said. At the same time, she pointed out that Special Envoy of Great Britain for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach will arrive in Belgrade today, after which the representatives of the international community for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the so-called "big four", will arrive by 20 January. Speaking about hacker attacks by the "Anonymous" group on the portals of state institutions, she said that only one website was taken down on that occasion - the website of the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia, which is not part of the state management of websites, and added that this will have to be changed.


Traditionally good cooperation between Serbia, Togo (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with Minister for Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad of the Togolese Republic Robert Dussey about the development of bilateral relations, the possibilities of improving overall cooperation, and especially cooperation in the field of digitalisation, science and advanced technology.

Brnabic assessed that there are significant opportunities for cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, education, culture, sports and information technology and pointed out that Serbia can transfer its rich experiences to the Republic of Togo, especially in the field of sustainable agriculture and digitalisation. She thanked the interlocutor for his country's principled attitude when it comes to respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Dussey emphasised that the two countries have excellent relations, with no open political issues, pointing out that the cooperation between Serbia and Togo is traditionally good and friendly and that he wants other African countries to follow that path. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Togo assessed that there is significant room for improvement of economic cooperation and said that his country is a reliable, both economic and political partner of Serbia on the African continent, inviting investors from our country to invest in Togo.


Dussey: Togo's derecogntion of Kosovo definitive (Tanjug/RTS/Politika/RTV)


Togolese FM Robert Dussey said on Monday in Belgrade he had offered assurances to Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic that Togo's support for the defence of the territorial integrity of Serbia was unreserved. "In Togo, we recognise only one, single Serbia. I am glad you mentioned the derecognition of Kosovo - that derecognition is definitive," Dussey told Dacic at a press conference in the building of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dussey also said the 54 African countries represented in the UN accounted for one third of the organisation's member states. He noted that, at one point, Serbia's diplomats had given up on Africa but that Dacic had reestablished cooperation. "Please do not leave Africa - you are doing a good job," Dussey told Dacic, thanking him for the cooperation. Dacic and Dussey signed an agreement on abolishing visas for holders of diplomatic passports. "We want stronger cooperation in several sectors, from education to the economy, and greater trade. We would also like to boost cooperation in tourism and agriculture," Dussey said. Dacic said he had had many meetings with Dussey on many occasions, including during a visit to Togo in May 2019. "Serbia, or the former Yugoslavia, and Togo are connected by traditional friendship that might have been forgotten at some point. We want to renew and strengthen that cooperation and friendship," Dacic said. He said there was ample space for advancement of bilateral relations and that Serbia must cherish old friendships and seek common interests with friendly countries in a global situation that was not easy. "Serbia has committed to develop relations with African states," Dacic said, recalling that, after his visit, Togo had decided to derecognise the so-called Kosovo. Thanking Togo for the decision, Dacic noted that 27 countries had derecognised the so-called Kosovo, creating a chance for agreement and dialogue. "Those who want an independent Kosovo want to achieve that by taking shortcuts or through outvoting in certain forums. We have prevented that and put dialogue back on the scene," Dacic said.


Dacic: Abuse of Racak incident continues (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday he had no additional information on arrest warrants issued for 18 Serbs by the so-called Kosovo's prosecution office because relations with Pristina were not a part of foreign affairs. Speaking to reporters, Dacic noted that, since the very beginning, the 1999 Racak incident had been abused as an alibi and a pretext for attacking the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and that the abuse only continued in the present times. He noted that William Walker, the head of an OSCE verification mission at the time, had declared the incident a massacre and that US officials had immediately said women and children had been murdered even though those killed had been armed ethnic Albanian fighters. "There has been a lot of talk about that in the past. The incident was used to bomb Yugoslavia without an adequate UN decision," Dacic recalled. It is sufficient to say the Hague war crimes tribunal dropped the Racak charges in the Slobodan Milosevic case due to a lack of evidence, he said. Our forensic examinations that were subsequently ignored showed that those killed had gunpowder residues on them and had taken part in gunfights, Dacic said. It was a conflict between terrorist groups and our police, he added. There was only one woman among those killed - the daughter of a local ethnic Albanian commander, Dacic said, adding that the abuse of the incident so many years on was another attempt to justify separatism in Kosovo and Metohija.


Orlic with Togolese Foreign Minister on improving bilateral cooperation (RTV/Tanjug)


"The bilateral relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Togo are traditionally friendly, and their intensification would receive a significant impetus to strengthen cooperation in all areas of interest, which both sides are heartily committed to", was the message of the meeting of Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Togo Robert Dussey. In an open and substantive conversation, the officials expressed their willingness to deepen the cooperation between the two parliaments, primarily through the active engagement of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Republic of Togo, whose Head Jana Mateovic also attended the meeting. Orlic asked Dussey to convey an invitation to Yawa Djigbodi Tsegan, the speaker of the parliament of the Republic of Togo, stressing that this historic visit would significantly contribute to the overall relations between the two countries. Orlic said that Serbia deeply appreciates the Republic of Togo’s continued support of our country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. "Your country's decision not to recognise the unilaterally declared independence of so-called "Kosovo" is extremely important for us and we are deeply grateful for it. Today, that does not just mean being on the same side as Serbia - today it means being on the side of international law," said Orlic. Dussey took the opportunity to thank the leadership of the Republic of Serbia for the "awakened awareness of the importance of defending international law and preserving Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of the Republic of Serbia". "Serbia and the countries of Africa share strong, decades-long ties and, if this is not already the case, all African countries should stand by Serbia. Rest assured that we are determined to support Serbia in all fields and at every opportunity", said Minister Dussey. Orlic expressed satisfaction with the signing of the Agreement on Visa Abolition for Diplomatic and Service Passport Holders between the government of the Republic of Togo and the government of the Republic of Serbia, emphasising that this is one of a number of ways in which the cooperation between the two countries can be further improved. In this regard, the officials also discussed strengthening economic cooperation, primarily increasing the volume of trade, as well as cooperation in the fields of agriculture, pharmacy, information technology, education and culture.


Drafting of ZSO Statute sole responsibility of Management Team (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said today that the drafting of the Statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is the exclusive competence of the Management Team for establishment of the ZSO, as precisely prescribed by the agreements reached in dialogue in Brussels in 2013 and 2015, so there is no single legal basis or reason for this work to be carried out by any non-governmental organisation or any other entity. Petkovic stated that this is unequivocally clear from Article B point 2 of the Agreement entitled "Scope and mandate of the management team for the establishment of the ZSO" from 2013, which states that the drafting of the Statute of the ZSO is the exclusive competence of the Management Team. This is also confirmed by Article 21 of the General Principles from 2015, which states that "the ZSO Statute will be compiled by the Management Team and will be presented to a high-level dialogue within four months", noted Petkovic. According to his words, the attempt for any non-governmental organisation to assume responsibility for drafting the ZSO Statute represents a direct move of rendering the dialogue meaningless and violation of the agreements that defined this issue. To be quite precise, no one from the Management Team requested the services of the "Friedrich Ebert" organisation for the drafting of the ZSO Statute, because that work was entrusted exclusively to the Management Team, as confirmed by the EU report from April 2018. In accordance with the entrusted mandate, the Management Team finished drafting the Draft Statute almost 5 years ago, more precisely in August 2018, and officially informed the EU about it, he pointed out. Petkovic recalled that until today, the EU has not fulfilled its obligation and convened a high-level dialogue where the Management Team would present the Draft Statute.


Dacic unaware of Wagner groups’ ad for Serbian volunteers (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Belgrade on Monday that he was unaware of a recruitment ad by Russia’s Wagner Group paramilitary firm, advertised by the Russia Today’s Serbian-language service, adding that Serbia had penalty regulations for everyone taking part in conflicts abroad. “I honestly don’t know about it, but national legislation clearly bans participation in wars outside the territory of Serbia, punishing everyone who take part in such conflicts,” the minister explained to journalists, adding that the regulations applied universally, “be it Russia, Ukraine or the Islamic State”.


Vucevic: Situation in Kosovo major security risk (Beta)


Serbian Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic said on Monday that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija was undoubtedly the greatest security risk Serbia was facing, underlining that tensions were lower, but that the authorities had been monitoring the situation carefully. Presenting a review of the status, operative and functional abilities of the Army of Serbia in 2022, Minister Vucevic said that the “latest infrastructure works” by the Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Security Force had been monitored. Vucevic underlined that Serbia was strongly opposed to a transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a Kosovo Armed Force, which, as he put it, would lead to the formation of the Army of Kosovo. “There are states that are involved in the process, which is a security challenge or even a danger to our state,” Vucevic said. When asked about the Kosovo Police bases in the north of Kosovo, the minister said that infrastructure positioning of the Kosovo Police had been recorded in four Serb-dominated municipalities. “It’s not a good sign, and it drives us away from the negotiating table. It creates threats and violations of fundamental human rights that should also be enjoyed by the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija,” he said.


Fifth anniversary of Oliver Ivanovic murder (Beta)


The fifth anniversary of the death of Oliver Ivanovic – the assassinated leader of the Freedom, Democracy, Justice Civic Initiative in Kosovo – was commemorated on Monday in Kosovska Mitrovica, Belgrade and several other cities. The first memorial service was held by Ivanovic’s family, friends and closest collaborators, who lit candles at the time and place of his death: in front of the Freedom, Democracy, Justice Civic Initiative’s headquarters, in north Kosovska Mitrovica, at 8:15 a.m. The service was also attended by MPs from the People’s Party and Democratic Party and oppositional political activists from Kosovo. Also present at the Mitrovica memorial were Democratic Party vice president Srdjan Milivojevic, People’s Party officials Miroslav Aleksic, Borislav Novakovic and Stefan Jovanovic, Get Going for Change campaign director Savo Manojlovic as well as local political activists Miko Bisevac, Zarko Ristic, Nebojsa Jovic, Ivan Mitic and Aleksandar Arsenijevic. The Belgrade memorial service was held at the St. Sava Church and, aside from Ivanovic’s family, was attended by Serbia’s top leadership: President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic. “For five years there has been no truth or justice in the case of this vile and inhuman act. Serbia has not forgotten and will not abandon its demand to see the true perpetrators brought to justice. Rest in peace,” wrote Vucic on his Instagram profile. Ivanovic was killed in front of his movement’s main office by multiple gunshots to the back, fired from a moving vehicle on Jan. 16 2018. In late November 2021, a new trial session in his murder case commenced before the Special Division of the Pristina Basic Court. Kosovo’s Special Prosecutor’s Office indicted six Serbs for Ivanovic’s murder: Marko Rosic, Nedeljko Spasojevic, Dragisa Markovic, Zarko Jovanovic, Silvana Arsovic and Rade Basara. According to the prosecution, at least five other individuals are suspected of involvement in the assassination. Serb List vice president Milan Radoicic and businessman Zvonko Veselinovic have also been linked to the murder but Serbia’s top leadership has defended their innocence claiming they were cleared by polygraph. Ivanovic’s car was set on fire in July 2017. In his last interview, Ivanovic stated that north Kosovo Serbs do not fear Albanians as much as they do local Serb “criminals and thugs who drive SUVs without license plates”.



SC MoI arrests several persons following attack on team from Serbia during sport event in Ilidza (Nova BH)

Sarajevo police arrested four people suspected of violent behaviour against a group of Belgrade citizens who were accompanying children during an international futsal tournament in Sarajevo. According to statements of witnesses, the incident occurred in front of a hotel in Ilidza, when a group of young men attacked Belgrade citizens, on which occasion one of Belgrade citizens was stabbed with a knife. The presenter said that just before the start of the central news, the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Interior (MoI) stated that another six persons were apprehended. The arrested people are between 20 and 22 years of age. One of Belgrade citizens Anton Miladinovic, who witnessed the attack, said that the group of attackers came, sprayed parents with pepper spray and stabbed one man with a knife. The reporter noted that the police reacted immediately and apprehended four people between 19 and 26 years of age. Minister of Interior of the Sarajevo Canton Admir Katica confirmed that four people were arrested and added that the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office described this act as a criminal act of violent behaviour. Katica added that the police continued to work on identification of other perpetrators of this act. Ivan Stojmirovic, a representative of ‘Zvezdara’ Futsal Club which was accompanied by the stabbed man, said that they decided to stay in Sarajevo despite of everything. Stojmirovic added that both children and parents were deeply disturbed and upset because of this event and noted that the management of the club will seriously reconsider future attendance of this and other tournaments for safety reasons. Representatives of the local authorities strongly condemned the incident and said that this is not the true image of Sarajevo. Katica said that they met with parents and with the injured man. “We believe this is an isolated incident. We will follow through this investigation. This is not Sarajevo, Sarajevo is different – Sarajevo constantly records increase of the number of guests, it is a place where everyone likes to come and we all know that”, Katica stated. One Predrag Ristic from Belgrade said that this incident, although it was bad, will not prevent him from coming to Sarajevo again. The reporter noted that although this was the most serious incident, it was not the only incident at the tournament. Namely, a group of boys from Split shouted ‘Kill Serbs’ during a match and the team was eventually disqualified. Organizer of the tournament Almir Prguda said that such things will not be allowed and, as for the physical attack, Prguda said that the police are doing their job. Prguda argued that a security agency was hired to secure the event just like in previous years and the tournament was announced to the Ministry of Interior in advance.

International community condemns attack on parents of young futsal players from Serbia (ATV)

Commenting on the attack on Serbians from Belgrade at a futsal tournament in Ilidza, the German Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated that it condemns every form of violence and expects the authorities to clarify the facts. The UK Embassy to B&H stated that there must be no room for hate speech or violence in B&H. The Embassy condemned the attack on Serbian citizens in Ilidza and commended the swift reaction of the police and judicial institutions in response to the unacceptable violence and intimidation at a children’s football tournament. “Sport evens should provide a peaceful environment for children to spend the time together. There is no room for hate speech or violence anywhere in the democratic B&H”, the Embassy stated. Commenting on the attack on a group of parents of young futsal players from Serbia, in which one person was injured with a knife, the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H stated that the incidents at the international football tournament in Ilidza represent acts of violence motivated by hatred, and hate speech is unacceptable in a democratic society. Meanwhile, Croatian Football Federation has requested an inquiry by the relevant Country Football Association regarding the incident which took place at the children’s football tournament in Ilidza, when a group of boys from Split shouted “Kill the Serb” during the match with a team from Serbia. Croatian Ministry of Tourism and Sport condemned the attack and announced that it will be possible to undertake adequate measures in response to the incident after all relevant information have been collected. Croatian Children’s Ombudsman Helenca Pirnat Dragicevic expressed her concerns over the incident and stated that the state needs to clearly demonstrate that it respects the zero-tolerance policy with regards to violence at sport events. She warned that lack of reaction to hate speech and violence has very negative consequences for children.

Dacic: Nobody can prohibit Serbia to maintain best possible relations with RS and Serb people (Nezavisne)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that nobody can prohibit Serbia to maintain best possible relations with Republika Srpska (RS) and the Serb people, while sticking with its policy of respecting the territorial integrity of B&H. Dacic reminded that B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic criticized him for attending the celebration of the RS Day. However, he explained, Turkovic does not understand that this had nothing to do with Serbia’s relations with B&H, but it had everything to do with Serbia’s relations with the RS and the Serb people who live in the RS. “We believe that the RS is a historical creation for which the people fought and which was defined by the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of B&H”, said Dacic. Commenting the fact that many in Sarajevo felt irritated by the RS Day parade being held in Istocno Sarajevo, Dacic said that Istocno Sarajevo is part of the RS. He noted that Serbia is also irritated by Bosniak political leaders who speak about independent Kosovo. However, Dacic emphasized, it is necessary to seek ways for cooperation through foreign policy despite different views on some matters.

Becirovic meets Stoltenberg in Brussels, says B&H’s NATO path is unstoppable; Stoltenberg calls on B&H political leaders to refrain from rhetoric of division (BHT1)

Member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic started a visit to Brussels. Besides series of meetings with NATO officials held on Monday, Becirovic met with Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Becirovic stated that this first visit abroad has symbolic and strategic meaning, adding that B&H will resume to intensify its activities to become a member of NATO. Becirovic also said that B&H’s NATO path is unstoppable, noting that B&H will strengthen its efforts on its path towards the full-fledged membership in the NATO. Becirovic also said that the goal, i.e. a stable region and functional B&H that will actively contribute to regional and international security, can be reached with joint efforts. In a video message after the meeting, Becirovic said: “NATO’s position that our country’s security is inseparable from the NATO’s security and that we will have a concrete political and practical support is of crucial importance. At the today’s meeting, I initiated a new approach of intensifying B&H’s NATO integration. That is why I proposed to the first man of NATO to devise a road map together, according to which B&H can become the NATO member as soon as possible. Completely new geo-political situation requires both NATO and us to be faster, more efficient and concrete. The change of European security architecture no longer tolerates any delays. The upcoming NATO Summit in Lithuania will be another opportunity to point out the importance of making B&H’s path towards NATO more dynamic”. Becirovic expressed his determination to do everything in accordance with his constitutional powers, passed laws, and strategic decisions, which were adopted with the full consensus of all political actors, so that B&H becomes a member of NATO as soon as possible. Becirovic again condemned the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Stoltenberg stated that NATO supports Euro-Atlantic aspirations of B&H and that there is ongoing work to draft a package for building defense capacities that will propose projects aimed at strengthening the country’s defense and security capabilities. He said that NATO will continue to support B&H’s defense sector reforms, including the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo. Becirovic said after the meeting that he got unquestionable support for the NATO path of B&H, stressing that B&H belongs to NATO that is a peaceful harbour for all people in B&H who want permanent peace and security. He expressed satisfaction with his first official visit abroad that has both symbolical and practical importance.

Cabinet of Presidency Chairwoman Cvijanovic: Becirovic’s visit to NATO HQ in Brussels not agreed by Presidency (RTRS)

The Cabinet of the Chairwoman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted to the visit of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic to NATO headquarters (HQ) in Brussels on Monday. Namely, during his visit, Becirovic said that he will do everything in accordance with his constitutional powers for B&H to become a member of NATO as soon as possible. In this regard, the Cabinet of the Serb member said that Becirovic’s visit is an individual visit of one member and his cabinet. It was also stated from Cvijanovic’s Cabinet that the Becirovic’s visit to the NATO HQ does not reflect stances of the B&H Presidency. The Cabinet’s statement underlined that this is a private visit and it has not passed the approval procedure at the Presidency’s session. “This being said the delegation has not been composed which would include representatives of other two Cabinets,” statement reads.

Dodik: Becirovic’s visit to NATO HQ in Brussels private (RTRS)

RS President Milorad Dodik stated that Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic was in a private visit to the headquarters (HQ) of the NATO in Brussels on Monday. Dodik said that everything Becirovic said on that occasion does not represent the stance of B&H but rather his own stance. “The fact that the NATO leaders decided on this format of the meeting, ignoring the fact that a member of the Presidency cannot present the positions of that body, nor represent B&H if there is no agreement on this, is worrying”, Dodik noted. Asked to comment on Becirovic’s statement that he proposed a new approach to the intensification of B&H's NATO integration through a common roadmap according to which B&H could be invited to join NATO as soon as possible, Dodik pointed out that B&H is not going to the NATO integration and that this is the well-known stance of the RS. Dodik concluded the B&H Presidency did not pass a roadmap that Becirovic is talking about.

Stevandic reacts to Becirovic’s statement regarding B&H joining NATO (BN TV)

During his meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Headquarters (HQ) in Brussels, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic said he will do everything in line with his constitutional competences that B&H becomes NATO member as soon as possible and invited Stoltenberg to soon visit B&H. Reacting to this statement, speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that B&H cannot join NATO without approval by the RS parliament, because joining it requires the approval of the people and entities.

Norway’s Ambassador to B&H Reinertsen says NATO alliance is strategically important for B&H (FTV)

Norway’s Ambassador to B&H Olav Reinertsen said on Monday that the NATO alliance is strategically important for B&H and the country should not slowdown the reforms on the NATO path. He welcomed the meeting B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic held with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Monday, stressing that it is important for Brussels to have relevant information on B&H. Reinertsen assessed that Becirovic’s visit to the NATO Headquarters in Brussels is of great importance because NATO recognizes and identifies B&H as a priority country, in the Partnership for Peace Program and also as a result of the war in Ukraine. He reminded that he has started talks on NATO with political leaders in Banja Luka and citizens in the RS, noting that B&H already has its obligations towards NATO and there are also agreements signed and the reform program of B&H Armed Forces adopted for 2023.

Turkey: Turkovic and her Turkish counterpart discuss strengthening of economic relations, joint projects, NATO path of B&H (FTV)

B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic met with her Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, in Turkey on Monday. They discussed the NATO path of B&H, strengthening the economic relations between the two countries and the realization of joint projects including the construction of the Sarajevo-Belgrade highway. Cavusoglu stated that peace and stability in the Balkans are of crucial importance, also stressing the importance of fast formation of authorities in B&H. Turkovic reminded that Turkey had a key role for B&H’s joining the NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP), assessing that B&H’s accession to NATO gets closer and closer after B&H adopted the program of reforms for NATO. She added that B&H expects to get support from Turkey on the NATO path. Turkovic also said that the Western Balkans is safer and stronger with the strong Turkey and added that B&H is a small country of brave people that has selfless friendly and partner support in Turkish citizens and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Referring to economic relations between the two country, Cavusglu said they are clearly moving towards their set goal in foreign trade exchange of USD one billion. He also expressed hope that the process that will allow Turkish and B&H nationals to travel between the two countries with IDs only will soon be finalized. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Turkovic said that B&H and Turkey have no open issues, and have substantial relations at all levels. She also congratulated the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey that will be marked 29 October, noting “we wish you a lot of success in future. We want a strong and unified Turkey led by President Erdogan. Geo-political changes in the world, especially in Europe, influence the situation in our country. B&H is at a turning point and without the formation of stable and broad pro-Bosnian coalition and continuation of reforms, we will easily slide into destabilization and regression”. “The Western Balkans and B&H need the support of everyone. Stability in the Balkans is extremely important”, Cavusoglu concluded.

HDZ B&H Presidency holds session; Covic expresses optimism that everything will go as planned ahead inaugural session of FB&H HoP, announces he will initiate procedure for replacement of B&H CEC members (O Kanal)

The HDZ B&H Presidency held on Monday a session on the implementation of election results in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) cantons and B&H. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said at the press conference after the session that he expects that the partiers gathered around the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) will have four delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). He stressed that he is sure that the FB&H HoP will hold its inaugural session on Tuesday and that HDZ B&H’s Tomo Martinovic will be appointed the FB&H HoP speaker. As for the FB&H government formation, Covic believes that this process will be completed in a month and that the main thing is to appoint the FB&H President and Vice Presidents first. He noted that in the past four years HDZ B&H has not blocked anything in B&H, including the FB&H government or the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Government. He also said that he does not expect any kind of obstructions from SDA, or that the High Representative will impose any decisions in the future given the room to form authorities at the level of the FB&H based on election results. As for the FB&H levels, Covic said that he expects that HDZ B&H will be part of the authority structures in six cantons. Hayat carries that, ahead the inaugural session of the FB&H HoP, Covic expressed his optimism that everything will “go smoothly” and as planned. Addressing a press conference, Covic referred to the past mandate saying that HDZ B&H did not block appointment of the FB&H government in the past four-year mandate, “because there is a procedure for that in place and some are still saying we obstructed and blocked. The appointment of the FB&H President and two Vice Presidents. That is the starting point for the executive authority formation process at the FB&H level. I am certain that no one will obstruct that tomorrow and that we will have the FB&H President and two Vice Presidents tomorrow”. Covic went on to say that, under the procedure, the FB&H President and Vice Presidents nominate the FB&H Prime Minister-designate. “We know who the Prime Minister-designate will be, based on the earlier agreements”, said Covic, noting he believes “we have sufficiently good majorities, and that we will agree on everything at the level of the FB&H government just like we agreed on the level of the B&H Council of Ministers”. Following the session Covic confirmed he will be a delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), adding that other delegates from HDZ B&H will be Marina Pendes, Zdenko Cosic and Ivo Vincetic. Covic also stated that special session of B&H House of Representatives (HoR) dedicated to the discussion on the appointment of a new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) should be expected during the upcoming week. He also announced launching of a procedure to dismiss members of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC). Covic went on to saying that they will appoint convocation of B&H CEC in line with procedures and law, adding that current convocation of B&H CEC has not been appointed in line with law and procedures “regardless to what some constitutional court or other courts have been saying over last two years.” Leader of HDZ B&H underlined that parliamentary majority at B&H level harmonized their stances in this regard. “This means B&H HoR should dismiss current convocation and publish public call for appointment of new convocation”, explained Covic.

B&H CEC confirms results of election of delegates from RS in B&H HoP (Nova BH)

Nova BH reported about finalization of the process of election of delegates from RS in B&H House of Peoples (HoP). The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) confirmed on Monday the results according to which SNSD got four mandates, while SDS got one mandate in the B&H HoP. Thus, SNSD’s Sredoje Novic, Nikola Spiric, Radovan Kovacevic and Snezana Novakovic-Bursac and SDS’ Zelimir Neskovic will be delegates in the B&H HoP. The B&H CEC established during the session that the appeal of PDP to the Court of B&H was rejected as groundless and that conditions for confirmation of the results have been met. Meanwhile, O Kanal reminds that events on B&H’s political stage in the upcoming week will define political developments and topics for next months. A session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) to appoint a new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers was announced to take place on 20 January.

Schmidt: HR and EUFOR will guarantee security and health of every individual in B&H (Oslobodjenje)

Oslobodjenje carried interview with High Representative Christian Schmidt who was first asked about attack on parents of children from Belgrade, which occurred at International Futsal Tournament in Ilidza. Schmidt condemned the attack and expressed concern, noting that Ministry of Interior and the police have done a good job. HR noted that there is presence of the rhetoric lately, which is not of assistance in this case, adding that it is necessary to prevent everything that could provoke any form of violence. “There is this period from the nineties when the international community hesitated for too long to prevent siege, bloodshed, crimes and rapes. We had to learn something from this and we did. This is why I want to say clearly to everyone to whom this may refer: High Representative represents the international community together with EUFOR Althea and will guarantee, if the danger exists, security and health of every single individual in B&H. We are able to do this. I will not look aside. This is why rhetoric has to change and abuse of words has to be critically observed. Event from 9 January in Istocno Sarajevo is part of this. It is very important what kind of message is conveyed: peace and reconciliation yes, but not expelling of anyone and drawing of borders of any kind. I am starting from the assumption that that Prosecutor’s Office will investigate and review the speeches. I have said that civil servants have nothing to do there and this is why I am starting from the assumption that the events there will be carefully analysed and investigated. We now have to distance ourselves from 9 January 2023 and look at the future. It needs to be said that 9 January 2024, in this framework and in this way, will not happen. Therefore, both state and entity holidays can be celebrated, but this can be done differently and nobody will lose a crown from their head because of that. I also think that in 2023, not a single citizen, regardless if they live in RS, FB&H or Brcko District, is interested in looking benevolently toward someone who is leading an aggressors’ war,” said Schmidt. To reporter’s remark that Russian President Vladimir Putin was awarded a medal during the ceremony in Istocno Sarajevo, HR Schmidt said that this is why he suggests for the medals in the future to be awarded to those who advocate peace, reconciliation and B&H’s path to the EU. “If someone needs to additionally explain something to someone, they should ask citizens of Ukraine about their opinions,” said Schmidt. Selimbegovic noted that the rhetoric that Schmidt mentioned can be illustrated through two examples, first one being the statement of Milorad Dodik about B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic saying that “each of her statements deserves a slap in the face” and second is Bosniak radicals who are sending death threats to Oslobodjenje and O Kanal journalist Kenan Cosic “because they do not like his collocutor”. (The threats followed after the broadcast of an interview with Boris Malagurski, director of the film ‘The RS: Struggle for Freedom’) Stressing that neither rhetoric is acceptable, Schmidt said: “This reaction of Mr. Dodik to statement of Foreign Affairs Minister contradict to what we do in Europe. In Europe, nobody will threaten a woman with slap in the face because that person is aware everyone would condemn him. Politically important for this debate is the fact that Russia is co-signatory of Dayton Peace Agreement and it is important to underline that their ultimate goal should be implementation of this agreement and maintaining of peace at any price. They need to be reminded of this and ask for respecting of one’s own institutions. Russia is the only country which questions the post of High Representative, and it seems to me that Dodik should be asked if this is not the situation from the highway- if someone is driving in the wrong direction, this does not mean that everyone else is driving in the wrong direction. It is necessary right now for the international community to work on reducing of tensions and this work includes freedom of the media and journalism and everyone should rely on our work. Everyone has right to say their opinion as long as it is not offensive for others and it is the task of a journalist to say, ask talk about unpleasant things as well. This is why I would ask for the journalists to be respected. Journalist does not have to always and in every moment agree with everything that exists.” In the end, author noted that both SDA and ‘The Eight’ call for his reaction in authority formation process and asks Schmidt if he will react: “I think that those who are elected in parliament need to make a move. They need to form the authorities because this is most notably the task for elected officials and not for institutions of international community.”

UK foreign ministry warns that Dodik aspires to de-facto secession of RS seeking support from Russia, his actions could cause further isolation of RS politicians (FTV)

The UK foreign ministry has warned that RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik aspires to de-facto secession of the RS and seeks support from Russia, adding that Dodik blocked B&H from imposing sanctions against Russia together with other politicians in the RS. The ministry stressed that Dodik’s actions such as awarding a recognition to Russian President Vladimir Putin could lead to further isolation of the RS politicians. The ministry reminded that the UK government imposed sanctions against officials who lead secessionist policy in B&H in April 2022 and further sanctions will be considered for all those who continue the policy of divisions, expressing readiness to oppose attempts of destabilization of the region – especially attempts coming from Russia. UK MP Alicia Kearns stated that she suggests introducing of new sanctions to RS leadership, most notably Dodik, because of secessionist politics and support to Russia.

Vulic slams MEP Picula over his calls for sanctions against Dodik (Dnevni list)

Commenting statement of European Parliament’s Rapporteur Tonino Picula, who said that “apprentices of Vladimir Putin” need to be penalized and that political and financial sanctions should be introduced against RS President Milorad Dodik because of marking of 9 January - the RS Day, Chair of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives Sanja Vulic stressed that Dodik and Serb people are nobody’s apprentices, nor they obstruct European development. She noted that Picula is talking about himself when he speaks about apprentices, because he is the one who is used to serve the others without objections, for which he is handsomely awarded. Vulic stressed that EU is undermining itself with unprincipled and campaign policies, adding that B&H was awarded status of EU candidate “so the EU Office in B&H would justify its existence in B&H”. She underlined that Picula means well to nobody and he cares only for his own interests, wondering why would Picula or “anyone from political Sarajevo” have an issue with January 9th. “What statement, what action we made to insult anyone… Will Picula and EU countries have same standards when Federation of B&H marks the March 1st,” said Vulic. She added by saying the more Picula and Serb-haters hate Dodik, Serbs love him even more.

Stevandic: Medal for Putin had nothing to do with Ukraine, RS is trying to build communication channels with Europe and USA (Glas Srpske)

RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic stated that the RS needs to continue to fight for its international subjectivity and build communication channel based on that goal. He emphasized that the fact that RS President Milorad Dodik awarded a medal to Russian President Vladimir Putin has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. He noted that the RS officials talk to all parliamentarians and political leaders who express the wish for such dialogue, and they try to build communication channels with Europe and the USA. According to Stevandic, the medal for Putin showed that all communication channels are open and that the RS is doing a good job preserving its status and sovereignty. He believes that attacks because of marking of the RS Day on 9 January will eventually stop because everybody will realize that the RS is not endangering anyone by celebrating the holiday. Stevandic also said that negative relations in B&H created by SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic require a reset, and that the latest incident in Ilidza proves that such negative events are unfortunately a part of generally accepted culture in Sarajevo.

Djurovic calls for presidential elections, scheduled for 19 March (CdM)

The parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic has scheduled for the President of Montenegro elections for 19 March 2023. “According to Article 89 of the Constitution of Montenegro and Article 2 of the Law on the Election of the President of Montenegro, the parliament speaker is authorized and obliged to call for elections for the President of Montenegro no later than 120 days before the end of the mandate of the President of Montenegro”, says Djurovic in a statement. According to her, after the announcement of the final results of the 2018 elections, the current mandate of the President of Montenegro began with taking an oath before the members of the parliament of Montenegro on 20 May 2018, so that the last day of the deadline for calling for elections is 19 January 2023. Djurovic has added that the question raised in public about the simultaneous holding of elections for members of the parliament of Montenegro and elections for the President of Montenegro does not depend on the parliament speaker. “Namely, according to the Constitution of Montenegro, the mandate of MPs lasts four years, which means that regular elections for members in the parliament of Montenegro should be held in 2024. In order to hold snap elections, i.e. that the mandate of MPs ends before the time for which they were elected, the Constitution prescribes only two possibilities: dissolution of the parliament (Article 84 and Article 92) and adoption of a decision on shortening the mandate (Article 84 and 91),” notes Djurovic. As the conditions for calling elections for members in the parliament of Montenegro have not been met up to this moment, and it was not possible to postpone the calling of elections for the President of Montenegro, it is not a realistic possibility that the elections may be held simultaneously, especially bearing in mind that the election of MPs is also a legal requirement that no less than 60, nor more than 100 days can elapse from the day of the announcement to the day of the event. Considering the above, the parliament speaker, in accordance with the regulations, passed the Decision on calling for elections for the President of Montenegro, which are to be held on 19 March 2023,” Djurovic has concluded.

Bogdanovic invites Europe Now to join pre-election coalition (Vijesti/MINA)

MP and general secretary of the Democrats Boris Bogdanovic has invited the Europe Now Movement (PES) to the pre-election coalition, offering them to be the first to propose a candidate for president or prime minister. In an interview for Vijesti, he says that, in order for a truly civil, democratic and European Montenegro to win, it is necessary for parties with similar program commitments to find a winning model of mutual cooperation. “The two largest parties from the mentioned political spectrum, Democrats and PES, should propose candidates for the prime minister and president of the state. On behalf of the Democrats, I invite PES to join the pre-election coalition, as well as to be the first to give its proposal and choose one of the two prestigious state positions”, says Bogdanovic. He adds that the offer is correct and responsible, especially in light of the fact that the Democrats, unlike PES, are a parliamentary entity, that it probably has the strongest party infrastructure in the country, stability, homogeneity and foundation in the electorate. “We have power in 80% of Montenegrin municipalities, a dozen mayors and municipal assemblies, and we are the only strong party that has never split or divided”, says Bogdanovic.

Europe Now on Democrats’ offer: We can discuss presidential candidate once mandate is shortened (CdM)

“On the public and politically legitimate offer of respected Democrats’ colleagues regarding the coalition and proposals for the presidential and prime minister positions, Europe Now will express itself and make a decision when the conditions are met. The priority when making that decision will definitely be program principles and goals, not individuals”, Milojko Spajic’s party has announced. MP and general secretary of the Democrats Boris Bogdanovic has invited the Europe Now Movement to the pre-election coalition, offering them to be the first to propose a candidate for president or prime minister. Namely, Europe Now points out that it has new political actors and that there is the unstoppable decline of DPS, as well as the blockage of institutions and a dysfunctional parliament, which in this composition cannot meet the coming challenges. “Therefore, it is necessary to first elect the judges of the Constitutional Court and shorten the mandate of the current convocation of the parliament, in order to create the conditions for the calling of snap parliamentary elections, and thus to obtain the conditions for Europe Now, which will have a concrete plan and program, to declare its participation in them. If there is no sustainable solution, and all parliamentary parties repeat that they are not avoiding the elections, which are the only way out of the current crisis, then we expect them to finally act in a manner of statesmanship and responsibly towards their citizens. This is currently the interest and will of the largest number of citizens of Montenegro”, Europe Now says.

Abazovic on coalition with Democrats and Europe Now (CdM/Vijesti)

Outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic has once again called on all political leaders to elect the judges of the Constitutional Court by the end of January or the beginning of February and thus unblock the institutions. When asked if there were any meetings about forming a coalition with Europe Now or the Democrats, Abazovic says that they are communicating with all political subjects and will continue to do so. Abazovic does not specifically answer the question of whether there is a possibility of a coalition of URA, the Democrats and the Europe Now Movement. “We will see how the political situation will unfold. We are here to talk and that’s it. I really don’t have anything special to add to that”, says Abazovic. He repeats that they communicate with all political subjects. “We will continue to do that. Sometimes that communication is at a high level, sometimes not due to circumstances. What other entities announce or agree on is a matter for them. I have nothing against it”, says Abazovic. He repeats that he did not hear the negative attitude of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of the government of Slovenia, Tanja Fajon, who warned that there is a danger that the EU will end negotiations with Montenegro if the judges of the Constitutional Court are not elected. Vijesti reports that the President of Montenegro and the leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists Milo Djukanovic, with his wife Lidija and two officers of the Police Directorate who provide security for him, stayed at the luxurious Grand Hotel des Bains Kempinski in the fashionable Swiss resort of St. Moritz from 30 December to 7 January. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has informed Vijesti that the expenses for the official trip of their officials amounted to over €11,000. Of the total amount, the amount of €8,931.42 refers to hotel accommodation, and the costs for daily allowances amounted to €2,209.20. “The procedures for monitoring protected persons are known, it is not something that is not common. Whether it makes sense to do so at the moment is a question for those who practice it. Let him answer whether it is logical to sleep in hotels where a night’s stay is worth several thousand euros. If he thinks it’s meaningful, that’s a message for the citizens”, says Abazovic.

Actions of Montenegrin border police officers against Albania nationals under scrutiny (CdM)

After the media published a footage showing how the Montenegrin border police treated Albania nationals on the joint Sukobin-Muricani border crossing, the National Police reacted stating that they were carrying out actions and measures aiming to determine all circumstances concerning this case. “Staff of the Border Police and the Southern Regional Border Police have already undertaken the initial and other official measures and actions in order to determine facts and all circumstances concerning actions of the Montenegrin Border Police staff against the Republic of Albania nationals, based on which we’re going to launch other activities in line with valid regulations of Montenegro,” it was said in a statement of the police. They also added they would timely inform the public about the outcome.

North Macedonia takes over presiding of OSCE; Osmani says North Macedonia’s goal is to define strategic concept on Kosovo and B&H in NATO and NATO’s stance on Serbia (MIA)

North Macedonia took over the presiding of the OSCE from Poland at the beginning of 2023. Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani said that this is a chance for the international positioning of the country and he added that North Macedonia will focus on calming down of tensions and renewal of trust, prosperity and overall security of people, having in mind the war in Ukraine and inter-state relations. Osmani added that North Macedonia will advocate full support to Ukraine. Regional media noted that Osmani relies on the pragmatic policy of North Macedonia but the daily also noted that the diplomacy of North Macedonia is very young and this cost North Macedonia of the EU membership. Namely, as the media reports, “EU members acted in a hypocritical manner towards North Macedonia” because the EU failed to fulfil the promise and accept North Macedonia as its member in spite of the fact it changed the Constitution and name of the state. Osmani also noted that it will be necessary to create a new strategic concept: “What will we do with Kosovo in NATO, what will we do with B&H in NATO and what kind of stance NATO will have on Serbia. This is the concept we intend to define during our presiding.”

Osmani visits Kyiv area: Aggression against Ukrainian people must stop (TV21/MIA)

North Macedonia as OSCE Chair remains engaged in finding a way to restore the Organization’s presence in Ukraine, said Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Bujar Osmani during Monday’s visit to Borodyanka in the Kyiv area, which has been heavily hit during the conflict. Osmani pointed out that communication with Russia will depend on the position it will take in relation to the Organization’s principles and commitments, regarding which he will not allow any compromise as OSCE Chairperson, MIA reports from Kyiv. “The devastation caused by the military aggression against Ukraine is heartbreaking. The destruction of vital infrastructure and the suffering of the Ukrainian people must stop. Urgent action is needed to end this madness and provide aid to those in need. We must work to end the suffering and rebuild the devastated areas,” said Osmani. At the beginning of his visit to Borodyanka, he said his thoughts are with all the innocent victims and thousands of Ukrainians who had to flee their homes to avoid the devastating consequences of Russian military aggression. “All of us who support Ukraine are on the right side of history, on the right side of humanity and respecting the right to life,” Osmani stressed during the visit, which took place among ruins, destroyed residential buildings and institutions. He noted that schools, hospitals and other critical infrastructure has been destroyed, which unfortunately continues. The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office condemned the Dnipro apartment building attack two days ago which killed more than 40 people and left more than 70 injured. “There is no justification for continuous shelling of civilian targets. Nothing can justify the killing of civilians, obstructing the transport of water and food, hampering the work of humanitarian convoys. Nothing can justify leaving children and pregnant women with no heating, with insufficient food,” Osmani said. He stressed that unprovoked aggression is a violation of international law, potential threat to the region, as well as a source of fear and uncertainty for the whole world. He added that the Organization will use all mechanisms and tools to help in efforts to put an end to such suffering and destruction.

Osmani-Zelenskyy: OSCE possesses capacity to aid people through field operations (MIA)

As part of his visit to Kyiv, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, in his role as OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, held a meeting Monday with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, at which he expressed his support for the Ukrainian Government, stressing that OSCE supports the Ukrainian people and their efforts to regain peace and stabilize the region. “I am impressed by President Zelenskyy’s dedication to the protection of the Ukrainian people and his courage in the face of ongoing challenges and consequences resulting from the Russian aggression on Ukraine. I urge Russia to immediately put an end to this aggression. OSCE supports the Ukrainian people and will continue to monitor the situation closely. It is essential to support the efforts of Ukraine to regain peace and build a stable future for its citizens,” said Osmani. The Foreign Minister said that OSCE possesses the mechanisms and the capacity to help people in the conflict zones through field operations. “The immediate return of OSCE’s field mission to Ukraine should be one of the first steps. The mission would make a big difference on the ground promoting stability, security and human rights for all citizens,” said Osmani. Osmani’s visit to Ukraine is within the frameworks of one of the main priorities of North Macedonia’s 2023 OSCE Chairpersonship, which is focused on the people on the ground who are most affected by the military aggression.

Osmani – Kuleba: Russia to return to OSCE values; civilian casualties unacceptable (MIA)

At a meeting with Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Bujar Osmani strongly condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the latest Russian missile strike in Dnipro that killed and injured many civilians including children. Stressing that attacks on civilian targets were unacceptable, he called on Russia to stop the war, return to OSCE principles, and resolve issues through diplomacy. According to MIA’s reporter in Kyiv, Osmani expressed solidarity with all Ukrainian people, saying their courage was admirable. “This is not the first time I have visited Ukraine since the beginning of the aggression. I hoped the aggression and the suffering would stop by the time I visited Ukraine in the capacity of OSCE Chairperson,” he said, urging the Russian Federation to withdraw its troops from Ukraine and reopen diplomatic channels. He reiterated that the OSCE’s main priority this year would be Ukraine and called for prosecuting war criminals. “The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has documented over 18,000 casualties since the beginning of the aggression. The actual number of people killed or injured is probably higher. In addition, the UNHCR recorded almost eight million Ukrainian refugees across Europe. Almost five million are internally displaced. These numbers are shocking. Even if it’s just one life lost or a future ruined, that’s too high a price to pay. Those responsible for exposing innocent people to horrific acts must be held accountable,” Osmani said. He said the OSCE was committed to restoring peace in Ukraine and added that it would make available all its mechanisms toward this goal. “North Macedonia’s OSCE chairpersonship will guard OSCE’s common principles,” Osmani said. “We will support all initiatives leading to a just and sustainable peace, ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, and we will lay the groundwork for peacefully discussing all issues.” He expressed hope that peace would return to Ukraine in 2023. “Once peace is restored and Russia withdraws its forces from sovereign Ukrainian territory, the OSCE will help Ukraine repair the damages of war. The OSCE has been helping through the donor-funded Ukraine Support Program during the war but will do even more when peace comes. I hope and believe I will witness the beginning of peace and recovery during our chairpersonship,” North Macedonia’s Foreign Minister said.

Integration/EU delegation: Keep up the great work, we support you! (Radio Tirana)

The Albanian government has received an encouraging message from the Delegation of the European Union in Tirana, to move forward in the integration process. In the post on the Twitter social network, the EU delegation says, among other things, that the negotiation process for Albania's membership in the European Union is moving forward, while it has guaranteed that the EU will continue with its support in this process. "Congratulations to the Albanian representatives involved so far in the integration process and keep up the great work. The negotiation process for Albania's EU membership in the EU is moving forward. The EU will continue to stand by you in this process! EU for Albania."

Nikolla: European Integration and Electoral Reform will be priorities (Radio Tirana)

Achievements during the past session and the following priorities were in the focus of the opening speech of the speaker of Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla for the new parliamentary session Monday afternoon. During her speech, Nikola emphasized the country's integration into the EU and Electoral Reform, as priorities of this parliamentary session. "During the last session, we held 16 plenary sessions, we approved 36 laws, of which 35 were initiatives of the Council of Ministers and 1 from the MPs. We passed 30 decisions of the Assembly. Parliamentary commissions conducted their activities in full transparency. The commissions approved 150 amendments. European integration was and remains the main priority of parliamentary activity. During this session, we increased the transparency of parliamentary activities. We finalized the transparency standards, with the aim of perfecting parliamentary reporting. Electoral reform will be the priority of this new session. The Assembly will continue to support the advancement of the Justice Reform,” said Nikolla who also reminded the parliamentary commissions to quickly continue the examination of the 43 legal initiatives that have not yet become part of the Assembly's calendar.

Albania hands a note of protest to Ambassador King-Smith over the lynching language of the British Minister (Radio Tirana)

The Ambassador of Great Britain to Albania Alastair King Smith was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was handed a verbal note over the statement made two days ago by the Minister of Immigration. The British Minister for Immigration Robert Jenrick used an unacceptable language for Albanians, in a video published on social networks and official Tirana reacted immediately. Through this Note, it is stated in the announcement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented its concern for the latest statement with discriminatory language against Albanians by the Minister of State for Immigration Robert Jenrick. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this repeated rhetoric violates the positive spirit of bilateral cooperation confirmed in the Joint Declaration between the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania Edi Rama and the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. "In response to the interest of the media, the Department of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora in Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Albania, Alastair King Smith, was delivered this morning a Verbal Note to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. Through this Note, the MFA expressed concern about the latest statement with discriminatory language against Albanians by the Minister of State for Immigration, Robert Jenrick. MFA emphasized that this repeated rhetoric violates the positive spirit of bilateral cooperation confirmed in the Joint Declaration between the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania Edi Rama and the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in which, among other things, the joint assessment of the role of the Albanian diaspora in Great Britain is shared and its important contribution to the culture, economy and society of both countries. The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs requests the avoidance of this language of hatred and discrimination and the continuation of dialogue and constructive cooperation to implement the commitments undertaken together as two democratic countries, partners and allies in international organizations.